Giving away a SEALED copy of RE4(GC)- We Have a Winner!

This is awesome. I would love to get my hands on that game. Happy New Year to all my fellow CAGS. And thanks to brainstorm in advance for picking me.
Awesome year and awesome idea Brainstorm! It'd be really sweet to win, but even though I don't intend to win I'll enter anyways. Happy New Year!
[quote name='BasketCase1080']if i win ill do a contest just like this :)[/QUOTE]

So would I, only my contest would be for a game that people actually want, such as Fantavision. :whistle2:\"
Thanks a lot for this fresh new start!

Sadly I don't own a Gamecube so I do not qualify for his thread but nonetheless free bump :)

Thanks again for your kindness!
Happy New Year everyone!

I own a Gamecube, and I would like this game. I haven't played it yet as I've been tethered to Guild Wars, and I got a DS for Xmas. And I'm cheap.
I decided to post tonight's twisted turn of events on here to give everyone a read as to how things can just turn on you within a moment's notice. For those of you who are weak stomached, please do not continue...else, read away.

I went to a party at a friend's house with a bunch of my closest friends, my sister, and my cousin. Everyone was having a great time, and we were all happy and laughing. Midnight hit and kisses were flying everywhere. 5 minutes later...the disturbing events to come began.

My cousin was seen disoriented and dragging down the hallway, clinging to the wall, making his way to restroom. My sister was concerned after about 15 minutes and then asked me to check in on him. I did, and he mumbled something to me which I could not understand. After repeatedly trying to get him to give me an answer as to his status in the restroom, I decided I needed to get some help. I called my sister, and she asked him. His response was that he was taking a S**T (I will let you fill in the expletives). So we gave him another 10 minutes, and then we returned. This time, he was not giving us any answers.

I got my friend, and we both managed to get the door open. He was pretty ill looking, but he said he was okay. We took him to the couch to have him sit down, put a pillow behing his head, and then just kept an eye on him. About 2 minutes later, his eyes started to roll to the back of his head. He then leaned forward, and what happend next puts the split pea Exorcist scene to shame. "Dear God" the host yelled, "I have never seen anyone throw up that much in my entire life." Well, it seemed like it was never going to end, but it did. It was everywhere, and he was coated head to toe. We got him into the bathroom shower, because, we simply didn't know what else to do.

Most of the people ran outside in obvious disgust and sheer horror. The people that remained either were spectating or assisting as the cleaning process began. My sister, I, and a couple of others were cleaning the carpet, the tables, and the couch. It was a disaster. We counted our blessings for the baking soda, it came to the rescue. We stripped the sofa of its cushion covers and dumped them in the wash, and then we added the towels we used to scrub the floor with. Then came the next step, what to do with my cousin!!!

A friend of mine was watching him to make sure he didn't choke. We got to the shower, and my sister told me that I had to take his clothes off so that we could wash them. I turned on the shower to start rinsing him off, and then handed the wet clothes to my sister to dump into the wash with the rest of the nasty materials. Stripped down to his birthday suit, good ole cuz, decides to continue his vomit fest. Again? How can anyone have so much?

I stepped out of the bathroom for a second, because someone needed to use the restroom as it was the only restroom in the apartment. Then I hear "Holy cow, he is taking a S**T in the shower!" At this point, I didn't know what to do laugh out hysterically or cry. It was like sheer disaster. I was hoping they were joking, but no, it was true. He was butt naked in the bathroom shower coated in spew and poo!!!!!!!

This disgusting concoction made Cherynobl seem like an ink stain. The fumes were intolerable and began filling the whole apartment. Can you say HELP?!!? I knew that the only way I would get any help was to clean out the poop first. So I grabbed a pair of gloves, a roll of paper towels, and held my breath for dear life. I got rid of it, and then I rinsed off the shower a bit.

Then, one of the girls at the party who was a nurse and a rather tall girl came to the rescue. She helped me clean him up good enough to get him out of the shower, and into a pair of borrowed pajamas. We get him halfway down the hall, and yes folks, he decides he isn't finished! He makes a final set of heaves into the sink. My sister helped him from this point as I made my way back into the shower with a couple of friends to finish cleaning the bathroom mess. She managed to get him to lie down on the kitchen floor with a pillow and a blanket and trashbasket at his side. From that point on he was drooling and spitting on himself but no throw up thankfully (that is until we got home, and he throw up one last time).

The cleanup was over, and it was 4:12 am!!! The ordeal took us 4 hours to endure. Everyone but my sister, myself, the tall girl, the host, and my best friend were asleep in different parts of the apartment. We decided to give my cousin another half hour before we headed back home. When we woke him up, one of his remarks were "At least I didn't puke on the floor!" He didn't remember anything that he had done. When we got him home, he realized he no longer had his boxers on, and he couldn't remember why. My sister and I decided not to tell him anything until later on today after we have all had a nice sleep.

I have never seen my cousin like he was tonight or anywhere near it. Of course, he rarily drinks. When he came to. I asked him what did he drink, and he replied a little rum and then some Jagermeister. Within the Jager lay the problem. He was not very familiar with the effects of the all mighty Jager. He apparently had about 12 shots of the stuff, straight no less in a considerably short amount of time!!! He was so bad, I thought to take him to the hospital a few times. However, the nurse reassured me that he was going through a normal course of events. She was right, because he is okay now, and he is wide awake as I type this even. He keeps asking questions about the night's events, but I am sticking to the plan of telling him after some sleep.

The only thing I did tell him was to remember the nickname SAP. He asked me what does that mean, and I said "You will find out later, just remember it."

So you might ask, what does SAP mean, and what could it stand for? Spew and Poo (pronounced Pew to rhyme with Spew, and smells like Pew anyways).

There are a few things I am sure of going into the New Year:

1) Family and friends should stick together even in the muckiest of situations. Though, I must admit, my cousin owes me, my sister, and tall girl big time!
2) Baking soda works wonders, and always have a pair of latex gloves. A mask would be nice too. You never know what could happen!
3) No matter what happens, things can always be worse in any given situation. So, just do your best to get through whatever you have to get through.
4) Due to the above events, I will never ever forget the first moments of trapsing into 2006.
5) And finally, life may throw you a curve ball, but hit that sucker out the park and turn those dang lemons into lemonade.

Back to number 1, if I win this Gamecube Resident Evil 4, I will give it to my sister. She is a diehard RE fan, and she bought the GameCube just for the RE line. She has made mention of buying RE 4, but I know she hasn't done it yet. So if I win, I can take some of the lemons from the New Year's occurences and turn them into lemonade for her.

Other than that, I wish you all a very Happy New Year filled with good health and happiness. Take care of your loved ones and game away fellow CAGers!
bread's done