Get out of the left lane idiot!


It never fails that when I travel, my road rage is always set off by the same thing; SLOW PEOPLE IN THE FAST LANE!!!! It’s almost as if people do not understand the idea the lane is there for....PASSING!!! It’s a simple concept that no one seems to grasp. I just love when you come up on that one idiot that thinks it’s his right to drive the same speed as the car to his right and block anyone from passing. Damn it should be legal to slap the stupid out of people.

You know what pisses me off? People in the left lane that get upset because, while the left lane is moving faster than the right, it is still not moving fast enough.
It's very annoying, but I'm a very patient person. Lately, I ride with people all the time, and they seem to flip out at the smallest things while driving. I think some billboards that say "Slower traffic keep right. It's the law." and more patience from all drivers on the road would be grand.

My biggest pet peeve is probably just people who weave through the lanes like it's their road and everyone is in their way.
[quote name='ananag112']I agree. Especially here on the NJ Turnpike.[/QUOTE]

Haha. I think it's unfair NJ drivers get a bad rep for being the worst drivers - I've seen some pretty impressive driving on the parkway. That being said, we definitely win some kind of award for having the biggest assholes on the road.
[quote name='Bmac1775']It never fails that when I travel, my road rage is always set off by the same thing; SLOW PEOPLE IN THE FAST LANE!!!! It’s almost as if people do not understand the idea the lane is there for....PASSING!!! It’s a simple concept that no one seems to grasp. I just love when you come up on that one idiot that thinks it’s his right to drive the same speed as the car to his right and block anyone from passing. Damn it should be legal to slap the stupid out of people.


Preach on. I probably drive about a thousand miles a week and that shit annoys the hell out of me. Traffic backs up for fucking ever on 1 because people always get in the fast lane and go slow.
Merging is much worse a problem. As for yours, I don't get why people go really fast clearly see a car in front of them, run up their arse, get all pissed off, THEN move over to pass.
Seattle's awful with this. No one ever drives the speed limit (they all go 5-10mph slower) and they all drive side-by side, four-wide, three rows deep, keeping you from having any maneuvering room at all. Of all the places I've been to (including SoCal, the Carolinas, and all over the northeast) Seattle has the worst drivers of all.
You know what pisses me off? People who go flying around me speeding. I don't care if it is the passing lane, you still aren't supposed to speed even if it's to pass.
[quote name='Bmac1775']It never fails that when I travel, my road rage is always set off by the same thing; SLOW PEOPLE IN THE FAST LANE!!!! It’s almost as if people do not understand the idea the lane is there for....PASSING!!! It’s a simple concept that no one seems to grasp. I just love when you come up on that one idiot that thinks it’s his right to drive the same speed as the car to his right and block anyone from passing. Damn it should be legal to slap the stupid out of people.


I agree with you man. I fucking hate it when you're trying to get somewhere, and someone is going slow in the left lane. I especially fucking hate it when there are two cars going the EXACT same speed, side by side, so NOBODY can pass. It doesn't matter if I'm going over the limit or not, it's common fucking courtesy to move over so I can pass.

What I usually do is tailgate people, and they move over. But some idiots don't get it. I can be 3 feet away from their bumper, and they just cruise on like nothing is happening. It should be legal to get out of your car and slap some sense into these people. Learn the rules of the road or don't drive, dumbass. :bomb:
I live in Houston, and there are plenty of dumbasses just about everywhere, especially on the road. Things that people do that annoy me are:

1. drive 20 mph on a 45 mph road

2. Driving 3 inches behind me when I'm going the speed limit and approaching a speed trap

3. Using the turn lane as a bicycle route

4. Scroungy-looking people riding a bicycle in the middle of road at 10 mph while everyone else is driving 50 mph and has to swerve to avoid hitting the homeless bicycle rider

5. Homeless people crossing busy intersections without looking

6. 18-wheelers that throw rocks and chip your windshield, even when you are keeping your distance

7. 18-wheelers driving 15 mph in a 45 mph zone

8. People who wait 5 full seconds to begin moving after a red light changes green and then drive at a snail's pace, causing everyone else behind them to wait through the red light again.
“Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?”

Seriously, though, I hate that too...
[quote name='Access_Denied']I agree with you man. I fucking hate it when you're trying to get somewhere, and someone is going slow in the left lane. I especially fucking hate it when there are two cars going the EXACT same speed, side by side, so NOBODY can pass. It doesn't matter if I'm going over the limit or not, it's common fucking courtesy to move over so I can pass.

What I usually do is tailgate people, and they move over. But some idiots don't get it. I can be 3 feet away from their bumper, and they just cruise on like nothing is happening. It should be legal to get out of your car and slap some sense into these people. Learn the rules of the road or don't drive, dumbass. :bomb:[/QUOTE]I do that just to force speeding idiots like yourself to slow down.:rofl:

Btw, the "rules of the road" include speed limits, asshole.
[quote name='JolietJake']You know what pisses me off? People who go flying around me speeding. I don't care if it is the passing lane, you still aren't supposed to speed even if it's to pass.[/QUOTE]


And for all you people who "need to get somewhere" you can tell that story walking. Improve your time management and stop blaming your lateness on everyone except yourself.

What I usually do is tailgate people, and they move over. But some idiots don't get it. I can be 3 feet away from their bumper, and they just cruise on like nothing is happening. It should be legal to get out of your car and slap some sense into these people. Learn the rules of the road or don't drive, dumbass. :bomb:

YOU learn the rules of the road. Follow your own advice and stop tailgating. There is no rule that says it is safe or ok to do that.

Get your road rage in check before you kill or permanently injure someone.
I agree OP.

However around here we have many brilliantly desinged roads where you merge into the left lane. All I want to do is properly signal my way into the right lane and go my 60mph while I listen to recorded books. But the goddamn mother fucking asshole BMW drivers in the goddamn mother fucking left lane have to fucking ride my tail and dangerously swerve to the right gunning it around me because they can't fucking wait 2 seconds for me to safely complete my signaled merge to the right. Seriously people - if you're so late for work that every second counts then buy a fucking alarm clock.

Now - I see plently of BMW drivers who drive well. But invariably when some asshole cuts me off like we're on the last turn of a Nascar race, it's going to be a BMW or Mercedes Benz driver.
[quote name='JolietJake']I do that just to force speeding idiots like yourself to slow down.:rofl:

Btw, the "rules of the road" include speed limits, asshole.[/QUOTE]

There is nothing wrong with speeding as long as you aren't weaving in and out of lanes/cutting people off/being dangerous.
[quote name='DarthPuma']There is nothing wrong with speeding as long as you aren't weaving in and out of lanes/cutting people off/being dangerous.[/QUOTE]
You mean besides the fact that it's illegal? There is no reason to go 70 mph in a 50 mph zone, something i see almost every day. If you're late for an appointment, tough.

This is why people always assume young people are horrible drivers.
I'm sometimes driving the speed limit or just above the speed limit in the left lane, only because I have to be in that lane in order to exit onto/off the highway. But I don't use the left lane much. I mostly stick in the right or center lanes, driving around the speed limit or just a little faster. However, if I'm having to pass cars, that means they are really driving slow.

Personally, the only major thing that bugs me when driving is when I'm trying to get on the highway and people in the right lane won't move over or won't create space for you (meaning they won't slow down or won't speed up). I can't count how many times I was close to getting into an accident because of those people. Traffic wasn't exactly busy either during those times so it wasn't like they couldn't do anything.
Out here a big thing is when you're in the middle lane people too afraid to use the fast lane will pass on the far right lane.

It's fucking bullshit because if they do it near an exit you need to get off at you're fucked.

Also tailgating someone because they're going slow is a really friggen stupid idea. They might be going slow because of car trouble(ie they're on a doughnut tire, some unexpected engine trouble, etc.) or maybe it's old person that doesn't have the mental capacity to actually be driving. It's asking for an accident.

Another odd thing out here is the max speed limit is 65mph but everyone goes a minimm of 75. Most go faster around 85. The cops don't even care. You have to be driving a rocket at light speed to get their attention.
While I agree that it's fairly annoying to see people going 10-20mph faster than the speed limit in the "fast lane" (and just staying in the lane after they've passed), I also recognize that its an unspoken rule and courtesy of sorts to get out of the way of people driving faster than you.

However, if someone wants to push the issue and starts tailgating when there's no immediately safe way of getting over, I have absolutely no problem forcing them to do the speed limit.

And yea, the left lane is for passing... passing people going under the speed LIMIT.
[quote name='JolietJake']You mean besides the fact that it's illegal? There is no reason to go 70 mph in a 50 mph zone, something i see almost every day. If you're late for an appointment, tough.

This is why people always assume young people are horrible drivers.[/QUOTE]

Ignoring the fact that it's illegal, as long as I'm paying attention to my surroundings and am comfortable with my vehicle, I'm not weaving in and out of lanes (which implies that the road is relatively clear) going 70 in a 50 isn't that big of a deal.

Speed limits don't work. People are going to drive at speeds they are comfortable with, whether there are speed limit signs or not.
Besides, when talking about city streets, there is no "fast lane" really. If i need to get somewhere on the left side of the street, i'm going to drive in the left lane. Doing otherwise would make no sense.
[quote name='DarthPuma']Ignoring the fact that it's illegal, as long as I'm paying attention to my surroundings and am comfortable with my vehicle, I'm not weaving in and out of lanes (which implies that the road is relatively clear) going 70 in a 50 isn't that big of a deal.

Speed limits don't work. People are going to drive at speeds they are comfortable with, whether there are speed limit signs or not.[/QUOTE]
Limits work just fine. They know that people will still drive faster than them, so they need those signs up so that when they hand you your ticket, you and they both know why.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']This.

And for all you people who "need to get somewhere" you can tell that story walking. Improve your time management and stop blaming your lateness on everyone except yourself.

YOU learn the rules of the road. Follow your own advice and stop tailgating. There is no rule that says it is safe or ok to do that.

Get your road rage in check before you kill or permanently injure someone.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but there's nothing that says I can't tailgate. Do I like doing it? No. But when I'm going 28 in a 35 zone, what else should I do? I have better things to do with my life that sit behind morons in traffic. Some of us have jobs to get to, errands to run, etc. Tell me how I'm supposed to pay my insurance bill if I don't get off til 3:30 and they close at 4? Especially if I have to follow dumbasses the whole way there. I am by no means an excellent driver. I wouldn't even call myself a good driver. But I would call myself a better driver than 80% of the people I see on the road. I obey all the rules of the road, except the speed limits. And I only speed when it's safe, such as on the highway. You'll never see me flying through a school zone or a residential street.

Like I said, I'm not a good driver, but I'm better than most of the other drivers out there. And most of all, I'm COURTEOUS. If someone wants to pass me, why should I be an asshole and stop them? Maybe they're actually doing something important. I work with a guy who has a very sick wife. Whenever she has a stroke, HE has to drive her to the hospital because the ambulances are too slow. Is it really necessary to stop people from passing you, just because you don't like it? I let other drivers go in front of me when I know it's not a huge inconvenience. If I'm in the right lane at a red light and the guy behind me wants to turn right, I pull forward a few feet. It may be illegal, but it's not hurting anybody, and it's helping with the traffic problem. If I see somebody is trying to turn left onto a major road, I get in the outside lane so he can turn into the inside lane. And the one I hate the most, is when there's only one car at a red light, and he's in the right lane. I ALWAYS move to the left lane, so anybody in the right lane can turn right on red. It's called COURTESY.

Just because you have hundreds of hours of your life to waste behind a dumbass driver, doesn't mean the rest of us do.
Speeding is illegal but deciding you are going to get in the left lane and go the speed limit is what results in traffic jams and accidents. I live in Atlanta and we have some of the worse traffic in country. I routinely see people going u der the speed limit or right at the speed limit during rush hour traffic. On top of that, these cars often have 2 or more people in them, meaning they can use the wide open hov lanes. If I could car pool I would but my circumstance won't allow me. Bottom one is that you are suppose to d rive with the flow of traffic. Going slow in the left lane forces people to weave around you to pass. If you are not passing, get out of the left lane.
Aside from driving someone to a hospital, i see no good reason to drive like a maniac. Late for work? Should have left earlier. Trying to pay a bill? Mail the damn thing.

Now if you're being forced to go drastically slower thanthe limit, go around the person. If you're going the limit and are in a hurry, tough. There is no good reason to tailgate someone. One day someone will stop and you'll hit them, then you'll really be fucked.
Speeding !=driving like a maniac. I very very rarely go more than 10mph over the speed limit, and if you think that that 10mph over makes me a maniac you are an idiot.
[quote name='Bmac1775']It never fails that when I travel, my road rage is always set off by the same thing; SLOW PEOPLE IN THE FAST LANE!!!! It’s almost as if people do not understand the idea the lane is there for....PASSING!!! It’s a simple concept that no one seems to grasp. I just love when you come up on that one idiot that thinks it’s his right to drive the same speed as the car to his right and block anyone from passing. Damn it should be legal to slap the stupid out of people.[/QUOTE]

Lemme get pissed at people in the left lane, who are driving a mere 5 mph over the speed limit, when you would rather be using it to go 20 mpg over, right?

People who speed, tailgate, and do all that idiotic bullshit that people who never mature past the age of 16, as drivers, can all go to hell. The state of driving in this country is a fucking crying shame.

I hope that I drive people insane, by always driving the limit, and trapping them behind me.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Lemme get pissed at people in the left lane, who are driving a mere 5 mph over the speed limit, when you would rather be using it to go 20 mpg over, right?

People who speed, tailgate, and do all that idiotic bullshit that people who never mature past the age of 16, as drivers, can all go to hell. The state of driving in this country is a fucking crying shame.

I hope that I drive people insane, by always driving the limit, and trapping them behind me.[/QUOTE]

I am refereing to interstates by the way but trust me HELL is the least of my worries, but Ill hold the door for ya. Actually it is amazing the responses on here. Good for the few that want to be the speed police, more power to ya, but I hope someone smacks the piss out off you too. I try not to tailgate because it also pisses me off so i am limited to screaming profanity to myself because it makes me feel better. Then when they finally get a clue and move over, I like to drive by and give my best tough guy look at them(same as when I say hahahaha on the internet, its all about being a tough guy). Then I’m happy until the voices start again.

and yes this may be my song
[quote name='kewlrabbit']I fucking hate tailgaters. If you're that pressed for time, maybe you should have left earlier.[/QUOTE]

It's not always that simple. 2 weeks ago, I lost a crown on my front tooth. The dentist down here at school wanted $900 to fix it, my dentist would do it for free. The problem? He's 3 hours away, is only open on weekdays and I have class every day. The only chance I had to go was on a Friday. I left at 11 after my chemistry lab and had the appointment at 2. Was I driving like a maniac? No. But was I in a hurry? Yes.

It's not always as simple as, "leave earlier". If I woke up late for work, yeah, that's my own fucking fault. But not everyone is just some douchebag who woke up an hour late and is now blaming you.

Be courteous and let people pass you, and no one tailgates you. If you still have some douche tailgaiting you for no reason, then I'm sorry. I've been in that situation, and it sucks. But not everybody who wants to pass is a douchebag, some people just have things to do.
[quote name='Access_Denied']It's not always that simple. 2 weeks ago, I lost a crown on my front tooth. The dentist down here at school wanted $900 to fix it, my dentist would do it for free. The problem? He's 3 hours away, is only open on weekdays and I have class every day. The only chance I had to go was on a Friday. I left at 11 after my chemistry lab and had the appointment at 2.[/QUOTE]

Boo-fucking-hoo, that doesn't empower or justify you to break the law, which, if you were speeding at any time, you were doing.
[quote name='FroMann']Because of this thread I will drive in the left lane at half the speed limit now.[/QUOTE]

Now that you mention it, It usually is the NC drivers that seem to always be in the front of the line in the fast lane, doing 64 in a 65 in EVERY STATE I DRIVE from FL to NY. So, it really wont matter because you will now "blend in".
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Boo-fucking-hoo, that doesn't empower or justify you to break the law, which, if you were speeding at any time, you were doing.[/QUOTE]

Did I ever say it was justification for breaking the law? NO. I said that it was courtesy to let me around you? What motivation do you have for keeping me behind you, besides being an asshole?
[quote name='Access_Denied']Did I ever say it was justification for breaking the law? NO. I said that it was courtesy to let me around you? What motivation do you have for keeping me behind you, besides being an asshole?[/QUOTE]

I'm not going to aid and abet you speeding. This is just me helping to enforce the rules of the road. :D
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']I'm not going to aid and abet you speeding. This is just me helping to enforce the rules of the road. :D[/QUOTE]

You do that. Until the day when a guy who actually has road rage runs you off the road.
[quote name='Access_Denied']You do that. Until the day when a guy who actually has road rage runs you off the road.[/QUOTE]

And I sue for millions. Woop woop.
[quote name='Access_Denied']It's not always that simple. 2 weeks ago, I lost a crown on my front tooth. The dentist down here at school wanted $900 to fix it, my dentist would do it for free. The problem? He's 3 hours away, is only open on weekdays and I have class every day. The only chance I had to go was on a Friday. I left at 11 after my chemistry lab and had the appointment at 2. Was I driving like a maniac? No. But was I in a hurry? Yes.

It's not always as simple as, "leave earlier". If I woke up late for work, yeah, that's my own fucking fault. But not everyone is just some douchebag who woke up an hour late and is now blaming you.

Be courteous and let people pass you, and no one tailgates you. If you still have some douche tailgaiting you for no reason, then I'm sorry. I've been in that situation, and it sucks. But not everybody who wants to pass is a douchebag, some people just have things to do.[/QUOTE]

Nothing is worse then being late, but there is no excuse for tailgating. If you tailgate sooner or later you're going crash and end up making everybody late.

And you're wrong about tailgating. I always drive in the rightmost lane as much as possible and I still get tailgated. Usually it's jerks on a cell phone - they expect you to get out of their way because they're too distracted to change lanes and pass on the left.
I haven't even read the thread, but I wanted to mention that I had to deal with slow ass traffic in the fast lane for quite a while driving back home from Vegas today. Well, I wasn't the one driving, but it was pretty aggravating nonetheless. I just love spending time in a car when it's 110 degrees outside!
I won't stay in the left lane when someone needs to pass, but I also won't move until I think it's safe. I'm not going to rush out of your way.

Tailgate me when I'm going under the speed limit? You got my attention, my bad, I'll speed up to the speed limit.

Tailgate me when I'm already at or going over the speed limit? Now you get to go 5 under the speed limit until you either back off or get around me. Your appointment doesn't trump my desire to feel safe. And yes, there is something that says you can't tailgate. Traffic laws say it.
[quote name='camoor']Nothing is worse then being late, but there is no excuse for tailgating. If you tailgate sooner or later you're going crash and end up making everybody late.

And you're wrong about tailgating. I always drive in the rightmost lane as much as possible and I still get tailgated. Usually it's jerks on a cell phone - they expect you to get out of their way because they're too distracted to change lanes and pass on the left.[/QUOTE]

I totally understand your pain there. In my opinion, talking on a phone or texting while driving should carry the same consequences as a DUI. It's just as distracting as impairs your judgment and thinking abilities just as much.

Cell phone users are always assholes, whether they're tailgating or not.
I hope the people who are dissing everyone for speeding don't break any laws, including that one. You've all run stop signs, and I'm sure have, or will have a speeding ticket someday. Don't pretend you're a saint. You can drive perfectly safe going 5-10 over, especially on roads without rain or snow.

Cops in busy areas don't bother with speeding, because they have *ahem* real crimes to deal with.

That said, you shouldn't tailgate anyone, for any reason.
bread's done