Gamestop Policy on gutted games..

[quote name='phear3d']hes ebman2001. shrike banned his ass but hes back!!

Join Date: 08-21-2007[/quote]

guess it's not our lucky day after all boys :(

[quote name='phear3d']its actually better for people to buy new games from you guys. because you make very little money on them. thats why you carry less unless its another installment of Madden.

i mean youre not actually working at this moment are you? you need to "HELP" customers in your store. is that why you're suggesting that people buy used games? 90% of people on CAG knows you guys make more money on used games. are you gonna ask us if we have an edge card next and tell us we get 10% off used games as well?[/quote]
you b itches DONT YOU REALISE THAT EDGE SAVES YOUMONEY AND GAME INFORMER LETS YOU KNOW WHAT GAMES ARE GOOD YOU FU CKING DIP SHI TS @$$HOLES!!! wow so you guys probbly buy shitty games because you dont read and pay new for them because you dont get a discount!! RETARDS.
[quote name='gamestopstoremanager']@$$Hole we try to make a great store for GAMERS not MONEY thats why its called GAMESTOP BECAUSE WE SPECIALIZE IN GAMES . we try to help you out but pieces of shit like you dont care. the true gamers dont care if a game is used they know its the smae thing so why would you buy new anyway only a f@ggot would buy new or a fu cker!![/quote]

fuck you and your "gaming experiance" you provide us. if you guys arent all about making money how come u give us 1/50 of the price in trade in credit? how come u sell used games as new. my brother went to buy mario ds and they gave it to him "brand new" without a case. "they lost the case" i took him back into the store and returned your "new game". walked over to walmart and bought it from there sealed and guess what, it included a case! crazy i know.........

lets start a gs/eb boycott
[quote name='wwe101']fuck you and your "gaming experiance" you provide us. if you guys arent all about making money how come u give us 1/50 of the price in trade in credit? how come u sell used games as new. my brother went to buy mario ds and they gave it to him "brand new" without a case. "they lost the case" i took him back into the store and returned your "new game". walked over to walmart and bought it from there sealed and guess what, it included a case! crazy i know.........[/quote]
thats his fault for buying the damn $hitty fu cking new copy. he could have saved money by getting the used one but like i said youd rather pay $30 and go to fu ckin walmart like a piece of $hit instead!!!
[quote name='gamestopstoremanager']thats his fault for buying the damn $hitty fu cking new copy. he could have saved money by getting the used one but like i said youd rather pay $30 and go to fu ckin walmart like a piece of $hit instead!!![/quote]

umm yea since u guys like selling games so much you gave him a used copy and sold it as "new".

and walmart always has the same prices then you and most of the time even better prices
[quote name='gamestopstoremanager']you really have towonder what piece of shit would buy a new copy in the first place. the used copy is alwayys cheaper only a complete retard would chose a more expensive one. used ones are the same as NEW DONT YOU GET HTIS!!! im a manager and im sick of stupid freakscomin up and saying is this used game in good condition?even if you buy it USED and it DOESENT WORK YOU CAN TRADE IT IN AND GET CREDIT SO WHY THE fuck DO YOU C ARE WHAT CONDITION it is IN?? damn i agree with you guys anyone who buys a new copy is an idiot.... used it where the deals are- if you want to buy $30 more for a copy of the same game go to wal mart you punks. and stay away from my store i have idiots like you who just look around at stuff and neve buy it in and im sick of wasting shelf space for you idiots to look at.[/quote]

Just reading this jibberish proves what retards work at Gamestop.
[quote name='gamestopstoremanager']you b itches DONT YOU REALISE THAT EDGE SAVES YOUMONEY AND GAME INFORMER LETS YOU KNOW WHAT GAMES ARE GOOD YOU FU CKING DIP SHI TS @$$HOLES!!! wow so you guys probbly buy shitty games because you dont read and pay new for them because you dont get a discount!! RETARDS.[/quote]

lol thats what i thought you'd reply hehe. so you are at work and you are selling us the edge card. can you be clear about the benefits we're getting if we apply? i think youll actually save more money using ShopRite's card at shoprite than using your Edge Card at your store. and Shoprite offers it for free.. what are you gonna do now mr. manager? thats a valid point.. :lol:
[quote name='gamestopstoremanager']you b itches DONT YOU REALISE THAT EDGE SAVES YOUMONEY AND GAME INFORMER LETS YOU KNOW WHAT GAMES ARE GOOD YOU FU CKING DIP SHI TS @$$HOLES!!! wow so you guys probbly buy shitty games because you dont read and pay new for them because you dont get a discount!! RETARDS.[/QUOTE]

Can we please oh please get the ip adress of this fucking clown mods? I want to scan his ports :lol: .

ooh windows xp sp1. Bye bye computer :lol: .

Oh by the way used games have scratches ok? A used game is pointless for most gamers to buy since all you do is make tons of money off of it. If gamestop were even half caring about its consumers you wouldn't pull the kind of shit on you do on us. You can't do one thing right and most of all those spell...
[quote name='electronicmaji']Can we please oh please get the ip adress of this fucking clown mods? I want to scan his ports :lol: .

ooh windows xp sp1. Bye bye computer :lol: .

Oh by the way used games have scratches ok? A used game is pointless for most gamers to buy since all you do is make tons of money off of it. If gamestop were even half caring about its consumers you wouldn't pull the kind of shit on you do on us. You can't do one thing right and most of all those spell...[/quote]

darn hes gone before he could reply to my last post. now i will never find out about the edge card.. lol

hey post his location, lets see which gamestop he could possibly be working at.
[quote name='electronicmaji']Can we please oh please get the ip adress of this fucking clown mods? I want to scan his ports :lol: .

ooh windows xp sp1. Bye bye computer :lol: .

Oh by the way used games have scratches ok? A used game is pointless for most gamers to buy since all you do is make tons of money off of it. If gamestop were even half caring about its consumers you wouldn't pull the kind of shit on you do on us. You can't do one thing right and most of all those spell...[/quote]
WHO CARES ABOUT IF ITS USED if it doesent work WHO CARES YOU CAN TRADE IT IN AND GET CREDIT AND GET MORE IN. THE TURHTH is at our store we rearely even check condition of games or acecsorries but you can just trade them in if youdont work of course you b@$tards dont like doing cheap things even on cheap ass website!!
Sounds just like every GameStop manager I've ever encountered. Arrogant, never wrong, and selfish. Customer is ALWAYS right.

Can't wait to see the dude who took my copy of Persona 3's reaction next time I go in there after the DM comes down on him. I'm going to ask him how he's enjoying the game, right to his piggish face.
[quote name='ebman2001']
Sorry to be blunt but i had an asshole customer like him come in just this weekend not wanting to buy a used game wanted the new one, so i sold him the new one, he comes back an hour later telling me i sold him a used and charged him full price, after explaining it to him and not wanting to deal with a person that thinks he's better than everyone else i gave him his money back and explained to him again how it works with our stores, he just reinterated on how its used, guys, its open thats all it is, shrink wrap taken off.....and you wanna know whats funny, we sometimes get games shipped to us direct from the vendor (thats the guys that make the games) shrink wrapped as if we did it, when we didn't

And ill admit, we offer a policy to "check out" games at our stores, but if the employee returns it in unsellable condition they are required to buy the game then and there or basically be terminatted[/quote]

Edit: I did want to say that, as with all groups of people in life, there are exceptions...good GS employees and more importantly, they're GOOD PEOPLE, such as Sniper and Logain are out there and props to them as they deserve a HELL of a lot more than to work at EB Games/Gamestop, but boy does it seem like they are the extreme rarity. So I apologize to them for my comments below as they are most definitely not directed at them, but rather at guys like this "Gamestop manager". And sorry for the rage here, but damn does this guy and his stereotypical Gamestop mentality and attitude piss me off...he's been drinking too much of the Gamestop Koolaid. And now, seeing the rest of his quoted posts (although the originals were deleted) from the other account he created just takes the cake. End Edit.

Guess what, EB Games/gamestop store manager? IF YOU OPEN THE FACTORY SEAL ON A GAME - IT IS NOT NEW! SO DO NOT CALL IT NEW! I don't give a flying fuck if all you allegedly did was pop the disc in a sleeve and shove it in a drawer is no longer new.

How would you like it if the supermarket took the loaf of bread out of the bag, put the bag or the loaf on display somewhere, and tried to sell you that shit? MMMM, tasty, right? How about picking up a "brand new" car at the dealership only to find that one of the sales clowns was using it as his personal vehicle and having his $50per service coke whores in the back, then rolled the mileage back before selling it to you as new?

I don't give a damn if you don't want to sell that one damn copy of each game as used, that's what it is. And then you $5 an hour conmen (and with that laughable "I am the dungeon master" attitude to boot!) try to push it on unsuspecting people as new, without disclosing to them that it's an open copy...that is pure bullshit. And that's standard EB/Gamestop corporate policy, so don't tell me you actually inform the customer before he is getting the gutted copy,

Don't worry about us not shopping there and giving you minimum wage, pimple faced peons our business, I certainly don't give my business to companies whose corporate policy is to encourage and commit wanton fraud, deceitful acts, and encourage/train their employees to outright lie to their customers straight faced.

I'm amazed you assholes are still in business, but then again you have your niche market covered - clueless soccer moms and underaged, ingorant and uneducated teens who either don't know any better or can't go elsewhere. Ah well at least it's good to know that all that revenue from the horrible trade in pricing and resale markup don't go to the asshole losers that work in the local stores, but rather to a few corporate execs. Enjoy the bad attitude, bitterness, and lack of ethics and above all the minimum wage because that's all bums like you will ever have!
[quote name='gamestopmanager']
if youwld fuc kin read what i say here is my original response to the topic!!! you really have towonder what piece of shit would buy a new copy in the first place. the used copy is alwayys cheaper only a complete retard would chose a more expensive one. used ones are the same as NEW DONT YOU GET HTIS!!! im a manager and im sick of stupid freakscomin up and saying is this used game in good condition?even if you buy it USED and it DOESENT WORK YOU CAN TRADE IT IN AND GET CREDIT SO WHY THE fuck DO YOU C ARE WHAT CONDITION it is IN?? damn i agree with you guys anyone who buys a new copy is an idiot.... used it where the deals are- if you want to buy $30 more for a copy of the same game go to wal mart you punks. and stay away from my store i have idiots like you who just look around at stuff and neve buy it in and im sick of wasting shelf space for you idiots to look at.[/quote]

[quote name='gamestopmanager']
@$$Hole we try to make a great store for GAMERS not MONEY thats why its called GAMESTOP BECAUSE WE SPECIALIZE IN GAMES . we try to help you out but pieces of shit like you dont care. the true gamers dont care if a game is used they know its the smae thing so why would you buy new anyway only a f@ggot would buy new or a fu cker!![/quote]

Please leave the company and stop damaging whatever slight respect my reference will give me.

Seriously, you are a manager. Someone who is supposted to be responsible. Please grow up, and learn what true customer service is.

You don't insult the people who buy your products. They're the ones making it so you can eat at night.

Then again, I don't know why I'm bothering to respond to this, as I know you're not going to even pay attention.
To those gamestop employees who are cool, you know who you are, and we're sorry. We'll gleefully join you in the crotch kicking of your moronic colleagues when you move up from retail.
Thanks for all the replies guys. :D

I got ahold of corporate, they contacted the DM and the manager at that store and they told me to go get a refund while they dealt with the manager. I walk in, the manager is nowhere to be found and I take the game to the register and the guy taking the game back gets wide eyed. He refunds my money.

He apologizes several times while handing me the money + receipt. :) I dont really know what they did to the manager but it seemed to work. I proceed to purchase the game SEALED at gamecrazy.
[quote name='LINK1392']Thanks for all the replies guys. :D

I got ahold of corporate, they contacted the DM and the manager at that store and they told me to go get a refund while they dealt with the manager. I walk in, the manager is nowhere to be found and I take the game to the register and the guy taking the game back gets wide eyed. He refunds my money.

He apologizes several times while handing me the money + receipt. :) I dont really know what they did to the manager but it seemed to work. I proceed to purchase the game SEALED at gamecrazy.[/quote]

Awesome. Good to hear, and this should serve as both inspiration to those customers who are tired of being treated like shit and encourage them to fight back, as well as serve as a warning to employees and companies that pull these vile tactics. I will always believe in service first and the employee being right. If you don't show me that, I will take my business elsewhere.

And if a company tries to fuck me, I will give it back to them BIGTIME.
[quote name='LINK1392']Thanks for all the replies guys. :D

I got ahold of corporate, they contacted the DM and the manager at that store and they told me to go get a refund while they dealt with the manager. I walk in, the manager is nowhere to be found and I take the game to the register and the guy taking the game back gets wide eyed. He refunds my money.

He apologizes several times while handing me the money + receipt. :) I dont really know what they did to the manager but it seemed to work. I proceed to purchase the game SEALED at gamecrazy.[/quote]

that sounds about right:applause:
[quote name='LINK1392']Thanks for all the replies guys. :D

I got ahold of corporate, they contacted the DM and the manager at that store and they told me to go get a refund while they dealt with the manager. I walk in, the manager is nowhere to be found and I take the game to the register and the guy taking the game back gets wide eyed. He refunds my money.

He apologizes several times while handing me the money + receipt. :) I dont really know what they did to the manager but it seemed to work. I proceed to purchase the game SEALED at gamecrazy.[/quote]

should the store responsible of this action would've know what it was doing this wouldn't have happend. i really hate managers and employees who thinks they could get away with murder. you know, some companies out there tries very hard to satisfy customers and even bending their policies a bit just for their business.
Yeah, so, as hypocritical as I am... I travel to Gamestop today to get my sealed "exclusive" Bioshock CE and use the 10% off coupon on it. I also happened to find a Ninja Gaiden Sigma Collector's Edition "gutted." Of course, the gamestop employee didn't even know they had a Collector's Edition. "No, we don't have it," so I bring up the box. She finally finds it and rings me up with the 10% off coupon. If it wasn't so hard to find, I wouldn't have bought it, but luckily it was MINT... But my question is, why the fuck would they open a collector's edition, even if somebody wanted to try it or rent it out? It's the same damn thing as the regular. God I hate this company, but they got me again! fuck!
[quote name='thegarageband']Sorry I'm out of it right now. Did anyone mention glitter?

A GS/EB thread is incomplete without glitter being mentioned.[/quote]

I considered it back on page one but I restrained myself for some reason :(
Gamestop is a screwed up place. Even if it's shrinkwrapped you know in the back of your mind that someone could have just done that themself after opening it, instead of going to a Walmart and getting it from behind the glass where you can be more sure that the last place the games were before they were behind the glass was in a box. What do you expect, though. The average consumer at GS isn't as anal. I don't know why It'd be so hard to just have a display case that you could bring up with them being able to give you the new game ( shrinwrapped ) and then you just put the display case back, or they put the display case back.

Also, one thing I HATE that gamestop does is the stickers right on the box. It really does lower the value of any game IMO. They keep doing it so it seems as if they just don't give a damn. You'd think they'd find some way to not get stick barcodes right on the case, but idk.
[quote name='galvatron2k1'] God I hate this company, but they got me again! fuck![/quote]

Bought a used DDS1 for $36 on Friday and just sold it for $90. They got me too! ;)
[quote name='Pookymeister']Bought a used DDS1 for $36 on Friday and just sold it for $90. They got me too! ;)[/quote]

Just so happens NGS Collector's was the ONLY game I was looking for besides picking up the Bioshock LE preorder. Low and behold, they have it "gutted". Couldn't be any other way... I won't get into the other customers that had to put up with the Gamestop lady's rudeness but in her defense, she was trying to find another Bioshock LE because they were shorted 1 (of course, trying to avoid confrontation later).
[quote name='wwe101']i dont see how selling gutted games as new is legal. it cant be legal can it?[/quote]
It's legal. New is subjective. One person could think that new is a game that is sealed and has never been opened. Another can think that new means the game was not played. Yet another can think that a game is new however you buy it.

Also some of the time at my local gamestop if you buy a game new and it is opened they will give you 20% off. They are really nice there and are very knowledgeable.
[quote name='fullmetalfan720']Also some of the time at my local gamestop if you buy a game new and it is opened they will give you 20% off. They are really nice there and are very knowledgeable.[/QUOTE]

A while back a GS near me also did that, 10% off a gutted game. However, over the years with a transition to a new manager and employees, well, it just faded out and doesnt exist anymore.
The only time I ever willingly bought a gutted game was Katamari Damacy for the PS2 on release day. The Gamestop employee was very honest, he said it was their last copy that was only used in the store, and if I wanted to wait for a sealed copy to come in they'd hold it for me when it arrived. Pretty good way to handle the sticky situation of paying new price for an opened game.

Now if only the managers who're being discussed for 6 pages now were that nice...
while at gs tonight searching for ds fat stylists..I was told they had NONE and the nearest one that had them was 400 miles away :O... oh course he then said you could trade in your fat for a used lite and pay the difference and I am like hell no...then he mumbled "good luck finding ds fat accessories..." man I wanted to slap the bastard.
[quote name='galvatron2k1']But my question is, why the fuck would they open a collector's edition, even if somebody wanted to try it or rent it out? It's the same damn thing as the regular. God I hate this company, but they got me again! fuck![/quote]

They got you, but not as bad as me. At least you knew you were getting a gutted copy. I posted before that I bought Xenosaga III and the copy I got from behind the glass was a gutted copy from a while ago. I didn't even think about the fact that there was a chance I'd get a gutted copy since I've assumed from many previous purchases that games behind the glass are sealed.

Eh....I don't like the practice of gutting games, but I still buy some games from GS, especially if its a rarer titles that hard to find cheap.
[quote name='johnmirra']im not trying to be a an ass but if you were going to open it and play it anyway what difference does it make if it was opened if nothign was wrong with it or missing?[/quote]
Um? A world of a difference? He paid for a NEW game.
If a game isn't factory sealed, its not new, period. You have to be very dilligent about this, I don't hand over the cash until I've inspected the game.

I'm more than happy to buy used games, but I expect to pay used prices once that seal is broken.
[quote name='superdry']They got you, but not as bad as me. At least you knew you were getting a gutted copy. I posted before that I bought Xenosaga III and the copy I got from behind the glass was a gutted copy from a while ago. I didn't even think about the fact that there was a chance I'd get a gutted copy since I've assumed from many previous purchases that games behind the glass are sealed.

Eh....I don't like the practice of gutting games, but I still buy some games from GS, especially if its a rarer titles that hard to find cheap.[/quote]
I always check my stuff from Gamestop for Y folds on sealed games, crappy used copies (basically coasters), to what they try and hide when just shoving it in the bag. Two reasons why. First time I got jammed up with a gutted copy (dude just threw it in the bag), I was walking out, pulled it out and said WTF? Went back up to the counter and said, you told me it was new, got the nonsense policy of gutted games being new, got pissed and said are you getting any more? He said, yeah tomorrow. I said good, I'll play this tonight and exchange it for a new one tomorrow. He said, yeah, ok (like I was playing). Came up the next day and asked the same guy for a new one, didn't get it in, so I instantly returned it with the employee asking me "why?" the entire time and arguing with me about the "newness" of it and the return policy (but I never opened or played it ;) so the yellow sticker seal was intact). Gave him hell, he gave the money back.

Second time, I bought a used game, checked the condition, it was mint. Drove down the street, stopped at a stop light and opened the used game and it was missing. I just had the case. Turned around, went back up to the counter and said, um, you forgot something. Different guy this time and he was cool and admitted the mistake while apologizing, but I could have been fucked.

Rule #1 - Always check with these shady characters.
I'm really glad it worked out for you. It sucks when you're surrounded by nothing but junky EB/GS stores.

Oh, and I lost the quote, but someone a few pages back said they only deal with GS when they get limited editions, like the Persona 3 box. That wasn't a GS special! I bought mine at GC. The Growlanser one wont be special to GS either. I don't give them my money unless I absolutely have to, like with the Bioshock collectors box. ...and after reading this thread, I'm bummed I did that.
[quote name='ebman2001']as a store manager of a gamestop/eb games i have to say this, listen im tired of hearing this crap, and ill spell it out for you guys right now so you have no more confusion of our policies.......ON NEW GAMES its 30 day return policy UNOPENED, 7 days to exchange it for the same game OPENED if defective.....the so called used persona that you speak of has never been played, simply put in an envelope or plastic jewel case (depending on the store), and put with the other "gutted" new games, hasn't been tampered with or missing any items....when we sell the last copy of a game we reverse the process, my store in particular will ask if you want it shrink wrapped or "stickered" shut to indicate its sealed for you in case its a gift.........if you want the game sealed up so badly then either A) reserve so its set off to the side for you or B) don't shop at my store cause honestly you people that think there hot shit and have to have there game sealed can go spend more money on your games and not get the gaming experience that we try to offer our customers

Sorry to be blunt but i had an asshole customer like him come in just this weekend not wanting to buy a used game wanted the new one, so i sold him the new one, he comes back an hour later telling me i sold him a used and charged him full price, after explaining it to him and not wanting to deal with a person that thinks he's better than everyone else i gave him his money back and explained to him again how it works with our stores, he just reinterated on how its used, guys, its open thats all it is, shrink wrap taken off.....and you wanna know whats funny, we sometimes get games shipped to us direct from the vendor (thats the guys that make the games) shrink wrapped as if we did it, when we didn't

And ill admit, we offer a policy to "check out" games at our stores, but if the employee returns it in unsellable condition they are required to buy the game then and there or basically be terminatted[/quote]

I'm sorry, but the way your company runs their business is so incredibly shady. Open = used. No questions asked. You're selling used games as new. Pretty pathetic. You just admitted that you let employees take home new games, play them, and then charge the same amount as if it were new. That is used, buddy.

"can go spend more money on your games" ROFLMFAO!!! Gamespot is by far the most expensive place to buy games. You guys rarely ever have a decent sale. Give me a break.

Your store is completely worthless. It's sad that your company is still in business.
I cant stand games being gutted. I've bought a few because I was to lazy to go to other places to get the game. But There were times I refused the open copy and the manager would go on about how the game is still new even though its opened. Then when I say no he gives me a really bad attitude. I dont understand why games are gutted they say for display purposes, but work at Blockbuster and we always get display boxes for the games we sell.
[quote name='jer7583']To those gamestop employees who are cool, you know who you are, and we're sorry. We'll gleefully join you in the crotch kicking of your moronic colleagues when you move up from retail.[/QUOTE]

You bring the mariachi band, and I'll bring the steel-toed boots.

[quote name='LINK1392']Thanks for all the replies guys. :D

I got ahold of corporate, they contacted the DM and the manager at that store and they told me to go get a refund while they dealt with the manager. I walk in, the manager is nowhere to be found and I take the game to the register and the guy taking the game back gets wide eyed. He refunds my money.

He apologizes several times while handing me the money + receipt. :) I dont really know what they did to the manager but it seemed to work. I proceed to purchase the game SEALED at gamecrazy.[/QUOTE]

Hell yeah dude. I'm glad to see you got what you wanted.

One of the things I've found to be true, and this applies to any company, the higher up you go the quicker you get things done.

Corporate guys just simply don't have the time to deal with things, and the fact that you're annoyed enough to go up the chain shows them you mean business. They get things done right quick.
[quote name='jer7583']To those gamestop employees who are cool, you know who you are, and we're sorry. We'll gleefully join you in the crotch kicking of your moronic colleagues when you move up from retail.[/QUOTE]

TY! ^_^
I've been pondering a way to create a competitor to gamestop that would stay in business, but I don't see it happening. They're too big, and it's too niche of a market, not to mention too small of profit margins to make it worthwhile. I hate to say it, but one gaming retail store is the only thing that makes near as much sense as no gaming retail stores.

It's too bad we can't just have local places everywhere, though. I'm sure that would be the case if not for RapeStop existing in every corner of the country.
[quote name='jer7583']I've been pondering a way to create a competitor to gamestop that would stay in business, but I don't see it happening. They're too big, and it's too niche of a market, not to mention too small of profit margins to make it worthwhile. I hate to say it, but one gaming retail store is the only thing that makes near as much sense as no gaming retail stores.

It's too bad we can't just have local places everywhere, though. I'm sure that would be the case if not for RapeStop existing in every corner of the country.[/quote]

Actually, I have at least 2 mom n pop type shops near me which don't normally overprice stuff. I mean, where else can ya get a non-gh copy of God Of War that's damn near guaranteed to be scratch free and complete for under $15? Mind ya, that's USED, but still.....try finding a non-gh copy of GOW for cheap AND not scratched to crap by now.

Hell, I found out that the other store has some guides which I haven't seen in forever, including multiple copies of Mercenaries guide. And, the best part? They charge about $3-4 per guide, so that makes them even better than trading here in many cases.

I just still wish I had kept all of my complete games and never traded any of them in, as then I wouldn't be looking for ANY games right now.
The way to compete against Gamestop is to take product on consignment so that you don't have inventory costs. Convince customers they would get more that way than if you bought it from them and it might work, but you would be fighting against the instant gratification needs of customers. Still, if they left a few games they would build up credit over time. This is the only way I see to challenge Gamestop. (I'll put my MBA to good use and write up a business plan if someone has serious backing for this.)
[quote name='ebman2001']as a store manager of a gamestop/eb games i have to say this, listen im tired of hearing this crap, and ill spell it out for you guys right now so you have no more confusion of our policies.......ON NEW GAMES its 30 day return policy UNOPENED, 7 days to exchange it for the same game OPENED if defective.....the so called used persona that you speak of has never been played, simply put in an envelope or plastic jewel case (depending on the store), and put with the other "gutted" new games, hasn't been tampered with or missing any items....when we sell the last copy of a game we reverse the process, my store in particular will ask if you want it shrink wrapped or "stickered" shut to indicate its sealed for you in case its a gift.........if you want the game sealed up so badly then either A) reserve so its set off to the side for you or B) don't shop at my store cause honestly you people that think there hot shit and have to have there game sealed can go spend more money on your games and not get the gaming experience that we try to offer our customers

Sorry to be blunt but i had an asshole customer like him come in just this weekend not wanting to buy a used game wanted the new one, so i sold him the new one, he comes back an hour later telling me i sold him a used and charged him full price, after explaining it to him and not wanting to deal with a person that thinks he's better than everyone else i gave him his money back and explained to him again how it works with our stores, he just reinterated on how its used, guys, its open thats all it is, shrink wrap taken off.....and you wanna know whats funny, we sometimes get games shipped to us direct from the vendor (thats the guys that make the games) shrink wrapped as if we did it, when we didn't

And ill admit, we offer a policy to "check out" games at our stores, but if the employee returns it in unsellable condition they are required to buy the game then and there or basically be terminatted[/QUOTE]

Hey now, we should lay off of ebman2001 he makes a legitimate point about gutted games being the same as new. The other day I bought some boxers that normally come in a sealed bag, but this time they were open. No big deal, Wal-mart said they were new; in fact they come with brown spots on them just so you know that they haven’t been washed yet. Then I went to the grocery store to buy some juice and it was open but that’s ok, I trust it was safe.

The bottom line is that companies ship the games new and *sealed* - not opened. It doesn’t matter if the employees play the games or not, the game is no longer new once it has been open.

If gamestop thinks gutting games is a legitimate policy, then why the hell can’t I return a game I opened but never played? It is still new isn’t?

Go back to work ebman2001 and screw some more people over.
I had a similar incident. I went into a gamestop with my 8 year old god daughter. She had her eye on the pink ds lite so I purchase the so called new Pink DS Lite.
We both head to the car and Im about to open the box when i noticed a bulge at the opening with a lot of those circle stickers to show the product is suppose to be sealed.
I then continue to open it just to find the ds just out there with no wrapper around it, the power cord was wrapped in a rubberband. Nothing came in plastic and it was missing the extra stylus.
When I went back inside the store i asked to replace it because it is a used ds.
He said no we just got that from NINTENDO , I was like WTF kind of packaging is this nintendo couldnt have done this so i made sure instore i got a new one for my god daughter.
[quote name='kfrancia']I had a similar incident. I went into a gamestop with my 8 year old god daughter. She had her eye on the pink ds lite so I purchase the so called new Pink DS Lite.
We both head to the car and Im about to open the box when i noticed a bulge at the opening with a lot of those circle stickers to show the product is suppose to be sealed.
I then continue to open it just to find the ds just out there with no wrapper around it, the power cord was wrapped in a rubberband. Nothing came in plastic and it was missing the extra stylus.
When I went back inside the store i asked to replace it because it is a used ds.
He said no we just got that from NINTENDO , I was like WTF kind of packaging is this nintendo couldnt have done this so i made sure instore i got a new one for my god daughter.[/quote]

good job and nice catch especially before you got home
[quote name='kfrancia']I had a similar incident. I went into a gamestop with my 8 year old god daughter. She had her eye on the pink ds lite so I purchase the so called new Pink DS Lite.
We both head to the car and Im about to open the box when i noticed a bulge at the opening with a lot of those circle stickers to show the product is suppose to be sealed.
I then continue to open it just to find the ds just out there with no wrapper around it, the power cord was wrapped in a rubberband. Nothing came in plastic and it was missing the extra stylus.
When I went back inside the store i asked to replace it because it is a used ds.
He said no we just got that from NINTENDO , I was like WTF kind of packaging is this nintendo couldnt have done this so i made sure instore i got a new one for my god daughter.[/quote]

Wow, they are doing this on consoles too? Now that shocks me!
[quote name='kfrancia']I had a similar incident. I went into a gamestop with my 8 year old god daughter. She had her eye on the pink ds lite so I purchase the so called new Pink DS Lite.
We both head to the car and Im about to open the box when i noticed a bulge at the opening with a lot of those circle stickers to show the product is suppose to be sealed.
I then continue to open it just to find the ds just out there with no wrapper around it, the power cord was wrapped in a rubberband. Nothing came in plastic and it was missing the extra stylus.
When I went back inside the store i asked to replace it because it is a used ds.
He said no we just got that from NINTENDO , I was like WTF kind of packaging is this nintendo couldnt have done this so i made sure instore i got a new one for my god daughter.[/quote]

This doesn't surprise me in the least actually, since GS is full of lying assholes who just shill these products on usually ignorant/uninformed consumers. Although, if something were not SEALED and it came from the factory like that, then it's a refurb and those are usually in different boxes.

Of course, a couple times I was given dupe systems by friends/relatives, I was known to be an EXPERT repacker. :lol: But, we won't get into those days of my gamerdom.
bread's done