GGT 357 Gets Revisited By Some Old Faces

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Thanks, guys. Everything's still sinking in, but I'm really excited about it. Gonna be animating on For Honor.

Just finished moving, which is the really fun part. At least we've still got a ton of shit in boxes.

Joel, and whoever, we need to try to get some KI happening still. I seem to have figured out my frame stutter issue on PC and playing online last night was crazy smooth.

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Can you further elaborate on each of these tips (j root?) and also confirm or deny your involvement in sending this guy money to say these things.

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Okay so when I say I'm a tree planter and I plant thousands of trees in a day, people are often surprised because 1: haha wait you mean tree planting is actually a job what the fuck and 2: they have a mental image of me planting, like... two or three-foot tall trees. I plant seedlings, like these:


The bundle of roots, soil, and fertilizer is known as the "plug", and sometimes when you plant it the plug gets all bent and curls upward, becoming a "j-root". This is usually because your hole isn't deep enough, which is usually because you've hit rock or something and you don't want to make a new hole, but some trees actually come partially j-rooted. This is usually meaningless, as no foreman or checker will notice the fault unless they carefully dig up the fault trees themselves. If that does happen, though, you're in some deep shit, because they'll make you replant them. And whereas replanting leaners or shallow trees or whatever is easy because you can see the faults plain as day, you have no way of knowing which tree is good without uprooting them yourself.

"Sloot" is I guess his fucked-up pronunciation of "slut", which means "plant shitty trees real fast" (or, alternately, someone known for planting shitty trees real fast). "Balling" is highballing, or out-planting.

"Only seven in a plot? I thought you said eleven!" is about getting away with high density. The closer together your trees are, the more efficient your planting is, since you're spending less time walking between trees. A plot is a circle with a 3 (I think, I'd have to check my plot cord to be sure) metre radius, and at the start of a contract, they usually say something like "only 7, 8, or 9 trees to a plot". If you are consistently above or below that, you'll have to replant your land.

"Pound" just means "plant real fuckin' hard". Mounds are a type of prep-work that they sometimes leave behind for planters - little piles of dirt that they want you to put the trees in. These usually suck and most people - at least at my company - hate them, but they can be good.

The forester is the representative of the mill that has hired your planting company. They typically have a sketchy understanding of what tree planting actually entails and have all sorts of weird rules that only rookies follow. If your forester really sucks, they'll start power-tripping and handing out fines for minor/imagined infractions.

A planter's diet is, ideally, very carb-heavy, especially during work hours. Fat and protein are more supper/day off things.

A ghost-line is a single line of trees that inexplicably runs through the middle of a piece of land. Doing it on your own land can fuck you up. Doing it on someone else's land is an enormous dick move. "Cream" refers to nice land, and a creamer is someone who goes out of their way to plant nice land at the expense of others.

And I can guarantee that I wasn't involved in this video because if I was I would have told him to call it a clusterfuck, not a gangbang. Both those terms refer to having a shitload of people plant a single piece of land. This usually happens when a block is closing up and it's the last piece of land before the whole crew moves. Because there are so many people putting trees into the same area, the odds that you will get called on planting bad trees are basically nonexistent.

There's always at least one Quebecois planter in any company.

Micromanaging foremen suck.

I have had a lot of fun with KI lately, but I just haven't had the time to play it at all.

Also, sitting at a computer all day makes me not want to use one at all when I get home. 

You guys want to listen to bad kpop?

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Yeah, it's a real bummer. Feel awful for the team. Lot of crazy talented people worked at Avalanche.

Also feel like I need to grab all of the Infinity figures on my "shit to get someday" list now.

My favorite part was when they used Kanye in the Assassin's Creed trailer and a bunch of people made different versions of the trailer with kanye.

Anyone know if there's talk of a Nier remaster when the sequel comes outs?

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