GCN games that just will not DROP in PRICE! ie.Eternal Darkness


91 (100%)
I was at WalMart today and saw about 20 copies of Eternal Darkness for $49.99 each. Now I know there have been spurts of this game selling for $10, which is when I bought mine, but this game was released years ago...$49.99...come on. Is it THAT good?

Anyone know of any other games that still bring close to their original price.

I know that the Nintendo releases generally hold their prices longer.
[quote name='Nephilim']I was at WalMart today and saw about 20 copies of Eternal Darkness for $49.99 each. Now I know there have been spurts of this game selling for $10, which is when I bought mine, but this game was released years ago...$49.99...come on. Is it THAT good?

Anyone know of any other games that still bring close to their original price.

I know that the Nintendo releases generally hold their prices longer.[/QUOTE]
I wouldn't go by Walmart's price to determine what it's selling for, though I don't recall ever seeing a new copy of Eternal Darkness in the year I've owned a Cube. Usually the ones that stay up there at $50 are the Mario titles.
And they were $14.99 at GS like 2 years ago. This thread should be about Wal-Mart not dropping prices, not the game itself.

It's $9.99 used here

But, I think there is a valid point to be made about Mario Party games. Those bad boys NEVER go down in price, regardless of store (unless they are clearancing them out like TRU).
Paper Mario didn't drop yet (I don't think so, though CC had a sale a little while ago where it was $30 so I grabbed it then.) Fire Emblem probably won't see a drop for a long time either.
I was at Walmart the other day and they had the Universal Studios Gamecube game for $49.99. I don't think they've moved more than a few copies of it since it came out just after the Gamecube launch several years ago. I'm with Botticus: Don't use Walmart as a price guide.
Yeah, Wal-Mart is probably not a good measurement tool.

I was just curious why some games, despite availability, stay at or close to retail price. Then others seem to drop in price almost the same week they come out.

Wal-Mart is the nation's largest retailer, but I have seen this game at other stores for $50.

Shopko seems to keep their prices higher on games as well.
[quote name='Nephilim']Anyone know of any other games that still bring close to their original price.

I know that the Nintendo releases generally hold their prices longer.[/QUOTE]

Mario Party games are still full price everywhere as far as I have seen.

Mario Party 7 is out, but 4, 5, 6 are still $49.99 every place I have looked, that's criminal.

Mario Tennis, not nearly as old as Eternal Darkness though.

Wave Race I still see around here for $49.99, a launch title if I remember.

Super Dodge Ball for GBA, still $39.99 here, a launch title for GBA I believe. Although, I think the last copy just sold at the store I see it at.
The Mario Parties.
Mario Tennis
All Mario Sports
All Mario titles

ED did drop in price because it's a HORRIBLE game. Why do you think Walmart has so many copies.

Wave Race is a $20 game.

Just because you see it somewhere randomly for $50 doesn't mean shit. EB had Paper Mario for $20 when I didn't have money! Doesn't mean a damn thing though.
[quote name='David85']

ED did drop in price because it's a HORRIBLE game. Why do you think Walmart has so many copies.[/QUOTE]

You're the minority opinion there... ED was a fantastic game. It's just that GC owners don't seem to like anything without the words Mario, Metroid, or Zelda in the title. If they had put 'Mario Presents: Eternal Darkness' the game would've sold a million copies. Sad really...

As others have already said, anything with the Mario word in it just doesn't seem to drop in price. I think Sunshine is the only Mario game that's officially dropped in price so far.
Wow you are a dumbass.

I own one Mario game this gen, my first GC game, Mario Sunshine. I think it is a terrible Mario game and a below average platformer.

ED is just a badly designed game. The story is great, the graphics are also fine but not amazing. The gameplay is lacking, the fighting system is lame, and worst all the camra. The camra angles are so bad that it makes the game unplayable.

So yeah I hate it because I want it to be Mario. :roll:

Go back to playing your shit games.
[quote name='David85']Wow you are a dumbass.

I own one Mario game this gen, my first GC game, Mario Sunshine. I think it is a terrible Mario game and a below average platformer.

ED is just a badly designed game. The story is great, the graphics are also fine but not amazing. The gameplay is lacking, the fighting system is lame, and worst all the camra. The camra angles are so bad that it makes the game unplayable.

So yeah I hate it because I want it to be Mario. :roll:

Go back to playing your shit games.[/QUOTE]

That's probably enough about your opinion in this thread, move along.
[quote name='Chacrana']Paper Mario didn't drop yet (I don't think so, though CC had a sale a little while ago where it was $30 so I grabbed it then.) Fire Emblem probably won't see a drop for a long time either.[/QUOTE]Paper Mario did drop to $30 at multiple places.
[quote name='Nephilim']I was at WalMart today and saw about 20 copies of Eternal Darkness for $49.99 each. Now I know there have been spurts of this game selling for $10, which is when I bought mine, but this game was released years ago...$49.99...come on. Is it THAT good?

Anyone know of any other games that still bring close to their original price.

I know that the Nintendo releases generally hold their prices longer.[/QUOTE]That's nothing. That's just Wal-Mart's retarded pricing. The ones around here have NBA Courtside 2002 for $50 still too.
Eternal Darkness has been a $15 new/$10 used game at all sorts of places for forever. You're not looking hard enough.
My Wal Mart has NBA Live 2001 for PS2 for $49.99!

As for Eternal Darkness and NBA Live 2001, they go for about $10 and $3 each. You can guess which price is for which.
[quote name='Nephilim']That's probably enough about your opinion in this thread, move along.[/QUOTE]

I can post here if I like. Just because my opinion is different than yours doesn't mean I can't post here.

But of course you don't seem very bright either considering you are using Walmart as an example. It's like using Fox News as a news source.
Eternal Darkness was one of the best games this generation.

With that being said...Games that won't drop:

-Timesplitters: Future Perfect
-God of War
-Mario Parties (Kind of Annoying Actually, I would pick a couple up if they were sold at the price they should be at)
-OddWorld: Strangers Wrath
hmmm... I paid $10 for it years ago - and that's about all it was worth. I think it was decent but highly overrated. The magic was OK and the graphics were nice for the time but the button mashing fighting system was awful and really ruined the experience. I only "finished" it once - not the three times that was required for the "true" ending but I just didn't feel compelled to.
[quote name='David85']Wow you are a dumbass.

I own one Mario game this gen, my first GC game, Mario Sunshine. I think it is a terrible Mario game and a below average platformer.

ED is just a badly designed game. The story is great, the graphics are also fine but not amazing. The gameplay is lacking, the fighting system is lame, and worst all the camra. The camra angles are so bad that it makes the game unplayable.

So yeah I hate it because I want it to be Mario. :roll:

Go back to playing your shit games.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, you took what I said way out of context.;)
Could it be that Walmart is just charging the full MSRP? Amazon/Target wants $49.99 also. Games like everything else, have an MSRP, set by the manufacturer. Not every store chooses to charge full MSRP all the time.
Obviously some other large retailers have put ED on sale to clear the shelves to make room for titles that will really sell. I got ED for $4.99 from TRU last year (a great price for that game).
What's funny is when I see a new N64 game for $49.99 at my local Kmart. That's crazy.
[quote name='David85']I can post here if I like. Just because my opinion is different than yours doesn't mean I can't post here.

But of course you don't seem very bright either considering you are using Walmart as an example. It's like using Fox News as a news source.[/QUOTE]

Having an opinion is one thing, but acting like an asshole is another.
[quote name='strayfoxx']Eternal Darkness was one of the best games this generation.

With that being said...Games that won't drop:

-Timesplitters: Future Perfect
-God of War
-Mario Parties (Kind of Annoying Actually, I would pick a couple up if they were sold at the price they should be at)
-OddWorld: Strangers Wrath
-Pirates[/QUOTE]TS:FP already dropped: $20 at Target, $10 at TRU, $20 at GR off the top of my head.
[quote name='David85']Wow you are a dumbass.

I own one Mario game this gen, my first GC game, Mario Sunshine. I think it is a terrible Mario game and a below average platformer.

ED is just a badly designed game. The story is great, the graphics are also fine but not amazing. The gameplay is lacking, the fighting system is lame, and worst all the camra. The camra angles are so bad that it makes the game unplayable.

So yeah I hate it because I want it to be Mario. :roll:

Go back to playing your shit games.[/QUOTE]

ha. hes the dumbass... riiight.

but walmart prices do suck and you shouldnt go by their prices.
Hastings is hardly a store to go by price stickers for. They had a clearance rental copy of Madden 2005 a few months back labeled for $44.99 but rang up for $4.99.
They only drop the price if they think it will increase sales. I guess they think everyone who is interested in ED either already has it, or is willing to shell out for it.
[quote name='Vegan']I actually saw a USED Eternal Darkness at Best Buy for $50.[/QUOTE]

bestbuy sells used games?
[quote name='b3b0p']Mario Party games are still full price everywhere as far as I have seen.

Mario Party 7 is out, but 4, 5, 6 are still $49.99 every place I have looked, that's criminal.[/QUOTE]

Nintendo does that because they don't want older, cheaper versions of the Mario Party games to eat into sales of the new ones. Given that the games tend to be pretty similar, this is pretty smart on Nintendo's part.

Eventually stores will clear out unsold copies at bargain prices just to get rid of them... I picked up MP 5 at TRU for $10 not long ago on one of these clearances.
[quote name='2poor']bestbuy sells used games?[/QUOTE]

I heard they were test marketing it in a bunch of their stores, plotting for a nation-wide roll-out.

It's one more blow to developers and publishers. The game boutique stores are one thing, but if all the big box stores start selling used games successfully, the industry could be in trouble.
[quote name='Scobie']I heard they were test marketing it in a bunch of their stores, plotting for a nation-wide roll-out.

It's one more blow to developers and publishers. The game boutique stores are one thing, but if all the big box stores start selling used games successfully, the industry could be in trouble.[/QUOTE]

And that's also one of the reasons why prices for games keep going up. If developers can't make ends meet at $50 due to reselling of games, then they'll charage more even if development costs didn't go up (which they are).
[quote name='Vinny']And that's also one of the reasons why prices for games keep going up. If developers can't make ends meet at $50 due to reselling of games, then they'll charage more even if development costs didn't go up (which they are).[/QUOTE]

True... and I sure as hell ain't goin' back to paying $90 for a game like in the old days with certain Sega Genesis RPG's.

I'm also worried about getting into a downloadable game content rut with lame ass DRM and stuff like that in an effort to "keep prices down."
I got Eternal Darkness at around $10 awhile back at TRU. I also got Paper Mario for $20 at Ebgames.com awhile back. I think with some of these games its just a matter of timing to get the right price.
One way to kill the used game market, or at least make it less of a factor could be to lower game prices.

It will make resale values lower, making people not want to trade in the games, because it won't be worth it. And the used game places won't be making as much money off each sale, making it less lucrative market.

Also, with cheaper prices, people are willing to spend more since they would get more for their dollar. I know I would own a few extra games if they were cheaper which would mean an extra sale for the publishers/developers and I know I'm not the only one who would.

Too bad it will never happen though.
Nintendo never drops prices on most things (well, software, at least). Well into the last console cycle Best Buy had 2 N64 games left (Pokemon Puzzle League and one of the Mario Parties). I was just curious so I had them ring them up. Both were $70. That is just stupid. And the reason they never drop the price on old Mario Parties is that they usually go down in quality, not up, and if you could buy 5 for $20, why the hell would you buy 6 or 7 for $50? And for fuck's sake, there is STILL not a "player's choice" line for the GBA. How many years has that damn thing been out now?
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Eternal Darkness is the greatest video game of all time in mine.
The insanity effects are really fun, but a lot of the actual gameplay leaves much to be desired. At a budget price it is a gem, though.
[quote name='Scobie']True... and I sure as hell ain't goin' back to paying $90 for a game like in the old days with certain Sega Genesis RPG's.

I'm also worried about getting into a downloadable game content rut with lame ass DRM and stuff like that in an effort to "keep prices down."[/QUOTE]

Well, at this rate... DRM is still rather far off. With most broadband users only having cable or DSL, it would take days to download games since most games are at least 3GB and can be as much as 8.5GB. I don't think DRM is still a bit in the distance. And most people still like to have physical content rather than digital content.

And even if they do start having digital content, that just makes bootlegging easier.
I'm still waiting for Pikmin 2 to come down. Nintendo is always a rip off when it comes to there games. Remember the N64 game prices? $59.99 for a new one and $39.99 for Players Chocie. And they are scratching there head wondering how they lost the lead in the console wars......Nintendo needs a slap in the face to be competitive. Even now they release some Players Choice for $29.99 (SSBM) instead of the $19.99 like the Platinum Hits and Greatest Hits. Now they are finally releasing Players Choice for GBA and how many title does that platform have? A freaking lot and they only anounced 3? LAME........
[quote name='Davestation']I'm still waiting for Pikmin 2 to come down. Nintendo is always a rip off when it comes to there games. Remember the N64 game prices? $59.99 for a new one and $39.99 for Players Chocie. And they are scratching there head wondering how they lost the lead in the console wars......Nintendo needs a slap in the face to be competitive. Even now they release some Players Choice for $29.99 (SSBM) instead of the $19.99 like the Platinum Hits and Greatest Hits. Now they are finally releasing Players Choice for GBA and how many title does that platform have? A freaking lot and they only anounced 3? LAME........[/QUOTE]
If they're selling games at full price, why would they drop them?
[quote name='Davestation']I'm still waiting for Pikmin 2 to come down.
Pikmin 2 was $10 at Toys R Us a couple months back, and it can be found on E-Bay for about $20.

Eternal Darkness was a great game.
[quote name='rlse9']Pikmin 2 was $10 at Toys R Us a couple months back, and it can be found on E-Bay for about $20. [/QUOTE]

That was a store-driven price drop just to clear them out. Nintendo would still have you paying $50.

Also, to go back to the Mario Party issue, re: mietha's comment on the series quality going down, not up -- I couldn't disagree more. Have you tried MP 4 vs. MP 6? MP 6 is so far superior it's not even funny. Not only were the mini-games better and seemed to be more plentiful, but the quality of the presentation went way, way, up.

Nintendo doesn't drop price on the older Mario Parties because they're afraid an inferior newer version would lag in sales to a cheaper, superior, older version. They're concerned parents and others not in the know would look at the sales racks and figure "they're all the same anyway" and buy what's cheapest.
bread's done