Gears of War 3 - Release Date Sept. 20

[quote name='kklems']Match winner should come on its own even when idle boosting esp KOTH, CTL Over 18k games you are bound to get 4000 wins. I got mine sometime after maxing out warzone.

Might be common knowledge but I discovered the silverback on Rustlung counts for explosive kills and map based weapons kills if people are looking for those medals. (After I had gold in those already :( )[/QUOTE]

Ha thats funny, i have been playing on rustlung for my sawed off and curbstomping kills lately, because its so small. I tried to use the silverback, thinking it might count towards heavy weapons, but it doesnt. :( I already have explosives and map based kills onyx.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Ha thats funny, i have been playing on rustlung for my sawed off and curbstomping kills lately, because its so small. I tried to use the silverback, thinking it might count towards heavy weapons, but it doesnt. :( I already have explosives and map based kills onyx.[/QUOTE]
Having a Silverback on that map is such BS. Way too overpowered (the vulcan AND rockets? Who thought that would be balanced?), and it can cover almost the whole map from its spawn point. Now, I've only seen in while playing CTL but it still ruined the matches imo.
finally got my dig it ribbon, sucked that i had to play through a stalemate to get it...i wish i had marshmallows so i could at least enjoy how hard i got camped.
Here's hoping the 4th DLC pack is something with lots of content; otherwise $30 for the season pass was a lot of money.

1) Horde Command Pack
2) Raam's Shadow Campaign
3) Fenix Rising
4) TBD...

that seem right?

anyway, my gaming tastes must be changing, but grinding for achievements/onyx medals seem painful. I just drop-in occasionally for the specials events every now and then. Still at a low level 48; but oh well, at least I get to enjoy other gaming varieties. [I'm amazed to see players re'up on greens and reds; especially the higher ones. Pretty insane considering the game's only been out for about 5 months.]
^That's right; the Season Pass wasn't a very good deal after all. (Details on the new DLC were discussed a couple pages back if you're interested). That's the last time I buy one of those, especially from Epic, haha. It's the best 3rd-person shooter out there, but damn if they don't milk it for all it's worth and then some. I'm in the same boat as far as grinding/getting medals goes. It just doesn't appeal to me anymore. So many other games I could be playing.
[quote name='iNFiNiTE HORiZON']yeah, never again... makes it even less of a deal when they had it on sale a few months after release lol.. salt in the wound[/QUOTE]

Definitely. 1800 would have been an OK price I guess. Seeing that I paid 2400 for it though, it kind of does feel like a lot for not that much great content. I guess it wasn't too bad though, since I waited a bit of time to snatch Gears 3. I got it for $28 + 2400 MSP = $58. I don't think I will buy another season pass if they indeed offer it.
[quote name='Corvin']4 - $10 packs for $30* seems decent.

*assuming you pay full price for your points, which none of us do.[/QUOTE]

ha hah ah full price for points? who does that anymore?
[quote name='Corvin']We all will be soon. :([/QUOTE]

there's a lot of games coming out this year that will easily have a lot longevity. I don't see buying any ms points this year unless they were 40% for me at least and knowing the predictability of season pass dlc...i'll be ready.
[quote name='Mospeada_21']Here's hoping the 4th DLC pack is something with lots of content; otherwise $30 for the season pass was a lot of money.

1) Horde Command Pack
2) Raam's Shadow Campaign
3) Fenix Rising
4) TBD...

that seem right?

anyway, my gaming tastes must be changing, but grinding for achievements/onyx medals seem painful. I just drop-in occasionally for the specials events every now and then. Still at a low level 48; but oh well, at least I get to enjoy other gaming varieties. [I'm amazed to see players re'up on greens and reds; especially the higher ones. Pretty insane considering the game's only been out for about 5 months.][/QUOTE]


They were announced a couple weeks ago:

5 Maps: Jacinto, Raven's Down, Cove, Artillery and Aftermath

4 player skins (LE commando dom, LE savage elite grenadier, LE mechanic baird, and savage hunter)

7 weapon skins, 5 available to use immediately and 2 unlockable.
Wasnt RAAMs shadow 15? I thought it was, but idk, i bought the season pass so didnt really pay attention to individual prices that much. 33% off 45 is about 30, so yeah.

The only thing i hope they dont do is give away thunderstorm and rainbow gun skins in DLC 4. I mean its called Forces of Nature or something like that. Id be pissed to pay for it again.

I got my onyx lancer last night. I started to spot all my kills, IDK why i didnt think about that earlier, could have gotten a lot of good spots while getting lancer kills. Got my SOS up to about 3300 kills. Both retro and Hammy sit around 2000. Guess SOS is next on my list, its not that bad though, its kind of fun blowing up bots, especially when you get 2 or 3 in one shot. lol. I also go for curb stomps if the bots down people.
[quote name='100xp']I think i'll be on rustlung silverbacking the enemy tonight for a bit.

it counts for explosive and map based kills right?[/QUOTE]

The only problem with that is you have to wait so long for it to become available. By the time it pops up in any of my KOTH games the game is almost over and i only get 5-10 kills with it. You are better off just playing TDM on mercy, have boomshots spawn by mortar and pistols, then camp by mortar. You can get 30-35 a round there. The enemies usually go neat the outside edges of the church, or near the middle by torque. Boomshots count as explosives.
[quote name='The 7th Number']The only problem with that is you have to wait so long for it to become available. By the time it pops up in any of my KOTH games the game is almost over and i only get 5-10 kills with it. You are better off just playing TDM on mercy, have boomshots spawn by mortar and pistols, then camp by mortar. You can get 30-35 a round there. The enemies usually go neat the outside edges of the church, or near the middle by torque. Boomshots count as explosives.[/QUOTE]

good idea.
Only 2,226 more Sawed off kills and i can wave that POS goodbye forever!

What i really dread is trying to get 6000 kills with the Hammerburst. By the time i down someone with it, i need to reload. It wouldnt be so bad if the clip was a little bit longer. It also doesnt help that it shoots really slow when holding the trigger in. I wish i had a modded controller just so i can use it to get 6000 kills in private matches. If anyone has some tips for getting easy kills with it, let me know.
This is what I did: KOTH on Checkout, 15 rounds, 60 points to win, full lobby of casual bots, 60 second revive time, no weapons except for the Snub Pistol replacing the frags.

The first hill is at frags. After killing a few bots, they will spawn by the mulcher most of the time (just don't mantle over to the Mulcher area, or they will spawn somewhere else). You should finish the round the before the hill moves. With the rounds being so short, the bots will only spawn at the Mulcher for the whole match.

As for the kills, I suggest dropping your shotgun and picking up a Lancer. Use the Lancer to down guys (they have 60 sec revive times) and sweep them up with the Hammerburst.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']TBD?

They were announced a couple weeks ago:

5 Maps: Jacinto, Raven's Down, Cove, Artillery and Aftermath

4 player skins (LE commando dom, LE savage elite grenadier, LE mechanic baird, and savage hunter)

7 weapon skins, 5 available to use immediately and 2 unlockable.[/QUOTE]

Thanks LinkinPrime!

I am reminded how behind I am on forums as well.

Seeing the full Season Pass contents now sure makes All Fronts Collection seem like a real bargain! [or it makes Season Pass seem like a rip-off vise versa]

Plus the formerly exclusive skins now all have LE variants; except for Adam Fenix...geesh.

I am disappointed there wasn't a Marcus skin from the Pendulum War era; similar to Commando Dom. Or a Helen Stroud and Carlos Santiago skin from the Aspho Fields incident. [guess we'll have to wait for Gears 4 - 6 eh?]

I also heard rumors of a Season Pass 2. Any truths to this?
[quote name='Mospeada_21']
I also heard rumors of a Season Pass 2. Any truths to this?[/QUOTE]

as of right now that's all it is to be is a rumor. but they have some maps and skins that have not gotten released yet so they will def have more DLCs but don't know if they will do a season pass for what they have left.
[quote name='kylerg']Pissed. I was trying a boosting run on 3-1, and after amassing a gigantic score, the power flicked and I lost it all. Damn.[/QUOTE]

that blows.

this is why I try not to spot boost for more than 30-45 mins at a time.

if it's a problem, maybe you should invest in a UPS power strip.
I have a UPS, it was weird.

Also, I ran through and only did about 300k, and at the end got 700 points? What went wrong, that isn't massive xp.
if you are doing the trick on the level where you defend the castle, then you have to score around 3 mil to get good xp. Ive never done that trick myself. But thats what ive read.
[quote name='kylerg']I have a UPS, it was weird.

Also, I ran through and only did about 300k, and at the end got 700 points? What went wrong, that isn't massive xp.[/QUOTE]

You should kill the Reavers until you get ~2,500,000 points (can be done in about an hour and a half if you do it right). When you finish the chapter, you should get over 7,500,000 points (assuming you have this set-up: Insane, super reload, and 2 hard mutators). The King of Cog medal requires 7,500,000 points in arcade and grants you 20,000 exp.
[quote name='kylerg']I have a UPS, it was weird.

Also, I ran through and only did about 300k, and at the end got 700 points? What went wrong, that isn't massive xp.[/QUOTE]

i've noticed that if you don't have enough players/bots or the rounds to win aren't long enough you won't get ribbons or get the minimal amount of XP when you finish. so...maybe something like that.
still holding off on buying dlc.

question for those that play mp: what rank/level do you think a "normal" player would be at now assuming they played fairly often since release and don't boost?

I've seen some blue and red ranks in quick (mostly stay in PC atm) but mostly just non colors and a few greens. I'm regular 9X (do I need dlc to rank up?) even though I got on release but haven't really played Oct-Jan.

oh and 7th, after your party left a few nights ago I stayed in the game (warzone). someone joined during round 2 and I sniped them in round 3. round 4 he shotguns me and then leaves after the round. I received a message from him calling me a scrub for boosting against bots and how he beat me.

This guy was a red rank and he joined and quit several matches earlier (when 7th's party and I were dominating noobs and bots lol). Third time I received a message for being a noob/scrub for boosting against bots.
I think if you see blue they boost. I boosted some and im red 86. I havent done that in a while though because im going for medals and once i hit red 100 i wont re-up. So no real need for me to waste my time spotting to gain xp, when medals will help me get there. So i think high 100s, or 1-50 greens would seem average. Its funny when i see a 100/400 wings i just assume its someone who didnt buy the DLC to re-up, since you cant tell them apart that much. LOL They could be 400, but idk that.

Yeah i hate playing bots. You cant help it if you get a room full of bots, especially late at night. Who cares if you boost vs bots or not? Guy probably just felt like he got revenge finally after we crushed him over and over and he finally got a win vs you and bots. I play with those guys sometimes, they are good. Been playing with them since gears of war 2. Still not sure how you joined my game though, i had my setting to invite only, unless it was becuase the guys i joined had it set to joinable? IDK, not that i cared because a full team is always good to have.
[quote name='Gamer SDP']question for those that play mp: what rank/level do you think a "normal" player would be at now assuming they played fairly often since release and don't boost?
It's hard to nail a specific range, as you could play regularly, but not win or kill often. Also, the mode(s) you play could have a strong factor in your rank.

I'd say being a high white 90 is fairly decent if you don't boost. Maximum would be around mid-green. Anyone with red or blue numbers has definitely boosted to get that far, which I still don't understand the point of. Boosting medals you'll never get or go after makes sense if you're after Seriously 3.0. Boosting rank, which comes from everything in the game, including the previously mentioned medals, is pointless.

Also, you can't Re-Up without the DLC. You've made it this long without it, so don't worry about the rank number. More than likely they'll have another sale on the Season Pass around or after the release of DLC 4 (just like they did with Raam's Shadow) before they remove it from the marketplace (if they're true to their stance about removing it after the release of all 4 DLCs...though Epic hasn't kept their word much with this game).
[quote name='Gamer SDP']still holding off on buying dlc.

question for those that play mp: what rank/level do you think a "normal" player would be at now assuming they played fairly often since release and don't boost? [/QUOTE]

I'm 26 Green, and I play pretty much 4hrs TDM Ranked every day about 5-7 days a week. I'd say the norm right now is 75-99 Greens, with the hardcore players being in the early to mid-red and boosters in Blue.


The Savage Hunter in action:
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Yes the numbers go, white, green, red, blue. The medal wings go, Bronze, Green, Red, Gold.

I onyx my Sawed Off today... hell yes! Thats my 42nd onyx. Of the 5 starting weapons all i have left are hammerburst and retro lancer. Im about 600 curbstomps away from onyx. Cant wait to get that over with. I hate when im trying to curbstomp a guy with Y, only to keep looking over to a downed teammate.

Also i think scorchers on rustlung work pretty well. Better IMO than trying to use a hammer of Dawn, because the HOD has such a low ammo capacity. So right now i am playing KOTH on rustlung, using scorchers to down enemies and then curb stomp them. If i happen to kill them with the scorcher then i dont care because i still need to onyx Pyro medal.
Today i onyx'd Old Schooler and Finisher. I need 1,000 more kills to get Pyro. Like i said above, i use the scorcher on rustlung, KOTH. I get about 40 kills per round with it, depending on if i run out of ammo, or die. I love bots that pick up power weapons then switch to another gun. -_-

Man i just noticed Heavy Weapons is onyx at 6,000. I only have that at silver. Though ive been using the mulcher on thrashball, mixed in with some rifle/pistol when i have to wait and get around 60 kills a round. Thats not bad. I can only get about 40 kills a round using the retro. :/ Hammerburst i got around 50 kills a round.

So i have 44 onyx medals, so close, but yet so far. Id really like to get some of these guns over with so the only medals i need are ones i can boost without playing. But it still going to take a while for me to get all of them to Onyx. I just try to focus on one or two medals and take small chunks out of them at a time. Think i might try to finish up Pyro tomorrow.
@ AlphaPanda I would say your a little late to the party but hay we are happy to have ya! play the story then come join us for some insane horde & beast!

Oh and go ahead and play the camp. in arcade mode to start getting some xp
[quote name='knightsmith']@ AlphaPanda I would say your a little late to the party but hay we are happy to have ya! play the story then come join us for some insane horde & beast!

Oh and go ahead and play the camp. in arcade mode to start getting some xp[/QUOTE]

I'm down to help with some beast and horde most nights until ME3 comes out then...well...i'm off to save humanity for a bit.
This weekends event is TDM, stranded style... which means same shit, no parties. Yeah really disappointing. I dont get these stranded playlists. I mainly play alone, but also play in parties. I have fun either way. So does there really need to be a playlist dedicated to people who dont have friends? I dont think so. What a waste of an event. They could have at least brought back stay frosty, or SOMETHING different than what i can already play.
I like the Stranded playlists. Not that I'm that great at multiplayer anyway, but I definitely notice a difference when everyone is a lone wolf vs. being on a team of lone wolves against a party group. It's nice to have the option available anyway.
[quote name='The 7th Number']So does there really need to be a playlist dedicated to people who dont have friends?[/QUOTE]
It's not because you don't have friends, it's because getting lumped together with some clueless randoms vs a coordinated party of 3+ gets exceedingly old after the first two minutes.
So one of the reasons I bought this game was the promise of dedicated servers and now it's locked out unless you buy DLC. Well then, this is one less game in the rotation.
[quote name='Pirate331']It's not because you don't have friends, it's because getting lumped together with some clueless randoms vs a coordinated party of 3+ gets exceedingly old after the first two minutes.[/QUOTE]
I see this complaint on so many different forums, and yet Epic always removes the Stranded Playlist. It's so much better to play on teams made up evenly of strangers than it is to play against stacked teams.

People seem to forget that in Gears of War Ranked Matches were just like this, and it was interesting to have to work with randoms to beat teams of randoms. Now Gears of War Ranked Matches are ruined by stacked teams who think they're elite because they take on people who are individuals looking for matchmaking.

It's a shame. I'd like to go back and get Seriously..., but it just seems out of reach now.

[quote name='dastly75']So one of the reasons I bought this game was the promise of dedicated servers and now it's locked out unless you buy DLC. Well then, this is one less game in the rotation.[/QUOTE]
It's really lousy that they did that. It divides their community, and will in turn generate 2nd hand sales and trade-ins by unsatisfied customers. There was no asterisk on the back case that said *Must have all DLC to access dedicated servers, so this definitely should be considered a type of bait and switch.

Even (re)adding Guardian, but then saying that you must have the DLC makes it limiting. It's just detrimental to a game that has a high selling point based around it's online experience to limit what modes people can play because they lack DLC, especially if the game has only been out for months. And then these companies wonder why consumers buy used and sell their games so frequently.
Got my Pyro Onyx medal, #45.

I dont really understand the Leader and Abductor medals. To onyx Leader you need 1,500 wins as leader without being captured. Abductor is a measly 500 leader captures. It seems like it should be the other way around, 1500 leader caps and not being captured 500 times. I mean when i play with friends im almost never the leader.
When you play Private Matches of CTL, you are the leader every five rounds because everyone takes turns being the leader (assuming you are playing with nine bots). I recommend playing on Blood Drive because the spawns are close to each other.
[quote name='The 7th Number']
I dont really understand the Leader and Abductor medals. To onyx Leader you need 1,500 wins as leader without being captured. Abductor is a measly 500 leader captures. It seems like it should be the other way around, 1500 leader caps and not being captured 500 times. I mean when i play with friends im almost never the leader.[/QUOTE]
Not only that, but with the Leader Rescues Medal you have conflict of interest. The Leaders don't want to get grabbed for the Sovereign Medal, the enemy wants to grab the opposing Leader for the Capture Medal, and teammates want their Leader to be grabbed for the Rescue Medal.

I understand that setup is the keep the game aggressive since everyone has a personal interest, but it does hurt the team spirit of the game.
If you want to work on leader untouchables sign in a second controller. Have the 2nd controller start from main sign in screen (working as a main controller), set up clt, 1 round with casual bots. After the first round the main profile should (not the one that started the game) should always be the leader. Just play it out over and over again.
[quote name='kklems']If you want to work on leader untouchables sign in a second controller. Have the 2nd controller start from main sign in screen (working as a main controller), set up clt, 1 round with casual bots. After the first round the main profile should (not the one that started the game) should always be the leader. Just play it out over and over again.[/QUOTE]

I was going to try this, but idle boost it too. But im not sure if that would be an effective way to getting these. With it 5 vs 3, i am not sure how many times id win as the leader.
Man, I haven't touched gears in like 2 weeks, I miss that game! I just bought the horde command pack and I'm going to start playing it again! I'm so excited for the forces of nature map pack! I now have every map pack thats been released for gears :)
I got my Onyx spotter medal last night, #46, also got heavy weapons up to gold. Need about 300 more wins to onyx that, and about 1400 retro kills to onyx that. Getting there slowly. Most of my medals are now boostable. I only have to manually do 6 i believe, the rest can be done AFK. Depends if bots can win CTL with 2 AFK controllers or not. If not i plan on playing a lot of guardian once that comes out, as long as they dont fuck it up.
bread's done