Girl Left, Cable/Plasma Gone, Recommend great novels

uncle john's bathroom reader, any of them, you WILL learn cool stuff...and i second the alchemist, its a beautiful book that i read when i was 15, and i still remember a good chunk of it, amazing novel , and you can probably brush it off in a wont want to put it down :)
I saw you read the zombie survival guide. I would definitely recommend World War Z I'm about half way through and am loving it. I also recommend the whole Jeffrey Deaver "Lincoln Rhyme" series. If you've ever seen the movie Bone Collector it was the first in that series. They're one of my favorites. Hope that helps.

I love this topic. So many things I want to recommend, but let's just go for a variety pack.

First off, something I just picked up again.
Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse. It's a short book, but a great read. Some of the good books recommended by other CAG's are very long so this is a good brisk read. I read it last in 8th or or 9th grade and didn't connect to it. Much more poignant in adult years.

2001: A Space Odyssey by Arthur C Clarke. Even though it was written simultaneously with the movie, it still holds true to "book much better than the film version". It was a book that I got sucked into.

Good Omens: Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. Another religious base with the anti-christ and the apocalypse but with a great skewering tone. It's hilarious even with it's overtones and manages to not be preachy.

Ultimate History of Video Games by Steven L Kent. Yes, videogames are undoubtedly pop culture nowadays, but this book gives a good telling of the real history behind the craze. Good to have some solid knowledge on the culture instead of just playing games.
Neuromancer - William Gibson

Books of Blood - Clive Barker (short stories)

Vampire Hunter D series - Hideuchi Kikuki

Chronicles Of Amber - Roger Zelazny

Martian Chronicles - Ray Bradbury

Moon Is A Harsh Mistress - Robert Heinlein

The Call of Cthulhu - HP Lovecraft (short story collection - Puffin books edition is the best)
[quote name='Liquid 2']What's wrong with Ayn Rand and Anthem, in particular? Anthem is an extraordinarily easy and short read, and Rand has plenty of good ideas.

And how could you not like Ursula K. Le Guin? The Earthsea series is good.[/quote]

I don't think I have ever heard anyone ever sersiously state, that Rand had "plenty of good ideas" .
I finished 1984 this afternoon during my lunch break, and the book is amazing. fuckamazing. :D

[quote name='Lord_Kefka']I love this topic. So many things I want to recommend, but let's just go for a variety pack.

First off, something I just picked up again.
Siddhartha - Hermann Hesse. It's a short book, but a great read. Some of the good books recommended by other CAG's are very long so this is a good brisk read. I read it last in 8th or or 9th grade and didn't connect to it. Much more poignant in adult years.

Read a little bit about Siddhartha AND found it here. might read part of it tonight. Thanks
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