Getting bored by gaming ?? anyone else ??

I dont know what it is but lately ( past 2-3 months ) I have been getting to the point where I rarely turn on any of my console or handheld . I used to play atleast 10 minutes of Call of Duty 4 , or other games on my PS3 evernight , but now I feel just like * Blahh * . I really used to enjoy gaming soooo much . I really think it might be that there is a new FPS coming out every 2 weeks and it has changed the way this generation players play.

- Has this happened to anyone else lately ?

- Thanks in advance for any answering the question :p
Maybe you found something else to occupy your time? I think the notion that anybody should have to outgrow video games is nonsense, but there's certainly something to be said for having a well-rounded life with other hobbies and personal relations to cultivate.
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']Yeah that happened to me. Do you usually play alone?[/QUOTE]

Umm well kinda , I am what you could call a compulsive buyer so I buy ALL of the new titles and all my other PSN buddies dont ( PS3 is my main console ) . So you might be correct , maybe its because I have only been playing SinglePlayer games : Just Cause 2 , Final Fantasy XIII , God of War III , Darksiders , and hella amounts of Dead space .

- I think I might call of my friends for some Uncharted 2 CO-OP :D
[quote name='rapsodist']Maybe you found something else to occupy your time? I think the notion that anybody should have to outgrow video games is nonsense, but there's certainly something to be said for having a well-rounded life with other hobbies and personal relations to cultivate.[/QUOTE]

Well I also recently have been trying to get sponsored by a Major Paintball company for my PB-Team , that could also be a reason ( its not as easy as it sounds..... )
If your PSP LED Mod was like the ones I've seen, I wouldn't want to play it either, for fear of seizure.

Take a break for a while.
start looking into indy games. i got bored/am not interested in the major releases i've seen for the past couple of years save a few, but when it comes to free indy games theres a lot of creativity that always gets me excited about the possibilities of games again.
I am also to a certain extent because Im getting sick of seeing the same hallowed out shit. Granted there are some good games but they are gradually all becoming alike, even the low budget indy type games are starting to all feel the same.

Its reminding me alot of like how comic books were in the late 90s just before the whole comic industry damn near killed itself off with tons of crap titles that all looked just like other ones from other companies, or just copies of stuff they already put out.

I mean I still enjoy my gaming, but its not like how it used to be where there was constantly a steady stream of good games coming out. Now Im lucky if 10 a year actually excite me and usually 9 of those only last about 8 hours.

I find breaking out the old games helps me break the staleness of new stuff though. Soon as Im done with god of war 3 the nes is getting dusted off big time, I been in the mood for startropics lately.
Gaming hasn't changed, you have, everyone changes

Statements like
[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']there is a new FPS coming out every 2 weeks and it has changed the way this generation players play.[/QUOTE]
are ridiculous
Yes it happened to me, I think It is because Im so bored of the games I own, so I rarely ever play them.
But my brother just rented God of War 3 and I watched him play it and it looks really fun, I really want to play it.
But of course he is so into it he won't let me play it until he beats the game. He rented it for 10 days, so maybe if im lucky he'll beat it early and I will get a chance to play it a little bit.
I think thats my problem. I dont have alot of online Xbox live friends. I use to when I played H3 but now I switched to mw2 and nobody ever talk on there. If you like to play mw2 on Xbox live and call out the positions of players on the opposing team add me. My GT is J gatz IZ ILL
Oh no! Bored by gaming?! I burn out sometimes, but I can always come back after a break. 3 things that consume my free time - working on web sites, playing video games, watching tv shows / movies. Utilize hulu, netflix, redbox... find some blogs to read, you could follow some youtube channels.
I went through a phase long ago, between the time when the N64 and Dreamcast died until I got a GameCube, where I didn't play a lot of games. But other than that, I've been a gamer for 23 of my 25 years of life. I sometimes go a couple weeks without playing anything, but I usually play for at least an hour 5 days a week, sometimes more.

I don't understand people like Mr. Anderson who say that video games are less interesting since music is more interesting. I listen to a lot of music, and I watch a lot of TV since I have a DVR now. My enjoyment of one entertainment medium does not take away from my enjoyment of any others.
I ebb and flow with gaming, have for years.

Lately I've been on an OK kick with playing through Mass Effect 2 twice after it came out as well as the DLC.

Has calmed down since then but I've been playing Assassin's Creed 2--but just a night or two a week. Plan on Fallout 3 after that, then not sure. Maybe Bioshock 2 if I get it from Goozex by then.

I definitely game a lot less than in the past, but not really from being bored. Just from being busier. Much harder to find the time to beat a 20 hour game than just watch a movie etc. So gaming has moved down my hobby list behind tv, movies, sports, reading etc. But I don't have any less fun playing games. Just less time for long sessions, and I've never been much of one for just gaming for 1-2 hours at a time.
Me too.

The first next-gen game I played was Bioshock. Knocked my socks off. Also a tough act to follow.

Lately I just don't have the time or motivation to really dive into a game.

Luckily I use my PS3 for Netflix, otherwise it would be just gathering dust.
I don't play as much as I used to, but I agree with you andrew. Gaming just isn't the same for me and it's mainly online multiplayer. The people on there that I encounter are alot more negative than positive. If I can play games like mw2 on the ps3 instead of on the 360 I will. Alot of things ruin the experience for people such as campers, noob tubers, lag, people always talking trash and are negative and so much more. It just piles up and after awhile you hear the same stuff over and over again and it gets boring. You should try single player games like Mass Effect, Fable 2 and others as there are plenty of good ones to play and forget online multiplayer for awhile.
I wouldn't say bored, but it definitely has less of an entertainment impact for me than It did when I was younger.

I think part of it is due to a swath of selection and part of it is just due to getting old.

By far my interest in anime has died a much larger %.
I'm starting to feel the same way, only it includes games, movies, and music too. I've recently gotten into pinball again however.
I cant believe I have gotten the responses that I have

- I say we all boycott the next FPS that come out in 2010 , lol
- Maybe we should setup a game night or something for all the people who are like me , bored , less motivated to play , and other familiar things
if it helps any andrew, I don't see any good game coming out anytime soon. Heck, the only game i'm buying now for this year so far is Halo Reach and if metal gear rising gets released i'll get that too. Other than that, I don't see any interest and what I do is buy an arcade game from xbl instead and play that. I've only purchased Bioshock 2 and Uncharted 2 this year and both were worth it.
another problem is achievements/trophies. many people don't play games for the sake of playing games anymore. they have to feel they are accomplishing something. if you get too into that, you'll burn yourself out. just find a game you like and play and have fun.
[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']
- I say we all boycott the next FPS that come out in 2010 [/QUOTE]

I'll skip on that since I mainly play FPS and WRPGs! Along with the odd action/adventure game like Assassin's Creed 2 or Prince of Persia.
Yeah, I noticed that about you. We played a few games of Battlefield and then you're usually off or playing something different. Nothing wrong with that dude. I also tend to buy all the latest and greatest games and they tend to stack up as I just get bored with games sometimes unless there's a diamond that comes out (like last summer and Batman AA, I was hooked to that). But nowadays I tend to play something when I'm bored or sick of watching TV (which I rarely do unless with dinner). I'll play games if they're worth playing and I get something out of them whether playing with friends or for story (as with FF13, that I'm playing now) for an hour at the most per day. But for the most part, there are plenty more things to spend my time on than games and I have relegated gaming to kill time or play when I'm bored. I don't have time or patience to keep up with my BF friends and rank up to 50.

Btw, are you gonna be up for Red Dead? I think that's gonna be a "diamond."
[quote name='intoxicated662']if it helps any andrew, I don't see any good game coming out anytime soon.[/QUOTE]


Super Street Fighter IV
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY
Lost Planet 2
Skate 3
3D Dot Game Heroes
Split Second
Alan Wake
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Red Dead Redemption
Super Mario Galaxy 2
UFC Undisputed 2010
ModNation Racers

And that only covers the next month.
[quote name='Matt Young']Um...

Super Street Fighter IV
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY
Lost Planet 2
Skate 3
3D Dot Game Heroes
Split Second
Alan Wake
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Red Dead Redemption
Super Mario Galaxy 2
UFC Undisputed 2010
ModNation Racers

And that only covers the next month.[/QUOTE]

Haha the sad thing is ..... I have 11 of those 12 games preordered and payed off

-I guess I buy too many games :cry:
[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']Well I also recently have been trying to get sponsored by a Major Paintball company for my PB-Team , that could also be a reason ( its not as easy as it sounds..... )[/QUOTE]

oh hell yeah, one of my other favorite hobbies...

and no its not. Me and a buddy tried out for a few teams and made it, just couldnt make the commitment of time.
[quote name='crystalklear64']another problem is achievements/trophies. many people don't play games for the sake of playing games anymore. they have to feel they are accomplishing something. if you get too into that, you'll burn yourself out. just find a game you like and play and have fun.[/QUOTE]

exaclty I am not into that its all about fun now, I guess no e-penis here for me, its not what I worry about anymore.

There are quite a few less heard of games that have been quite fun on the wii lately as well. Fragile Dreams, shatterred memories, etc
Neverrrrrrr. My problem is finding time. 2 part time jobs a full time GF (lol) and trying to find time to sleep. I have no idea how all this is gonna affect my GT5 playing time when it's released. Been waiting on that beast since it was announced
[quote name='AndrewsAwesome4']Haha the sad thing is ..... I have 11 of those 12 games preordered and payed off

-I guess I buy too many games :cry:[/QUOTE]

Why buy them if you have little to no desire to play them?
Honestly, I say that it's overconsumerism at its finest! I know exactly what you are going through and it happens to me on occasion. There are too many games that I want to play that I just dont have the time to play even though I still buy them. I am a compulsive buyer and cannot pass up a good deal. I keep seeing bargains galore and I cant help help but spend. My backlog could keep me occupied for a couple years yet I still get new games... Damn Gamefly and Amazon sales! How I got over my recent lack of interest is by delving into Dragon Age. A good RPG usually brings me back into the fold. But hey it happens to the best of us... just take a little break and when you start to miss it, go back. This tactic is useful for women too...
[quote name='Matt Young']Um...

Super Street Fighter IV
Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY
Lost Planet 2
Skate 3
3D Dot Game Heroes
Split Second
Alan Wake
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Red Dead Redemption
Super Mario Galaxy 2
UFC Undisputed 2010
ModNation Racers

And that only covers the next month.[/QUOTE]

I must be one of these guys who isn't into gaming anymore. You give a list of 12 games, I only see 1 that I have any interest in - would be 2, but with the great deals on Batman AA over the last few months, who wants to wait for a GOTY edition?
This often happens to me after I finish a RPG. Afterwards I'll usually just take a break for a few weeks or just play some casual stuff/games that aren't too much of a time commitment. Having a diverse library definitely helps, along with massive backlogs that pretty much everyone on here has anyway (luckily those two pretty much go hand-in-hand).

But yeah it just sounds like burnout...happens to everyone. It'll go away eventually.
bread's done