GGT 322 wins E3 2014

I was going to start trying out LoL, but I'm too hooked on Hearthstone.

Man, the guys trying to buy XBL codes from me are lowballing the shit out of them. I'm okay with a discount, but some of the asking prices are fucking ridiculous.

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I was going to start trying out LoL, but I'm too hooked on Hearthstone.

Man, the guys trying to buy XBL codes from me are lowballing the shit out of them. I'm okay with a discount, but some of the asking prices are fucking ridiculous.
You should buy both mega man games support capcom.

Don't take the lowball they don't know they're not from the promo deal well unless they read this thread.

You should wait until charlie murder isn't free anymore and then buy it and play us

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You should buy both mega man games support capcom.

Don't take the lowball they don't know they're not from the promo deal well unless they read this thread
I already did. I wish I could buy them again. I actually own pretty much all of Capcom's games from this gen.

That shits honestly kind of disgusting.

I mean not really their fault. Companies have got to learn how to regulate their giveaways better.

If it was as easy as clicking a link and getting a code I would be in the triple digits too but fuck creating a new email, new FB, confirm it, etc etc

joel be liking his own shitty selfie and food pics

Do you have charlie murder joel?

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Joel be stalkin bitches

I won't even lie, but that's not too far off from the reason that I have them.

well whoknows probably has more so he can like everything he post
But everyone else is already liking his stuff.

joel be liking his own shitty selfie and food pics

Do you have charlie murder joel?
Nah, that would make people too suspicious.

Nope, I ran out of XBL finally. It's sad, but I wasn't really using it anyways, so I guess it's not a huge loss.

have you seen world war z

I wonder if its going to be a serious zombie movie or frank west going to run around in X's costume putting zombies in shopping carts?

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I mean they've done zombies in a mall twice... to the point where second run of dead rising game had to put on the cover THIS GAME DID NOT COPY DAWN OF THE DEAD or whatever. I have the first run without that on the cover true fan

So they are making a dead rising movie hmmmmm we will see legendary pictures, we will see
I want either Hank or me to play Frank.

have you seen world war z

I wonder if its going to be a serious zombie movie or frank west going to run around in X's costume putting zombies in shopping carts?
I want the latter.

I mean they've done zombies in a mall twice... to the point where second run of dead rising game had to put on the cover THIS GAME DID NOT COPY DAWN OF THE DEAD or whatever. I have the first run without that on the cover true fan
I also have that one too!

I was actually about to ask who else abused it. I ended up getting $110 by the time it ended.
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng man, that's like enough to buy the Halo collection almost twice! ;p

Although I say this after spending money on DmC, mostly because I just finally want to see how I feel about that game, haha.
eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww series killer buyer

holy shit dude.

I got $15 and felt bad
I got 2 codes myself, so $10, and felt kinda wrong, then happy afterwards

Man, the guys trying to buy XBL codes from me are lowballing the shit out of them. I'm okay with a discount, but some of the asking prices are fucking ridiculous.
Haha, that's definitely going to happen when promos like this come around, that said I will give you an equivalent number of high fives for as many codes as you want to give me! dX

Don't take the lowball they don't know they're not from the promo deal well unless they read this thread.
lol, that thing was everywhere! Not just this thread :p

hrm its a straight to digital streaming movie

Forward unto dawn is a really good movie if you're into halo lore so straight to digital movies aren't bad.
Forward unto dawn was pretty effing sweet so if it's of similar quality I'm looking forward to it. I mean, both Spielberg and Scott are doing the other Halo things and in a way they are gonna be digital as well since it's for Xbox and I have high hopes for those as well!


I was referring to my Vita being bought by somebody who actually cares/wants to play all these indie games. 

Also lol at this

I love my Vita, but then again, I never cared much for the kind of games Sony put out for it other than Tearaway. I definitely didn't care about the kind of games Yoshida seems to be implying they will be making less of (ie. portable console-like games).

I'm happy with Vita as well. I don't have much interest in playing console like AAA games on a tiny screen. I like portables as I play smaller games I'd never get around to on the consoles where all my time goes to AAA games.

On the gaming front, I bought Watchdogs, but got sick of it pretty quickly. Not surprising as I don't tend to like GTA type games, or any games that involve a lot of fleeing from cops, guards etc. Just a case of stretching outside my genre interests to find something to play on the PS4 I bought too soon....I did love the Destiny Alpha though. And that's now my most anticipated game in quite a while.

So now I'm back to PS3 and portables until the Destiny Beta. I started up Deus Ex: Human Revolution and I'm mostly liking that so far. Not a fan of stealth stuff typically, but so far not a big deal as I've had plenty of ammo to just kill everyone if I get detected. As long as that stays the same I should be good.

Portable front I'm just still chipping away at P4G currently. Just wrapped up summer break and back to the start of school in September. 3DS is still gathering dust. Very tempted to ditch it since no Metroid or anything I really want to play was announced at E3. But they did say a 3DS and Wii U Metroid is in the works, and used 3DS XLs don't go for much anyway, so I guess I'll let it gather dust a while longer.
I guess it's not that I'm against indies (I've played my fair share), it's just that they aren't really system sellers to me and they kind of feel more like games to go with others a lot of times. Plus now that "indie" is becoming a bigger and bigger thing it seems like there are more "indie" companies that feel they can charge more then they should be for their game solely because they are indie. As long as the game is good and looks fun I'll end up playing it, but a lot of these types of games just don't have a lot of appeal to me.

I mean I rarely play my Vita as it is though so it's not a huge deal for me due to that, and I do agree that there are certain genres I don't like playing on handhelds, I'd just like to see a good variety of different types of games on there.

I did love the Destiny Alpha though. And that's now my most anticipated game in quite a while.
Wish I could have played that, looking forward to the Xbox beta, love me some Bungie.

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I guess it's not that I'm against indies (I've played my fair share), it's just that they aren't really system sellers to me and they kind of feel more like games to go with others a lot of times. Plus now that "indie" is becoming a bigger and bigger thing it seems like there are more "indie" companies that feel they can charge more then they should be for their game solely because they are indie. As long as the game is good and looks fun I'll end up playing it, but a lot of these types of games just don't have a lot of appeal to me.

I mean I rarely play my Vita as it is though so it's not a huge deal for me due to that, and I do agree that there are certain genres I don't like playing on handhelds, I'd just like to see a good variety of different types of games on there.
I just don't really make that distinction between indie games or non-indie games or whatever is in between. For me, the games I'm most interested in could come from anywhere on that spectrum. As far as pricing goes, I've always felt that it was the non-indies that tend to overprice their games simply because people perceive a game that you buy off the shelf as worth more. Most indie games on vita seem to be $15 or less, which seems pretty reasonable to me. And to me, it definitely doesn't seem like an overpriced indie game would be overpriced because it's indie. Indie games are always priced lower than non-indie games with a comparable amount of content.

And as far as what I like about my Vita, I like being able to play games while laying in bed, even if I already own those games on PC, so the portability of some of my favorite games like Spelunky or Terarria are worth having the system for to me. And then of course there's digital PS1 and PSP games as well as a variety of PS+ games I've gotten, so it adds up. I do wish they did more with the PS1 stuff though.

I just don't really make that distinction between indie games or non-indie games or whatever is in between. For me, the games I'm most interested in could come from anywhere on that spectrum. As far as pricing goes, I've always felt that it was the non-indies that tend to overprice their games simply because people perceive a game that you buy off the shelf as worth more. Most indie games on vita seem to be $15 or less, which seems pretty reasonable to me. And to me, it definitely doesn't seem like an overpriced indie game would be overpriced because it's indie. Indie games are always priced lower than non-indie games with a comparable amount of content.

And as far as what I like about my Vita, I like being able to play games while laying in bed, even if I already own those games on PC, so the portability of some of my favorite games like Spelunky or Terarria are worth having the system for to me. And then of course there's digital PS1 and PSP games as well as a variety of PS+ games I've gotten, so it adds up. I do wish they did more with the PS1 stuff though.
That's fair, I guess it's just on 360 I got used to that $1/2/3 thing with the indies there (which there were actually some good ones), and now when one hits for more it just makes me remember similar cheaper ones. I have no problem at all paying $15 for an indie game though if it's one I think I'll enjoy. Like I got that Strike Suit game when it hit Xbox One on day one, so I guess it might not be indie as a whole just a lot of indie games have been seeming pretty similar. When they are using the same genres and a lot of them are using retro graphics (which I love) they start to become difficult to tell about. I guess the other thing is it seems a lot of indie games don't really go for online play as much which is a big part of games for me, and a lot of the big companies do focus on that.

As for the portability of playing in a bed, I actually love using the Wii U for that, so maybe for me it is that I just do want to always be playing these bigger console games and it gives me that more so than the Vita or 3DS. I definitely like being able to get the PS1 games on Vita though, that's a great feature for being able to play some favorites or games that I missed!

So I guess I really wouldn't want to sell my Vita, just kind of bums me out seeing them basically say they'll be supporting it less for games when it's their system, hope we still get some sweet 3rd party stuff on there at least, especially those RPGs.

It's interesting how we justify pricing based on production values, and I'd be lying if I didn't think that way either. I mean, we could all buy a $4.99 PSX Classic and get a more epic, lengthy, and better made experience than a lot of the $59.99 AAA titles released this year on current gen machines. But once games with dated or minimal production values start climbing to the $9.99, $14.99, and $19.99 price points, suddenly we all get skeptical. For example: I can't wait for Hotline Miami 2 but if it costs me more than $10 I might hesitate. But a new HD title like Tomb Raider 2 or Bloodbourne? For me, that's a $59.99 preorder without a second thought. The actually quality of any of these games is still anyone's guess, but the way they are made already justifies their prices at retail.

Games are just always going to be a part of the tech culture and people's thirst to be a part of it. Cutting edge graphics and brand new gadgets are one in the same. They'll be sought after and taken at high prices because experiencing the high-end is arguably just as exciting as the potential quality of the products themselves.

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Can't argue with that, I easily agree. Like I'll easily buy anything they make with Halo for full price (I was basically ready to pay $60 for H2 Anniversary, so that 4 pack is amazing), or even something like Wolfenstein where it's that classic shooter style but might not be super long. But then for a recent example Super Time Force is getting all of this praise and people love it, but I just can't jump in at $15 for it for some reason, even though I know I'll enjoy it. 

EDIT: ewwww my sig is blue, how did that happen :(

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Whew made it red, that was close.

I loved the Pushmo game I played but I got it on sale, don't see me paying over $10 for one of those :( Now Monster Hunter....that's easily worth $20 (x3)!

Is it because Pushmo is the Dark Souls of puzzle games? Is that why, Mo? Because it is.
It's because I can play Tetris for free, and that's enough puzzle games for me! I don't remember Pushmo being that difficult though? I'm usually pretty good at those kind of games though.

bread's done