Gamestop won't take my 360


CAG Veteran
So 3 years ago my console got the RROD. MS replaced it and it has worked fine ever since. Today I went into gamestop to upgrade and take advantage of their deal. The guy told me since the silver tape below my dvd drive was broken, and there was no refurb sticker on the back that he couldnt' take it. I have not touched that console in any way shape or form since getting it from MS. The silver ms sticker is still on the front holding the two halves together. My roommate also had his replaced last year, and his is the same way. The silver tape under the dvd drive is broken, and it has no refurb sticker on the back, but the microsoft sticker is still on the front.
The gamestop guy told me I should be able to call ms and have them fix it which sounds like a whole lot of nonsense, 3 years ago is a bit long to try to get this rectified.
Anyone else experienced this? Am I out of luck? Is this guy at gamestop off his rocker?
As far as I can recall, MS replaces the silver outside the shell with a paper seal. And yes, there are directions for this that the employee was following. So he's jus doing his job.
But this so called refurb sticker on the back of the console...neither of us got that, and both of ours were refurbed by ms...
He was talking about a Gamestop refurb sticker. One that Gamestop puts on when they refurb a system at their warehouse.
Well it is a company policy with Gamestop, but there is a store policy when taking items in and it basically says if it works and you can get some sales out of the trade then you do it.

The employee was either uptight or a part-timer that can't make a decision for himself. I'd try another store, preferably one that isn't called Gamestop.
[quote name='Scorch']I like how an employee doing his job correctly is referred to as a "douchebag" and "uptight"..[/QUOTE]

Isn't it amazing how that works no matter what the situation is, when you do what you are suppose to and someone dislikes it, your "insert insult" here.

- Jason
[quote name='Jabrim']Isn't it amazing how that works no matter what the situation is, when you do what you are suppose to and someone dislikes it, your "insert insult" here.

- Jason[/QUOTE]
seems like the employee knew that the xbox wasn't tampered with. telling him to call MS to get it fixed seems like a load of bull.

if GS didn't want to take in refurbs then they should state that, not tell the customer something crazy like that.
Try another GameStop, the guy didn't even take the faceplate off mine to check it when I traded up for my slim. He didn't even know how large my Halo HDD was but I was honest and told him 20gb. I bought it refurbed from DealTree (BestBuy) on last year and it RRoD'd after a month. Even though it had been serviced once and the warranty was up MS still repaired it for me and replaced the warranty seal and put a sticker with the new date on the back, it's worked fine since.
Gamestop gave me no problems when I traded in my launch xbox and my launch 20gb PS3, both of which had been repaired, earlier this year. Try another gamestop as others have suggested. The store manager at my store was the one who checked out my systems, so maybe try to get the manager instead of one of the associates to help you next time.
Before everyone goes nuts about trading a hardware BC PS3 in to Gamestop, I did it because the HDMI port went out and I didn't want to spend ANOTHER $150 to have Sony fix it after I had had it repaired the year before for the YLOD. Instead, I bought a 40gb PS3 from a buddy who runs and Aaron's store for $100 and used the trade in credit from Gamestop to get a new Arcade 360, so that I would no longer have to fear another RROD with no warranty.
This place that you took it were only doing their job, and it was only right to do so.
If you have any problems with your xbox, it is only natural to contact microsoft to go about this.
you can get them stickers. I wish I would have done that now instead of just giving my old one to a friend of mine. However I didn't know about them at the time.
The stickers are like $1 on eBay.

But just take it to another GS. Most don't care. They get shipped back to Gamestop HQ where they take the stickers off anyway.
[quote name='Scorch']I like how an employee doing his job correctly is referred to as a "douchebag" and "uptight"..[/QUOTE]

Unfortunatly he is just doing his job but it is his choice to work for a comp/business with these funky polices. I understand covering your butt also the business has risks once again it is the employees choice to work there. Somewhat like a cop they enforce the laws but you may not agree with the laws and how they enforce it or if the cop decides to enforce it. Nonetheless it was his choice to be a cop therefor he will take/accept the good and the bad of the job. Its just what it is
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