god of war I question


Ok, so i bought GOW I and II off amazon i believe it was, when they had them going for 8 bucks each about a month ago. I opened the sealed copy of GOW I and started playing on my ps2 (fat), but the game was ultra glitchy. Glitchy like i've never seen a game be before. I checked the underside of the disc and noticed it had like wavy patterns...the only way i can describe it, it looked like the wavy pattern on the underside of MGS4 which was weird to me. Anyway i got stuck in the game because the game allowed me to get to a certain part of the game without going thru another necessary part (i never got medusa's gaze, now i'm stuck with the minotaurs and i need to freeze them on the switch to hold the door open "gates of athens" section i believe...). SOOoooo i went and bought a used copy at gamestop for 8 bucks (after coupon and edge) and looked at the underside of the game and it looked like a normal ps2 game. Can someone tell me what is going on here? Also the used copy ain't so hot either. The load times are horrendous on both copies....sometimes the game just freezes on load screens and i have to restart. And no i don't think it's my ps2 because me and my bro still play it regularly with other games.
1. The one you got from Amazon has a manufacturing defect. If it was bought recently, contact the seller and report it.

2. The long load times are normal, I have same thing with my copy and the multiple demos.

3. If the GS copy is giving problems, just swap it for another copy.
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