Go see "Walk The Line"

[quote name='Graystone']No I won't :lol: really though. I'm going to wait for dvd (be it bootlef or legit)[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but you don't count.
If you bootleg it, you're a fuck.

In the meantime, do yourself a favor and find a duet of the two greatest posthumous singers, Johnny Cash and Joe Strummer, doing Bob Marley's "Redemption Song."

If your eyes are dry by the end of it, you have no soul and deserve to die and be sold as meat.
I love the one he did called satisfied mind that was on the kill bill vol 2 soundtrack. That was a wonderful song and I suggest you listen to it one way or the other.
[quote name='mykevermin']In the meantime, do yourself a favor and find a duet of the two greatest posthumous singers, Johnny Cash and Joe Strummer, doing Bob Marley's "Redemption Song."[/QUOTE]

I love that song. "Satisfied Mind" was alright. "The Man In Black" is good also.. as far as "new" stuff goes, anyway.

I went in not knowing too much about Cash. I mean, I knew who he was, how he had been married to June Carter, etc.. and I heard some of his songs growing up.. I never knew the backstory though. The video to his cover of "Hurt" was sad before.. now it has that much more of an impact.

But yeah, I strongly recommend that you go see this movie. I'm already planning to see it again.
I really do wanna see this movie, but I'm broke.

I wonder if my brother still has that friend that works at the theater...

Either way, I definitely want to see this. Looks like a fantastic movie.
[quote name='Trakan']Hurt is one of his best songs, IMO.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure that was the song that was used for the Eddie Guerrero tribute. I doubt I'll ever hear that song again w/o thinking about Latino Heat.
People throw me off when they say "his" song. I mean, it's obviously not his song, but sometimes I can't tell if they're musically uneducated or are just saying that it was one of his personal best played songs or whatever.
[quote name='Scorch']People throw me off when they say "his" song. I mean, it's obviously not his song, but sometimes I can't tell if they're musically uneducated or are just saying that it was one of his personal best played songs or whatever.[/QUOTE]

You know what I mean. I know it's a NIN song.
[quote name='Trakan']Hurt is one of his best songs, IMO.[/QUOTE]

Yes it is. Also a tremendous video for it. Very depressing for the length of time it is. I think he does a better job with the song than Nine Inch Nails/Trent Reznor (and don't get me wrong, I'm a very big NIN fan) did with it.

Planning to see the movie tomorrow.
what is it rated? and what was it like. My boys are HUGE cash fans. (well they love to sing his songs) CMT played Johnny Cash live from San Quinten recently.. my inlaws were watching and my boy (age 9) comes flying in and says " IS THAT JOHHNY CASH!" when cash starts singing he sings right along.
[quote name='Trakan']Hurt is one of his best songs, IMO.[/QUOTE]

Hurt is fine, but once you listen to more Hurt is way down on the list.
[quote name='Mr.Answer']what is it rated? and what was it like. My boys are HUGE cash fans. (well they love to sing his songs) CMT played Johnny Cash live from San Quinten recently.. my inlaws were watching and my boy (age 9) comes flying in and says " IS THAT JOHHNY CASH!" when cash starts singing he sings right along.[/QUOTE]


What I really like about "Hurt" is that as the song goes on, the music swells up and the sound starts to distort... like Cash is putting a lot of emotion into his words and somehow the microphone can't handle it.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']PG-13.

What I really like about "Hurt" is that as the song goes on, the music swells up and the sound starts to distort... like Cash is putting a lot of emotion into his words and somehow the microphone can't handle it.[/QUOTE]

What is the '13' for (sex? violence? Language?)
[quote name='Mr.Answer']What is the '13' for (sex? violence? Language?)[/QUOTE]

Rated PG-13 for some language, thematic material and depiction of drug dependency.
[quote name='Mr.Answer']what is it rated? and what was it like. My boys are HUGE cash fans. (well they love to sing his songs) CMT played Johnny Cash live from San Quinten recently.. my inlaws were watching and my boy (age 9) comes flying in and says " IS THAT JOHHNY CASH!" when cash starts singing he sings right along.[/QUOTE]

Check screenit.com for parental information.. contains some spoilers though.

If you want a condensed version.. PG-13 for alcohol/pill usage and language (I remember one "ass", one "shit", and one "fucking").
Thanks... I don't need a spoiler warning ( as I know how the story plays, more must how it shows language and drug use...My kids know what the reality of the world is like)

One should ask..

What is everyone's favorite Johnny Cash song?

(of course I could talk in this thread for along time)

Best thing about this weekend.. my oldest boy (9) was asked what movie do you want to see? Harry Potter (boy he was excited about that until I said) or Johnny Cash I walk the line........ Goofy kid (great kid) picked Johnny Cash.
Best thing about this weekend.. my oldest boy (9) was asked what movie do you want to see? Harry Potter (boy he was excited about that until I said) or Johnny Cash I walk the line........ Goofy kid (great kid) picked Johnny Cash.

Smart kid. I had no clue why there were so many people there tonight.. then I saw a sign on the door, "All Harry Potter shows are sold out!".. then I saw people dressed up like characters from the movie/book.. that fucking kid and his broomstick.
[quote name='Scorch']Smart kid. I had no clue why there were so many people there tonight.. then I saw a sign on the door, "All Harry Potter shows are sold out!".. then I saw people dressed up like characters from the movie/book.. that fucking kid and his broomstick.[/QUOTE]

My boy will probably be dressed in character... of course he likes black.Fits Johnny cash, Vader, he's set.
I have plans to see Goblet of Fire at the iMax on Sunday. The potter films have gotten better ith each one and i think this one will continue that trend. Im not really into Cash but i think sometime down the line ill get into him. Walk the Line is next on my list of to see movies this month. I could tell my dad really wanted to see it so i guess next weeked ill make plans to if hes home.
Johnny Cash- Live at the Folsom Prison is a classic album! I played the shit out of that in my CD collection. All of you must own that record.
[quote name='Mr.Answer']My boy will probably be dressed in character... of course he likes black.Fits Johnny cash, Vader, he's set.[/QUOTE]

Stop making things up. Your kid likes camoflauge, not black.
[quote name='thehuskerfan']Damn, the Hurt music video was beautiful... I wish I had a link . :([/QUOTE]

uhhhh pretty sure I linked to it in one of my first replies in this thread
[quote name='Mr.Answer']
One should ask..
What is everyone's favorite Johnny Cash song?

I kinda like Drunken Ira Hayes (I think that's the name of it) or maybe Daddy Sang Bass. I could seriously list like 50 songs but I think those 2 might be my favorites.
i appreciate good movies, so thanks for the tip. unfortunately i'm not familiar with the whole johnny cash dude. i might have to research him a bit and maybe download some of his tunes in order to appreciate this film. do you suggest that i do so? or is the movie entertaining enough that i wont need any of the research before seeing it.
[quote name='Darwin23']i appreciate good movies, so thanks for the tip. unfortunately i'm not familiar with the whole johnny cash dude. i might have to research him a bit and maybe download some of his tunes in order to appreciate this film. do you suggest that i do so? or is the movie entertaining enough that i wont need any of the research before seeing it.[/QUOTE]

The movie IS the research, dude.
[quote name='Mr.Answer']

One should ask..

What is everyone's favorite Johnny Cash song?

"Home of the Blues". It's short, it's sad, it's sentimental. Awesome.

I got into Cash via the bands the Mekons and Waco Brothers. Main man of both bands, Jon Langford, did a tribute to the songs of Johnny Cash under the Pine Valley Cosmonauts moniker, and though they are quite different from the Cash songs, I could hear the greatness of the songs immediately. When I got the Cash box set from the library a while later, I was blown away. People need to realize that he was at Sun with Elvis, Roy Orbison, etc. for a reason. He is country, but also, a LOT of rock and roll.

And yes, Joe Strummer died a couple years ago. No Clash reunion for you! (Whoever asked that, that is.)
I'm going to try and catch it on Monday.

I'm hearing that "Walk the Line" is what "Ray" should've been. Interesting.

I also hear that the storytelling is out of form, in that it's told in more of a "chapter" fashion. I like that.
[quote name='Brak']

I'm hearing that "Walk the Line" is what "Ray" should've been. Interesting.


"Walk the Line" should be amazing then. "Ray" was pretty good.

I really want to see this movie. Hopefully I can catch it soon.
[quote name='Brak']I also hear that the storytelling is out of form, in that it's told in more of a "chapter" fashion. I like that.[/QUOTE]

Pretty much, yeah. It'll say a location and year at the start of each new "chapter".
[quote name='Scorch']Pretty much, yeah. It'll say a location and year at the start of each new "chapter".[/QUOTE]

Sounds good. I wonder how far the movie covers...

I guess I'll just wait and see; I don't want anyone to have the movie spoiled for them (if you consider that a spoiler).
[quote name='Mr.Answer']What is everyone's favorite Johnny Cash song?[/QUOTE]

Sunday Morning Coming Down
I Walk the Line
Cry, Cry, Cry
In My Life (Beatles Cover from American III)
A Boy Named Sue
Redemption Song
The Ballad of Ira Hayes
Orange Blossom Special
Wreck of the Old '97

in that order. He has too many fantastic songs to pick one; I read that he recorded a single entitled "Chicken in Black" as his last album for Columbia (?) in the 80s, after they decided to drop him as an artist. I'm not sure I'd like to hear that song, but it sure sounds fascinating.
Chicken in Black, iirc, was a song where Cash's brain got transplanted into a chicken. This was more or less a "fuck you" to the label, I think. I want to hear it. He left the label shortly after.. i'm too lazy to pull up a google bio.. actually no im not..

As his relationship with record companies and the Nashville establishment soured, he occasionally lapsed into self-parody, notably on "Chicken In Black". After being dropped from his recording contract with Columbia Records, he had a short and unsuccessful stint with Mercury Records.
[quote name='Scorch']This was more or less a "fuck you" to the label, I think. [/QUOTE]

I just read the biography "Cash" a few weeks back (it was ghostwritten by Patrcik Carr); there was an abridged discography appended to the back of the book that confirms he was just doing this as a way of satisfying his production requirements with the label, while also making sure that it was something guaranteed to flop.

What's depressing is that the discrgraphy mentions that his last release with Mercury, a few years before his resurrection at American Recordings, only had 500 copies pressed. Ow.
Walk the Line was zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[quote name='Strell']Walk the Line was zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz[/QUOTE]

I'd be suprised if you actually went and saw it.
[quote name='Scorch']I'd be suprised if you actually went and saw it.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I did, and I thought it was Ray but with a white guy.

But please, please continue to think otherwise.


bread's done