GAMESTOP: Fatal Frame 1, 2, &3 (ps2)


I dont know if this is a good deal or not but I just did a search on fatal frame for ps2 on gamestop and all 3 of them are 19.99 each. I heard good things about these games but what has been your guys' experience with them? I called gamestops around my area and managed to get all 3 copies complete with case and manual.


When I went to check for Muramasa used last night, I saw FF2 used for $19.99, but had no idea it recently dropped. Didn't pick it up, cause I already had it. Now I guess I need to find FF1 and FF3.

(Point Loma GS in San Diego, complete copy, 1x)
So the market is crashing on these, huh? They're still selling (the reprints, i assume) at GQD for $100 altogether, and on NY Craigslist someone has been trying constantly to unload his.
And the first one is still available online, which means you can stack it with CAG16 and it'll come complete with the original case and manual. Wow, thats a pretty good deal. I will have to greatly consider getting the first one now before it goes out of stock, which is probably soon.
[quote name='Squarehard']And the first one is still available online, which means you can stack it with CAG16 and it'll come complete with the original case and manual. Wow, thats a pretty good deal. I will have to greatly consider getting the first one now before it goes out of stock, which is probably soon.[/QUOTE]

"This pre-owned product is guaranteed to work and may not include an instruction manual or original box."

Where do you see it'd come complete? =P
nice post OP! You guys act like these games are gold, so all 3 for $54 w/ EDGE doesn't seem bad. As fate would have it, one GS I can hit up has all 3 titles..what to do..
[quote name='elessar123']"This pre-owned product is guaranteed to work and may not include an instruction manual or original box."

Where do you see it'd come complete? =P[/QUOTE]

I forgot that previous gen games do not fall under Gamestop's online guarantee policy. Nevermind :D
[quote name='mitnosi']Ugh, I'm too much of a wimp to play these games lol[/QUOTE]

I still think they are by far some of the most twisted horror games out there. That being one of the biggest reasons I think the series never sold particularly well.

I usually don't scare easily but Fatal Frame is one series that seriously made me think twice about what was gonna happen in the next room.

[quote name='Fighterspledge']Did fatal frame 3 ever come out on OG Xbox? I have 1 and 2 and I kind of want to keep them similar.[/QUOTE]

Nope, but I personally feel 3 was one of the best of the series. The graphics hold up extremely well to boot.

Those are fantastic deals if your even remotely interested in the series.

I have a copy of FF1 and FF2 PS2 I still need to get rid of as I have doubles of those.
I got FF3 for $50 used back in the day. Very low print run on that one. I was waiting for an Xbox port, and never got it.

If you like horror games, even a bit, grab all three. Resident Evil 1 and Silent Hill 1 had the atmosphere, but not the gameplay. RE4 and RE5 have the gameplay, but they're not scary because of it. Fatal Frame has both. To do more damage to ghosts, you need to attack them just as they're about to attack you. This makes battles not only fun, but scary.
Love the first one, but never had a chance to play the others. I may hit up a local GS that is listed at having a copy in. Thanks, OP!

Also, as of now, the 2nd and 3rd Fatal Frames are not available to purchase online.
$20 eh? Good to know... definitely an improvement from their original $40 price. Hopefully there'll be a B2G1 soon, a particular gamestop I know of that no hardcore gamer seems to visit has all three of these along with tons of other rare PS2 games that I've been meaning to pounce on.
I have Fatal Frame 2 and I agree with whoever said the controls aren't great and on my TV anyway Fatal Frame 2 is VERY dark. Overly dark to the point where I can't make stuff out quite often. Having said that I've only played about 2 hours of the game and other than those complaints it is a fun game.

It is creepier than most games I've played so it's got that going for it plus I really like using the camera. So I'd definitely pay $20 for it all over again.
As mentioned before, I managed to snag all 3. Which one should I play first? Which one is the best and the scariest? Thanks in advance.
all 3 have been reprinted for sum time now, i liked 1 and 3 the most, dont think they r ever gonna bring 4 over to the US =(
Between my two local Gamestops I managed to pick up all 3 for just below $60 - thanks for the heads up OP! I've been wanting to play these for a long time.
[quote name='thelonepig']FF2 controls are terribly mixed up. It's a mess of a game to play and certainly not worth the hype it's generated, IMO.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. I am with you 100%. I got it at (I think) the olde 2004 Circuit City clearance and while initially it is very compelling, towards the middle part of the game, the combat seems to become random. I would take pictures of ghosts and barely scratch them despite them being in the center of the viewfinder and relatively close. I took a million cheap hits waiting for the arbitrary moment when I could actually damage the enemies.

That said, early on it scared the fuck out of me and I had very high hopes.
[quote name='Fighterspledge']Did fatal frame 3 ever come out on OG Xbox? I have 1 and 2 and I kind of want to keep them similar.[/QUOTE]

Fatal Frame 3 was the only one that never came out for the original Xbox.
[quote name='StarOcean']all 3 have been reprinted for sum time now, i liked 1 and 3 the most, dont think they r ever gonna bring 4 over to the US =([/QUOTE]

nope but there is a translation patch for 4 now
I have all 3 at a gamestop near my work, so I guess I'll take a gander tomorrow. Hopefully they're in great condition and have everything...
I managed to pick up FF1 from the Gamestop near me. The girl working at the time went to the back to get it, making me think an employee was holding it....

I probably pissed someone off asking for it. But at least that Gamestop is fast becoming my favorite one that I visit, meaning I don't trade crappy stuff to them =P
Not a single copy available online, nor a single copy available within 100 miles. You hyped me up OP, these are good games, but no luck for Michiganders.
[quote name='xfade']Not a single copy available online, nor a single copy available within 100 miles. You hyped me up OP, these are good games, but no luck for Michiganders.[/QUOTE]

I dont think the inventory on is working properly right now. I just searched a few fairly new common games (including Dragon Age: Origins) and I'm getting nothing within a 100 miles for NEW or USED copies.
these games are so good that i recently paid $40 each (albeit in a B2G1) to reown them. when i put them in my cabinet i saw i already also had the xbox version of 1 that i bought for a similar thought.

as a frame of reference, i have NO OTHER collection games, only games i'm actively playing...thats how much i loved them
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I know its a longshot but if anyone happens to have a gamestop near them that has one with the original box artwork, manual and disc would you get one and I can paypal you say 25 to cover shipping costs. Send me a PM if you can.

Been wanting to get one but according to their site closest to me is like 45 miles.

That would give me all 3 since I have 1 and 2 already.
[quote name='gargus']I know its a longshot but if anyone happens to have a gamestop near them that has one with the original box artwork, manual and disc would you get one and I can paypal you say 25 to cover shipping costs. Send me a PM if you can.

Been wanting to get one but according to their site closest to me is like 45 miles.

That would give me all 3 since I have 1 and 2 already.[/QUOTE]

You can get 3 for 29.99 shipped brand new from amazon... 2 day shipping with prime...
[quote name='gargus']I know its a longshot but if anyone happens to have a gamestop near them that has one with the original box artwork, manual and disc would you get one and I can paypal you say 25 to cover shipping costs. Send me a PM if you can.

Been wanting to get one but according to their site closest to me is like 45 miles.

That would give me all 3 since I have 1 and 2 already.[/QUOTE]'re talking sales tax (in most states), packaging & shipping, not to mention the time and hassle of going to a post office if the person doesn't do online shipping labels. $5 barely covers the first three. Most CAGs are cool, but not *that* cool.
[quote name='thelonepig']FF2 controls are terribly mixed up. It's a mess of a game to play and certainly not worth the hype it's generated, IMO.[/QUOTE]

Fatal Frame 2 was updated and released as a "Director's Cut" for the Xbox. It is the superior version of the game with better graphics and Dolby 5.1 Surround! It also features a 1st person view, which makes for better controls and insanely scary action. Also has a arcade-type survival mode.

If you want to play FF2, play it on the Xbox.

That said, I'm planning to pick up FF3 this weekend!
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I am another one that couldnt play through the whole game because it scared the shit out of me. Maybe I should play it in the daytime with the window blinds open and my wife watching. Oh and no surround sound.
[quote name='csmason1']'re talking sales tax (in most states), packaging & shipping, not to mention the time and hassle of going to a post office if the person doesn't do online shipping labels. $5 barely covers the first three. Most CAGs are cool, but not *that* cool.[/QUOTE]

Tell you what then, next time I see someone post a question or whatnot and I dont want to do it or cant answer it, Ill just shut up and keep on moving, you can do the same and everyone will be happy.

And for the record, I thought it said 14.99, not 19.99.

And quite a few are that cool. Ive gotten several items on here from fellow cags that sold to me damn cheap, one fella even bought me something because the promo wasnt sold in my area and volunteered to for just item cost and shipping. So dont speak for everyone.
bread's done