Get Paid to Install Free and Paid Apps on iphone,ipad,or ipod touch +PROOF

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CAG Veteran
im sure most of you heard about it,if not heres the info

what you do is you get paid to install free and paid apps for your iphone ,ipad,or ipod touch

dont believe me? heres proof(and it was instant payment)


Reff link:Click Me Hard

How do i do it?

first you must browse an app

if its free,click install

which will open up itunes

then install the app

then sync the ipod or iphone whatever again

then click verify

and it should be verified instantly

if it didnt,keep resyncing until it does

For paid apps:

just click install on a paid app

then install the cracked version,from a ipa site..whatever

then resync

and verify
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