GGT 353 Happy Home Destroyer

im helping.... or am I....?

So I never played the uncharted series, everytime it was on sale I would put off buying them. I have had plenty of opportunities to grab them. Now with the ps4 getting an uncharted collection makes me want to wait more. Maybe when I eventually get a PS4.
Today would have been John Lennon's 75th Birthday. He was a great musician, he wasnt just a Beatle nor were any of the others. Sometimes people ask my who my favorite of the group was, my answer is always that they were all great but it was John who I learned from and his music was the one that stuck with me. I always wonder if a world to what he sang about in "imagine" could truly exist. Without bad we would not know what good is, without sadness would we be able to tell when we where happy? I hope some day that there is a world where living life in peace doesnt seem so farfetched. Maybe if we all just remembered what he said, "give peace a chance". When you see that stranger or that person you dont agree with think about how even a smile can change their day. I came on here and sat with just the first sentence written not knowing what to say about this man who loved the world. I could talk about his music or his time with the Beatles but its best to remember as the man who knew kindness wasn't something of fiction.

"A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality."

The gold wiimote and nunchucks are awesome, agree with that.

Also loving this Battlefront beta, I just want to keep playing more of it

I like John Lennon because he was a real bag of shit inside of a people suit before he did drugs and then he mellowed out. Really wish he could have still been alive. I would have liked to hear his thoughts on the big things that have happened in the time since he died. Oh well, least we still have Ringo.

I got Luke and Leia for DI today. They're both better than most of the other DI SW people. Leia is especially badass.
Neighbors have some sports party, Probably should go crash that. I wonder if people have parties like this for DOTA and League tournaments?

Considering I just saw this today, we can play tonight. Just IM me on Skype whenever later tonight.
Shit, I'm sorry I didn't see this till now. I've been offline all day and can't tonight because my internet's being shit. I'll hit you up tomorrow to see when else would be good. I'm free pretty much every evening this week until Friday so I'm sure we'll find time. <3 youuuuuu

Zeki invited me to move in with him and then immediately kicked me out before I even started packing my stuff.

The way he toys with my emotions.

Whoa I see how it is zeki, only inviting him to move in. We could all move in together and be like a group of hippies, you know like sitting around playing music and do all kinds of crazy stuff. Ever see the movie wanderlust, well like that, zeki can be Paul Rudd.
Don't pretend like you would move in with us.
You are telling me that we are all moving in together? From what I heard zeki doesnt want that, he wants to live quietly with his figures keeping him company. Plus there would be no room with all of his figures since they take up a whole room.
bread's done