GOG Deals Thread

I was hoping that Leisure Suit Larry would go on sale for the weekend since Larry's all about lovin'.

I might pick some stuff up. Not sure yet.
On a related note, when checking my library to see if Dungeon Keeper had shown up I noticed I picked up Leisure Suit Larry sometime recently. I had forgotten completely.

Save up to 80% off Destination: Dungeons & Dragons

*Destination: Dungeons and Dragons is a stacking promo, and the discount begins at 40% when you're getting a single game, and ends at 80% when you get them all. As usual, the games you already own on GOG.com count towards the discount rate.

Save up to 90% off Be My Player2 - Special Valentine's Day Promo

Edit: The Ended'd.  I knew I should have waited.  :oops: 

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Should I grab Dungeon Keeper 2? Or be fine with the first. Its not even my preferred style of game, really, but for 1.49...
If it's not your preferred style of game then skip it for now. Wait to actually play DK1 and then if you fall in love with it pick up 2 in a later sale. Only you will know its in your library and if you are worried about public perception, just lie to us and say you bought it, we won't know the difference.

If it's not your preferred style of game then skip it for now. Wait to actually play DK1 and then if you fall in love with it pick up 2 in a later sale. Only you will know its in your library and if you are worried about public perception, just lie to us and say you bought it, we won't know the difference.
Not true. Angst is proportional to # of games. We'll be able to tell if one's angst doesn't increase.


"You'll get your game soon! Minion, due to high demand, we will tell you when your free copy of Dungeon Keeper is ready via email in a little bit."

That's... surprising.


"You'll get your game soon! Minion, due to high demand, we will tell you when your free copy of Dungeon Keeper is ready via email in a little bit."

That's... surprising.
I got that as well. It showed up automagically on my account page shortly thereafter.
Hey all, I know this isn't the "proper" thread for the types of keys I'm going to give away, however for the sake of irony, I'm going to do a "pro-DRM" giveaway in this thread, just because I know it's going to bug somebody, and I like to do that sometimes... :p

So, on that note, I'm going to be giving away Steam Keys AND dreaded (wait for it)... Origin keys for some games. First things first: For all of the Steam keys, there are Origin keys that redeem the same games. However, there are a couple games for which I ONLY have Origin keys to give, so tough sh*t.

Annnnnnyway, I will be giving the Steam keys and Origin keys out separately from each other, which brings me to my next point, the rules... They're fairly basic, and are as follows:

1.) As usual, please quote this to win a key. I would like to emphasize this point more than usual, because I'm going to update the OP after every winner to show which games are gone and which are still available. I feel it's easier for people to see which keys they still can choose if they don't have to browse a few pages back every time to check the OP.

2.) One key per user, please.

3.) THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT(!!): Steam keys will be GIVEN AWAY FIRST, so if you snooze, well... you're stuck with keys for The-Download-Client-That-Must-Not-Be-Named.

4.) Posters MUST have registered before today, and a minimum of 2 posts (made prior to today) are necessary. This is to deter "freebie trolls", as I like to call them. And, yes, I know my rules for this point are so minimal that it's unlikely to do anything anyway. However, it makes me feel better to do this, so please let me have that be the highlight of my day, okay? Good.

Now for the available games:


1.) Dead Space

2.) Metal of Honor

3.) Crysis 2: Maximum Edition GONE!

4.) Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

5.) Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising

6.) Mirror's Edge GONE!


1.) Dead Space

2.) Dead Space 3

3.) Metal of Honor

4.) Crysis 2: Maximum Edition

5.) Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

6.) Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising

7.) Mirror's Edge

8.) Populous

Good luck, and as they Electronic Arts says, onwards with DRM!!
Hey, are you still doing this? If it's still available, I'd like Red Alert 3: Uprising. I'm playing the base game on Xbox right now and would eventually like to get to the expansion. Do you know if I need to install Origin for it? The base game does because it has online multiplayer but Uprising is a standalone, single-player game.

Hey, are you still doing this? If it's still available, I'd like Red Alert 3: Uprising. I'm playing the base game on Xbox right now and would eventually like to get to the expansion. Do you know if I need to install Origin for it? The base game does because it has online multiplayer but Uprising is a standalone, single-player game.
spodering keys from a few days ago. True CAG!
I think Leisure Suit Larry involves a different kind of VD.
Hahaha! I (literally) lol'd at this...

Hey, are you still doing this? If it's still available, I'd like Red Alert 3: Uprising. I'm playing the base game on Xbox right now and would eventually like to get to the expansion. Do you know if I need to install Origin for it? The base game does because it has online multiplayer but Uprising is a standalone, single-player game.
Yeah, I'm still doing the giveaway, so if anybody is still interested, quote n' post away!
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spodering keys from a few days ago. True CAG!
I am! I'm also buying most of the games on sale today for $1.99 or less and I'm not even going to look up any gameplay videos because I'm cheapass with my time too - CAT. And I'm also eyeing the Dungeons & Dragons collection for $21.10 which is just criminal even though I have all those games already because a friend might be interested in them and I'll save it for his birthday, and when I give it to him, he'll be like, "Whoa, you must really love me to give me all these awesome games. It's almost like you're my Valentine."

Hey all, I know this isn't the "proper" thread for the types of keys I'm going to give away, however for the sake of irony, I'm going to do a "pro-DRM" giveaway in this thread, just because I know it's going to bug somebody, and I like to do that sometimes... :p

So, on that note, I'm going to be giving away Steam Keys AND dreaded (wait for it)... Origin keys for some games. First things first: For all of the Steam keys, there are Origin keys that redeem the same games. However, there are a couple games for which I ONLY have Origin keys to give, so tough sh*t.

Annnnnnyway, I will be giving the Steam keys and Origin keys out separately from each other, which brings me to my next point, the rules... They're fairly basic, and are as follows:

1.) As usual, please quote this to win a key. I would like to emphasize this point more than usual, because I'm going to update the OP after every winner to show which games are gone and which are still available. I feel it's easier for people to see which keys they still can choose if they don't have to browse a few pages back every time to check the OP.

2.) One key per user, please.

3.) THIS ONE IS IMPORTANT(!!): Steam keys will be GIVEN AWAY FIRST, so if you snooze, well... you're stuck with keys for The-Download-Client-That-Must-Not-Be-Named.

4.) Posters MUST have registered before today, and a minimum of 2 posts (made prior to today) are necessary. This is to deter "freebie trolls", as I like to call them. And, yes, I know my rules for this point are so minimal that it's unlikely to do anything anyway. However, it makes me feel better to do this, so please let me have that be the highlight of my day, okay? Good.

Now for the available games:


1.) Dead Space

2.) Metal of Honor

3.) Crysis 2: Maximum Edition GONE!

4.) Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

5.) Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising

6.) Mirror's Edge GONE!


1.) Dead Space

2.) Dead Space 3

3.) Metal of Honor

4.) Crysis 2: Maximum Edition

5.) Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box

6.) Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising

7.) Mirror's Edge

8.) Populous

Good luck, and as they Electronic Arts says, onwards with DRM!!
Would like Burnout Paradise Steam if it's still available. Thanks either way.

Possibly, but that also makes you a...FAKE CAG!
I'll take that (deeply personal) insult and embrace it if I must, but... BACK UP YOUR SHIT, BRO!!

Lol, but seriously, how does that make me a "fake" CAG?

EDIT: Ohhhh. Because they're recently released games... I just realized.
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I'll take that (deeply personal) insult and embrace it if I must, but... BACK UP YOUR SHIT, BRO!!

Lol, but seriously, how does that make me a "fake" CAG?

EDIT: Ohhhh. Because they're recently released games... I just realized.
Posting 10% off and 40% off sales...

Doubly so when GOG's having 75% off sales.

General rule of GOG... if it's not at least 60% off it's not worth mentioning.

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EA must've suggested they do this to try to hide the bad PR from the phone version.
You called it! I have former colleagues (from my days at Origin Systems) whom work for EA now, and they told me this at dinner last Monday...

However, EA obviously realized that the bad press from the phone version is going to be much more publicized than the good press from the original having a promo on GOG. So, without saying too much, let's just say that EA's marketing staff are going to be doing a little more PR mastery in the next month or so... (but to be fair, when doesn't bad press blow up bigger than good press, though?)

Also, the following is a little more self-centered than the rest of this post, given that one of my close friends did consulting for the game, but there is a genuinely great (that's my unbiased opinion, FYI) Dungeon Keeper spiritual successor/reboot on Steam Early Access right now. It's called "War for the Overworld", and it does a fantastic job of modernising Dungeon Keeper, without utterly ruining the style of the original... HOWEVER, I would strongly recommend against purchasing it right now, given that it's in alpha still, and is presently little more than a tech demo. Still, once it reaches beta, I would strongly recommend getting it!

Anyway, just thought I'd throw my two pence in there...
Posting 10% off and 40% off sales...

Doubly so when GOG's having 75% off sales.

General rule of GOG... if it's not at least 60% off it's not worth mentioning.
I can understand that... However, given that I'm 53 and was a game developer throughout the 80's and 90's when ANY discount was considered big, I still don't have a total grasp on the "CAG-style" heavily-discounted discount.
I can understand that... However, given that I'm 53 and was a game developer throughout the 80's and 90's when ANY discount was considered big, I still don't have a total grasp on the "CAG-style" heavily-discounted discount.
General understandings of CAG regulars...

75% off or GTFO

Sarcasm comes with the territory

+1 to your game count is perfectly rational

MysterD is a Cylon toaster

tebow/icedragon15 has an obvious fetish with spanking, hating, raging, misspelling, WWE, etc...

Off Topic = On Topic

<1000 games = Fake CAG

<300,000 profile views = Fake CAG

<1000 likes = Fake CAG

playing games = Fake CAG

yada, yada, yada

You called it! I have former colleagues (from my days at Origin Systems) whom work for EA now, and they told me this at dinner last Monday...
However, EA obviously realized that the bad press from the phone version is going to be much more publicized than the good press from the original having a promo on GOG. So, without saying too much, let's just say that EA's marketing staff are going to be doing a little more PR mastery in the next month or so... (but to be fair, when doesn't bad press blow up bigger than good press, though?)

Also, the following is a little more self-centered than the rest of this post, given that one of my close friends did consulting for the game, but there is a genuinely great (that's my unbiased opinion, FYI) Dungeon Keeper spiritual successor/reboot on Steam Early Access right now. It's called "War for the Overworld", and it does a fantastic job of modernising Dungeon Keeper, without utterly ruining the style of the original... HOWEVER, I would strongly recommend against purchasing it right now, given that it's in alpha still, and is presently little more than a tech demo. Still, once it reaches beta, I would strongly recommend getting it!

Anyway, just thought I'd throw my two pence in there...
^_^ I always think of Autoduel when I think of Origin Systems.

General understandings of CAG regulars...

75% off or GTFO

Sarcasm comes with the territory

+1 to your game count is perfectly rational

MysterD is a Cylon toaster

tebow/icedragon15 has an obvious fetish with spanking, hating, raging, misspelling, WWE, etc...

Off Topic = On Topic

<1000 games = Fake CAG

<300,000 profile views = Fake CAG

<1000 likes = Fake CAG

playing games = Fake CAG

yada, yada, yada
/pout I can only like this once. DAMN YOU CHEAPY!!!!

My understanding on WFTO is that with its most recent updates its actually gotten alot more playable and they've started a multiplayer beta as well.  Its been many months since I fired it up but I need to go give it a shot again.  Felt that if any game deserved a kick starter it was the successor to dungeon keeper with some of the original programmers and I think they got the same voice actor as well

But I do agree, unless you feel like beta testing it or waiting, or want to just support the devs, its best to wait

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Hmmm - $3.00 (80% off) for Rise of the Triad 2013 DRM-FREE version from GOG is kinda tempting...

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Hmmm - $3.00 (80% off) for Rise of the Triad 2013 DRM-FREE version from GOG is kinda tempting...
I think its about time you put your money where your mouth is. This is 75% off, under $5, and DRM Free. If I don't have a review from you by next week to confirm you bought it, I'm sending Tebow your way to break you in.

I think its about time you put your money where your mouth is. This is 75% off, under $5, and DRM Free. If I don't have a review from you by next week to confirm you bought it, I'm sending Tebow your way to break you in.

Hmmm - $3.00 (80% off) for Rise of the Triad 2013 DRM-FREE version from GOG is kinda tempting...
It's more than 75% off and DRM-FREE... if this doesn't have MysterD written all over it, is there any point to your continued existance?


It's more than 75% off and DRM-FREE... if this doesn't have MysterD written all over it, is there any point to your continued existance?
It's a Devolver game. I expect it to be in a Humble Bundle eventually - Steam + DRM free. Probably even next week. :p

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It's more than 75% off and DRM-FREE... if this doesn't have MysterD written all over it, is there any point to your continued existance?
Yep - to fall in love again.


I think its about time you put your money where your mouth is. This is 75% off, under $5, and DRM Free. If I don't have a review from you by next week to confirm you bought it, I'm sending Tebow your way to break you in.
Not sure if you'll get the review by next week - but I'll either end-up either trading for it before the promo ends or just end-up actually buying it.

We'll see - it's either gonna be one of the two.


It's a Devolver game. I expect it to be in a Humble Bundle eventually - Steam + DRM free. Probably even next week. :p
If I do buy it from GOG or wind up trading for GOG version; and then ROTT 2013 winds-up in a HB - I'll gladly chuck in a $1 if it's in the Tier #1 just to put it on Steam.

Though, 80% seems too cheap for it to soon hit a HB.

Usually, 90% off or better screams, "Gonna be in a bundle soon."

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It's a Devolver game. I expect it to be in a Humble Bundle eventually - Steam + DRM free. Probably even next week. :p
If I do buy it from GOG or wind up trading for GOG version; and then ROTT 2013 winds-up in a HB - I'll gladly chuck in a $1 if it's in the Tier #1 just to put it on Steam.

Though, 80% seems too cheap for it to soon hit a HB.

Usually, 90% off or better screams, "Gonna be in a bundle soon."

GOG kicks ass. It's too bad it seems to take some sort of "take that" licensing issue or bad PR to have a giveaway (Fallout, now Dungeon Keeper.)

They should make this a more normal occurrence, but I've picked up a few in just the last few months (The Witcher, Fallout games, now Dungeon Keeper.)

I think top priorities (outside of obtaining other older games) for GOG is to get connected with the Humble Bundle to have GOG keys and have a giveaway every month from a random developer who agrees to it.

GOG kicks ass. It's too bad it seems to take some sort of "take that" licensing issue or bad PR to have a giveaway (Fallout, now Dungeon Keeper.)

They should make this a more normal occurrence, but I've picked up a few in just the last few months (The Witcher, Fallout games, now Dungeon Keeper.)

I think top priorities (outside of obtaining other older games) for GOG is to get connected with the Humble Bundle to have GOG keys and have a giveaway every month from a random developer who agrees to it.
Agree I want gog to be relevant esp since Steam is getting more and more classic releases. There usual standard that gets games playing most of the time is usually good enough for me to shop from there plus extras like manuals and soundtracks should be a standard for those sites that have classic games on them.

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GOG kicks ass. It's too bad it seems to take some sort of "take that" licensing issue or bad PR to have a giveaway (Fallout, now Dungeon Keeper.)

They should make this a more normal occurrence, but I've picked up a few in just the last few months (The Witcher, Fallout games, now Dungeon Keeper.)

I think top priorities (outside of obtaining other older games) for GOG is to get connected with the Humble Bundle to have GOG keys and have a giveaway every month from a random developer who agrees to it.
Oh, I'd love if HB and all of those other bundles sites (Groupees, IndieGala, etc) were able to get games to offer-up both GOG Keys (their games are DRM-FREE) + Steam keys.

That'd be the best of both DRM-FREE worlds + DRM-Laced worlds. :D


I think its about time you put your money where your mouth is. This is 75% off, under $5, and DRM Free. If I don't have a review from you by next week to confirm you bought it, I'm sending Tebow your way to break you in.
BTW, I bought Rise of the Triad 2013 last night from GOG.

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That'd be the best of both DRM-FREE worlds + DRM-Laced worlds. :D

bread's done