General gaming & industry news on twitter?


Ahoy everyone, I joined twitter a while ago and didn't bother with it because basically, I was using it wrong:applause:.
I have now learnt that its a great place to find out about breaking news and stuff like that.

Sooo, I would like to know of the best people/companies/magazines etc to follow for general gaming and industry news (surprisingly enough)

Can anyone suggest some good sources who get gaming news out quick, and focus on actual gaming/hardware news as opposed to prices etc (I live in the UK, so most of the time deals and stuff don't apply to me anywho)

Thanks in advance to anyone who makes good suggestions, and please don't suggest your own twitter, unless you happen to be completely on the ball and one of the first to tweet about gaming news, in that case carry on. :bouncy: Cheers!

(I apologise if there is somewhere else with this info, but I couldn't find it.:cry:)
I'm with you man/gal ( I don't know if you're a man or a woman, sorry) :\

I have a twitter account, but barely log in and barely follow it. I think I even forgot my username/password. I like facebook much better easier to navigate, IMO. And Status updates on facebook are the same as twitter, essentially. :shame:

I'd be interested to know this too.

About all I can say is, (and mods, please don't ban me for saying this) is to follow NeoGAF. That's where all the industry people post, or so I heard. Follow this site too. There's good, honest people on here always willing to help.
You have to follow a bunch of different people to get a majority of the info. I don't care for him personally, but Geoff Keighly gets a lot of inside info. A lot of companies will give him beta keys and early access codes for stuff so that he can distribute them. His interviews can be kinda douchey though.
Cheers folks, that at least gives me somewhere to start. If anyone else has any ideas please fill us in, and if I find anyone worth following I'll post it in here.

On another note, I'm a dude, but in a forum situation I imagine everyone to be asexual, so I wouldn't worry about it to much, but that was thoughtful of you to cover the bases (2DMention).:bouncy:
bread's done