GameStop Preorder Bonus - Dragon Quest VI: Realms of Revelation DS - Slime Plush!


Nintendo Fangirl
241 (100%)


You know you want it. Bad.

Game is $34.99 and comes out 2/14. Just in time to give to your sweetie. Or yourself. Whoever would love this the most.
[quote name='UberNinjaz']Only preorder at a store & my plush will have magically "never arrived"

No thanks[/QUOTE]

So pre-order it online then. I've never had a problem getting a GameStop bonus for a game that I've pre-ordered online.
[quote name='specialist']I'm already getting Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Tactics Ogre on the 15th. Good thing I don't have to worry about spending money on a significant other, or else it would pose a real problem.

You'll love me, won't you, slime plush? :cry:[/QUOTE]

Whoa, whoa, back up a minute there, bub!
Tactics Orge comes out on the 15th?!
I had whittled my "birthday gaming gift to self" purchases in Feb. down to one game: DQ 6! Now there's another game to consider???! DAMN!
Conduit 2, DQ 6, Tatics Orge(PSP) or new video card?...... hmm???
[quote name='beaus27']Whoa, whoa, back up a minute there, bub!
Tactics Orge comes out on the 15th?!
I had whittled my "birthday gaming gift to self" purchases in Feb. down to one game: DQ 6! Now there's another game to consider???! DAMN!
Conduit 2, DQ 6, Tatics Orge(PSP) or new video card?...... hmm???[/QUOTE]
hahaha and Tactic Ogre per-order bonus is a deck of 22 Tarot Cards by Akihiko Yoshida.

Sexy me'think. But why, oh why did they name it Let Us Cling Together. SERIOUSLY.
[quote name='xRemnant'] But why, oh why did they name it Let Us Cling Together. SERIOUSLY.[/QUOTE]

It's a Queen song. Matsuno/Quest loves them. Every Ogre/Ivalice game has a reference to them.

Better than the Japanese sub-title. Wheel of Fortune, no thanks.
I also think $38 is too much for Tactic Ogre remake. I believe the DQ Slime is worth 10 bucks on its own, is the better choice. What can you do with a deck of tarot cards? Slime is a nerdy chick magnet and what man don't like girls! (Don't answer please >.>)

Oh, okay now it makes more sense, thanks n1c0. Wheel of Fortune would of got them sued here hahaha.
[quote name='xRemnant']Oh, okay now it makes more sense, thanks n1c0. Wheel of Fortune would of got them sued here hahaha.[/QUOTE]

The other name is acceptable since it's basically a remake, but I actually kind of liked the Wheel of Fortune subtitle. It was a mystical symbol hundreds of years before it was a mildly entertaining game show for nursing home residents, but yeah, the estate of Merv Griffin or whoever holds the rights for it would try and sue Square-Enix into the ground.

Back to DQ, I have to reiterate all the praise for Rocket Slime that's been in here already. It's a vastly underrated game and tank battles remain the single greatest utilization of the DS's dual screens. Buy it. Love it.
Wow, crap. I'm not even sure that I want Tactics Ogre, as I've got too much of a backlog of SRPGs already (I have to be in the right mood to play them, or I just get annoyed). But I really want those cards . . . Hrm.
[quote name='arcane93']Wow, crap. I'm not even sure that I want Tactics Ogre, as I've got too much of a backlog of SRPGs already (I have to be in the right mood to play them, or I just get annoyed). But I really want those cards . . . Hrm.[/QUOTE]

When I get some Square Enix games with bonuses like this on Amazon, even when the game drops to $20 or something, practically all the games I received contained the pre-order bonus.

I think you should be safe regarding the tarot cards if you wait until the game drops to around $20 at Amazon.
[quote name='Zaku77']Couldn't a person just pre-order at gamestop, pick up the game and bonus, then just return the game?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Zaku77']Couldn't a person just pre-order at gamestop, pick up the game and bonus, then just return the game?[/QUOTE]

Maybe, if you got lucky and actually got the preorder bonus. If it's not a code printed on the recipt I've given up on trying to get preorder bonuses from GameStop b&ms.
I really want this, but the quality of gamestop plushies has been disappointing. I mean I REALLY want a slime plush and have wanted one for years. My friend couldn't even find one when he went to Japan and I specifically asked him to look for one but he couldn't find it (however he came back with everything else I asked for). I probably want the slime plushie more than anyone else on this thread.
I think I'll pre-order in two different gamestop just to make sure I get atlease one Slime bean ball.
[quote name='SaraAB'] I probably want the slime plushie more than anyone else on this thread.[/QUOTE]

Better do home delivery then.
I asked gamestop employee to make sure they actually getting the Slime plush. He checked on the computer. Confirmed it twice. Then I decided to pre-order.
Oh man I shouldn't have clicked on this thread, now I want those Tarot Cards too....
I'd also like to jump on the Rocket Slime bandwagon, it rules.
atm other then the pack in cd with radiant historia(which is looking REALLY good although most atlus games are love atlus so much) these two are the only good preorders. rest is all just stupid bs receipt codes. i miss the days of physical code cards =(. made so much money from the gears 2 hammerburst codes and the mass effect 2 terminus that i was able pay for most of the games i bought last year from that alone lol.
If all anyone wants is the plus you can find them on ebay easily for not very much that look exactly the same as that one, so I highly doubt there will be any demand for them or be rare or collector worthy. Can find them in plastic and metal as well as plush. Then again I hate plushes because they dont look as cool and are dust magnets.

I dont shop at lamestop anyway anymore.
[quote name='sadboy']How much was that by the way? Damn. I may forgo this, considering I haven't even played Dragon Quest IX and some of those slimes being sold elsewhere look even better.

You and me both. (slime suddenly appears all over computer monitor)[/QUOTE]

The Square Enix store in Shibuya had small sizes, medium sizes and super large sizes for the slimes. I bought an entire set of the small size ones (regular blue one, knight slime, metal slime, green puddle looking slime, blue king slime, angel slime, and some other ones). I think they were roughly 8-10 dollars each back then. This was with the awesome exchange rate of 120 yen to a US dollar of course!
[quote name='Zerok']This does nothing but remind me of how badly I want a set of Persona tarot cards. :cry:

Considering pre-ordering DQ now... That plush is freaking adorable.[/QUOTE]

I want some Persona tarot cards too. I saw some on eBay for $35, but they just featured the symbol for each major arcana instead of the actual personas.
[quote name='gargus']If all anyone wants is the plus you can find them on ebay easily for not very much that look exactly the same as that one, so I highly doubt there will be any demand for them or be rare or collector worthy. Can find them in plastic and metal as well as plush. Then again I hate plushes because they dont look as cool and are dust magnets.

I dont shop at lamestop anyway anymore.[/QUOTE]

I agree. I really fail to see how this is a deal in any way and I can't understand why adults would want them unless they are going to give them to their kids. The plush is clearly tiny and given what happened with DQ IX, this game is likely to be $20 or less within mere weeks of release or at least part of various store sales, gift card or certificate deals, so the deal would be to wait a few weeks on this one, not rush in and pre-order from Gamestop and pay tax in many states just to get something you can get for a few bucks on Ebay.
[quote name='bojay1997']I agree. I really fail to see how this is a deal in any way and I can't understand why adults would want them unless they are going to give them to their kids. The plush is clearly tiny and given what happened with DQ IX, this game is likely to be $20 or less within mere weeks of release or at least part of various store sales, gift card or certificate deals, so the deal would be to wait a few weeks on this one, not rush in and pre-order from Gamestop and pay tax in many states just to get something you can get for a few bucks on Ebay.[/QUOTE]

Well this clearly is not a sale. It is a decent deal if you already pre-ordered the game, considering Amazon do not have pre-order bonuses. Not everyone is willing to wait for the price drop. Keeping that into consideration you would come to agree that something is better than nothing when it comes to pre-order bonus.

The plush is around 3.5" so its small, you can just put it on top of a desk and people who are familiar with video games could come up to you and start a conversation. Or decorate your video game collection, etc. Giving it to a child is probably the last thing I would do. If anything the slime will just remind me of how much fun I had/have when playing Dragon Quest. Is it really that hard to see a use for it?
theres a reason im buying it at retail. i know many will disagree but the hardcore rpgers like me will understand. its called SUPPORT!!! honestly by supporting the companies(especially nisa and atlus) its the only way were going to see all these really good rpgs that come out in japan here in the states. not to mention look at dq5 i can almost guarantee 6 will be just like that never on clearance and within the first month hard to find. its now double the price of retail and the guide is more then 4 times retail.
to add the reason 4 never got rare is cause it was just a port of an old nes game nothing new so many had played it already. 9 was extremely pushed out by nintendo with commercials promotions etc...reason that became so cheap. theres been no commercials for dq6 the guide atm is only avail through gamestop(same with tactics ogre psp guide) so i can guarantee you might want to get guide asap too.
[quote name='gauu']to add the reason 4 never got rare is cause it was just a port of an old nes game nothing new so many had played it already. 9 was extremely pushed out by nintendo with commercials promotions etc...reason that became so cheap. theres been no commercials for dq6 the guide atm is only avail through gamestop(same with tactics ogre psp guide) so i can guarantee you might want to get guide asap too.[/QUOTE]

The reason Dragon Quest V is hard to find and thus price inflated is because Square-Enix published it and decided it was not worth making a re-print. All the other Dragon Quest (Roman) DS are published by Nintendo with plenty of quantity. Is nice that you supporting Nintendo and Square-Enix. Although I would worry more about myself than a big corporation who don't even know who you are. Sale numbers do speak, but they can get sales numbers by you buying them cheaper as well.

Nintendo and Square-Enix are not exacly fan-base inspired company, they would milk you dry if they could. Nintendo almost never lower the MSRP of their games (have they ever?). Square-Enix, well not much need be said about them.

Other companies are more fan-friendly, like Aksys, Atlus, NIS, and even VALVE, who are known to bundle their games with extra goodies for no additional cost.
trust me i understand your point bro part of it has to do with im a HUGE dragon quest fan. also even though you say square and nintendo arent fan based the point still rests that im going to support the company. nintendo i feel is much more fan based then square but then again square surprised the hell outta me last year with the square members apple ipod 8g touch with a really nice logo on the back of it. you can say one way or another my efforts get paid back.
Nintendo does lower the MSRP on their games, though they have only really done it with the Wii/DS generation so far. There is also no greatest hits or players choice for this generation yet. Some games don't go down in price, but others do. Games like fossil fighters and Excitebots have gone down in price and they are both first party Nintendo titles. You didn't see first party titles drop like that during the GBA/Gamecube generation.

Just because a game doesn't go down in price at retail doesn't mean you can't buy a cheaper used copy and that doesn't mean a store won't put it on clearance, netting you a cheaper price for the game.
Right? I'm not mad because this isn't really a high profile game that they have to get in on time but if you're going to push preorders at least get the games in. Oh well, I'm probably going to get Tactics Ogre today so maybe they'll have it by then. Hopefully they have extra tarot card sets.
Between this, ordering MVC3 from capcom store, and Hyperdimension Neptunia from NISA store, it makes me realize how much Amazon Prime kicks the crap out of everyone else in terms of shipping quickly.
Mine's backordered from too :???: TBH I was really getting it from GS just for the slime, and since it's backordered from Amazon too I figured I'd cancel the order altogether and just wait for it to drop since the rest of my February and March are crowded.

For some reason, though, the GS site won't let me cancel my order even though its status is Open :bomb: I had to email customer support, and received an auto-letter back telling me that I might not be helped for up to 72 hours because of "limited staffing due to severe icy weather conditions".

First Neptunia getting delayed because of ice, now this? Next there'll be a blizzard in the UK pushing back my Tactics Ogre LE by a couple of weeks :lol:
Saw a tweet from Nintendo this morning saying "now available". Went to Gamestop since I had it preordered already. They told me it wasn't out yet and to check in Tuesday because Monday was probably the "ship date". Since all the ads I've seen said go to the store and pick it up on Feb 14, I checked Target, WalMart and Best Buy and none of them had it either.

I don't know why GS doesn't call me anymore to let me know when a game will be in. If I go in Tuesday and it isn't in, I'll probably just cancel.
I don't know about other retailers but reason Toys R US doesn't have it is because they only ship games out to their stores on Tuesdays. It'll have to be a really special game, lke CoD, for them to ship it out to their own stores other than Tuesdays.

I believe most other stores operate similarly. It was really dumb move on Nintendo's part on trying to release this game on Monday. Did they really expect retailers to change their inventory shipping schedule for Dragon Quest?!?!
bread's done