Get a Free Xbox One or $480 cash/giftcard! Conga Line ( Real with proof! )

Just cancelled my membership and it was very easy, they tried to sell me on the credit monitoring, but after I declined they processed the cancellation right away!

That is good because it means that we will hopefully eventually get up through all the people initially here. I only have about 300 more people to get signed up before I am in the running for one.....sigh
Once people from here (and the other conga threads) start getting the paypal payments or systems I imagine there is going to be a flood of new people. Especially with the ease of cancelling some of the offers.

Once people from here (and the other conga threads) start getting the paypal payments or systems I imagine there is going to be a flood of new people. Especially with the ease of cancelling some of the offers.
That's true. A lot of the offers are really easy to cancel and you get something interesting as an added bonus.

Seriously, it's like hey I'm getting to play a couple games for free for a month with Gamefly and once I cancel I can just kind of put it out of my mind for a bit and eventually something cool's going to happen and if it doesn't I still got to play some free games.

Hi all,new to the site I was wondering if I could get in this and hopefully help others and myself get an xbox one. My only issue is that I didnt sign up under anyone when I signed up earlier is that a problem?
If you haven't done an offer yet you can still make a new account I'm pretty sure. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but as long as you didn't do an offer on that account you should be ok.

"is that the first and the last person get the same prize"

There is no last's a recurring thing ....there is always someone going to be on the bottom with nothing...bunches of them.
Well yes, but that gives incentive to those people to promote the thread throughout cag and keep the line going. There are thousands of active members here, and it only takes 11 referrals to move someone through. There's really almost no risk. You lose out on what, maybe $5 doing one of the more expensive offers?

People have blown more on the Taco Bell and Doritos/Dew promotions and those are still up to some random chance to win..

Also to those who think it doesn't matter how soon you sign up for this - I've gone from mid 50s last week when i signed up, now i'm at position 40, in just a week. And it's important to remember that this offer doesn't end when the XB1 comes out, it will continue on through next year and beyond. They're still offering Free WiiUs and Ipod Touches from last year as well..

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I cancelled my account, but is there a way to know that it was cancelled for sure? I didn't get an email and it isn't showing me anything on the site.

I cancelled my account, but is there a way to know that it was cancelled for sure? I didn't get an email and it isn't showing me anything on the site.
I did the same today and requested an email, but nothing yet...I will call again tomorrow if I don't see an email by then, just to be safe.

So uh.... does anyone know if Gamestop took Amazon GC off their shelves? I went to get one for the raffle today and they're NO WHERE to be found. It's the same store I always get the from too. Will check another store tomorrow.

So uh.... does anyone know if Gamestop took Amazon GC off their shelves? I went to get one for the raffle today and they're NO WHERE to be found. It's the same store I always get the from too. Will check another store tomorrow.
I think you can check online by searching "Amazon Kindle $25/$50" on GameStop website. Also, don't some of them print it out?
I did the same today and requested an email, but nothing yet...I will call again tomorrow if I don't see an email by then, just to be safe.
Ugh, guess I'll have to do the same. I got a reference number, but what is that really going to do? Sure, after they take money out, I guess the reference number will be good. LOL

Hey guys, I'm the guy who kept asking a few questions last night. Really quick; does Trainn or its affiliates spam you at all? I can use a throw-away email if I need to if so, but I'd like to know ahead of time. Thanks.

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Hey guys, I'm the guy who kept asking a few questions last night. Really quick; does Trainn or its affiliates spam you at all? I can use a throw-away email if I need to if so, but I'd like to know ahead of time. Thanks.
None so far. The only email I ever gotten from them was for registration and confirmation of offer.

Just a question, but is it possible for us to do offers under different people's referrals? For instance, can we speed up the process by doing another offer under someone else's referral sign-up?

Just a question, but is it possible for us to do offers under different people's referrals? For instance, can we speed up the process by doing another offer under someone else's referral sign-up?
No you cant have multiple account under the same IP or household.

Ugh, guess I'll have to do the same. I got a reference number, but what is that really going to do? Sure, after they take money out, I guess the reference number will be good. LOL
yeah told me theyd email me and still havent sent anything. best believe if I get charged Im causing hell! Im pretty sure they would have cancelled it though so Im not worried about it.

Also update op

Has anyone from the head of the list submitted orders or anything?
I had to re submit my account for review because one of the people under me was banned for making multiple accounts. Dragunz has submitted his but, I dont know if his has confirmed yet.

Everyone else stopped informing me after there referrals were complete. Babybiscuit may need more referrals because people under him still havent been confirmed and I think ricequakes may need one more Im going to put there referrals back up after Eldritch if nothing changes in a couple days.

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I had to re submit my account for review because one of the people under me was banned for making multiple accounts. Dragunz has submitted his but, I dont know if his has confirmed yet.

Everyone else stopped informing me after there referrals were complete. Babybiscuit may need more referrals because people under him still havent been confirmed and I think ricequakes may need one more Im going to put there referrals back up after Eldritch if nothing changes in a couple days.
Uh oh. I hope my referral didn't get banned. :( Tried to email to see what's up on his/her side.

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Not sure how to tell if i am progressing but when i look on my account it tells me i completed my offer.  Now on the list of the line it tells me that i am showing as waiting on offer confirmation.  So what do i have to do to move over to from waiting to offer confirmed ?  Any help would be great and thanks in advance.

Not sure how to tell if i am progressing but when i look on my account it tells me i completed my offer. Now on the list of the line it tells me that i am showing as waiting on offer confirmation. So what do i have to do to move over to from waiting to offer confirmed ? Any help would be great and thanks in advance.
Im waiting on the person you confirmed under to let me know if he got credit for you. Pm him he has only emailed me once on who updated on his side.

Anyone do the flatware collection? I was interested in it (for the iPad conga line) but I keep getting a stupid $1000 walmart thing. Did the multivitamin instead.

I added another conga for a tv figured i might as well since things are slowing down a little I need to edit the post a little but theres another $440 cash or a 32 inch hdtv for 9 referrals might as well for the time being. 

I added another conga for a tv figured i might as well since things are slowing down a little I need to edit the post a little but theres another $440 cash or a 32 inch hdtv for 9 referrals might as well for the time being.
I think we've reached, as Wesker explained, "Global Saturation" with respect to Congas. If people from this and the other Congas did all the others, then we would really be rolling.

Still 9 spots left in the ipad mini conga before I do a $5 amazon gc drawing. (1 in 10 chance of winning)

I'm still trying to figure out what offer to do for this conga. I've done a credit check (and i know it's not good to do too many of those) as well as gamefly. Is the next best one the ink or pill offer?

I added another conga for a tv figured i might as well since things are slowing down a little I need to edit the post a little but theres another $440 cash or a 32 inch hdtv for 9 referrals might as well for the time being.
I emailed you for the HDTV, doing the offer now. I thought the rules for the Referral Central is that 1 person can only run 1 conga per site? Am I wrong?

EDIT: did you guys cancel multivitamins immediately?

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It seems like every person that ends up waiting for offer confirmation will basically be waiting the full 7 days, having to submit a request to get their credit. Seems like everyone gets x confirmed referrals and x pending, then we move on to the next only to have to come back to the last one because they need more. Frustrating, but patience is key. Basically, expect to have to wait at least a week longer than you expect to wait. If only the offers worked properly all the time. Again, patience is key. At least it will all be worth it in the end. :D

I emailed you for the HDTV, doing the offer now. I thought the rules for the Referral Central is that 1 person can only run 1 conga per site? Am I wrong?
Lol thanks to me using my brain ATM I didnt think of that. I dont think Ill get into to much trouble ( Im hoping ). Im only gonna do this one other conga I figure it wont go as fast as the X1 conga. Im gonna PM cheapy just so I dont get myself into to much trouble but, Ill be able to keep both updated Im sure. Now that I got this whole spreadsheet thing going on which I dont know why I didnt in the first place. Its easier for me to check referrals.

I added another conga for a tv figured i might as well since things are slowing down a little I need to edit the post a little but theres another $440 cash or a 32 inch hdtv for 9 referrals might as well for the time being.
I signed up, just not sure what offer I want to do for the hdtv since I don't want to spend extra money and I want something that is easy to cancel...saving gamefly for the hopeful ps4 one

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My account is still under review, none of my referrals have been banned. Just seems like they're a bit slow with reviewing accounts these days.
Really? Frack. With all these congas (there are other ones not just on these forums), Trainn's website is probably getting hammered; they've probably never gotten this kind of traffic I'm guessing.

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I emailed you for the HDTV, doing the offer now. I thought the rules for the Referral Central is that 1 person can only run 1 conga per site? Am I wrong?

EDIT: did you guys cancel multivitamins immediately?
I think you're right, I think he meant more long the lines of the more conga lines there are, the less and less people might be interested in them. At some point its not worth creating/having conga lines. Imagine if there were 10 of them. I personally feel 4 is enough. WiiU, X1, PS4 (when that comes out), and Vita. Only reason I'm including vita is the fact that # of referrals is really low compared to the others, and thus can move faster. Anyone who doesn't want a console can get the money, and use it for something else.

MykelxKnight, disregard me under the HDTV line, you might see me there, but I've reached saturation. I can't find any offers I haven't done to do a new line.

Just completed the HDTV offer and sent an email.

Did creditscore and it did not credit instantly, what should I send as proof of completion?

I did the HDTV offer as well. In for a penny, in for lots of ads... or something.

Anyone have a good list of offers to use?

I've used:




And now I'm doing the ink one. Anything else look good?

The flatware seems to not work anymore, maybe they should take it off the list.

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bread's done