Godzilla Collection - DVD $31.99 on Amazon

[quote name='ajumbaje']Are all the movies subtitled? Or did they take the crappy dub route?[/QUOTE]
The DVDs have both subtitled and dubbed versions of the movies.
The crappy dubs are what made the movies for me. Want to buy but must save money damn it OP thanks for posting this but why did I have to click on it. Once I get some money saved maybe it will still be at that price. Then they will anounce a BD box set 4 months later.
I'm a pretty serious Godzilla fan and I really recommend this set to anyone out there. Classic Media really gave these films the star treatment as opposed to other Godzilla dvd's floating around out there that are just VHS transfers. This set includes most of the best films from Godzilla's showa era. The negatives have been cleaned up, most of the films include both the Japanese and American cuts of each film, both english and japanese language options, and there's some great special features included like recent interviews with many of the people that made these films happen. At 30 bucks or so this set is a steal.
Thanks for posting. I waited too long to get it from Amazon so I might get it from Buy. I don't really like them as a company though so I'll have to think about it.

maybe we can get amz to match it :)

edit: Also it's $24.99 and eligible for Free shipping, so if you can find a really cheap filler you don't have to pay the 2.99 shipping.
[quote name='ssjmichael']Thanks for posting. I waited too long to get it from Amazon so I might get it from Buy. I don't really like them as a company though so I'll have to think about it.

maybe we can get amz to match it :)

edit: Also it's $24.99 and eligible for Free shipping, so if you can find a really cheap filler you don't have to pay the 2.99 shipping.[/QUOTE]Cheapest filler I could find on quick searching:
I had bought most of these as they came out individually(these copies from this collection, not all the shitload of versions the original Godzilla had in bargain bins during the early years of DVD) and I highly recommend these as well. I remember seeing the original Gojira(Japanese version) in a special screening at a theater here years back and it's pretty cool to see just how different of a movie the Japanese cut is over the American version. It's actually a pretty drastic difference. If nothing else, movie fans in general owe it to themselves to atleast pick up the 2-disc version of the original with both cuts. Classic stuff.
[quote name='mrosnwo']I had bought most of these as they came out individually(these copies from this collection, not all the shitload of versions the original Godzilla had in bargain bins during the early years of DVD) and I highly recommend these as well. I remember seeing the original Gojira(Japanese version) in a special screening at a theater here years back and it's pretty cool to see just how different of a movie the Japanese cut is over the American version. It's actually a pretty drastic difference. If nothing else, movie fans in general owe it to themselves to atleast pick up the 2-disc version of the original with both cuts. Classic stuff.[/QUOTE]

I actually bought the two disc version for my grandma for Christmas a few years back for
Heh last time I saw a Godzilla movie it was during some 12 hour marathon. I think I never want to hear Godzilla roar again
[quote name='polishph']any new on the 2012 american Godzilla movie coming out?[/QUOTE]

Yup, mother-fucking Gareth Edwards is directing it!!! He did Monsters, which was shot on a budget of ~$15,000 and he did a lot of the effects work on his laptop in hotel rooms across Central America. He also did visual effects in his apartment for an Attila the Hun which turned out looking spectacular... So, I'm guessing the new Godzilla film will be a lower budget film with a decent scale, focusing a lot on character development, but mainly realizing it's more about Godzilla than anything. I have extremely high hopes, and I'm thinking it'll turn out to be damn good.
Just bought it for $26.49 from Amazon. I gotta stop clicking on threads that you respond to, ssjmichael. Your posts have cost me a lot of money lately. But at least I'm helping the economy, right ;) :lol:
I would buy this if I didn't already buy all the single dvds as they came out. Fantastic deal for anyone who doesn't already own these!
[quote name='tcrash247']I would buy this if I didn't already buy all the single dvds as they came out. Fantastic deal for anyone who doesn't already own these![/QUOTE]

I know it! I wish I could just get the box. I'd give a few dollars for that.
If this was like a year ago, I definitely would have jumped on this deal. I haven't seen most of the Godzillas, only a select few... but they are quite enjoyable for what they are. :)
Nice! I've had it in my cart for the longest and Amazon has had the price fluctuating a lot lately. Yesterday it went up to like $34, then down to $25 and now $19. Definitely going to bite on that
I thought this was worth the price at $70 when I bought it, so if you're a big Japanese monster fan this is the best deal you're likely to see.

Let's just hope this is because some more of the movies (apart from the already-released first one) are going to come to Blu-ray... not that there'd be a big jump in quality, but it'd be fun to see them come out on the big BD. ;)
[quote name='ssjmichael']Nice! I've had it in my cart for the longest and Amazon has had the price fluctuating a lot lately. Yesterday it went up to like $34, then down to $25 and now $19. Definitely going to bite on that[/QUOTE]
Wow! Same here. Thanks Junglalien.
Yeah too damn good a deal to pass on.

It's been on my Wish List forever and a day, and I know my wife would never get it for me.

Thanks Amazon credit! You know me best!!!
bread's done