General Gaming Thread ∞

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Too Human is weird. The armor is kind of ugly so far, and the enemies are a bit indistinguishable. I don't get the complaints about death either - yes you have to watch a death animation, but in return you keep your experience, equipment, and progress. Do people expect to have no punishment at all for dying?
I actually kinda liked Too Human, I have not beat it yet but it was pretty fun and I liked the environments and cutscenes. I wish they would have made the controls a bit more responsive and gave us complete camera control.

I would say it is a 7/10 game. "lol i hate too human but i never played it, am I cool yet?"
[quote name='Sparta Omni']And yes, Too Human is total crap. :/[/QUOTE]
I didn't say that. Juggling mid-air is pretty cool.

[quote name='Persona7']"lol i hate too human but i never played it, am I cool yet?"[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I think this pretty much sums it up.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']DUDE play Majora's Mask right this instant. It's awesome.


I know how awesome Majora's Mask is. All I put out was a question of which game I should continue playing at this moment in time. I've beaten Majora's Mask...6 times, including a 3-day run (not including the first 3 days of course).

By the way, I'm choosing Final Fantasy VII.
[quote name='Maklershed']Wooo! Finally beat Dead Space. :whee:[/QUOTE]
I beat it two days ago. Game is awesome. You going to try on Impossible mode with Plasma cutter only?

Also, I'm starting to sort of like Prototype... the controls at the moment are insanely hard to use. Jump, dash, into glide, into dash, into wall run, into dash, into glide, into target, switch target, attack is so hard. Do you eventually get a lunge ability? It is very annoying being ten feet away and not being able to hit the guy standing there and over running certain ones.
I PSP might be on its' way out...or it's just an emulator issue. I'm sitting here playing FF7 and gives me ye olde checkboard/static madness, but it doesn't freeze and I can continue playing. I go back to the XMB and its fine. I still have a 3-year warranty on it, but I don't want to replace it with a 3000.
OOT (and Majora's mask to a lesser extent IMO) revolutionzed 3d action games like Super Mario 64 revolutionized 3d platforming.

Also, Too human got hit with too much hate for being so hyped. It was far from a terrible game.

Then again I love hack n loots so...
It did it again...sigh. I'm going to play it on my PS3 and try on my PSP in the morning. If it happens again, I'm going to have to take it back.

How do I transfer a game save from a memory stick to a PS3 again?
3000's screen is FAR superior.
The scanline issue with certain games was overblown.
Color difference between 1000 and 2000 was amazing, and that same difference is there between 2000 and 3000.

I hear the GO's screen is even more beautiful.

Also Marvel Ultimate Alliance is AWFUL.
Why did I start this crap.... I thought 4 player co-op would make it fun.
I feel I'll enjoy it more playing it alone, so I'll give it another shot.

In other news, I got lucky and got two more sealed Time Crisis 4 boxes.
So excited. Worked out a deal with my fave GS to have them get the extra copies from the store 50 miles away.
Sometimes is good to be friendly with the staff.
I've done most of MUA in 2-player co-op and if we do an entire mission in one sitting it feels like an endurance trial. It just wipes me out for some reason. I'm not a huge Marvel fan either so the setting isn't doing much for me, but Mephisto's realm was pretty cool.
Works for me, will solve the problem of posts on the last page or two of a GGT going
[quote name='DarkNessBear']:whee:

Also, I'm starting to sort of like Prototype... the controls at the moment are insanely hard to use. Jump, dash, into glide, into dash, into wall run, into dash, into glide, into target, switch target, attack is so hard. Do you eventually get a lunge ability? It is very annoying being ten feet away and not being able to hit the guy standing there and over running certain ones.[/QUOTE]

I think there's a jumping attack that actually works with the blade, but it's 1,000,000 EP . I do enjoy the flying elbow drop with the Hammerfist, but it's only effective on tanks really.

As for movement, I just keep R2 held down for probably 90 percent of thetime while i'm on foot. I'm not even going to attempt to go for the landmark trophy. These controls are not made for doing anything precise. Anyone actually try to get the landmark orb on the tip of the Empire State Building? You can climb to a certain point and then you have to jump, but I end up rotating around and getting thrown away from the building every single time.
Hrmmm... I don't like Prototype that much. But for some reason I keep wanting to play it when I am not playing it...

As for movement, I just keep R2 held down for probably 90 percent of thetime while i'm on foot. I'm not even going to attempt to go for the landmark trophy. These controls are not made for doing anything precise. Anyone actually try to get the landmark orb on the tip of the Empire State Building? You can climb to a certain point and then you have to jump, but I end up rotating around and getting thrown away from the building every single time.
Ugh, so annoying. And at the moment I don't seem to have anything that lets me get back to the building when I am tumbling down to the floor...
[quote name='diddy310']As for movement, I just keep R2 held down for probably 90 percent of thetime while i'm on foot. I'm not even going to attempt to go for the landmark trophy. These controls are not made for doing anything precise. Anyone actually try to get the landmark orb on the tip of the Empire State Building? You can climb to a certain point and then you have to jump, but I end up rotating around and getting thrown away from the building every single time.[/QUOTE]

I may have to jump on that B2G1 sale for DS games at BB to get three $20 games for $40 total, like Chrono Trigger, Advanced Wars: DoR, and maybe Space Invaders Extreme or one of the other $20 games that they'll have. CivRev's also $12 for DS, so that may be a purchase for me, too.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance was far from an awful game. Sure the camera needed some work during co-op, but it was a fun action-rpg with a marvel skin.

I've actually played through it almost three time now, once on pc, once on xbox360, and once on xbox360 with a friend.
Yeah some of those orbs are meant for getting close with a helicopter and jumping out - the empire state one is impossible to climb up. You need to get a chopper!

Man, I loved prototype. Once you get the whipfist the game was like 2x as fun, both for grabbing enemies and for latching onto helicopters, and for the big whip around that cuts everyone in half around you.

Such a fun game - not polished, not perfect, but just FUN.
Getting the hang of Too Human. Zooming the camera in made everything look a lot better, and now combat has more impact. Using the stick to attack is really a great idea in a game like this, because the alternative is hitting A 1,000,000 times. Sliding around and cutting down a big crowd is nice.
[quote name='jer7583']

Such a fun game - not polished, not perfect, but just FUN.[/QUOTE]

I agree, although it didn't really get going until like 2 hours in, once you have a good selection of powers and the speed/jump upgrades. The battles get pretty epic as you go on, especially the part I just passed, where you have to protect the Thermobaric tank, then fight the Hunter Supreme (who was one exterior heart away from being Resident Evil 1's Tyrant)
How do games look through the PSP's component cables? I was thinking about getting them when I start getting RPGs so I'm not staring at a smallish screen for hours, but I've heard it can get pretty ugly.
[quote name='dallow']
Also Marvel Ultimate Alliance is AWFUL.
Why did I start this crap.... I thought 4 player co-op would make it fun.[/QUOTE]

Yup. I purchased that game awhile back for $10 and I felt ripped off.

[quote name='RelentlessRolento']I'm with Dallow... MUA was horrible. really.

their older games were better.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I loved X-Men Legends.
[quote name='darthbudge']Yeah, I loved X-Men Legends.[/QUOTE]

Is it really that different from MUA? I'm playing through X-Men Legends 2 at the mo on my PSP and have co-oped through MUA on the 360.

I preferred MUA (might just be cos it was on the 360) but they seem very similar.

[quote name='Maklershed']Started Ico last night. Definitely bizarre.[/QUOTE]

Hey Mak, my MST3K Vol 15 shipped today !!
I liked X-men Legends until I did an optional where you have Xavier, I think Jean Grey and another psychic-y girl (aka the kind I never used during the game). Xavier is a fucking powerhouse and can pretty much solo the whole level...until you lose him, and have to play the level with the girls, and I could never get past it from there. And I couldn't quit the mission.

M:UA was boss. When I downloaded the broken patch that froze your save game, knowing that they would release one in a week or so to fix it, I just restarted the entire game and played 3/4ths of it in one night to get back to where I was.
[quote name='gunm']??? How can you like Xmen Legends and think MUA is terrible? The gameplay is pretty much the same.[/QUOTE]

That's what I was thinking.
[quote name='gunm']??? How can you like Xmen Legends and think MUA is terrible? The gameplay is pretty much the same.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. If anything MUA is better because the whole affair is more streamlined.
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