GGT #300 Goes Spelunking


I ended up giving up on shiny Charmander today after 307 duds. Now I'm just using the GTS to try to get a Rayquaza by going through a ladder of trades.

I remember I had a shiny celfairy card in middle school and I tried to trade it to this fat kid for a regular charmander. I had no idea shiny cards were worth anything. :(

By the time I was in middle school I think indidawg was just born so yeah I'm kinda old

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rumor has it , star wars 1313 game has been cancelled by Disney. Surprise, surprise. I guess Disney are to invested in the Disney infinity toy sets project.
I heard about this quite a while back, it's a bummer, but Battlefront 3 makes everything okay

Sonic Lost World 3DS has hit dat magic $19.99 tempted to bite on it...
I'd say it's worth a shot at that price, granted I never played the 3DS one so I'm not sure how different it is.

i hope sony buys out nintendo, so we can finally see some of nintendos precious ip in modern day tolerable graphics. Instead of your typical ps2 game graphics. and free of those restriction they call the wii remote, and game tablet.
So then all the games can use the Vita as the "tablet" and they'll force you to buy one, also, Sony has no money, and I like posting this quote “Buried in reams of financial data is the revelation that Nintendo have 812.8 billion Yen (£6.7/$10.5 billion) in the bank – enough for it to take a 20 billion Yen loss (£163/$257 million) every year until 2052." Now that was from like the middle of 2012, but Nintendo still just has way too much money to be bought out :p

Hahahaha, that guy said that the minecart stages in Donkey Kong should be cut, what a scrub

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I hope they come out with a wii u mega man console I'll help keep that shit nintendo stock afloat alone.

I'll build a fort of wii u's where whoknows cant hurt me with his mean words

Hey guys, what should i play through first? Pokemon X or A Link Between Worlds? This will be my first pokemon game since Silver and my first zelda game since Wind Waker on the gamecube.

how long is the new Zelda anyways?

Hey guys, what should i play through first? Pokemon X or A Link Between Worlds? This will be my first pokemon game since Silver and my first zelda game since Wind Waker on the gamecube.

how long is the new Zelda anyways?
Zelda, definitely Zelda. That game is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooood. It's on the shorter side as well, especially if you don't plan on doing everything. I got all of the items/hearts and stuff though and it still wasn't a very long game. But it's just so awesome that I would definitely recommend it over Pokemon, but neither is a bad choice.

I have Vesperia and Legendia sealed.

And then I have Xillia downloaded.

And I'm like halfway through Graces.

But like, I'm just going to go play Asura's Wrath.

I have Vesperia and Legendia sealed.

And then I have Xillia downloaded.

And I'm like halfway through Graces.

But like, I'm just going to go play Asura's Wrath.
i just got my copy of tales grace of f from bestbuy b2g1 used game sale. maybe i will catch up to you.

I have Vesperia and Legendia sealed.

And then I have Xillia downloaded.

And I'm like halfway through Graces.

But like, I'm just going to go play Asura's Wrath.
do you even game bro?>

Is laura-sempai in t hat tales game thats on sale? I'll buy it just for her but then I'll have to imdb the credits because I won't know who she is

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do you even game bro?>

Is laura-sempai in t hat tales game thats on sale? I'll buy it just for her but then I'll have to imdb the credits because I won't know who she is
No. He watches games.

Asura's Wrath.

Good movie. Better than TLOU.

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Asura's Wrath 2 should have intro DLC to explain how you know who comes back from you know what but don't release it until 2 months after the game launches. Babies always crying about early DLC when a game is released.

Asura's Wrath 2 should have intro DLC to explain how you know who comes back from you know what but don't release it until 2 months after the game launches. Babies always crying about early DLC when a game is released.
I'd buy it.

Gotta know the backstory


I got three more dungeons done in A Link Between Worlds. One more in Lorule then in to the end game I'm guessing.

The game is fantastic. I love the shorter, more focused dungeons compared to OoT that I played through a month or so ago.
I got three more dungeons done in A Link Between Worlds. One more in Lorule then in to the end game I'm guessing.

The game is fantastic. I love the shorter, more focused dungeons compared to OoT that I played through a month or so ago.
Very short dungeons. I have one area left too in that place where the boulders fall I don't know how to get there I gave up

I should be studying for my cert, but I'm just surfing the 'Net and thinking about which game to play next.  Yay me.

bread's done