Go to sleep!

Ugh. I gotta say, SpikeTV is killing my sleep lately. They've put Ren and Stimpy on from 1 to 2 in the mornings here. And I can't say no to R&S...I'm weak!
I've developed this nasty habbit of insomnia, so I dont much care for going to sleep untill like 6 am when people start waking up.

being unemployed sucks...
*ducks, and pulls out rubber sword and barney plush toy*

NO NO!!! Don't bring the amish into this!

Now look at what you've done. That's it, now you're going to have to pay.

And actually, there's none better than the Naughty Insomniac!
I try to regulate my sleeping pattern, but everytime I get it somewhat regulated...I usually screw it up so it returns me falling asleep around 3 in the morning.

Speaking of insomnia, just after the Spring semester ended in May...I stayed up till five in the morning playing PSO one night. As a result, my sleeping pattern began so irregulated that I'd get maybe three hours of sleep a night till I went back to class in August. You do end up seeing alot of Pink and Kelly Clarkson videos though.
I ususally like to get to bed at 10pm, but if Chapplle's show comes on I gotta stay up and watch it. Then I try to watch adult swim on cartoon network but by then I'm knocked out.
I'm a working stiff myself, usually between 11 and 12, depends on how tired I am and if it's a good episode of futurama on the cartoon

Now pardon me while I get back to work and continue to harvest the lower horn
I never go to sleep. Must. Find. Cheapass. Deals! Hell Yeah thats me alright. I've had Insomnia for most of my life even when I was little I had trouble sleep thank god for Video Games and CAG !

Woah, the majority of you guys go to bed LATE.

Me, I like to have myself tucked into my beddy-bye around 5 PM, so I can gets a good night sleep!

..Just kidding. But I go to bed most of the time around 1030-11. Its mainly because I have school, though.
I'd actually prefer to go to bed earlier, but I don't get home until pretty late anyway.. and it's hard for me to jump in bed as soon as I walk in the door, I gotta settle in. Like a pilgrim, coming to America.
I usually go to bed around 10-ish. But that's only because of my stupid job. I start at 6am, and absolutely hate it. Even going to bed around 10, it still takes me a while to fall asleep. I've always been a night owl, even as a little kid.

*whines* and *whines s'more*
yeah, i've always been sleeping late, but the only problem is school, i have 0 period, which means class starts at 7 (boo!). so i've devised a plan to end all sleeping plans, sleep during the day!

its like this, i get home from school at noon-ish(i know, i rock, i'm only a sophmore in highschool) and go to bed right away. i usually get 10+ hours of sleep, so i wake up around 10 or 11pm, and just live like everything is normal. its great, i wake up and watch adult swim. then i'd just stay awake until school started, and repeat.

that was before though, now i'm back to the "norm", sleep at like 1am, wake up 5 hours later, sigh.
Usually when I'm tired I go to sleep. I won't force myself to stay awake unless there is something worth staying up for. But even if I go to bed like at 12:00 AM, I end up sleeping at like 2:00 AM or so due to the many shows that TV offer through out the night.
Sleeping is cool, for some people, its the best part of the day! But, my mattress sucks, so I tend to not look forward to it.
Sunday-Thursday-> Get up from 6:40-7 go to bed at 10-10:30
Friday and Saturday-> Go to bed between 1-2 a.m. wake up at 12 on Saturday, and then go to bed at 1-2 again.

IF it wasn't for school and work I'd be totally nocturnal. This would be my if I only had work schedule:
Monday-Sunday: Go to bed at 5, wake up at 3, go to work.. and repeat, (that is to say if I had the same job and worked everyday.)
bread's done