Gaming in the Clinton years


14 (100%)
omg... I was on gaf and they jus discovered a freakin goldmine!!!

I'm not sure if this guy is serious or not...

Alpha 2 review:

SOTN review:

Gran Turismo:

the full archive is here:

note to fighting gamers... u must watch all the fighting game reviews! pure hilarity!!


link to the neogaf thread for reference as well as recommendations:
I'm glad someone finally called out SotN for being just another derivative platformer. It's just ridiculous, folks.

Edit: Parts of the DKC2 review were strangely portentous.
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I love how this guy thinks the point of every game is to get to the "ending ceremony"

in the street fighter review he's like "To get the ending just pick Bison and hold down and R at the same time over and over again" He also recommends setting the difficulty to the easiest!

one game he said to get the ending plug in a 2nd controller and use it to choose whatever character the computer throws at you, beat up the dummy then you'll move onto the next stage!!

He actually uses that as a complaint against Mortal Kombat since it's a hard game and he couldnt do that!

more good ones:

Marvel Super Heroes

KI Gold

lol! The Plok of all trades!!
Their GoldenEye review is awesome. "We didn't try multiplayer because we only have one controller. It doesn't matter, though, because no one buys games for multitplayer anyway".
This guy remind me of Andy Rooney(the old geezer at end of "60 Minutes") of video games. Both of them rant over every stupid thing, while trying to cling to their little or no integrity they have.
They gave letter grades over numerical ones! Man, were they ahead of their time! But not ahead of their time enough to make you sing out loud! No video review could do that!!
BAhahahha, classic!

It's frustrating that you can't jump during a swing of the weapon on the ground, its unrealistic!

Yes! Because jumping during a swing of a 15 pound sword than you just planted your feet to make is totally realistic!
You guys do know he takes his material from old gamer magazines directly, right? Oh, and he's a youtube partner for this crap.
bread's done