Gears of War 2 VS. Left for Dead, and Fallout 3 VS. FABLE 2


Just curious as to what game would get one's vote over the other. I am torn between GOW2 and L4D. Ultimately I will probally end up with both, but to prevent my woman's meandering for the time being I will limit myself to purchasing one over the other as I have recently spent a f$ckload on games and have a fairly large backlog of at least 20+ titles. As for Fallout 3 VS. Fable 2 I have Fallout 3 and am enjoying it myself but if you had to pick one over the other what would it be? As I have not played Fable 2 yet, or the original for that matter. Of course I've got Gears 1 and I have played the L4D demo which was definately fun. Thanks for the input!
left 4 dead is a ton of fun if you have friends to play with, otherwise it kind of sucks. the AI is fairly stupid and tends to run in front of you while you are shooting, getting too close to witches, etc.

gears 2 will probably have a much longer life-span, though after i beat the campaign and played 10 rounds of hoard, i haven't really played it since. that isn't to say it is a bad game, just the majority of my friends are either on call of duty: world at war or on left 4 dead, so i am mostly playing those 2 games.

i can't comment on fallout 3 or fable 2, i haven't played either personally. however, i have heard fable 2 is rather short, so if you are looking for something that is going to take up some time rpg wise, i wouldn't look to fable 2.
I Have GoW2, Fallout and L4D, but personally I'd go with Fallout. Had more fun with that and hours went by more quicker when playing that. Plus LOTS of depth even after you finish it in how you went to level your character. Though for multiplayer, I'd say Gears 2 (since single player on that is more meatier then GoW1, but it's over before you know it and on an anti-climactic note). If you have actual people you know who plan or purchasing or want to purchase L4D, I say go with that, since that makes for a better overall experience for me.
i have GoW2 and i swear to christ, i played GoW1 maybe 1-3 hours a day/6 days a week for 6 or so months str8... then GoW2 comes out and i beat the campaign (which is great) and i love hoarde but i h8 the MP, and i think most ppl do as well which is why halo 3 jumped back to the #1 most played game

anyone with L4D, can i just join a random room of online ppl or is it invite only? and is there a lot of ppl online? i want it only for online play and i work nights so i would play midday and really late at night but would i find ppl online?
if you're looking for replay then i would choose L4D only if you have friends you like to play with
some people like playing games with random people, i dont, i wouldnt play L4D without at least one of my friends playing with me, this game is an online game, you will not enjoy it as much solo

i too have not played gears 2 after finishing the campaign on normal and insane,then beating horde to level 50
now its sitting on the shelf, the campaign was probably the best one i played all year though
it's not a bad game at all, if you never played Gears 1 online then you'l have a high learning curve for online, since it seems that everyone already knows how to play and you'll die a lot, most likely from chainsaws

Fallout over Fable 2, I would say Fallout 3, Fable 2 is a game that is good to beat since its short, but the replay value is extinct IMO, in the time it'll take me to beat Fallout 3, i would've beaten Fable about 3-4 times, after you're all done with Fable 2 that's about it, i didn't see no difference in being evil or good, my choices really didn't have much effect on the world(unless you call people running away the effect) anyways, Fable 2 should be a rental more than anything even with the expansion coming out, i still sold my copy

edit: i was playing 1 hour ago 2am PST, I had no problems finding people to play with
public matches you can just jump in if they lose a player and the cpu is in control of the team mate
i dont see any number telling me how many people are online, but this game looks to have a good following
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Having owned all four games, I'd say Left 4 Dead and Fallout 3 win. Gears 2 has poor versus modes and Fable 2 has too many glitches and its too short and easy.
i agree with the general sentiment here:

Fallout 3 > Fable II
Fallout 3 is longer, has more depth, and is more satisfying

Left 4 Dead vs Gears of War 2 is dependent on your current setup.
If you have friends to play with, Left 4 Dead is the way to. If you plan to just play by yourself, Gears of War 2 will win because of its pretty lengthy campaign mode and various online options. Left 4 Dead is not very enjoyable to play alone at all. There's no single player campaign or anything.
Why does everyone here say Gears2 MP sucks? It's almost identical, in gameplay, to the first.

I rented both Fallout 3 and Fable 2. Fallout 3 by a mile.
I love shooters and enjoy the online multiplayer in the Battlefield, Ghost Recon, and Call of Duty games. Just to name a few. However, I do not enjoy Gears of War's online multiplayer on the same level, and can only enjoy it when playing with CAGs or people I know. It is simply not a multiplayer I enjoy playing alone. While Horde is great fun, I would never play it with randoms.

In a similar situation, if you plan on playing Left 4 Dead alone, I would not buy the game. It is a game where co-op multiplayer is a big part of its replay value. The computer-controlled players are competent and the A.I. Director keeps things interesting, though, but co-op makes things a lot more fun.

Gears of War 2 offers more (collectibles, "story" campaign, modes), but I have had more fun with Left 4 Dead.

Oh, and I recommend Fallout 3. It is easily my pick for single-player game of the year.
Is it bad that I have all 4 of these games? Sigh...

L4D is great if you have 3 friends that can play with you. Playing with other people will drive you up a wall because most people don't play a "team" game at all. They think they're Rambo and then start pissing and moaning to us when we don't save them while they are getting their face ripped off by a Hunter. Oh and forget about a single player campaign, it;s not worth it. GoW 2 is fun all around for most people. I personally can't stand the online community or modes so I just stay away from that. I do, however, love playing co-op and the single player campaign. I hated the firs one but I love the second one, go figure.

Fallout 3 and Fable II are completely different games IMO. Fable II is more like a life sim where as Fallout 3 is like Oblivion. It depends on your style of play, but I think Fallout 3 is better because of the length and possible DLC for it. Fable II is short, full of bugs, and gets boring after a few days. Yea I married and had a kid, big deal. Now what?

So if you're a loner (kidding!) go with GoW 2 and Fallout 3. If you have a few friends to play with, go for L4D multiplayer and Fallout 3 single player.
I've got GearsoW2, L4D and Fallout 3. I borrowed Fable 2 from a friend. The shooters, it depends on what you prefer. L4D doesn't have much of a story, but it has high replability(sp?) and it is mad fun with friends. Gears has a solid story, and moderate campaign replayabilty(sp?), and great multi-player. so it all depends on whether you wanna kill aliens or Zombies. as for Fallout 3 or fable 2, I liked Fallout more, I would just stay with that. However, it is once again based on your preference.
I'm still holding out on any of these-I really want Fable and Fallout but have such a backload of games that it really wouldn't make sense for me to get them since by the time I'm ready for them I can get them for half the price.
I've played all 4 of those games, I would have to say of the RPGs Fallout 3 is better, and of the shooters Left 4 Dead is better (though go with the PC version if your rig can run it, I've already seen some great maps in development, like the mall from Dawn of the Dead).
I haven't played L4D except for the demo and I haven't gotten GoW2 yet so I can't say anything about that.
I have Fable 2 and I've played Fallout 3 and I like Fable 2 much better. A lot of my opinion is based in the atmosphere I prefer. Despite some very bleak moments, Fable is much more endearing to me. Fallout 3 is just awash with an oppressing atmosphere and it's way too much for me to enjoy.
[quote name='deszaras']I haven't played L4D except for the demo and I haven't gotten GoW2 yet so I can't say anything about that.
I have Fable 2 and I've played Fallout 3 and I like Fable 2 much better. A lot of my opinion is based in the atmosphere I prefer. Despite some very bleak moments, Fable is much more endearing to me. Fallout 3 is just awash with an oppressing atmosphere and it's way too much for me to enjoy.[/QUOTE]

Somehow everything you said makes a lot of sense with your avatar. ;)
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