Getting a PSP today or tomorrow - Does $40 Off CC still work?


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I'm gonna get a PSP today or tomorrow - what's the best deal around right now?
I was thinking about going to Circuit City - I have a $40 Off Coupon but I don't know if it still works.

Can anyone confirm that or point me to another deal?

It should work. I used a similar coupon last year to get my DS. The fine print at that time said not valid on video game consoles but nothing was said about handhelds so that's how it worked for my DS. Good luck!
[quote name='dedgeu2']It should work. I used a similar coupon last year to get my DS. The fine print at that time said not valid on video game consoles but nothing was said about handhelds so that's how it worked for my DS. Good luck![/quote]

Actually you raised a very valid point. I think I'll go in and stick up the Coupon and see whatever happens, fight it out a bit if needed. If not, oh well.

Will write back to say what happened.

Thanks guys!
i used it to get my psp daxter bundle and it worked! But honestly i think it depends what kind of person is at the register. Some cashiers are real d!cks and will let nothing pass by them.
I have an older PSP for sale for far less than retail. :D

And yeah, the CC is not for game hardware, but sometimes it can be slipped past the cashier.
[quote name='TFN']Make sure you hit a young cashier.[/quote]

I certainly Will! I had that experience with the HD-DVD BOGO flaw that went on. Bought quite a few HD-DVD's on that. Chose my cashier well. Will do that again.

Can't wait to get this PSP Bundle... I'm all excited now!

This was hillarious! Absolutely.
I printed up the coupon as provided by "devildr1ver" in another thread (Many thanks to you mate) and walked in Circuit City. Picked up my 'Sony PSP Daxter Entertainment Pack' and an Accessories Pro-Kit.

The rep who was helping me out and getting my PSP and all took me to his cash register when I was done. I gave him the coupon which he, much to my surprise, very intricately started to read - including all details in fine print. And believe me, he took a good long 5 minutes to read that fine print over & over.

At that point I sent my wife in other aisled to merrily wander around since I knew this was going to get ugly. Part of me knew it was Not going to work - But the most of me wanted to put up a fight. It's $40 after all.

So he tells me, "This is not valid on games".
For the next 5 minutes I argued with him that it's not valid on Game Consoles like PlayStation, XBOX etc - but it doesn't say anything about "Handhelds" and so it is valid on them - and that "My friends have used it successfully earlier".
Once the rep found out I was getting agitated, he told me he's calling his Supervisor "Just to make sure". I said 'go ahead'.

This very snotty, crummy & snobby Supervisor came with a snub on his face and attitude. In one of the worst Customer Service/Professional experience of my life - this Supervisor very nastily argued with me about how this Coupon is not valid, a couple of times Pointing his finger at the Fine Print and holding it up close to my face - Literally belittling me as if I'm uneducated or unable to read. All the while the one thing that angered, agitated, and fueled my fire was his attitude. I honestly believe if a Supervisor with a smile on his face had very nicely explained the invalidity of the Coupon to me - I would have sincerely left - But his disgusting attitude kept me short of pulverising him.

The entire time my argument was simple "My friends have used it like today - earlier - It's not fair they get the Discount and I don't. I mean Best Buy has the same damn thing for the exact same price - The only reason I came here was the Coupon". I must have repeated this at least 10 times.

Finally I said to him "Why don't you put it in the system and see if it takes it". Very quickly, again, much to my surprise - he put it in the system, on my bill screen. I think he honestly believed it WONT work - but VOILA!!! It DID!! He was infuriated. He basically grunted and hollered "It Is Not Supposed To Work! This Is Wrong!!". Finally he threw the coupon on the rep's desk and said "let it through" and left grunting, hollering and throwing his hands up in the air.

I walked out with $40 Off on my PSP.

That aside. I'm loving the little twirp. It's cooler than I thought.

Thanks All.
bread's done