Girl advice


CAG Veteran
Now i was just wondering ... and I wanted some feedback on my advice i give on my new blog. It is in the signiture but anyway after a lot of experience I have had with flings and flirting I have found that there are a few basic things you should avoid when trying to approach Asian girls and girls in general.

So gimmie feedback on my advice in my blog and share some experiences when some of you guys have had funny problems with girls:bomb:
Honestly, I don't think any of it is a sure thing. Don't get me wrong, you can express what appeals to you, personally. But there's no such thing as a "how to" guide to getting a girl (much less, specifically targeting an Asian one). You can't realistically say that if a guy does this and this and this and this, you'll just automatically like him. That's crap.

Essentially, all you can tell a guy is to "be himself". Also, it seems like you're hung up on these ideals, like finding the perfect man is a paint-by-number process. Once you break away from this worn out pattern, I'm sure you'll be surprised. Follow some of your own advice and "try something new".
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Honestly, I don't think any of it is a sure thing. Don't get me wrong, you can express what appeals to you, personally. But there's no such thing as a "how to" guide to getting a girl (much less, specifically targeting an Asian one). You can't realistically say that if a guy does this and this and this and this, you'll just automatically like him. That's crap.

Essentially, all you can tell a guy is to "be himself". Also, it seems like you're hung up on these ideals, like finding the perfect man is a paint-by-number process. Once you break away from this worn out pattern, I'm sure you'll be surprised. Follow some of your own advice and "try something new".[/QUOTE]

This is it right here. Just be yourself if she dosent like it tough shit, move along to the next one. I have dated many women in my life (mostly asian btw) using this method and never had a regret. I also met and married my Japanese wife using this insane and ground breaking method and we are going on 20yrs next month.

Now granted when I was growing up Asian chicks were very quite and shy. I dated a few Vietnamese girls that relocated after the war, and they were very nice and polite when you got to know them. Unlike today where most asian girls think they are wanted by every guy with a pulse. I think thats where the problem is, not the guys but the concieted chicks. I blame the internet and porn industry for that :lol:
I clicked on it, it looks hideous. I see something telling me to click ads, that makes me want to stab people. After that I start seeing keywords of terribad animes and horrid characters. I must burn that website....
I'm not sure you CAN improve it. It's perfect as is.

I'd suggest some social networking first. CAG isn't really... yeah, there aren't a LOT of anime fans here. Myanimelist, maybe?
[quote name='DarkSageRK']I'm not sure you CAN improve it. It's perfect as is.

I'd suggest some social networking first. CAG isn't really... yeah, there aren't a LOT of anime fans here. Myanimelist, maybe?[/QUOTE]

I'm never taking advice from you. Ever.

How to improve a site - Make it usable, proper English, good color selection, use high-quality images.. this isn't the days of dial-up, people can load em now. Have content people want to see. Everybody and their friend has a half-assed blog, and nobody touches them. If your going to bother, make it worthwhile.
so gerox how specifically can i improve my blog... so in my future posts can incorporate these changes on its early stages...and do you have a blog or site i can refer to?
[quote name='georox']I'm never taking advice from you. Ever.

I was being sarcastic on the first part. I just didn't wanna bother with telling her how to make it better. I was being serious with the second part. She'd get more favorable hits from an anime-related place.
For any guy who's having trouble, spend half an hour videotaping yourself hanging out with your friends. Notice how your speech & diction is noticeably different from the guys you look up to.
[quote name='DarkSageRK']I was being sarcastic on the first part. I just didn't wanna bother with telling her how to make it better. I was being serious with the second part. She'd get more favorable hits from an anime-related place.[/QUOTE]

Textual sarcasm requires tags. Otherwise it gets very hard to understand, like yellow on white text.

And CAG has a ton of anime fans, just most anime fans here have real taste.

[quote name='bluedotlounge']For any guy who's having trouble, spend half an hour videotaping yourself hanging out with your friends. Notice how your speech & diction is noticeably different from the guys you look up to.[/QUOTE]

I already cornered THAT end of the market... but sadly I don't look up to the people I know. Cept Dylon, he's got that very creepy side to him that sort of scares me and instills fear. I need to capture how to recreate that fear in others...
Here's how you get a girl:

1. Get Her Drunk
2. Get Yourself Drunk
3. Take Her To Your Bedroom
4. You know what happens next...
[quote name='MHults7791']Here's how you get a girl:

1. Get Her Drunk
2. Get Yourself Drunk
3. Take Her To Your Bedroom
4. You know what happens next...[/QUOTE]

You slip something into her drink and she doesn't remember a thing until the pregnancy test? :O That's not right man!
[quote name='georox']you slip something into her drink and she doesn't remember a thing until the pregnancy test? :eek: that's not right man![/quote]

suprise buttsecks/baby!
[quote name='MHults7791']Here's how you get a girl:

1. Get Her Drunk
2. Get Yourself Drunk
3. Take Her To Your Bedroom
4. You know what happens next...[/QUOTE]

If you get yourself drunk, nothing is going to happen. Looks like you don't know what happens next.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']If you get yourself drunk, nothing is going to happen. Looks like you don't know what happens next.[/QUOTE]

LOL its not business time :whistle2:/
dayum. you guys are some rough SOBs lol. but its expected lol.

How old are you OP? I think if you write a date blog, Age helps since that advice could be ummm age specific. because I do think with age, there is a different approach to these situations. But keep it up, post some of your personal experiences to back up your advice. good luck OP.
What a strange blog. You start the page begging people to click on ads, repeatedly talk about how hot you are, and then declare that the majority of the male population needs to completely change who they are to pick up an Asian. I'm not inclined to go back.

Also: keep the text one damn color. That bright green on white background is unreadable.
I used to be a really big anime watcher, but have since grown to just being a movie watcher/gamer. I liked Kimi Ga a long time ago; I thought it was good. Cowboy Bebop was alright, I guess. I used to watch Naruto and Bleach, but now I just read the manga because the anime was becoming too slow (the manga are following that trend now). I could go on typing all the anime I've seen, but that'd just make this post too long to read.

If you're talking about how to improve your blog site, I'd say you should use proper English and readable colors. The colors really made it difficult for me, both reading and standing the text. The couple of spelling and grammar errors slightly stuttered the reading, but not by much for me (spelling and grammar errors urk me sometimes). But remember, it's your blog. If that's the way you express your thoughts and ideas, you shouldn't really change it. It all just depends on whether you get any interested readers.

Which comes to what I'm guessing your original question was. I don't have much dating experience (pitifully saying, since I'm already 21), but I believe in the "be yourself" approach. Going back to my site improvement advice, write it the way you want to, and if someone's interested they'll read it. With girls, just be yourself [not YOU yourself, seeing as how you're a girl (unless you like girls in that way, I don't judge)]. If the girl isn't interested, move on. In my case, I can never tell if a girl is or isn't interested. That's a problem for me. Most girls I've met have always left things completely ambiguous, so I usually just assume they're not interested. I'll prod a little here and there, but it all ends up the same. I'm also really shy, so that's a big problem as well.

That's all I can think of, at the moment. Hope this helps any.
my friend's hot asian coworker has been hitting on me and that friend wants to hook us up but she's hella into god and jesus and stuff, i think she's christian or something... i'm torn, is hotness worth tolerating a cult member... she's really hot, hotter than any girl i've dated... but goes to church every week... i dunno
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[quote name='Koggit']my friend's hot asian coworker of my friend has been hitting on me and that friend wants to hook us up but she's hella into god and jesus and stuff, i think she's christian or something... i'm torn, is hotness worth tolerating a cult member... she's really hot, hotter than any girl i've dated... but goes to church every week... i dunno[/QUOTE]

She's going to try to "convert" she'll expect you to go to church with her.
[quote name='Koggit']my friend's hot asian coworker of my friend has been hitting on me and that friend wants to hook us up but she's hella into god and jesus and stuff, i think she's christian or something... i'm torn, is hotness worth tolerating a cult member... she's really hot, hotter than any girl i've dated... but goes to church every week... i dunno[/QUOTE]

I'm confused. Does your friend have something to do with this scenario?

In all seriousness, if there's something about her personality that you already don't like, there's no future there. Unless you plan on marrying this girl to get into her pants, you're seriously barking up the wrong tree. What exactly would you expect to gain from this?
[quote name='n8rockerasu']I'm confused. Does your friend have something to do with this scenario?

In all seriousness, if there's something about her personality that you already don't like, there's no future there. Unless you plan on marrying this girl to get into her pants, you're seriously barking up the wrong tree. What exactly would you expect to gain from this?[/QUOTE]

i had an extra word or three in there i'm still kinda drunk but i think i edited it and it should make a little more sense right now

yeah i think it's a probably a bad idea generally but i think i'll hang out with her anyway.. maybe she's cool about her faith and never talks about it or something.. or maybe my friend was exaggerating when talking about how religious she is.. i dunno.. hot people are good to befriend though, because hot ppl usually have hot friends.. the hottest of my exes was a hook-up through a mutual hot friend.. hot friends make good things happen
I think blogs are over.

The new thing for cute girls is to get a ridiculous boob job, a youtube channel, and a dopey gimmick.

Just think, you could be the next Bai Ling!
you just signed up on CAG and are asking us here on about your blog? Why dont you find a blog development discussion forum? Newbies shouldnt be allowed to ask questions for a month
[quote name='Arakias']you just signed up on CAG and are asking us here on about your blog? Why dont you find a blog development discussion forum? Newbies shouldnt be allowed to ask questions for a month[/QUOTE]

Because I'm sure they would be either A. people with experience who shun them or B. people who know as little as the OP that are equally stupid on the subject just circle-jerking about HOW AWSHUM MAH BLOG IS! I LIEK HAS SUM PINK N COLORZ! I LIEK ANIMEZ AND I HAS SPARKLEYS!
[quote name='Koggit']my friend's hot asian coworker has been hitting on me and that friend wants to hook us up but she's hella into god and jesus and stuff, i think she's christian or something... i'm torn, is hotness worth tolerating a cult member... she's really hot, hotter than any girl i've dated... but goes to church every week... i dunno[/QUOTE]
Then tell her about Raptor Jesus! lol jk
I'd go to church for that.
[quote name='pacifickarma']If she's that hot, just go to church with her. No one says you have to listen to what they're saying there.[/QUOTE]

so true.
[quote name='PR Mega X']What a strange blog. You start the page begging people to click on ads, repeatedly talk about how hot you are, and then declare that the majority of the male population needs to completely change who they are to pick up an Asian. I'm not inclined to go back.

Also: keep the text one damn color. That bright green on white background is unreadable.[/QUOTE]

Is it about anime or relationships? Anyways, I think your "relationship advice blog on how to pick up asian girls" may be only aimed at extreme weeaboo anime obsessed girls V(^_^) and I dont know too many of those, and I'm an azn girl myself, as your advice does not apply to me or any of my asian girl friends. We could care less if he is into anime or not. If he's not into it, then that's cool. If he's into the clubbing scene, that's cool too. I dont think someone should totally revamp their interest just to suit your needs. You should be interested someone for who they are - be it the clubbing bf who partys all day and is a total sweetheart, or the weeaboo who's only interested in viewing anime who's also total sweetheart. If you really want your blog to be taken seriously, change the undertone of it, as it imitates the speech pattern of a 13 year old girl.
[quote name='XxFuRy2Xx']Hahahahaha! Oh man, that's hilarious.[/QUOTE]

Indeed, so is Mr Janice Kim Lee's in the middle of a sociology experiment for summer school, trying to study male behavior on a fake Asian School Girl blog? If so, this deserves, what, a D- ?

Or is he just bored out of his mind? Sorry he had to give up on his dreams at such a young age.
[quote name='docvinh']She's going to try to "convert" she'll expect you to go to church with her.[/QUOTE]


Chasing a sweet piece of ass almost got me stuck in this cult during my junior year of college.
bread's done