GF/Wife asks you to take nude photos of yourself...

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Yes or No?

GF hinted at me that she'd love to see some pics of me in the buff, since she's still in Canada I was seriously considering it. Now if anyone shouldn't get naked, and then have pictures taken of them, it's me but some reason she's attracted to me go figure. But I put the question to you CAG, do you go through with it, or not?

go for it, but make sure you get some from her also. that way, if anything embarassing ends up on the internet, it can go both ways.
Um...Well you're saying "girlfriend" and that she's up North, right? How long have you been "dating?" I have no problem with meeting people over the internet, but if that's the extent of your relationship...I wouldn't do it. It sounds shady and it could get you in way over your head.

Now if you guys have met numerous times in person and she's just away for a business trip or something, I guess do it -- if you're feeling kinky. @_@ Just make sure you get some in return, otherwise these can be used against you later on.

P.S. If you do it, keep the exchange rate in mind, and be sure and demand an extra pic or two when you guys swap.
[quote name='Xevious']I wouldnt. Then again, your name is not Tommy Lee and I doubt she is Pamela Anderson.[/QUOTE]

ha, true. but if she is......
[quote name='r1s3n']Yes or No?[/QUOTE]

Heck, why not?? What's the worst thing that could happen, after all? It's not like she'd ever give you cause to regret it.
I got another idea. Why do you send someone else naked picture instead and photoshop your face on his body. That way, if the picture gets can say its a fake.
I don't know. Women are tricky. If your comfortable showing women your body i say do it. But by women i mean also her friends. I personally have nothing wrong with my own nudity but women are tricky. In otherwards if you break up make sure you get it back.
No matter what any girl tells you, she doesn't want to see your cock on some grainy web cam photo. It can only end badly. Less of course you dont mind the whole intarweb seeing your penis.
I'm not worried about it getting out I trust her. Besides anyone who'd willing want to see me nude, well I'd have to question their sanity. Aside from the gf that is..even her I wonder about.

You know, I don't know what you wacky kids are thinking of doing but either one of you moving to the other's country to live on a permanent or semi-permanent basis is really really hard to do.
Having nude photos taken of yourself is generally a bad idea. However, if you're okay with everyone she knows possibly seeing your junk, then I say go ahead. Just make sure that you tweak the lighting to make it look artsy and shoot the picture from from knee-height up, so that your wood looks massively huge and takes up most of the picture. That way if she does try and blackmail you with the photos later, she'll only be distributing photos of some guy with a monster whang, and that's nothing to be embarrased about.
girlfriend no, wife maybe... but you have to be careful... i dont want my stuff leaked... then again maybe i could sue yahoo if they were..
We used to live in the same area, we broke up, got back together, broke up and she needed to get away for a while so she went to stay with her parents. This is where we find ourselves now at the moment. So anything I have to show her isn't something she hasn't seen before, just never anything so permanant as a picture.

We've been on and off again for about 8-9 months or so, mostly our problems stemmed from the fact that she didn't know what she wanted, and a bad previous marriage. But anyways getting away from the topic, so would you guys do that for your gf's/wive's?

I'd do it. Unless it got to parents or family they have contact with I wouldn't care. Her friends, my friends, I don't care. Strangers on the internet seeing me would be kinky and a turn on anyway, so I wouldn't be afraid of that. And, besides, if she really thinks you're attractive she may masterbate with it, that's hot isn't it?
I ended up in a situation like this. She sent me pictures of her first.. when it was my turn to send pictures for her, my camera's batteries mysteriously died and the camera itself broke.. ;) (not really, I just made up excuse after excuse and never did send)
[quote name='iheartmetal']girlfriend no, wife maybe... [/QUOTE]

thats funny, because in todays society a marrige license is nothing more than a short term insurance policy.

it means nothing but a tax break.
[quote name='Scorch']I ended up in a situation like this. She sent me pictures of her first.. when it was my turn to send pictures for her, my camera's batteries mysteriously died and the camera itself broke.. ;) (not really, I just made up excuse after excuse and never did send)[/QUOTE]

THIS is how i find out the truth?!!?
[quote name='punqsux']thats funny, because in todays society a marrige license is nothing more than a short term insurance policy.

it means nothing but a tax break.[/QUOTE]

maybe for some people....
[quote name='CaseyRyback']take a picture of your balls and make it look like somewhere in Iraq[/QUOTE]

Just have two people in uniform pointing at them and giving a thumbs-up. That should cement the illusion.
take a picture of yourself nude but make it to were you can't see your wang. then send in a close up of a wang. google 13 inch wang and send her that.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']take a picture of your balls and make it look like somewhere in Iraq[/QUOTE]

I love arrested development.

Though, scorch, if I did that I'd feel absolutely horrible, to trick someone into sending you nude photos of themselves is low.
only do it if you're comfortable being completely "vunerable" to her.. if its not like its anything new (she's just up there for a little while ) i've done it for my girlfriend a few times. no big deal.. then again.. i have some of her.. i've had some from ex girlfriends i just didn't get mean and vindictive about breaking up that i needed to post them everywhere.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']I'd do it. Unless it got to parents or family they have contact with I wouldn't care. Her friends, my friends, I don't care. Strangers on the internet seeing me would be kinky and a turn on anyway, so I wouldn't be afraid of that. And, besides, if she really thinks you're attractive she may masterbate with it, that's hot isn't it?[/QUOTE]
why yes yes it is.
One of my friends who went away for a while dared me to do it on webcam so I did it for her. She promised the same (but at a later time). Well, she ended up sharing the photos with our group of friends, kind of embarrassing, but she felt really bad afterwards and had gotten caught up in the moment. Anyway, a few weeks later she was back and we were dating (she liked the show I gave her, and that I actually did) and gave me a whole bunch of webcam shows when we were away from each other for too long.

Pretty decent trade. Bottom line: Get her to do the same and I see no problem. I still have screen captures of my chick getting naked for me that I enjoy viewing every now and then.
Is this a trick question? Of course not! You must assume that once the pic is taken it will be used on the internet or brought out at the most imnopportune time in your life. Don't leave yourself open to being screwed at a later date .
Even if its not your gf using it against you, it very well might get stolen in a robbery and posted on the internet whether you like it or not.
Assume the worst and you will always be prepared!
I would be seriously leary about it. I know it's not expected, but down the road if things get shaky (not saying that they WILL), but these pictures could come back to haunt you.
I guarantee that at least 7 of her friends will see the pics. Women dont have anything that they dont share with their friends. Dont think that she will be the only one who has seen the pics, if you get pissed at her she will blame it on you and act like she didn't think that you'd get mad. Its even more dangerous when you send them via a computer because she can easily send them to friends who wont have a problem sharing them with someone else. I wouldn't do it.
"It began as the fairly routine arrest of a drunken-driving suspect on a Houston street.

It quickly evolved into a maze of questions as investigators checked out reports that a Houston police officer had found nude photos of the driver stored in her cellular phone, downloaded them and later showed them around the courthouse.

Patrolman Christopher Green has been reassigned to desk duty pending the outcome of an internal investigation. His partner, George Miller, also has been reassigned while the department looks into reports that he called the DWI suspect's home to ask her out.

"We're sort of waiting to see what's going to happen," said Houston Police Officers' Union attorney Aaron Suder, who represents the officers.

Complicating matters is the fact that the 25-year-old woman, a native of China who is here on a student visa, speaks little English, her attorney says.

Suder and Police Department officials would not discuss details of the investigation Thursday. Suder also said the officers would not comment.

However, according to a search warrant request by the Harris County District Attorney's Office, the two officers assisted when the woman was arrested Nov. 24 on suspicion of driving while intoxicated.

Phone taken during search
During the arrest, they discovered that the woman had stored sexually explicit photos of herself in her cell phone, and Green downloaded the images onto his personal digital assistant, according to the search request.

The district attorney's office sought the warrant after being contacted by attorney Ned Gill, who is defending the woman against the DWI charge.

The warrant was granted in February, and an investigator confiscated Green's PDA during a search of his home.

Gill said he has no idea why his client, a Houston Community College student, had nude photos of herself on her cell phone.

He said he also doesn't know why the officers examined the phone.

Two weeks after the arrest, he added, the woman received a phone message from Miller, inviting her to join him at a restaurant.

Gill said he gave the district attorney's investigator a copy of the tape, dated Dec. 9.

According to court records, Miller acknowledged making the phone call, but said he was merely attempting to help the woman get an attorney.

Deputy says he saw photos
Court records do not indicate whether the PDA that was found in Green's home contained the nude photographs.

However, the search warrant request states that Deputy Sheriff Toby Devine told the investigator that Green showed him the photos on a day in January when the woman had a court hearing.

Devine works as a bailiff in that court.

Assistant District Attorney Celeste Carter told the investigator that Green also showed the pictures to her, according to the document.

Assistant District Attorney Edward Porter, who has been reviewing the evidence for possible criminal violations, refused to comment.

HPOU attorney Suder said he doubts the officers will face criminal charges, but he's not sure about possible disciplinary action.

"I suspect the department will do something in the next couple of months," Suder said.
[quote name='eldad9']"It began as the fairly routine arrest of a drunken-driving suspect on a Houston street.

It quickly evolved into a maze of questions as investigators checked out reports that a Houston police officer had found nude photos of the driver stored in her cellular phone, downloaded them and later showed them around the courthouse.

Patrolman Christopher Green has been reassigned to desk duty pending the outcome of an internal investigation. His partner, George Miller, also has been reassigned while the department looks into reports that he called the DWI suspect's home to ask her out.

"We're sort of waiting to see what's going to happen," said Houston Police Officers' Union attorney Aaron Suder, who represents the officers.

Complicating matters is the fact that the 25-year-old woman, a native of China who is here on a student visa, speaks little English, her attorney says.

Suder and Police Department officials would not discuss details of the investigation Thursday. Suder also said the officers would not comment.

However, according to a search warrant request by the Harris County District Attorney's Office, the two officers assisted when the woman was arrested Nov. 24 on suspicion of driving while intoxicated.

Phone taken during search
During the arrest, they discovered that the woman had stored sexually explicit photos of herself in her cell phone, and Green downloaded the images onto his personal digital assistant, according to the search request.

The district attorney's office sought the warrant after being contacted by attorney Ned Gill, who is defending the woman against the DWI charge.

The warrant was granted in February, and an investigator confiscated Green's PDA during a search of his home.

Gill said he has no idea why his client, a Houston Community College student, had nude photos of herself on her cell phone.

He said he also doesn't know why the officers examined the phone.

Two weeks after the arrest, he added, the woman received a phone message from Miller, inviting her to join him at a restaurant.

Gill said he gave the district attorney's investigator a copy of the tape, dated Dec. 9.

According to court records, Miller acknowledged making the phone call, but said he was merely attempting to help the woman get an attorney.

Deputy says he saw photos
Court records do not indicate whether the PDA that was found in Green's home contained the nude photographs.

However, the search warrant request states that Deputy Sheriff Toby Devine told the investigator that Green showed him the photos on a day in January when the woman had a court hearing.

Devine works as a bailiff in that court.

Assistant District Attorney Celeste Carter told the investigator that Green also showed the pictures to her, according to the document.

Assistant District Attorney Edward Porter, who has been reviewing the evidence for possible criminal violations, refused to comment.

HPOU attorney Suder said he doubts the officers will face criminal charges, but he's not sure about possible disciplinary action.

"I suspect the department will do something in the next couple of months," Suder said.[/QUOTE]

I wonder how she can go to a u.s. college and not speak much english, unless she has a friend translate everything (I used to be semi friends with a kid who just arrived from vietnam, he could understand english but often missed words or didn't understand certain words when spoken fast or written poorly, I swear I spent half the class clarifying it). Though I would have filed a sexual harrasment lawsuit, theft etc. whatever fits best with this crime.
Sorry No, my associates are only booked for private showings. Photos are forbatten, prohbitted, not allowed. They don't photograph well. Action video maybe. Action always better.
[quote name='iheartmetal']maybe for some people....[/QUOTE]

dont get me wrong, i totally understand that there are religious people out there who feel marriage is the union of two souls, and im not saying theyre wrong, but...

marrige no longer means anything in american culture.

it used to be taboo to live together before marrige, now its the norm. so if one can live with, and commit themselves to loving that person, what need is a marrige?

a marrage license in the majority of todays society is either something to keep someones parents happy, or an insurance policy, to make sure your partner dosent go around fucking other people.

it dosent even mean THAT committed of a relationship anymore, with most marriges ending somewhere in the first 7 years.

i would much rather have a committed relationship with a girl without that piece of paper, because i believe it would be that much more committed

but i AM a cheapass, and welcome tax breaks ^^
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