Going to Korea...


I will be going to South Korea this summer for the month of July. I was going to go on a college trip to China/Korea but it was cancelled due to lack of interest.

It'll be my first time going abroad and I will be by myself. Any tips? I will be going to Seoul and Ulsan. I have a Gameboy Advance and will be getting a DS soon, are there any games that I should pick up while I am over there?

Hm.. Interesting. I'd recommend you take the time to study from true masters of Tae Kwon Do, but that may not be your thing. Can't think of any really popular games that originate from Korea in particular, however. I do suggest you be wary, however. You most likely won't have any trouble, however Americans stick out like a severed limb in foreign countries. Just watch yourself and try to pick up any games that look interesting. There're probably quite a few games from Korea that might be a good find.
I will be studying at a college and one of the classes that I'll take will be in Tae Kwon Do. Might not be from a master, but should be interesting none-the-less :whistle2:D

My brother was in the Air Force and lived there for a year, but never got out and saw the country much so I know a little about it, but not as much as I'd like considering I'll be alone and a civilian.

[quote name='alonzomourning23']I wanna go to North Korea, damn american birth certificate. If I was born in any other country I could go.[/QUOTE]

I suppose if it were that important to you, you could renounce your citizenship and emigrate to another country... Like Australia, everyone loves Australians.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I suppose if it were that important to you, you could renounce your citizenship and emigrate to another country... Like Australia, everyone loves Australians.[/QUOTE]

I just wanna go because it's such a horrible regime, oppresive, homicidal, and very few westerners ever go. I want to be able to say I've been there myself. It would be like getting a chance to tour nazi germany, or Pol Pot's Cambodia, you'd be crazy to pass it up.

You're forced to go on a government tour, though they have recently allowed tourists to walk around pyongyang a little bit on their own, as long as they stay in designated areas. While there is no comparing Cuba and North korea in basically any way, it's the same reason I'd like to visit Cuba. It's so infamous (well, cuba isn't very infamous outside of the u.s. if canada is any indication, here people think of vacation when you mention cuba), that I just want to see it.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']I wanna go to North Korea, damn american birth certificate. If I was born in any other country I could go.[/QUOTE]my dad tried to go when he was in South Korea. At first the troops laughed, but as he got closer, they got a little meaner;)
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