Gamestop Survey

I just got invited to do a quick stop restaurant survey or something for over 4 weeks. I have to log in once a week and record what i eat and I will get 5 dollars for the first 3 weeks and if i complete it on the last week i get 20 dollars credit all for a grand total of 35 dollars.

plus the best part is, they are sending me a $15 dollar gift card so I can get food to participate in the survey. guess i really lucked up on this one
[quote name='MrDenny']Ok, I'm going to change my profile to Caucasian. I'm not getting any offers being asian.[/quote]

:lol:, I don't even know what to say to that...

Just finished up another survey that bumped me over the $50 mark again so I'll be sending in for card #4 on October 1st! :D
I got a $60 diabetes survey on Friday and of course I didn't qualify, ended up with a buck. Today I got 3 surveys, one health benefits one, one investment one and an entertainment one, all quick surveys that netted about $5.
[quote name='MajorSmeg']I got a $60 diabetes survey on Friday and of course I didn't qualify, ended up with a buck. Today I got 3 surveys, one health benefits one, one investment one and an entertainment one, all quick surveys that netted about $5.[/quote]

Wow, thats the largest survey I've seen so far.
[quote name='Clarke']SO CLOSE!

I have till Feb 1st 2009 before I lose 210 points. I wonder if I should try to get 450 points. It took me forever to get this but I seem to be getting a little more surveys lately.[/quote]

Is there a quick/convenient place to figure out when your points expire? I remember reading it somewhere in the fine print, but if there's an easy place to figure it out, it would be very helpful. I'm close to the 300 point range, finally, for the 25$ gc, but I would rather aim for the 450 and see how close I can get. If that fails, though, I need to remember to cash out for the 25!
Eh, I finally got another survey a couple of days ago. I click on the link and it was taking a more than a couple of minutes to reload. So, I decided to refresh the page and I get a "you session was paused so you can no longer take this survey"... grrr. My fault I suppose, but I'm really only agitated because it was my first survey in about 3 weeks.
[quote name='darkcecil32']Is there a quick/convenient place to figure out when your points expire? I remember reading it somewhere in the fine print, but if there's an easy place to figure it out, it would be very helpful. I'm close to the 300 point range, finally, for the 25$ gc, but I would rather aim for the 450 and see how close I can get. If that fails, though, I need to remember to cash out for the 25![/quote]

Just go to your account, and there should be an option to see your point history.
Just noticed this thread, and I've got to say, this is a pretty sweet deal. I got in on this a year or so ago, and have netted about 150 or so bucks worth of cards. If you're using utalkback, go for the 450 points, it's worth it. if you're at 300+ points, it shouldn't take you more than a month or two of (successful) surveys to get the extra $25 dollar reward.

The killer is waiting for the next quater to start so you can redeem the next prize. I have over $100 in credit from E-rewards just waiting there (I wish they had the same rewards as utalkback, they have some nice prizes available).
[quote name='psyanide82']Just noticed this thread, and I've got to say, this is a pretty sweet deal. I got in on this a year or so ago, and have netted about 150 or so bucks worth of cards. If you're using utalkback, go for the 450 points, it's worth it. if you're at 300+ points, it shouldn't take you more than a month or two of (successful) surveys to get the extra $25 dollar reward.

The killer is waiting for the next quater to start so you can redeem the next prize. I have over $100 in credit from E-rewards just waiting there (I wish they had the same rewards as utalkback, they have some nice prizes available).[/quote]

lol for at least half of us, the "killer" is not in the one card per quarter limitation, it's the fact that we don't get any surveys for a long ass time, and when we do, they usually are filled up by the time we get to them.

Take me for example: 2 years now, not a single card redeemed and stuck at the 363 mark. Shouldn't have filled out that profile, I guess.
Hi, i've been coming to this forum for quite some time. But i just happened to stumble onto this utalkback survey discussion. I signed up about a week ago and since then have only had 1 survey. Is there anyway you guys who have earned a lot of giftcards/points tell us what you put for your personal profile (Like age, or ethnicity, or salary). That way we can figure out the best way to change our profiles to maximize points. Thanks.

So for example

CAG member ___________ / earned 4 Gift cards
personal profile: caucasian / high school education / 25,000 salary, etc....

Thanks so much for you input

Hopefully we all can better maximize our profiles so we can get points and more Bioshock, and Killzone 2, and Little Big Planet

So here are the questions from the profile - I was wondering if the people who earned a lot of points could gives us some insight into their own profiles so that the rest of us who haven't earned anything could start the earning process. Thanks so much

What is the highest level of education you have achieved?

What is your marital status?

Where do you live?

Do you consider yourself to be of Hispanic origin?

Which of the following best describes your race?

What is your annual income range?

What type of Internet connection do you have on the computer you'll use most often to take surveys?

Do you participate in any of the following social networking Web sites?

How many hours do you spend online each day, on average, for non-work/non-school related activities?

Electronics - Which of the following do you own or use? (Select all that apply)

On average, how often do you watch movies at a theater / cinema?

Which of the following features are on your mobile phone? (Check all that apply)

What brand(s) of MP3 player do you own? (Check all that apply)

Which of the following video game systems is currently used in your household? (Please check all that apply)

Do you play video games on your computer?

How do you receive your television signal? (Check all that apply)

Approximately how many hours per week do you spend playing video games on a console / handheld video game system?

Which of the following types of console / handheld video games do you play on a regular basis? (Check all that apply)

Approximately how many hours per week do you spend playing computer video games?

Which of the following types of computer video games do you play on a regular basis? (Check all that apply)

Do you own an automobile that is registered in your name?

What is the make of your automobile?

What is the model year of your automobile?

When do you think you will be in the market to buy your next automobile?

Do you use any of the following products? (Check all that apply)
Teeth Whitening Products
Beer / Wine / Spirits / Liquor
Dietary Supplements
Tobacco Products
Weight Loss Aids
Hair Color
None of the above

How often do you go out to eat on a weekly basis?

In an average week, how many alcoholic drinks do you consume?

In an average week, how many times do you use the following tobacco products?

Do you typically smoke a menthol or non-menthol cigarette?
Finally redeemed for my first card yay! For some strange reason, I had more points than I thought I did. Either it was because of the strange survey I just took, or I just didn't keep track of my points and did a delayed survey...Either way, I'm happy ^_^.

Did anyone happen to take a survey that asked you for your download/upload speed at the end? Cause I thought that was weird.
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To anyone who has gotten a card from them: Out of curiousity, what's the fastest time it's taken you to get your Gamestop gift card in the mail once you cashed in your points? I just used my $50 to get a $25 card. They said it would take 30 days but I am hoping it'll come a bit sooner.
[quote name='Third Eye']To anyone who has gotten a card from them: Out of curiousity, what's the fastest time it's taken you to get your Gamestop gift card in the mail once you cashed in your points? I just used my $50 to get a $25 card. They said it would take 30 days but I am hoping it'll come a bit sooner.[/QUOTE]

I'd like to know this, too -- I'm looking to use this towards Rock Band 2, but I'm hoping I don't have to wait a full month.
[quote name='PR Mega X']I'd like to know this, too -- I'm looking to use this towards Rock Band 2, but I'm hoping I don't have to wait a full month.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I was hoping to get one for Fallout 3, but alas, I'm $9.60 short. I'm hoping the wait for GC redemption isn't too long, as a month wait will make me impatient. Although I'll be picking up Rock Band 2 on Sunday, so I'll be occupied if it is a lengthy wait.
I live in NYC, and I still am waiting for my first card after about 11 days. At least I'm already up to $22.10 within that short time!
Question: Am I allowed to have multiple accounts from the same address? I was curious if my brother signs up for it but we live at the same address will there be any consequences?
Booyah!!! Just spent 2 hrs on a survey, had to watch a 90 minute movie and take a 30 min surevey. Got $25 out of it.

Put me over for my 5th card!! Cant redeem for the 4th until Oct 1st.
I just did a survey today. Spent about 2 hours on it. It was worth 149 or 199 (don't remember) opinion points. I had to watch an tv episode and answer some questions about it. Kind of mad though. I'm 1 opinion point away from the $50 gift card. So I guess I'll to wait it out until next time.
can you guys tell me what you filled out in your personal profile so i can start earning more points,. It would be greatly appreciated
Can all of you CAG veterans who earn the big bucks please tell us all what you put as your profile information. Like age and salary...etc.... It would be a big help. Thanks.
Key: the love people who pretend to be 50+ and are truck drivers. I get a navistar survey one every two weeks almost.
I know that the limit for ordering cards is one per quarter, but are the quarters based upon when you last order or on yearly quarters (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep, and Oct-Dec)?
[quote name='Crazyglitcher']I know that the limit for ordering cards is one per quarter, but are the quarters based upon when you last order or on yearly quarters (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep, and Oct-Dec)?[/quote]

It's based on calender quarters not when you last ordered. If you had enough pts or money you could order one card Sept 30th then turn around and order another one Oct 1st.
I've had a bad run with my survey's. I'll get like 5-10 mins through, then get cut off and nothing to show in the way of points.
[quote name='orgy08']anyway to still get into this survey program? Can I get an invite via PM? Thanks[/quote]

I'd be interested too...what's the deal with this guys? I need some more free stuff!
I wish they wouldn't send the surveys at like 10:00AM. I can't do them until I get home at night and by then they always have all the responses they need.
[quote name='Chitown021']It's based on calender quarters not when you last ordered. If you had enough pts or money you could order one card Sept 30th then turn around and order another one Oct 1st.[/quote]

Alright thanks.
I thought that it was going to take another few weeks after my last survey to finally get that extra point that I needed. But to my surprise, I got another survey this morning for 10 points. I did the survey while I was in class and I ordered my 1st card ($50 Gamestop).
I get like one or two surveys a week and they always say i'll get 100 or 150 pts if i qualify or 5 if i dont and i never end up qualifying. I've had this for maybe 2 weeks or so and only have 41 pts
[quote name='MrDenny']I have 121 points somehow. I don't know how I got that much for only completing 2 easy surveys.[/quote]

Dude I know how you feel. (Happy no doubt but confused right?) Mysterious points are kick ass right? lol.
Arrgh! didn't qualify for this one either. I'm only 90 cents away from another gamestop card.

  • Topic: Quick Survey about Entertainment
  • Research Sponsor: MRoperations, Inc.A Valued e-Rewards Partner
  • Full credit amount*: receive $25.00 in e-Rewards Currency when you access and fully complete the research survey.
  • Partial credit amount*: receive $1.00 in e-Rewards Currency as a token of our appreciation if your survey answers do not meet the criteria to fully qualify for the study OR if the predetermined number of participants has been reached.
  • The full survey should take approximately 80 minutes to complete.
80 mins !!! egads. it would stink to fail that one 79 mins in. ekkk.

[quote name='MajorSmeg']Arrgh! didn't qualify for this one either. I'm only 90 cents away from another gamestop card.

  • Topic: Quick Survey about Entertainment
  • Research Sponsor: MRoperations, Inc.A Valued e-Rewards Partner
  • Full credit amount*: receive $25.00 in e-Rewards Currency when you access and fully complete the research survey.
  • Partial credit amount*: receive $1.00 in e-Rewards Currency as a token of our appreciation if your survey answers do not meet the criteria to fully qualify for the study OR if the predetermined number of participants has been reached.
  • The full survey should take approximately 80 minutes to complete.
i have a few more months to wait for my third gamestop card. if only there were better offers to get.... i wish they had the same rewards for both utalkback and e-rewards.
bread's done