Gears Of War - General info and Discussion #1 (MODS LOCK PLS)

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[quote name='anomynous']what did teh patch that went up last night do?[/quote]
I didn't have to download a patch. You talking about the dashboard update from a few days ago?
[quote name='anomynous']what did teh patch that went up last night do?[/QUOTE]
There wasn't a patch.
[quote name='Brak']There wasn't a patch.[/QUOTE]
I know that now, I had to download the dashboard update when I put Gears in...........
[quote name='Brak']There wasn't a patch.[/quote]

It just asked me to download an update, and I already had the dash update. /shrug
Does anyone else experience constant "disc unreadable" errors? Sometimes it's when the game first starts up, sometimes during play.. while loading.. completely at random usually. None of my other games have problems, so it isn't my 360.. but it's really pissing me off.

I'm trying to get through Act 2 and it's done it like 8 times now.

EDIT: Bah, this is useless. After the checkpoint for the second section in Act 2, as soon as I run out the door and start shooting, it lasts exactly 7 seconds and then it gives me the error. Same spot, every single time without fail.
[quote name='AlienLX']Does anyone else experience constant "disc unreadable" errors? Sometimes it's when the game first starts up, sometimes during play.. while loading.. completely at random usually. None of my other games have problems, so it isn't my 360.. but it's really pissing me off.

I'm trying to get through Act 2 and it's done it like 8 times now.

EDIT: Bah, this is useless. After the checkpoint for the second section in Act 2, as soon as I run out the door and start shooting, it lasts exactly 7 seconds and then it gives me the error. Same spot, every single time without fail.[/quote]

Yeah, I get that problem a lot too. Not every time I play, but I would say at least once a day seems about right. Quite annoying when I'm doing some multiplayer online :bomb:
[quote name='Jek Porkins']This is the only strategy I've found that worked solo on Insane, though I used the shotgun in place of the Lancer. Thanks for posting it, it helped me a lot![/QUOTE]

Not a problem; I'm glad to hear it helped. :)
Rabbitt and I just beat Raam on Insane earlier today on our THIRD try :D.
It wasn't planned, and it was incredibly risky/lucky, but it worked incredibly well.

What we did was had one person on torque bow to get rid of the kryll shield and hurt Raam whenever he didn't have his shield. The other player exclusively used the lancer whenever the shield was down for more damage.
Continue doing this until Raam nears your hiding place.
When he's close, but not close enough to get around and kill you, send ONE of the players around the barrier on the side opposite of Raam and have them fire a few shots and Raam to get his attention and just run like hell. The player still behind the barrier is to come out on Raam's side and stick him with a nade. Victory is yours.
The ability to constantly play with friends in ranked matchs has worked me wonders. I usually get 1st or close behind in second in points thanks to my l33t pistol skills, but with my friends I hardly lose. I think I've won 30 out of my last 37 or so matchs with my friends which is insane. It's such a relief to play with your friends then a bunch of guys who don't have a mic/want to discuss whats going on.

This game was fun co-op single player, but I'm so addicted to the multiplayer that I'm almost afraid to pickup R6:Vegas.
damn i could play this on LIVE till sunrise, its very addicting. i still suck at shooting, but the the chainsaws are sick lol. the only thing preventing me from playing this game for hours straight, is not wanting to overuse my xbox and have it overheat. its need some time to rest too lol. i'd rather be cautious because i know the 360 red ring of death will happen eventually
[quote name='Monsta Mack']The ability to constantly play with friends in ranked matchs has worked me wonders.[/quote]How do you manage that?
[quote name='LiquidNight']How do you manage that?[/QUOTE]
Discuss the parameters of the match with your team first. As in, number of rounds and game type. After the list is populated with names, find your friend's name and that's it.
I hate playing multiplayer anytime before/around noon with the general Xbox Live public. 90% of the games feature either German, French, or Dutch guys rambling on and on and on.
[quote name='LiquidNight']How do you manage that?[/QUOTE]

Not too difficult. I get 2-3 friends on constantly and send them a msg letting em know i'll be making a game in a few. Sometimes I go to private chat and we talk while they are in a game. Then once they are both free I tell them It's up. I usually don't start the game till my friends are there (sometimes even quitting out if they don't join). Then once they are in the magic begins! Before the game ends I tell them the map/number of rounds and they are there pretty quick. It's not too hard once you practice it.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Not too difficult. I get 2-3 friends on constantly and send them a msg letting em know i'll be making a game in a few. Sometimes I go to private chat and we talk while they are in a game. Then once they are both free I tell them It's up. I usually don't start the game till my friends are there (sometimes even quitting out if they don't join). Then once they are in the magic begins! Before the game ends I tell them the map/number of rounds and they are there pretty quick. It's not too hard once you practice it.[/quote]

I just hope you guys don't kill harvest....
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Not too difficult. I get 2-3 friends on constantly and send them a msg letting em know i'll be making a game in a few. Sometimes I go to private chat and we talk while they are in a game. Then once they are both free I tell them It's up. I usually don't start the game till my friends are there (sometimes even quitting out if they don't join). Then once they are in the magic begins! Before the game ends I tell them the map/number of rounds and they are there pretty quick. It's not too hard once you practice it.[/QUOTE]

It seems most people playing ranked matches are doing something like this. And also why I never play ranked matches, until they fix it.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']?[/QUOTE]

When playing in Execution, players don't "bleed-out" when they're taken down but not killed. Rather, after their bleed-out period ends, they revive. What some players are doing is killing everybody off on the opposing team except one or two guys, then taking the remaining players down, letting them revive, and them taking them down again. When a player first revives they cannot really control themselves for a couple of seconds, leaving them vulnerable to be taken down again without having any chance to retaliate.

Doing this over and over allows players to earn absurd amounts of points, but it's a very cheap tactic and can drag matches on for hours depending on who you're playing against.
[quote name='Pylis']When playing in Execution, players don't "bleed-out" when they're taken down but not killed. Rather, after their bleed-out period ends, they revive. What some players are doing is killing everybody off on the opposing team except one or two guys, then taking the remaining players down, letting them revive, and them taking them down again. When a player first revives they cannot really control themselves for a couple of seconds, leaving them vulnerable to be taken down again without having any chance to retaliate.

Doing this over and over allows players to earn absurd amounts of points, but it's a very cheap tactic and can drag matches on for hours depending on who you're playing against.[/quote]

We do that to get back at people who act like dicks while playing. Has nothing to do with points for us.
Is anyone else seeing this pointless strategy on Gridlock of getting the sniper and maybe another weapon (boomshot) and all of the team sitting in the truck right outside of the sniper tower. It was only pointless because everytime I got the grenades stuck one of them and 2 or 3 of them died everytime, but maybe with some better players, that strategy would work...
this is frustrating...anyone else have a problem connecting to an online co-op?? really want to try this, but i get to the list area, but it never connects
[quote name='thrustbucket']It seems most people playing ranked matches are doing something like this. And also why I never play ranked matches, until they fix it.[/QUOTE]

I hope they don't fix it.

Well I don't play execution (if ever) so kill harvesting doesn't effect me. But when people are dicks I usually just fake GENERAL RAMM THEM up the ass while smoke gernading em. Always gets a good laugh.
anyone have tips for the last section of Act 4 on Insane? the courtyard with the two boomers in it?

should I try the same strategy as I did in Hardcore difficulty? I just sprinted as fast as I could past the boomers and tried to get to the APC.
[quote name='asianxcore']anyone have tips for the last section of Act 4 on Insane? the courtyard with the two boomers in it?

should I try the same strategy as I did in Hardcore difficulty? I just sprinted as fast as I could past the boomers and tried to get to the APC.[/QUOTE]

yeah that's exactly what i did, try to take out at least one if you can, but all you gotta do is just run fast as possible
Easy to beat insane on co-op try using crappy weapons and playing solo using like pistol or sniper only
[quote name='asianxcore']anyone have tips for the last section of Act 4 on Insane? the courtyard with the two boomers in it?

should I try the same strategy as I did in Hardcore difficulty? I just sprinted as fast as I could past the boomers and tried to get to the APC.[/QUOTE]

well as long as we are no longer using spoilers, yes just run, its simple
[quote name='AshesofWake']yeah that's exactly what i did, try to take out at least one if you can, but all you gotta do is just run fast as possible[/QUOTE]

Thanks! I just beat it. Took one out and got lucky the rest of the way.
I just played some ranked matches for the first time...

WOW! The Baddy McBadasses are sure out in full force, on this title.

Everyone is fairly cut-throat, and I've lost count of how many times a partner, who is on top of me, wouldn't revive me.

I also lost count of how many times my remaining teammate is down... and doesn't tap the A button to revive. He doesn't even get executed... he just passes away from being down for so long.
[quote name='Brak']I just played some ranked matches for the first time...

WOW! The Baddy McBadasses are sure out in full force, on this title.

Everyone is fairly cut-throat, and I've lost count of how many times a partner, who is on top of me, wouldn't revive me.

I also lost count of how many times my remaining teammate is down... and doesn't tap the A button to revive. He doesn't even get executed... he just passes away from being down for so long.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I don't play ranked matches. They are FUBAR. Every ding dong and their dog meet on there with their friends to just be a meat grinder for people joining matches to play as intended. Stupid.

You'll have better luck, and more fun, doing player matches.

I'll play ranked matches when they fix it so you can't see the name of anyone before you join a match.

Oh and most popular tactics these days: Charge in blind firing shotgun asap. Or grenade tag fest. There are ALWAYS at least a couple people in every game doing one of those.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Oh and most popular tactics these days: Charge in blind firing shotgun asap. Or grenade tag fest. There are ALWAYS at least a couple people in every game doing one of those.[/QUOTE]

I see those tactics constantly. I won't condemn them because they're fair game, but it annoys the hell out of me.
[quote name='Brak']
I also lost count of how many times my remaining teammate is down... and doesn't tap the A button to revive. He doesn't even get executed... he just passes away from being down for so long.[/QUOTE]
Were you playing Warzone or Execution? In Execution, even if you don't press A you will get up after the time set by the host. In Warzone, tapping A will only prolong the death a little bit after the amount of time the host has set.
I finally beat General Ramm on Insane :)

I did Co-Op with one of my friends. It was funny because the entire time we weren't paying attention. We talked about Metal Gear Solid 3 the entire time, while we were shooting. Next thing you know the cutscene starts playing. So weird.

Now I can put my focus in this game into the Multiplayer, since I suck at it. Other than the strategy mentioned earlier in the thread, does anyone know another way to get the "Clusterluck" achievement?
So I have found every weapon in the game has it's uses except the magnum. Does anyone ever pick it up and use it? It seems it's extremely slow, and still takes 3 shots to down someone.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I'll join you if I'm on.[/quote]Ditto. Sent you a friend invite Rolento. I shall challenge you for worst CAG GoW player.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Ditto. Sent you a friend invite Rolento. I shall challenge you for worst CAG GoW player.[/quote]Ditto here. Will try to find you guys if it isn't full by the time I get on.
[quote name='SteveMcQ']Ditto. Sent you a friend invite Rolento. I shall challenge you for worst CAG GoW player.[/QUOTE]

...whch will result inthe worlds best worst GoW match vid :)
[quote name='thrustbucket']Nice.

Anyone else notice that people don't play tyro station or mausoleum as much? I ask why, and people say they often take too long. Always comes down to 1 v 1 for 5 minutes.[/quote]It's been a while since I've played, so I dont remember what mausoleum is, but as for tyro, I agree. Every time I play tyro, and its 1v1, it usually comes down to a game of cat-mouse, or both players will keep moving around in circles, never seeing each other.
why do people whine about grenade tagging? You shouldnt be able to get close enough to do it in GoW, and you can easily kill the would be tagger w/ the shotgun.
[quote name='anomynous']why do people whine about grenade tagging? You shouldnt be able to get close enough to do it in GoW, and you can easily kill the would be tagger w/ the shotgun.[/quote]

The gibbing range of the shotgun is outbeaten by the range of nade tagging. It's best to keep distance if you know a tagger is around the area. That's the only real defense. And pray that your teammates don't run straight into him thinking it'll be a shotgun vs shotgun duel.
[quote name='anomynous']why do people whine about grenade tagging? You shouldnt be able to get close enough to do it in GoW, and you can easily kill the would be tagger w/ the shotgun.[/QUOTE]

Or a pistol, or any other weapon while walking backwards... just hope ur teammate isn't behind u blocking ur path... or a wall :p
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