Get money for looking at advertisements - right here!


CAG Veteran
I'd just like to tell everyone about a site called All you have to do is view advertisements and make money. Each advertisement takes about 20 to 30 seconds to watch and then you are done! You can come back and watch them each day. The money is sent over to your paypal or alertpay account. Then you can do whatever you want with it, including buying things online or having it sent directly to you! Here is my referral link if you would to sign up under me:

After you sign up, it helps tremendously if you get other referrals, or you can actually buy/rent referrals right on the site. That's right, after you have some money, you can use it to get referrals directly from the site. No more trying to get random people to sign up under you! You can also play games to try to get more referrals or money. You can rack up money quite easy apparently. The website talks about people making as much as $30 a day or $900 a month after they have gotten many referrals. I personally want to try to buy some things online, after I have gotten some money. I would greatly appreciate it if anyone signed up under me. :) Here is the link again:

Edit: I thought I would show you guys a video demonstrating how the site works. I found this guy talking about it on youtube, and it is very informative. It isn't me, but it is good nonetheless.

And here is a second video made by the same guy, updating after he has been on the site for awhile. Like I said before, very good video.
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If anyone needs any help, just ask. I am sure it would be fun to make money together. I really want to make some money with this! :D
It should work. I actually had a little trouble logging in this morning, but it is now working again. Just ask if you have any more questions.
Thanks Spandam, I can already tell that you have viewed some ads. :D When we make it up to $3.00, we can rent our own referrals, and it should be a lot easier.
bread's done