Gamestop "New" Thread

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Current Ad is 6/13 - 6/19

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​Current Trade in Promos:

Get $100 toward a New Nintendo Switch when you trade an Wii U, 3DS XL, or PS Vita
Until 6/17​
Get $150 toward a New Nintendo Switch when you trade an Xbox One Original
Until 6/17​
Get $250 toward a New Nintendo Switch when you trade an Xbox One Slim or PS4
Until 6/17​
Get $300 toward a New Nintendo Switch when you trade an Xbox One X or PS4 Pro
Until 6/17​
Get up to 40% Extra Trade Credit When You Trade Toward XBOX / ITUNES / PS currencies (ending 7/6)

40% total bonus from BASE for Elite
30% total bonus from BASE for Pro

20% total bonus from BASE for everyone else

Get $20 guaranteed when trading select titles toward any new pre-order or purchase.
Valid until 6/17
*item being pre-ordered must be 39.99 or higher

Get $80 guaranteed for ANY PS3 system traded toward a new PS4
Valid until 6/17

25% extra credit on any hardware traded
Valid until 6/17​

Get $5 Extra Toward Your Pre-Order When You Trade a PS4, Xbox One or Nintendo Switch Game
Valid until 6/17​
Min trade value of $2

Limit 1 $5 per preorder


How many copies of a game can I trade in?
​You are allowed to trade in 4 copies of a game (per system) within a rolling 30 day period.

What do I need to trade in an older console?

the console, power cable, av cable, and controller; sometimes they don't care about USB charge cable but ymmv. 3ds xl trade would be console, charger, stylus. Some have reported being charged refurb fee for a stylus, but again ymmv (answer stolen from anarchyburger)​

FAQ will be entered when those questions get asked frequently.​


ASL/SL: Assistant Store Leader, Store Leader; manager positions at GS.
B2G1: Buy two, get one free. Typically refers to the coupon you receive when becoming Pro.
GCU/BB: Gamer’s Club Unlocked, Best Buy
GS: GameStop
JD: Junior detective, an employee who is out to get someone
LP: Loss Prevention; this is the department that actually bans accounts after being flagged.
TC/TiC: Trade credit.
TIV/TV: Trade in value, or what a game currently trades for. When posting a TV for a game, always use the base value.[/background][/size][/quote]

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This may be off-topic but wanted to know Best Buy Trade In Policy. Can I buy 3 copies of the same platform and another 3 on a different platform, for example 3 copies of Star Wars Battlefront 2 Ps4 and another 3 for Xbox One and still not hit the trade limit. I want to move some GS credit to B.B.
Did 1 x1 and 1 ps4 bf2 gs to bb mover. Need to save the rest of my credit to buy stuff during the next b2g1 to increase my credit.
Dumb question, but are we expecting tivs to hold through tomorrow? Got craploads of RB games around me but don't have time to make it into a store today. Would suck if i bought them all and everything tanked tomorrow.
Typically when it says values are guaranteed though a certain date in the email (like tomorrow), they pretty much hold. I think there was only one instance last year where values held for just one day on the friday they were bumped up.

Potential killer deal for Xbox one x

I just came back from my local GameStop to trade in my Xbox one S.the store manager said that this Tuesday the Xbox one x will come with free pubg, a free $50 gift card and a free $60 game of choice . That is a killer deal. Will be getting one for sure
Man, I wasn't going to get the XBX, but if this deal is true, I'm sooooo tempted to trade in my XBS tomorrow for $150 and get this deal the next day.

Man, decisions, decisions. Do i risk the deal not being true and lose my XBOX S that i got for $150 during christmas?

Man, tough decision. I got 24 hours to think about it.

Yesterday. It worked when I went to pro about 6 months ago too and I didn't realize it, so I figured when I upgraded to Elite I'd just see if that worked, and go figure, it did. We didn't try with any more but my guess is if it worked for 2 stacks, it'll work for as much as you can pay for.

This would be REALLY good for the 50% trade bonuses going on, as you're only paying about 86 for 3 brand new games or high valued switch titles, and trade in for those 3 at 45 a piece (elite+bonus) would be 135.
Nice. I'm thinking about doing this.

Nice. I'm thinking about doing this.
This was a common strategy for a long time for pro members. I had 3 accounts all good until 2024 or later because it was only 15,000 points to renew and get a B2g1 coupon. Unfortunately with the elite membership is now 30,000 points to renew. So the profit margin has shrunk dramatically.
YMMV. If I saw people in my store. I would just politely ask them to take it outside.
They could ask you to leave. Bout the only way to do it is to hope the employee gets preoccupied and slip in and say “I’ll pay you more for that since I’m a collector”
For me it's probably one of those ideas that would work out better in my head than how it would actually play out IRL. What always happens when I try helping somebody, be it giving them advice or saying they can save money by doing such and such, they feign appreciation and turn around and proceed to get ripped off.
I ha

I had my friend try to upgrade during his trade in transaction but the employee said he couldn't do it during, he could only do it on a new transaction. So he manually gave him the extra 10% boost on all the games, completed the transaction, and then upgraded his membership to elite pro.
Had the same thing happen to me a few days ago. The system wouldn't let him upgrade to an elite membership, so I had to do the upgrade separate first, then do the trades for the full 20%. Apparently it is something new cause he was confused that it wouldn't let him. Had 4 months left of my pro membership, so it refunded $5 off of the $30 price tag for elite and it lasts until one year from purchase

I see people trading stuff for next to nothing and want to make them an offer, but not sure how the employees would react to that? Not sure if considered soliciting (?) or something that could get you kicked out of the store or off the property.
They could ask you to leave. Bout the only way to do it is to hope the employee gets preoccupied and slip in and say “I’ll pay you more for that since I’m a collector”
I saw this happen once. They told the guy to leave the store and they went outside to talk. I remember seeing someone get kicked up for asking people to trade in a game for them due to lack of ID.

I just told the dude I would give him 3x the trade value in cash if he met me at the nearby gas station atm. Employee was probably pissed but I was done in the store and leaving anyway.

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Yesterday. It worked when I went to pro about 6 months ago too and I didn't realize it, so I figured when I upgraded to Elite I'd just see if that worked, and go figure, it did. We didn't try with any more but my guess is if it worked for 2 stacks, it'll work for as much as you can pay for.

This would be REALLY good for the 50% trade bonuses going on, as you're only paying about 86 for 3 brand new games or high valued switch titles, and trade in for those 3 at 45 a piece (elite+bonus) would be 135.
Awesome, it worked 6 months ago for me as well when i renewed pro (4 stacks of 3) but did not a few months ago when i upgraded to elite (tried 2 stacks of 3 to test)

I will make sure to try again the next time just in case
So which free Xbox one game I should get ( from upcoming Xbox one x sale ) to flip it back and maximize trade in value ? I think the most valuable is call of duty WW2 that now has a bar value of $27.50, and with 50% bonus would give me $41. Anything better ?
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I did a huge trade today! I appreciate everyone's help and discretion. I really enjoy the spoiler tagged stuff with encrypted messages lmao. Anyways walked away with nearly $700 in trade credit.

My guy that did the trade forgot to put a game in and I didn't realize till I made it home. Luckily he set it aside for me today so kudos to him. I tossed him a 3 month Xbox live code for being super helpful through everything and also paid a pre order off with their insurance to boost #'s.

this boy bout to eat steak tonight!
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GSGC to AGC is dead, system blocked today when didn't 5 days ago. Good thing I tested today before trading in my 2nd Switch.
Hello, what is required to get the full Trade in value on a Nintendo Switch?
Is it the Console, Joy-Con (L) and Joy-Con (R), HDMI cable, and Nintendo Switch AC adapter?
Thanks to all who pointed out the system trade in values this weekend.  Traded in my launch PS4 which ran as hot and loud as a jet engine and an Xbox 1 S for $350 total...upgraded to the Battlefront PS4 Pro.

Trying to put together the game of telephone of info from multiple threads... So the X is rumored to be $450 + free $50 GC, $60 game, and PUB?
Trying to put together the game of telephone of info from multiple threads... So the X is rumored to be $450 + free $50 GC, $60 game, and PUB?
I haven't heard about a free game, other than PUBG. Is there a source for that?

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Hmmm, is the Xbox one x really worth upgrading to right now..... such a big price difference between that and the S right now.  Wonder if it’s just better to wait til it drops to ~$300

Hmmm, is the Xbox one x really worth upgrading to right now..... such a big price difference between that and the S right now. Wonder if it’s just better to wait til it drops to ~$300
imo, no. It's a great system, but with the current trade deals on current consoles plus the free stuff it's coming with, that's probably your best deal.
Thanks to all who pointed out the system trade in values this weekend. Traded in my launch PS4 which ran as hot and loud as a jet engine and an Xbox 1 S for $350 total...upgraded to the Battlefront PS4 Pro.
Congrats, I did exactly the same, and traded in BFII minus the deluxe content code to best buy for $33 with gcu ($30 without). It still has that value at BB as of this posting.

Monster Hunter World and Shadow of the Colossus play amazingly in performance mode on the pro.

Also, a quick question for those in the know; I still have my B2G1 free coupon for getting elite pro. I also just found out I have enough points for a $25 off preowned coupon. Can I combine those?

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Also, a quick question for those in the know; I still have my B2G1 free coupon for getting elite pro. I also just found out I have enough points for a $25 off preowned coupon. Can I combine those?

The $25 comes off first then the b2g1 takes over. It's a waste for 3 similar priced items. It'll bring one higher priced item down to match with two other lower priced items a though. Ie a switch pro controller and a left/right joycon.
Even with the potential $50 discount, $50 gift card, and free game I feel like the Xbox One X isn't worth trading in an X1S + $300. But I still feel like im missing out if I don't do it. 

Even with the potential $50 discount, $50 gift card, and free game I feel like the Xbox One X isn't worth trading in an X1S + $300. But I still feel like im missing out if I don't do it.
Yeah I woke up this morning and come to the conclusion that I won’t do the deal. I’ll just keep my Xbox S and just wait til the X drops in price.

ill probably just put the money towards getting a Switch as well as a better TV at this point.

Congrats, I did exactly the same, and traded in BFII minus the deluxe content code to best buy for $33 with gcu ($30 without). It still has that value at BB as of this posting.

Monster Hunter World and Shadow of the Colossus play amazingly in performance mode on the pro.
I was going to Ebay my copy but BB sounds like the easier route considering I want to get Colossus there anyways. Thanks.

Even with the potential $50 discount, $50 gift card, and free game I feel like the Xbox One X isn't worth trading in an X1S + $300. But I still feel like im missing out if I don't do it.
if you don't ahve a 4k TV, I would wait, if you have one, I would get it. this is what I am doing it anyway

Even with the potential $50 discount, $50 gift card, and free game I feel like the Xbox One X isn't worth trading in an X1S + $300. But I still feel like im missing out if I don't do it.
Yeah I woke up this morning and come to the conclusion that I won’t do the deal. I’ll just keep my Xbox S and just wait til the X drops in price.

ill probably just put the money towards getting a Switch as well as a better TV at this point.
I'd be all over this if my OG White Xbox One traded in for more than a measly $65 in credit. Since I got a PS4 Pro I have barely touched my Xbox One. I basically only have turned it on in the last year to watch TV since my Cable box is hooked up to the Xbox One. The only game I really played and purchased for the system in 2017 was Cuphead too.

If I had the X though I would likely buy and play games on my Xbox One again because I prefer the controller to PS4 and feel like with having a 4K TV I am missing out by not having a One X.

Even with the potential $50 discount, $50 gift card, and free game I feel like the Xbox One X isn't worth trading in an X1S + $300. But I still feel like im missing out if I don't do it.
I think for average folks, yes I'd agree. But who among us CAGs pays that $300 cash out of pocket? You can do the same with $150 (or less) with minimal effort with flips and trade promos going on all the time (including this very moment). I turned $135 cash into $75 GS credit and $225 BB credit and will end up with another $30-$40 in reward certs just in a couple of hours this weekend. That's not to brag, just to reinforce that you don't have to pay face value at these stores for your items if you know how.

Would that deal be worth it for $150 out of pocket, plus any certs back after trading and buying it? It would to me if I didn't already have an X.
I'd be all over this if my OG White Xbox One traded in for more than a measly $65 in credit. Since I got a PS4 Pro I have barely touched my Xbox One. I basically only have turned it on in the last year to watch TV since my Cable box is hooked up to the Xbox One. The only game I really played and purchased for the system in 2017 was Cuphead too.

If I had the X though I would likely buy and play games on my Xbox One again because I prefer the controller to PS4 and feel like with having a 4K TV I am missing out by not having a One X.
You will get 150 for ur Xbox1
Thanks to all who pointed out the system trade in values this weekend. Traded in my launch PS4 which ran as hot and loud as a jet engine and an Xbox 1 S for $350 total...upgraded to the Battlefront PS4 Pro.
Seconded, although I bought PS4 1 TB slim because I could only afford to add the $105 necessary to upgrade with bills due. But my original controller had almost had it. The newer one feels a bit lighter and the thumbsticks are more responsive. I might even be able to play Bloodborne now that I have the space to install it! Thanks again.
As someone who has only become a regular customer of GameStop w/in the past few months, what are the Pro Day deals like?  I've never bothered to check to see what they were in the past, but now that I'm Elite, just curious as to what kinds of things they do.  Thanks. 

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