Gears of War 3 $29.99 new at gamestop, used $24.99, probably both are used! lol

I was going to buy a new PSP game in the downtown Indy store only to find out that it didn't have the instruction booklet.

Despite thee lack of instructions, the guy said that it was new, but would lower the price a couple of bucks even though he wasn't
Supposed to. I declined
Not particularly interested in Gears 3, but I just wanted to drop by and tell you that your title made me laugh. I reread it like ten times or more, and laughed each time. So true about GS.
Auburn's right. We're supposed to gut one or two new copies to display, while keeping the rest in the back or sealed on display behind the counter. If you're shopping at gamestop, just ask if they have a sealed copy in the back.
bread's done