Gamestop removed OnLive vouchers from Deus EX: HR; Now Pulling Game From Shelves

I think this is a deplorable move on GS' part. I even posted on facebook to tell my friends about it. But the sad thing is, that I will most likely continue to do business with them. It's just the cheapest and most convenient way for me to keep up with as many games as I play. I know other places accept trade-ins, but they won't give me as much credit for the scratched up copies of games without manuals that I pick up at BBV on the cheap.
[quote name='ItsaMeMario']wasn't gamestop sued a long time ago over selling opened copies as new? whatever happened to that?

remember things like this when you decide between buying from gamestop and spending a few more bucks at your local independent game store[/QUOTE]

The difference this time is that they are removing an item out of it's "new" packaging. By all laws it is not new then. Before they circumvented the law because the actual ten was not altered only opened and they conveyed that'd the consumer at time of purchase.

This is just breaking the law as they are altering the contents AND not divulging that info. This class action suit is going to be an easy win. They should have pulled the product and gotten refund from their supplier for not telling GS beforehand
The reason people buy from gamestop is because they don't know any better.

Everyone here don't buy from them (until there's a sale anyway) because you're all educated consumers. You all know what is a deal and what isn't and you read Gamespot and other gaming blogs to get news on these things.

A couple guys I work with don't know about CAG or anything passed GroupOn, so they just know they want a new game and go to gamestop.
Why would this be moved, yet we have an HP Touchpad thread that barely has anything to do with Video games in the VG deals section? Pretty odd move guys, especially after so many people here pleaded to keep it in the VG deal section

Makes me wonder if it has anything to do with this site's affiliation with Gamestop. Maybe you guys don't want them to lose business, get bad press, etc..
Let's think of it this way: it's a convenience charge they tack on for taking the time to open up the game (and throwing the coupon in the trash) for you. That's customer service right there.

All in all, this is very deplorable. It's such bull crap like this I can not stand. Someone should make a call to Better Business Bureau. I think they might be interested in this practice.
I've been lurking on this site for the past 3 months due to summer but the audacity of Gamestop's bs prompts me to post.

fuck gamestop
[quote name='ssjmichael']Why would this be moved, yet we have an HP Touchpad thread that barely has anything to do with Video games in the VG deals section? Pretty odd move guys, especially after so many people here pleaded to keep it in the VG deal section

Makes me wonder if it has anything to do with this site's affiliation with Gamestop. Maybe you guys don't want them to lose business, get bad press, etc..[/QUOTE

could be the reason but I would like to hear the Mods reasoning first, only fair
[quote name='strait edge follower']

could be the reason but I would like to hear the Mods reasoning first, only fair[/QUOTE]

It's been moved back so I thank the mod(s) for that :D
Too many people on this site only read one forum, so it's obvious that as this is the discussion of a deal, not about a deal itself, it was moved to the Deal Discussion forum.

I moved it back to the VGD forum, since everyone seems to want it there, even though it's not a deal specifically. And no, there isn't some dark motive about the site and Gamestop, so put away your tinfoil hats on that bit of idiocy.
[quote name='strait edge follower']I'm surprised that they didn't pull the portal 2 steam codes[/QUOTE]

That would mean fucking with Valve and Steam... I don't think anyone would want to do that and I don't think GS sold Portal 2 on their POS digital service.
[quote name='shrike4242']Too many people on this site only read one forum, so it's obvious that as this is the discussion of a deal, not about a deal itself, it was moved to the Deal Discussion forum.

I moved it back to the VGD forum, since everyone seems to want it there, even though it's not a deal specifically. And no, there isn't some dark motive about the site and Gamestop, so put away your tinfoil hats on that bit of idiocy.[/QUOTE]

Thanks strike :)
Im boycotting gamestop. Barely shop there anymore. Amazon and Bestbuy know how to treat their customers right. Gamestop is a place for kids, moms, and teenagers too stupid to realize theyre getting scammed

Its not just about used games sales. Everything gamestop does is retarded (like gutted copies, and their laughably bad "Sales")
This is insane, they are taking a retail package, opening it, removing content then trying to pass it off as new and complete. So you get less if you buy from GS rather than if you buy from Walmart, Target or Best Buy.

This type of practice should really be illegal.

I would rather shop at Best Buy if it came down to this. But overall I can save more by purchasing my games on ebay or amazon especially when amazon has sales.

The only reason I shop at Gamestop is because of the $25 gift cards I get from e-rewards.
Gamestop only turned into a flipper store for me a while ago. Unless they have a big sale on a game I want (PvZ was a good one that I had to get there). Anyway I can turn GS->BBY I take it. Of course BB-> amazon a majority of the time
I've read about Gamestop doing some pretty crappy things in the past. But this...I'm shocked by this. I almost want to pull my two pre-orders with them currently. I don't think I'll pre-order with them in the future after this.
[quote name='Jimmienoman']Gamestop only turned into a flipper store for me a while ago. Unless they have a big sale on a game I want (PvZ was a good one that I had to get there). Anyway I can turn GS->BBY I take it. Of course BB-> amazon a majority of the time[/QUOTE]

I rarely flip at gamestop, ex when those 50% extra deals pop up And that extra 10 deal fro trading in 3 games is decent but that's it
Last year i only visited gamestop twice, traded-in my games and to pickup the preorder where i used my credits for. Looks like same thing will happen this year.
Can you imagine Best Buy doing this and getting away with it? Gamestop has no fucking right to remove items from a sealed package, reseal it, and sell it without informing the customer.

Their executives must really think they're hot shit...well they wont be soon
I am really shocked they would do something like this too, I only use them for purchasing the rock bottom priced games they have because they do have low prices on certain games but usually higher prices on accessories and newer games. I can do better on ebay for most things but its hard to get those $3-4 games for less on ebay.
Boycotting won't do shit because the average gamer doesn't even care and will continue to shop there. Gamestop can spit in their face and they'll still shop there.
So if I get to the dumpster behind gamestop I should be able to get a free copy of Deus Ex? Every one should do that then redeem so gs gets more crap thrown at them.

Then never give them money ever again. Seriously how can anyone that likes video games find anything that they do tolerable?

I would be pissed if I bought my copy at Gamestop and expected an OnLive code.

HOWEVER, I do not remotely fault Gamestop for doing this. Why would they sell a game that has a promotion in it for a competitor? If the game shipped with a $10 Best Buy gift card, would your opinion change?

This is different than just selling a "gutted" copy (which I seriously dislike also) as new.

Now, whether or not they can get in legal trouble for this or not is up in the air. Sure, they could ship the games back and say "screw you" to the company for doing this without their knowledge, which is the better option for the company. But then they get screwed out of their own customers who preordered or wanted to buy it at Gamestop.
Maybe some crap like this will push more people to Onlive now. I never used Onlive before, but now I might try it just because I heard of it due to this crap.
Now there is one thing though. Does everyone know for a fact that they don't inform the customer? Has anyone actually got the game and wasn't told that or is that just something we are already assuming.

Either way this shouldn't be sold at full price because it isn't the full product. And with that it should be sold at a lower price while the employee explains it isn't the full product.

This is just an awful tactic that leads me to dislike them all that much. Of course I only get things from them for free (yay for e-rewards) so it doesn't really effect me.

[quote name='xskaxninjax']Listen,

HOWEVER, I do not remotely fault Gamestop for doing this. Why would they sell a game that has a promotion in it for a competitor? If the game shipped with a $10 Best Buy gift card, would your opinion change?[/QUOTE]

One problem is how they are doing it. How many games do they sell that require steamworks (which is a direct competitor), yet they seem to have to qualms about selling those. And I think I know the reason. They do have qualms but unfortunately they would have to not sell those steamworks games all together. With Dues Ex they can still sell a game while impeding their competitors success.

If this game required OnLive there would be no news because they would just sell it like the do steamworks games.
Was just thinking about how BBY is pushing hard to take some of the used game market. In fact many said they wanted to run GS off and take that market share.

I bet BBY execs are licking their lips right now. If I was BBY I would capatlize on this. Heck if I were in charge of BBY, I would front the bill for some high class lawyers to take charge of the pending class action suit. Just to grind GS into the ground.
I'm hardly ever in their stores, but at least now I can use this as an excuse when they hound me to pre-order. "Sorry, but I only pre-order from companies I know won't remove items from my sealed product"
[quote name='Jimmienoman']Was just thinking about how BBY is pushing hard to take some of the used game market. In fact many said they wanted to run GS off and take that market share.

I bet BBY execs are licking their lips right now. If I was BBY I would capatlize on this. Heck if I were in charge of BBY, I would front the bill for some high class lawyers to take charge of the pending class action suit. Just to grind GS into the ground.[/QUOTE]

First thing best buy needs to do is have all of their stores take trade ins. Only select stores take them
I'll keep shopping at Gamestop when I can get the best deal there. Unlike, say, Amazon, at least they contribute to my community, hire my neighbors, pay local taxes, etc. Yes, this Deus Ex stuff is some shady nonsense, just like the selling of open games as new... which is why I never buy those. I just take advantage of trade-in bonuses and deals on used stuff like a good little CAG. :)

And let me further draw the wrath of the pitchfork-carrying mob by saying this thread really should be moved. It may be an important issue to you, but this board is supposed to be about specific game deals, not a forum for consumer outrage.
[quote name='xskaxninjax']Listen,

I would be pissed if I bought my copy at Gamestop and expected an OnLive code.

HOWEVER, I do not remotely fault Gamestop for doing this. Why would they sell a game that has a promotion in it for a competitor? If the game shipped with a $10 Best Buy gift card, would your opinion change?

This is different than just selling a "gutted" copy (which I seriously dislike also) as new.

Now, whether or not they can get in legal trouble for this or not is up in the air. Sure, they could ship the games back and say "screw you" to the company for doing this without their knowledge, which is the better option for the company. But then they get screwed out of their own customers who preordered or wanted to buy it at Gamestop.[/QUOTE]

Gamestop had a few options at this point. They somehow managed to select the most evil. If the game shipped with a bestbuy coupon, the outrage would be the same.
[quote name='strait edge follower']First thing best buy needs to do is have all of their stores take trade ins. Only select stores take them[/QUOTE]

First thing they need to do is train employees, I hate to say it but the poor customer service I've gotten at Gamestop pales in comparison to what I've had to deal with at my local Best Buy.

Also fuck Gamestop!
[quote name='shrike4242']Too many people on this site only read one forum, so it's obvious that as this is the discussion of a deal, not about a deal itself, it was moved to the Deal Discussion forum.[/QUOTE]

@ askninja: then pull the product altogether like I said. Then work something out. You shouldnt screw over the consumer over something like that.
[quote name='canedaddy']I'll keep shopping at Gamestop when I can get the best deal there. Unlike, say, Amazon, at least they contribute to my community, hire my neighbors, pay local taxes, etc. Yes, this Deus Ex stuff is some shady nonsense, just like the selling of open games as new... which is why I never buy those. I just take advantage of trade-in bonuses and deals on used stuff like a good little CAG. :)

And let me further draw the wrath of the pitchfork-carrying mob by saying this thread really should be moved. It may be an important issue to you, but this board is supposed to be about specific game deals, not a forum for consumer outrage.[/QUOTE]

Let's just say this thread is called "Buy DE:HR at Gamestop, and get a free Onlive pass"

then the thread shifted to how they are removing it and not telling you.
[quote name='canedaddy']I'll keep shopping at Gamestop when I can get the best deal there. Unlike, say, Amazon, at least they contribute to my community, hire my neighbors, pay local taxes, etc. Yes, this Deus Ex stuff is some shady nonsense, just like the selling of open games as new... which is why I never buy those. I just take advantage of trade-in bonuses and deals on used stuff like a good little CAG. :)

And let me further draw the wrath of the pitchfork-carrying mob by saying this thread really should be moved. It may be an important issue to you, but this board is supposed to be about specific game deals, not a forum for consumer outrage.[/QUOTE]

What "deals" does Gamestop offer? Before you answer, know that MSRP is not a deal, even though GS may tell you it is.
[quote name='shadowrage']So if I get to the dumpster behind gamestop I should be able to get a free copy of Deus Ex? Every one should do that then redeem so gs gets more crap thrown at them.

Then never give them money ever again. Seriously how can anyone that likes video games find anything that they do tolerable?[/QUOTE]

The codes aren't in the dumpster. They're in the pockets and backpacks of gamestop employees. You'll be able to get those codes this evening on ebay.
[quote name='d8onausa']Can't we just rename the thread to "Don't buy anything from GameStop" and sticky it?[/QUOTE]

I thought this was facebook and tried to hit "Like"
[quote name='louiedog']The codes aren't in the dumpster. They're in the pockets and backpacks of gamestop employees. You'll be able to get those codes this evening on ebay.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='xskaxninjax']Listen,

I would be pissed if I bought my copy at Gamestop and expected an OnLive code.

HOWEVER, I do not remotely fault Gamestop for doing this. Why would they sell a game that has a promotion in it for a competitor?[/QUOTE]

I COMPLETELY agree with that statement. That is just bad business. HOWEVER, releasing a letter to tell your stores to pull this from copies people paid full price for BEFORE letting the public know is wrong. Once they found out this was going on, they should have pulled it from shelves and released a statement saying why.

Gamestop is a big chain. They could easily request a "Gamestop" edition from Square Enix removing the competitor's content. Would that cost time and money? Sure. But that's less of a price to pay than your already low good will with customers.
[quote name='hustletron']What "deals" does Gamestop offer? Before you answer, know that MSRP is not a deal, even though GS may tell you it is.[/QUOTE]
B2G1F is always good when it happens. They have B2G2F on PS2 games right now.
[quote name='hustletron']What "deals" does Gamestop offer? Before you answer, know that MSRP is not a deal, even though GS may tell you it is.[/QUOTE]
I dislike GS as much as the next guy, but can you really say that? I have scored plenty of good deals at GS in the past, along with the many trade-in deals they have offered. The do have some nice deals from time to time.
bread's done