GGT 287 isn't being controlled by soda

Don't you know what slurm really is?
I played DmC and killed the Slurm Queen.

So yes, I know what it is.


I love how creative NT is.

And by creative, I mean I love that they love Futurama enough to put Slurm in DmC.

Now where's Slurms McKenzie?


Can we talk about how nothing about Family Guy was decent to begin with?
the family guy show are funny in a brain dead way. the only funny thing seth macfarlane was involved in was the movie "TED", and it was funny because of bad mark wahlbergs acting was, and still is to this day.

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Amazon made me cancel Super Mario 3D World because they didn't want me to redeem my rewards points on it.  So fucking pissed at them.

Amazon made me cancel Super Mario 3D World because they didn't want me to redeem my rewards points on it. So fucking pissed at them.
What reward points? Like from a credit card? That sucks though because Super Mario 3D World is amazing from what I have played so far :/

any1 here played puppeter for the ps3? worth playing? i am not impressed by the walkthrough videos i saw on youtube

My graphics card arrives tomorrow. Totally excited. ^^ 

Ys tomorrow, too. Shit man, this week is going to be hectic. 

Zelda video's still going. Just say no to Miku.

Nine Maiamais left to find. Making mama proud.



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I need a new card for my 3DS.

And Vita.

Totally forgot.
I'm sure you'll easily be able to find some for the 3DS during all the sales this week, the Vita sales won't be as good though, GameStop will have the 8GB for $10, but that's kind of small for the Vita :/

I have a 16 and while it isn't bad, I could use more. I've bought way too many PSP games. ;___;

Then again, I probably won't play most of them so I guess I can just continue using the 16GB. 

I have a 16 and while it isn't bad, I could use more. I've bought way too many PSP games. ;___;

Then again, I probably won't play most of them so I guess I can just continue using the 16GB.
Yeah, I have a 16 and a 4, the 4 is near useless and my 16 is already full basically due to the plus games. So there's a lot of deleting/re-downloading stuff :/

And this just shipped and should be here tomorrow, pretty excited:

Just did round 2 of Xbox Fitness, definitely got me into a sweat, loving this so far. My only complaint is it isn't like the other kinect games where it sets up a schedule for you, so you have to do that yourself. It's nothing major but it was nice having the set times since that helped keep me more in track with doing it, but it's still great.

Also tried out the Kinect Wake Racing and it was very responsive, I had a lot of fun with the ~4 races I did even though they are all the same track right now. It has monthly goals that are going to unlock items in the real game so that's neat.

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bread's done