GHIII or rock band?


Title says it all
I hear all sorts of bad talk from the Rock Band Wii thread, how it was a very very stripped version for a price more than its worth due to the bare bones version. GHIII is nice and but there's always going to be another one out which is usually better, problem is, I heard that the next one is going to feature songs only from Aerosmith band, which I dont like.

Choices? Opinions? Rants?

I feel a merge coming.

I vote rock band since there's 3 different gameplay aspects instead of just 1. Of course, multiplayer is really the draw for Rockband for me and my family. Guitar hero is pretty much a solo effort with some boss battles added in. RB is just playing songs with no real game 'enhancing' aspects like pseudo-character development and guitar graphics choices.
I would say Rock Band, but granted I have them for my 360 and not my Wii.

Seeing Rock Band on the PS2 however, it feels as though it lost ALOT.
From what I have heard, the Wii version is very similar and that really sucks.

But like the poster above me said, GH3 is more for a solo thing whereas RockBand is a largely multiplayer game as well. If you are okay having only the bare bones of Rock Band, which, still bare boned I believe it to be a great game, I would recommend that.
Rockband. It's not even close, with Guitar Hero you ONLY get the guitar and less then stellar DLC. With Rockband you get 3 different instruments which gives you 3 different ways to play every song. The DLC is also much much better for Rockband. I have both games and pretty much only play single player and I still love Rockband, so I wouldn't listen much to the people that say Rockband is only worth it for multiplayer, that's simply not true. In my opinion it beats GH3 both for single player and multiplayer.
[quote name='jimbodan']Rockband. It's not even close, with Guitar Hero you ONLY get the guitar and less then stellar DLC. With Rockband you get 3 different instruments which gives you 3 different ways to play every song. The DLC is also much much better for Rockband. I have both games and pretty much only play single player and I still love Rockband, so I wouldn't listen much to the people that say Rockband is only worth it for multiplayer, that's simply not true. In my opinion it beats GH3 both for single player and multiplayer.[/quote]

The only reason in which I would say that GH3 would beat RB in terms of single player is if you are an avid GH player.

If you play on expert and love trying to perfect songs on expert on GH then RB is not for you because most will agree that the guitar parts are far more easy on RB than they are on GH

But I fully agree with you, having three different instruments triples the single player in RB whereas GH has only one essentially.
[quote name='jimbodan']Rockband. It's not even close, with Guitar Hero you ONLY get the guitar and less then stellar DLC. With Rockband you get 3 different instruments which gives you 3 different ways to play every song. The DLC is also much much better for Rockband. I have both games and pretty much only play single player and I still love Rockband, so I wouldn't listen much to the people that say Rockband is only worth it for multiplayer, that's simply not true. In my opinion it beats GH3 both for single player and multiplayer.[/QUOTE]

Quoted just for facts sake - there is no and will be NO DOWNLOADBLE CONTENT for the Wii versions of these games. Lay off that crack pipe, jimbo.
Harmonix is where the money is at. Rock Band hands down ftw. Guitar Hero 3 lost a lot of what made the first two ghero's fun imho. The track list is godly, but the finger charts just flat out suck. Songs like Raining Blood on expert just made me want to smash my guitar, and I'm a very mellow/relaxed person who doesn't take gaming too seriously.

Rock Band is just so much fun to grab 3 of your friends with and go nuts. The drumming is also a whole other beast, adding a layer of depth that gh3 just doesn't have. I'm happy a couple of my friends have it, I don't have a lot of money atm and sinking 150$ into one game just isn't viable atm. 2 of my friends and I plan on all picking this up at the next TRU B2G1.
I've got three friends, we all enjoy the GH and the Rock Band, and we try to avoid playing Rock Band because it is so damned boring. GH simply has the guitar work down and the two folks who have to play guitar in Rock Band are lovingly termed the "Guitar Bitches" for having to snore through boring-ass note charts in boring-ass songs.

With the 360 & PS3 versions of BOTH of these games existing, it just seems silly to get the Wii version(s). Even if you only own a Wii and don't see yourself getting a 360/PS3 anytime soon (or at all), I still have a hard time recommending any of these games.

They should not sell these 2 versions on the Wii for the SAME price as the 360/PS3 versions. It just isn't fair.
Go with GH3. It's definitely the better of the two. I've tried both, but GH3 is still the exalted one; it's still the best and the king until someone can come along and truly dethrone it (maybe Rock Band 2?).
I agree with Lilboo, but if you must buy one, go with Rock Band for the superior track listing and multitude of single player options.
I really want to try out Rock Band but I wouldn't be playing with anyone else. The GH games are awesome but I'm hesitant about shelling out the cash for Rock Band when I'm not sure how much fun it is single player. If I did get it, it would be on my 360 and not the Wii because of DLC.
[quote name='bmulligan']I feel a merge coming.

I vote rock band since there's 3 different gameplay aspects instead of just 1. Of course, multiplayer is really the draw for Rockband for me and my family. Guitar hero is pretty much a solo effort with some boss battles added in. RB is just playing songs with no real game 'enhancing' aspects like pseudo-character development and guitar graphics choices.[/quote]
Thats what I like About Rockband the fact that you have 3 ways (Mic, Drums, and Guitar)
Rock Band feels better and has a ton more features.

You can make a band, name it, have a quote, heck even make t-shirts of your characters/band if your that obsessed! :lol: From the rock band website.

The character customizing is awesome. I mean it's like the mii software for making rock stars. GH doesn't have any of these things. The character creator works amazing well
you can choose a genre style clothing, tattoos, make up etc.

The single player is ok but not a elaborate at world tour mode. Which world tour mode is fun. Getting a van in a battle of the bands type of scinernio. A jet plane, bodyguards, pr people and a hall of frame and for those ballsy players a endless setlist.

GH 3's single player is nice but kinda repetitive of over and over again. Also in rock band when you play any song or dlc tracks you get money to buy more guitars, drums, mics, clothes etc. Whereas, in GH3 you play bonus songs or dlc and only get points and not any money to buy guitars, characters etc. which is annoying because I have to start another account or try to play on expert which gets painful.

Rock Band just is a more customizable game then GH 3. I still enjoy GH and play it for songs that RB doesn't have but in the end. Rock Band just has a ton of stuff. Plus the music store update fixed singing and world tour mode's song selection.

Harmonix is really thinking forward and trying to make Rock Band a next step. Whereas, Guitar Hero feels kinda outdated.

Sadly the wii version isn't getting the character creator , world tour mode, or dlc. It's better to get a 360 or PS3 if you really want the full rock band. Or even GH.
The character editor and the cinematography in Rock Band are both superior by far. Not a lot cooler than seeing the singer share vocals with the bassist or the guitarist kick over the camera.

The problem is that across the board, Guitar Hero 3 co-op feels a lot more fun than Rock Band. My cadre of buffoons have tried it a lot, and no matter how you look at it, the song selection from Rock Band is just across the board not nearly as good as GH3's... even bolstered with a healthy smattering of DLC... the energy of GH3 just doesn't carry over to Rock Band and our entire group feels bored with it, even with the ability to switch parts.
bread's done