GGT 203's stock price is higher than THQ's.

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[quote name='The Crotch']As far as the muddled grey thing in The Sith Lords goes:
The basic deal is, Jedi and Sith are both fucking parasites that do nothing for the galaxy except drag them into pointless wars every now and then, and we'd all be a lot better off if this "force" thing just fucked on off.

Yup, pretty much.

My Sith Wizard chick is kind of the same way. She started with more light side points because, good guy or bad guy, my character always ends up not being a complete dickhead. I dunno why I can't RP straight up evil bastards.
Hank: lol First one is awesome.
Hank: 2nd one is you raging at the thought of buying a Wii U for one game.
uraizen: hate you
Hank: ^__^
uraizen: you're the other baby, aren't you
Hank: Yep. :p
uraizen: hate you x2
[quote name='corrosivefrost']where's the first baby?[/QUOTE]

He was talking about another GIF, that's why it's crossed out.
[quote name='distgfx']He was talking about another GIF, that's why it's crossed out.[/QUOTE]

Indeed, but the you both reference it, so you should post both GIFs ;)
[quote name='hankmecrankme']Morality is important.[/QUOTE]
I was going to take the time to take a forward facing picture of myself and photoshop in a morality wheel with "Take 'em to poundtown" on all of the decisions (except one which is labeled "Drink Amp"), but then I remembered that I don't know how to photoshop anything.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Indeed, but the you both reference it, so you should post both GIFs ;)[/QUOTE]

Lost it and only hank referenced it.
Got everything connected for my new setup :drool::
Speakers had to go sideways because there was no room left on my desk for them and I had to use a book to line up the monitors better because they weren't adjustable to match up, haha.

Left monitor is dedicated Mac, right is dedicated Windows, and the middle monitor, my mouse, and keyboard are all hooked up through a KVM switch so I can swap them between the two machines.

[quote name='distgfx']Triple monitor setup... I hate you.[/QUOTE]

I mean for $50 a monitor, it wasn't hard to justify picking up two of them. And $800 for the Mac Pro (OS X 10.8.2 (Mountain Lion), 2.66 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 8GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 5870 1GB, and 2TB hard-drive space) was a fairly great deal as well. Probably the only good thing to come from the studio-wide layoff at work.
There's something magical about listening to Tastless and Artosis badgering a tech guy named "Spider" before the start of the tournament, not realizing that their microphones are live.

EDIT: Following "Dan, take your headset off, I think we're live..." and a minute straight of feedback, they've now cut all sound. Magical, I say.

EDIT2: From other casters, also not realizing they're live: "fucking China... the people who organized this are idiots."
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[quote name='icebeast']I mean for $50 a monitor, it wasn't hard to justify picking up two of them. And $800 for the Mac Pro (OS X 10.8.2 (Mountain Lion), 2.66 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 8GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 5870 1GB, and 2TB hard-drive space) was a fairly great deal as well. Probably the only good thing to come from the studio-wide layoff at work.[/QUOTE]

Can't comment on the Mac, but I would have probably done the exact same thing. Lord knows I need a new display to plug my PS3 into.
[quote name='icebeast']I mean for $50 a monitor, it wasn't hard to justify picking up two of them. And $800 for the Mac Pro (OS X 10.8.2 (Mountain Lion), 2.66 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon, 8GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 5870 1GB, and 2TB hard-drive space) was a fairly great deal as well. Probably the only good thing to come from the studio-wide layoff at work.[/QUOTE]

Dang, Ibizzie I'm jelly.

And whoa, MM slummin' it up in da GGT.
[quote name='distgfx']Looks like somebody is happy with their WiiU.[/QUOTE]

Happy and Wii U in the same sentence?
That's not what I was seeing based off the impressions of all the "ports". :bouncy:
If ME3 and NG3:RE are that terrible, I can't wait to see what the verdict is on Batman, TTT2, Darksiders 2, etc.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Happy and Wii U in the same sentence?
That's not what I was seeing based off the impressions of all the "ports". :bouncy:
If ME3 and NG3:RE are that terrible, I can't wait to see what the verdict is on Batman, TTT2, Darksiders 2, etc.[/QUOTE]

Everything I hear about ME3 for the WiiU makes me think Nintendo did something to piss off someone at EA.
[quote name='gunm']Who is going to play third party on WiiU??? lulz.[/QUOTE]

obviously someone will, otherwise these ports wouldn't exist. BLOPS 2 seems like it'll be amusing too.
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']Everything I hear about ME3 for the WiiU makes me think Nintendo did something to piss off someone at EA.[/QUOTE]

That or it's just "We're not used to working with this console yet" syndrome, but I certainly wouldn't know anything about that.
Nevermind its quality, I'm still having trouble understanding why you would put the third game in a trilogy that everyone already owns as a standalone title on a new console when you're releasing a triple-pack everywhere else.

Wii U ME3 is a roiling mass of shit I don't get.
[quote name='The Crotch']Nevermind its quality, I'm still having trouble understanding why you would put the third game in a trilogy that everyone already owns as a standalone title on a new console when you're releasing a triple-pack everywhere else.

Wii U ME3 is a roiling mass of shit I don't get.[/QUOTE]

For the same reason you would put out what's essentially a GOTY edition of Arkham City on the WiiU for $60 when it's cheaper for everything else.
[quote name='The Crotch']Nevermind its quality, I'm still having trouble understanding why you would put the third game in a trilogy that everyone already owns as a standalone title on a new console when you're releasing a triple-pack everywhere else.

Wii U ME3 is a roiling mass of shit I don't get.[/QUOTE]

Because it takes extra time to port that shit. They want sales now when people have Wii Us and don't have a lot of choices on what to buy!
So I just finished working an 80+ hour week today. Feels like I've been in a tiny box for 3 weeks. Working on a console launch is pretty cool though!
[quote name='distgfx']

I'm not sure what's up with this exactly, but I'm :rofl:

[quote name='heavyd853']So I just finished working an 80+ hour week today. Feels like I've been in a tiny box for 3 weeks. Working on a console launch is pretty cool though![/QUOTE]

Was most of the 80+ hours spent duct taping old gamecubes together to meet demand for WiiU?
Part of it was. The other half was getting in the life size mario carts and jousting with a bunch of Wii Remotes taped together.
We also raided the Microsoft offices across the street, using Balance Boards as riot shields, and stole all their free drinks.
[quote name='heavyd853']Part of it was. The other half was getting in the life size mario carts and jousting with a bunch of Wii Remotes taped together.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='heavyd853']We also raided the Microsoft offices across the street, using Balance Boards as riot shields, and stole all their free drinks.[/QUOTE]

You, sir, are a hero.

Carry on.
[quote name='heavyd853']So I just finished working an 80+ hour week today. Feels like I've been in a tiny box for 3 weeks. Working on a console launch is pretty cool though![/QUOTE]
where u work bro?
[quote name='icebeast']Got everything connected for my new setup :drool::
Speakers had to go sideways because there was no room left on my desk for them and I had to use a book to line up the monitors better because they weren't adjustable to match up, haha.

Left monitor is dedicated Mac, right is dedicated Windows, and the middle monitor, my mouse, and keyboard are all hooked up through a KVM switch so I can swap them between the two machines.

Pimp setup.
[quote name='distgfx']
Pimp system.
[quote name='heavyd853']Part of it was. The other half was getting in the life size mario carts and jousting with a bunch of Wii Remotes taped together.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='heavyd853']We also raided the Microsoft offices across the street, using Balance Boards as riot shields, and stole all their free drinks.[/QUOTE]
Pimp pimp.
yo heavyd, real talk. Is the Wii U worth buying? I have a pre-order and the money isn't a big deal necessarily, it's just if I will get value out of it.
[quote name='heavyd853']Also, you should all probably read this if you plan on getting a Wii U.[/QUOTE]

Second language is Nintendo++? :roll:
Hero status revoked.

[quote name='Jimbo Slice']yo heavyd, real talk. Is the Wii U worth buying? I have a pre-order and the money isn't a big deal necessarily, it's just if I will get value out of it.[/QUOTE]

I don't think heavyd can decide if you're going to get value out of it Jimbro.
Do you want to play any of the "ultimate" ports it's getting? Are you interested in Pikmin 3, NSMB Wii U, Bayonetta 2, Zombi U or anything else that's exclusive? I think those are the main spots your "value" is going to come from, since you're primarily a 360 gamer and I don't forsee you wanting to switch your BLOPS2 console to Wii U.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']yo heavyd, real talk. Is the Wii U worth buying? I have a pre-order and the money isn't a big deal necessarily, it's just if I will get value out of it.[/QUOTE]

I would say yes. I plan on getting one.

I don't really plan on buying more than one retail game for a while though, none of the launch titles asides from ZombiU really interest me.

It's pretty cool how well it runs out of the box, and I'm impressed by some of the preinstalled applications.

The Gamepad has pretty good potential, and I'm basically just counting on exclusives down the line to make it worth it. (granted, I get a discount too)

I'd suggest checking out some of the kiosk demos that will be up starting Monday, they should have some pretty cool stuff.
[quote name='corrosivefrost']Second language is Nintendo++? :roll:
Hero status revoked.

What the hell is Nintendo++, is that a programming jab?

I just want people to read that so they don't go a buy an external hdd and have it not work.
[quote name='hankmecrankme']I saw some dudes fighting tonight after one of them punched a chick in the face. Shit was nuts.[/QUOTE]

You're in Jersey? fuck bro, drive on up! :lol:

[quote name='heavyd853']I would say yes. I plan on getting one.

I don't really plan on buying more than one retail game for a while though, none of the launch titles asides from ZombiU really interest me.

It's pretty cool how well it runs out of the box, and I'm impressed by some of the preinstalled applications.

The Gamepad has pretty good potential, and I'm basically just counting on exclusives down the line to make it worth it. (granted, I get a discount too)

I'd suggest checking out some of the kiosk demos that will be up starting Monday, they should have some pretty cool stuff.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much what I expected the answer to be! :cool:
The discount probably helps, but again, it's a "do you want the exclusives" for Jimbo since he already has a 360 which will have most of the multiplatform games he wants and already has an established online community where his friends will be playing the same games. :)

[quote name='heavyd853']What the hell is Nintendo++, is that a programming jab?

I just want people to read that so they don't go a buy an external hdd and have it not work.[/QUOTE]

Ah, so you're not affiliated with that site?
Hero status restored.

And yes, it's a lame programming joke.
In C, you can add 1 to an integer by saying int++;
So when they were deciding what to call the iteration, they joked it was C++.

So yeah, whoever designed that site took that lame programing joke and applied it to Nintendo. :cry:
Holy fuck.

Right as what might be the decisive battle of the series is about to commence...

... we get a great view of the observer's desktop because nobody disabled the sticky-keys shortcut.

Jesus Christ, this tournament.
Good points Frosty but I figure HeavyD has at least a pretty basic understanding of the games I enjoy. I'm leaning toward keeping mine - early adopters tax be damned.
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