Give us the old social group setup back!!!!!!!!!!


It's tedious to use groups now. Before it was so streamlined. You went into your group, and there were the latest posts greeting you, you didn't have to go to any other pages to see that someone had posted. And it wasn't such a giant clusterfuck to find your groups either.

Just give us the option to use the new beta garbage, or use the old setup...

I cannot stand the way the social groups are setup now. At least make it so if you click on the group you get taken to the last post in the group. Why is there suddenly a character limit in group posts as well? Our stock trading group now has to have multiple posts in a row just to get a single post across. It's terrible.

Can we at least have the option to go back?
I want it back as well. I hate having to click to the last page to view the newest posts...not to mention the extra pages to click through just to get to the group.
vBulletin changed Social Groups with version 3.8 of their forum software. We needed to upgrade in order to implement many of our new features so that upgrades in the future would be doable without major problems.

Like most secondary vB features, Social Groups are pretty shitty. John had to do a major overhaul to the blog system to make it not shitty. Looks like the vB team managed to make make Social Groups even shitier with the latest upgrade.

The good news is that Social Groups now adds the abilty to create multiple theads in your groups, basically turning your group into a mini-forum. The bad news is that you seemed to prefer the previous layout of having only one giant thread, with the new posts appearing first.

We will make some changes to the Groups so they suck less, but frankly, they are fairly low on my list. However, to make things somewhat less painful, we will add a Groups section to the main site navigation very soon. I also look into finding a quick fix with some pre-existing mods/hacks.

Thanks Cheapy.

I think the only major issue, for me at least, is just being taken to the last post in a group when I click on the group. I can live with the rest.
Going to the first new post and last post works just like a regular forum thread:

I don't mind the new setup now thati'm used to it. However it sucks that only the creator/manager of the group can change titles of individual threads, even though other members can create new threads they cannot change the title. Would be nice to have a thread "UPDATE (fill in date) new dlc available" something like that which I could change weekly ya know. thanx cheapy and the whole crew!
[quote name='shadowkast']I don't mind the new setup now thati'm used to it. However it sucks that only the creator/manager of the group can change titles of individual threads, even though other members can create new threads they cannot change the title. Would be nice to have a thread "UPDATE (fill in date) new dlc available" something like that which I could change weekly ya know. thanx cheapy and the whole crew![/QUOTE]

Try now.
On the subject of Social Groups, Is there any way Owners of the group can "purge" deleted discussions? once a thread is closed/deleted, after awhile they are of no use at all and just clutter the group owners thread list.
bread's done