Geez... nobody leaves feedback anymore


216 (100%)
It seems like people just stopped leaving feedback. Of the last 6 auctions I've sold, I've only received feedback from 3 of them and that was only AFTER I sent out my reminder email.

I always got feedback in the past but now it's like nobody cares anymore. WTF?!:bomb:

EDIT Yeah, eBay feedback. Most other places are cool.
You're talking eBay? I still get feedback on nearly every trade here and at TradeGamesNow. But on my Amazon and eBay accounts I get feedback from only 5-10% of my buyers, and that's even with sending out a request for feedback when I notify them of shipment.
[quote name='boyward']You're talking eBay? I still get feedback on nearly every trade here and at TradeGamesNow. But on my Amazon and eBay accounts I get feedback from only 5-10% of my buyers, and that's even with sending out a request for feedback when I notify them of shipment.[/quote]
Jeez I'd go absolutely nuts if I only got feedback from 10 percent of my buyers. I have about a 90 percent feedback receiving rate. Now that I finally have a blue star (50 feedback), I really don't care if I don't get anymore since I have enough as a seller to be trusted.
i get about 50% feedback. its annoying because its really not that hard. whats even more frustrating is when you ask them to leave feedback and they just ignore you, i mean i know theyre getting their emails.
(Disclaimer: I already have about 8500+/99.9% feedback so my point of view is probably a bit different than most)

Honestly, now that your feedback profile shows the dollar amount of each item, I've got to the point where unless I sell a $50+ item, I don't really care if I get feedback or not. Since I have a lot of higher priced stuff in my store, I want people to see that when I deal in higher $ items, I don't fuck around. If someone buys a $15 game and doesn't leave feedback, oh well, but if somebody buys a Wii bundle from me and doesn't leave feedback...that gets me a little annoyed, not much, but a little.
I also get feedback from about 90% of my transactions off eBay. Some people are just plain lazy and just don't care.

When I sell I've made it a policy not to submit feedback untill I get feedback from them first. It saves my ass just in case they want to be a a-hole and leave a negitive. And if they want feedback, they ain't gonna get it until I get mine.
Yeah, I don't return feedback unless I get some in return but still... it's nice to have feedback if a buyer is happy with their item. I remember back when I used to get feedback for everything I sold but these days, I'm lucky to even get feedback for half my sales.
I noticed on the last item I bought on eBay that the seller didn't even bother asking me about feedback. I paid him right away and figured he'd leave me something, and he completely ignored my e-mail. It took him a year and a day to ship my item (a lousy digital camera USB cable), so maybe he kept his feedback handy in case I left feedback indicating his lousy response time.

God, I hate eBay feedback.
Don't worry. I'm willing to bet that at least one of the rest (or maybe even two) will leave you feedback in about... 3 weeks. That's what's been happening to me lately.
It's funny... I just left feedback for 3 of my purchases and the sellers returned feedback within 12 hours.

Maybe buyers are just afraid I'll holding them feedback hostage? I know it's BS since a lot of bigger sellers do it but most of my buyers seem honest.
As an ebay seller with 100% positive on over 3300 transactions I usually receive feedback on about 85 - 90 % of the auctions I list. Like other have stated, I do not leave feedback until it is left for me ( I use automatic feedback feature on Auctiva, so I never leave feedback for buyers, program does it for me). As a buyer I always leave feedback when I am pleased, if I am not pleased I dont leave any(momma always said if you dont have anything noce to say....), but do contact the seller to let them know why I am unhappy. I have also found that some ebayers do not want the item title in their ebay feedback profile and skip for this reason. Overall it does not matter to me whether feedback is left, as long as the customer is happy I am happy.
The second to last batch of items I sold, 30 out of 31 people left feedback, that was awesome - this last batch, it seems about 8 out of 30 people have left feedback.

Feedback lets me know a buyer is completely happy with their item, so I appreciate getting it. I don't even bother asking buyers anymore to leave it since they just ignore your emails.

I leave feedback ASAP for everything I get off Ebay, because I know it takes a load off the seller's mind knowing the buyer is happy.

Like it's been mentioned, it takes all of 5 seconds, and I really don't understand why most people don't leave it.
So the protocol is for the buyer to leave feedback first? That doesn't seem right to me. As a buyer, so long as I deliver payment in a timely manner, I've held up my end of the bargain. In this regard, the seller should be the first to leave feedback, then the buyer leaves their feedback once they've received the item as promised. It only seems right.
I always leave feedback as a buyer. But God, how I get frustrated when a seller doesn't leave me any.
[quote name='Zed']I always leave feedback as a buyer. But God, how I get frustrated when a seller doesn't leave me any.[/quote]

You shouldn't get too frustrated. Feedback as a buyer means nothing because as long as you don't have negative feedback, you can buy whatever you want.
I always have a few stragglers. a reminder usually gets them, but then a few just won't leave it. I hold on to their DC slips if I don't ship directly through paypal.
[quote name='Kendro']You shouldn't get too frustrated. Feedback as a buyer means nothing because as long as you don't have negative feedback, you can buy whatever you want.[/quote]

Yeah, but it's nice to build some sort of good reputation, especially when you're a (*cue: Twilight Zone theme*) foreign bidder ;)
[quote name='dothog']So the protocol is for the buyer to leave feedback first? That doesn't seem right to me. As a buyer, so long as I deliver payment in a timely manner, I've held up my end of the bargain. In this regard, the seller should be the first to leave feedback, then the buyer leaves their feedback once they've received the item as promised. It only seems right.[/quote]

I understand your position on this, but quick payment does not mean that the transaction has been completed. It is also not the end of the buyers responsibility, as you must still accept delivery, examine the item purchased, and resolve any issues if any should arise. If the buyer pays lightning fast, receivces the item, then files a dispute with ebay or paypal(whether legitimate or not), then they are not such a great buyer for making quick payment. For this reason I do not leave feedback until it is left for me.
[quote name='dothog']So the protocol is for the buyer to leave feedback first? That doesn't seem right to me. As a buyer, so long as I deliver payment in a timely manner, I've held up my end of the bargain. In this regard, the seller should be the first to leave feedback, then the buyer leaves their feedback once they've received the item as promised. It only seems right.[/QUOTE]

Yep, that's generally the procedure. WAY back when ebay was all done via money orders (this was before PayPal even existed) it was customary to leave feedback for a buyer as soon as the payment arrived. But there were two reasons for this: 1) MO's were pretty much going to be genuine at that time. 2) Once they've paid you via MO there's no chargeback mechanism. But since the "PayPal age" it is not smart for sellers to leave feedback first. Then the buyer can do whatever they want in terms of claiming the package never got there or was damaged or whatever. Of course, negative feedback is not going to stop a scammer so I suppose the protection may only be in my mind, but regardless I don't leave feedback until the buyer does.

And some of you guys ask for feedback from buyers? I find it highly annoying when anyone asks for feedback (as a buyer or seller). I don't mind at all, of course, if a buyer leaves me feedback and then asks me to do the same. I always leave feedback after the buyer does, anyway, though sometimes I don't get around to it for a few weeks (I do it in batches).

I'd say I get around 50% feedback for things I sell, but I don't really keep track so it's hard to say. At this point I don't care, as long as what I get is positive.

But now, of course, there's the 5-star "Detailed Seller Ratings", so it is almost like starting all over again with feedback. So far I'm either the full 5 or just a smidge under 5 for those. I'm about 4 3/4 for shipping and handling charges even though I charge less than 90% of ebay sellers - thing is, I don't offer "FREE" shipping so I can't compete on that and understand why someone might 4-star me on that part ;). The annoying one is for "Communication" (I'm still near 5 but don't get why it would be anything less). I send a personal email out to every buyer when I mail their package. The thing is, I've found that many ebay buyer use bogus or throwaway email accounts for their buying (PayPal account, since I generally respond to the PayPal payment - it's way easier than logging into ebay and filling out the stupid contact form) and don't read the damn stuff. And then they get upset that you don't communicate (I've had some disputes that started this way until they found all my messages in the account they never read).
When selling, I always wait for the buyer to leave me feedback first, if for no other reason it leasve thew transaction open in case osmething happened during shipping or I did something stupid and like sent them the wrong thing or something (I've never done that, but there's been a few times that I cracked the enevelope open at the post office to triple check).

If I'm a buyer, I always leave feedback first (unless the seller beats me to it before the item gets there). If I've got my item, as described from them, why wouldn't I leave feedback first?
[quote name='dothog']So the protocol is for the buyer to leave feedback first? That doesn't seem right to me. As a buyer, so long as I deliver payment in a timely manner, I've held up my end of the bargain. In this regard, the seller should be the first to leave feedback, then the buyer leaves their feedback once they've received the item as promised. It only seems right.[/QUOTE]

Feedback is indicative of the overall sale - providing payment on time is just one part of that equation.

Should I really leave a positive for the buyer who tells me they never received my package and create a huge fuss, even though delivery confirmation says they received it weeks ago? (They later found out a family member had received it) Or the guy who wasn't happy with his game so he just decides to leave a negative with NO communication, even though I was more than happy to refund his cost + shipping? Or the guy who decided to message me 4 times in caps at 6 am because he "wanted to make sure I shipped his game out and didn't know why I wasn't answering" (duh, it's 6 am).

Yes, all these people "paid on time", but they were shitty buyers that other people should avoid - if I left immediate positive feedback, there would have been no way to show other sellers what these people are like.

This is the worst argument in the world that "because I pay on time I should get positive feedback regardless of how I act", no, feedback represents an entire transaction which is why I leave feedback once the buyer is sastisfied.
If you haven't left FB yourself you really don't have room to bitch. I don't leave FB first as a seller myself, but can't really get upset with buyers who have the same policy.

Personally I'd be :roll: if I got a feedback reminder e-mail from a seller who hadn't left me FB himself yet.
[quote name='Roufuss']Feedback is indicative of the overall sale - providing payment on time is just one part of that equation. . . .This is the worst argument in the world that "because I pay on time I should get positive feedback regardless of how I act", no, feedback represents an entire transaction which is why I leave feedback once the buyer is sastisfied.[/QUOTE]
You're right, it's the worst argument in the world. :lol: Much worse than Custer's "Hey guys, let's just keep heading along this river here--should be fun!" and Hitler's "Jews? Who needs 'em?" Your point is appreciated in spite of your methods.

[quote name='wubb']
Personally I'd be if I got a feedback reminder e-mail from a seller who hadn't left me FB himself yet.[/QUOTE]
Right. And ultimately I guess what everyone's saying is that the buyer has to leave FB first. However, I guess IMO in a sale where the buyer has acted impeccably (paid quickly, not been a dick according to Roufuss's conditions), I don't see what's preventing the seller from taking the initiative. Fear of bad FB, I guess.
I haven't been getting FB lately either it seems. I'm at a 49/100% and I'd really love to get over the 50 mark (I sell mostly) - if everyone left feedback I'd be over 60 by now. I only leave feedback as a seller when the buyer leaves me feedback first. As a buyer I leave feedback as soon as I receive the item and I am satisfied with it.
Back in 2000 or so, buyers received feedback as soon as they paid. The "A+++++ QUICK BUYER WOULD DO BUSINESS AGAIN RAPID PAYMENT LIGHTSPEED!" convention still is prevalent. I agree with previous posters - I am a buyer. If I gave you my money promptly, my end of the bargain is fulfilled. The point about chargebacks is taken, but that is largely an issue with Paypal and other Ebay policies. It shouldn't be resolved with feedback. Besides, ask anyone who withheld buyer feedback from a scammer who took their money and item whether the ability to leave that negative feedback made the universe right. Feedback only means anything to people who care about a good reputation.

In 2004, a woman sold me Clock Tower on It was described as "LIKE NEW!" etc. It arrived with the case cracked and disc visibly scuffled and scratched. It does play, thankfully. I left her a neutral describing that the game was sent promptly and does work, but is not close to new by any stretch of the imagination, or the English language. She retaliated - "buyer does not communicate properly." By purchasing an item, I did not constrain myself to spending more of my time dealing with dishonest sellers. I sent her my money; she stretched the truth. Positive; neutral.

Since then, I've adopted the policy described by wubb and others.
[quote name='dothog']You're right, it's the worst argument in the world. :lol: Much worse than Custer's "Hey guys, let's just keep heading along this river here--should be fun!" and Hitler's "Jews? Who needs 'em?" Your point is appreciated in spite of your methods.

Right. And ultimately I guess what everyone's saying is that the buyer has to leave FB first. However, I guess IMO in a sale where the buyer has acted impeccably (paid quickly, not been a dick according to Roufuss's conditions), I don't see what's preventing the seller from taking the initiative. Fear of bad FB, I guess.[/QUOTE]

Well, the seller's job is so tiny and everything rests on the buyers - ultimately, like an transaction ever, the buyer holds all the power. All I can do is ship it in a timely manner with good packaging, everything else falls to the buyer. The buyer inspects it, tests it, plays it for awhile, checks out the packaging, see if they are happy with the delivery time, resolve things with the seller.

I once sold a Gameboy Color game that worked fine when I sent it out to someone - as soon as he got it, he IMMEDIATELY left bad feedback that said "SELLS BROKEN GAMES DON'T BUY RIPOFF!!". Now, what the fuck? I'm a reasonable guy, and I do offer complete refunds to people who are unsastisfied for one reason or another - it's rare, but carts are fickle business sometimes.

If this guy wrote me, explained it didn't work, I'd offer a complete refund - it was only $3 + shipping, no questions asked. Instead he left this horrible feedback which was uncalled for without ever contacting me.

If I already left a positive, I'd be pretty much screwed, but I was able to go back, leave him the negative he deserves for being an asshole, and even then I still wrote him explaining to him how I would have gladly refunded him if he wrote me first. He admitted to acting too quickly, didn't want the negative on his account either so we mutually withdrew (and I refunded him). If I left him a postive already, he would just told me to fuck off, and to me, that's not a positive experience at all.

To me, this guy is the equivalent of the jackass at Best Buy who pays for something, but when it doesn't work comes back into the store and yells and screams and demands things go his way, instead of calmly explaining what is going on - sure, he spent money there, but he is labeled a bad customer because of his actions after the fact.

I'm having a bit of trouble getting my point across, but in a world where most buyers refuse to communicate through emails, positive feedback is the ONLY way sellers have of determining whether a buyer is happy or not. I wish Ebay would make it mandatory somehow, because I hate the fact some buyers got their stuff, and even when asked "Hey, I saw you received your game, is everything good?" still refuse to answer.

I don't understand why people think that as soon as they paid, that's it, there part of the transaction is finished, because it's not. A buyer who acts like a fool after they paid does NOT deserve a positive, imo... just because they paid means they can suddenly turn into an obnoxious asshole because they don't have to worry about FB anymore? No, I'm never putting that much power into my buyer's hands.

Unfortunately I've had people try some outlandish claims two or three weeks after the fact so it's not like I even feel comfortable giving people positive's a month after they paid.
[quote name='dothog']So the protocol is for the buyer to leave feedback first? That doesn't seem right to me. As a buyer, so long as I deliver payment in a timely manner, I've held up my end of the bargain. In this regard, the seller should be the first to leave feedback, then the buyer leaves their feedback once they've received the item as promised. It only seems right.[/QUOTE]

nope. the buyer always needs to leave it first.

my reasons:

--the transaction isn't finalized until the buyer receives the game and lets you know there aren't any problems by leaving a positive

--it's usually the buyer who is trying to scam. there would be no reason at all for a seller to leave negative feedback after the buyer has left a positive. however, a buyer could easily leave a negative saying they didn't receive it etc. without any recourse in their feedback, and giving them extra leverage if they try to charge back.
[quote name='Apossum']nope. the buyer always needs to leave it first.

my reasons:

--the transaction isn't finalized until the buyer receives the game and lets you know there aren't any problems by leaving a positive

--it's usually the buyer who is trying to scam. there would be no reason at all for a seller to leave negative feedback after the buyer has left a positive. however, a buyer could easily leave a negative saying they didn't receive it etc. without any recourse in their feedback, and giving them extra leverage if they try to charge back.[/QUOTE]

I honestly wouldn't care about feedback if the buyer somehow HAD to communicate to the seller that they got their items and are happy with the purchases - much like on CAG, it's not enforced, but everyone does. I love dealing with CAG because I know very quickly when someone has gotten their stuff.

On Ebay, people just ignore emails, even when sent through My Ebay so it shows up in their account AND they get an email.

That is my only problem is that 50% of the time I have no clue if the people are happy or not, and they have a long ass time (90 days I think) to chargeback for whatever reason, or complain.

I wish they dropped it to 30 like basacially everything else - after 30 days, too bad, can't charge back, the sale is finalized and over.
I hear ya on the no feed back anymore.. out of the last 3 trades I did on here only one person has left feedback.. all 3 of the trades are done from my end and im just waiting on one of the 3 games to get to me...

One thing im getting mad about is the people that request things be shipped to them First class with DC and then turn around and send your stuff media sometimes with no DC...
agreed fully. people are always communicative here and that's great. oh yeah, and ebay doesn't double dip on every sale you make :lol:

the charge back period is way too long. 45 days seems like enough time to weed out all possibilities (USPS screw ups, etc.) I don't sell many things over $100 so it doesn't affect me too much. but you never know-- some dumbass buyer may not receive their item, never contact you, then suddenly charge you back out of no where.

edit: it's pretty insulting that ebay has done absolutely nothing to fine tune their feedback system over the years. the recent update might as well have been a slap in the face.
[quote name='Apossum']agreed fully. people are always communicative here and that's great. oh yeah, and ebay doesn't double dip on every sale you make :lol:

the charge back period is way too long. 45 days seems like enough time to weed out all possibilities (USPS screw ups, etc.) I don't sell many things over $100 so it doesn't affect me too much. but you never know-- some dumbass buyer may not receive their item, never contact you, then suddenly charge you back out of no where.

edit: it's pretty insulting that ebay has done absolutely nothing to fine tune their feedback system over the years. the recent update might as well have been a slap in the face.[/QUOTE]

I had a lady, after a month and a half, all of a sudden file a chargeback that she "didn't receive her item", with no communication from me.

I escalated it, provided Delivery Confirmation, at which point, within the hour, she closed the dispute and wrote "Oh, I found the item".

She never sent me any emails, had already left positive feedback saying the item came and everything was great, so no clue what she was trying to pull here, but yea, the dumbass buyers do happen.

I'm surprised nobody has tried to charge back 2 or 3 months after the fact.

But this scenario happens AT LEAST once a month - usually when people live in an apt. They don't charge back, but I get frantic emails asking where their stuff is, when it was delivered weeks ago to the front desk.
[quote name='Vinny']It seems like people just stopped leaving feedback. Of the last 6 auctions I've sold, I've only received feedback from 3 of them and that was only AFTER I sent out my reminder email.

I always got feedback in the past but now it's like nobody cares anymore. WTF?!:bomb:

EDIT Yeah, eBay feedback. Most other places are cool.[/QUOTE]

I always leave feedback the very minute I get my item in. I kind of thought it was required funny enough. :p It is not a big deal though, it takes only a minute to do it in and sellers are looking for it for reputation purposes.
[quote name='wubb']If you haven't left FB yourself you really don't have room to bitch. I don't leave FB first as a seller myself, but can't really get upset with buyers who have the same policy.

Personally I'd be :roll: if I got a feedback reminder e-mail from a seller who hadn't left me FB himself yet.[/QUOTE]

That's just it... I don't know if they're not leaving feedback because they're happy or they're just lazy.

I'm afraid that if I leave feedback first, that they'd start making false claims like the item doesn't work and whatnot (can't say it was lost, I insured my packages).

If I screw up (like if I send the wrong game and can't/don't fix it) then yes, I deserve negative feedback and have NO reason to leave the seller negative. But if he/she just leaves me a negative without giving me a chance to fix it, then I'd feel like shoddy about it.
I've noticed that I get about 75% feedback on the stuff I list, which isn't too bad. It's about the difference from being at 22 to being nearly at 30 right now. I stopped leaving feedback for everybody that bought from when I noticed that about half of the first ten or so didn't leave any back, so I gave up and just waited for them to leave feedback (which I always suggest when I send the "your package has been shipped" message to them), which has worked a little better.
Ebay is so stressfull sometimes.. Ive had around 300 transactions and only 195 have left feedback. Out of those 300, I have had 3 people scam me, but its my fault I WILL NEVER SHIP TO CANADA AGAIN! Ive learned my lesson, and for those who haven't you will.. oh you will...
^^^ I ship to Canada all the time, no problems so far. I've only been potentially scammed (can't say for sure since he claimed he didn't get it and I have no proof either way) by someone in Spain.

If I excluded Canadian sales that would cut out about 10-20% of what I sell. Sometimes there are things that are too easily available in the US and don't sell well here but International buyers will eat 'em up (for example, the FF XII Collector's Edition right after it came out :lol:).

But I'm also aware that I can be scammed easily from Canada. If it happens I'll probably have to rethink the issue...
Ever since I received a neg after I left a buyer a positive, I emailed to ask for feedback, I never leave feedback first if I am the seller. I stopped asking for feedback I do not mention it in my listings or in my emails to buyers. Do not worry about things that you have no control over. FB is optional and remember no feedback is better than negative feedback.

As a buyer I always leave fb if I am satisfied with my purchase. I opened another Ebay account for buying this way if I have to neg a crooked seller I can do so without fear of damaging my selling account fb.:)
I leave feedback immediately upon receipt of an item. There is almost no good reason not to. The only time I really had a problem with receiving feedback was with gamelotus on CAG. I don't know what that dude's problem was.
Right now, I'm 4/14... which is ridiculous. 10 of those are recent transactions and I've gotten two really good reviews (beyond 'good seller') which is a relief since they seem happy about their stuff. One seller even emailed me to thank you for the fast shipping...

But another seller, asked me if I'd rush out his order since he needed it by today and I went out of my way to ship it the same day as he paid. The fucker got it on Monday and he hasn't even given me a simple noticed that he received the item.
i probally havent left feedback on ebay on over a year, unless they ask for it i ususally dont leave it.,

same with shipping games. i have around a 500+ feedback on ebay so i dont worryabout it anymore
bread's done