Good to Be Back (Assassins Creed II)


Wow has it been a while. I haven't been on since June or August. But I'm back with a brand new bag and some games.

One game I have been keeping an eye on was Assassin's Creed II. The first was kind of like an experiment where you ran around and killed people. It was bad in a way, but really reinvented the whole "stealth-action" genre of video games. Well ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, after 5 days, more than 28 hours (and counting) of game play, it is my pleasure to review "Assassin's Creed II".

Story: The story begins right where the first left off, staring at the wall of your cell in future. The weird signs are on it and you are figuring out what the hell it is when it finally takes you on a little synopsis adventure. After that, Lucy barges in, tells you we need to get the fuck otta here before we die, and off you go. It's intense as you play as Desmond for the first five minutes. You eventually get to a warehouse and you begin your journey as Ezio, the Italian from Florence and one of your ancestors that will become a great assassin.

Rating: 9/10

Game play:
The free running in this game is amazing. It's smoother, quicker, and easier than before. With some new touches, it shines through very strongly. Also, the combat is way better than the usual wait, then reverse everything and anything guards throw at you. Weapons have been upgraded in this as well. The dual hidden blades and hidden pistol are all great new additions to this series and are welcome to stay. The only really bad thing is the occasional misstep in the A.I. They still make it too easy to defeat an opponent. It should take some kind of skill other than the reversal move that you use to kill them. Overall this is vastly improved and more enjoyable to play than the first.

Rating: 8/10

When you play a game, what do you see first? Duh, the graphics! They look great, but somehow not like Assassin's Creed one good. It's like to compensate for the good stuff, they had to have a graphical down scale. The first had amazing graphics, like it looked real. This one, meh.

Voices in the game are very authentic. They make the game here. Ezio and gang sound Italian, and I think they got someone famous for this one. The british guy on the future team is maybe a famous guy. Not so sure though. Check in for an update.

Rating: 7/10

New Stuff:
In addition to the stuff above, I have take the liberty to talk a little about the new stuff in the game.

Better hand to hand combat: This is now my favorite way to fight in this game. I can disarm a man, then use his mace, sword, or axe against him in a brutal way.

RPG Elements: There are now upgrades to your armor, weapons, and a town in this one. They need to make it a tad bit deeper if you ask me. Once you get the "Armor of Altiar" (yes they make LOTS of references to him in this), your set for the game.

The Villa: Instead of having an "Assassin's Base/HQ" your doing missions for lots of people. But for the most part, your home is the Villa that your unlce Mario owns. You can upgrade it, explore, even make money off of the town it's in. Really one of the best ways to earn money in this game is to upgrade the whole town, and just let the money roll in. But as the Notorious B.I.G. said "Mo money, mo problems". Just spend your money wisley chlidren.

THE CREEPY ASS ENDING: Holy. Shit. This is the weirdest, most complecated, chilling ending that I have seen in a game that wasn't a horror game in a long time. It gives you this sense of, "Oh snap! The next one is in the present time!" Honstley, it gives me chills thinking about it.

Final Verdict:

They fix so much in this game, it's scary. The combat is good, but not great, the presentation is amazing, but somehow lacking compared to the first one, and the game I wanted the most to play. Yep that's right, you heard me, I actually prefer this game than Modern Warfare 2. To be honest, I dislike the people jizzing in their pants over this game, and then talking about it while I sit there like, "Assassin's Creed II is good," then get dirty looks and shunned from the lunch table like I have the black death. But enough about that. Goodbye and have a pleasent tomorrow.

Comments? Questions? An actually good idea? Well don't be shy! Comment and/or pm me! I'll try to be on more now-a-days.

I agree with you, I have been playing this game more than Modern Warfare II. They did an excellent job fixing the problems from the first one. I'm pretty far,
I've already unlocked Alt'air's Armor. It's good.
I agree for the most part, except for the ending. It was going in a good direction, but it definitely had me rolling my eyes during that last conversation... also, I fear for the sequel. In modern times it wont make much sense to only use melee weapons (or at least mostly melee), and if they put in widespread guns it will just ruin the series.

Oh, and my other problem... God damn the "The Truth" video doesn't make any sense, even after you unlock all of the parts. Maybe I missed something, but I was totally lost with that.
the truth videos kinda had me going "quoi?" (that's french for what). I think they wanted to solidify that all this started way back to before man. I dunno either, but it was interesting and a challenge to get them all.
You are so spot on with the feeling of wanting to play this over MW2. I have yet to play MW2. I opened it and just played for a few three. That was only because when I saw the guys playing b-ball, I was taken back by that scene and knew just from that, that this was going to need my undivided attention, as was Assassin's Creed II. Now saying that, I probably had a higher level of anticipation for this game than the OP because I had just finished the first AC and despite all the repetitiveness that people complain about, I fell in love with the game even more during the last 2 hours of the game and the way the game just came together towards the end. Now this was about 3 or 4 days before part II came out, so it was like "Oh, I can not wait to see what happens next!" I am taking my sweet time with this one. After I beat the story, I may try to complete it, in terms of finding everything or at least 75-80% and then finish it off gradually. But so far so good.

Mama-"Ezio you need an outlet"
Ezio-"Mama, I have an outlet"
Mama-"I am not talking about vaginas".
[quote name='Sycowulf']I agree for the most part, except for the ending. It was going in a good direction, but it definitely had me rolling my eyes during that last conversation... also, I fear for the sequel. In modern times it wont make much sense to only use melee weapons (or at least mostly melee), and if they put in widespread guns it will just ruin the series.

Oh, and my other problem... God damn the "The Truth" video doesn't make any sense, even after you unlock all of the parts. Maybe I missed something, but I was totally lost with that.[/QUOTE]
I agree that the truth video was a bit confusing (although I assume that is the point). But, I believe it was Adam and Eve escaping from a facility where the previous "human" race controlled humans using the apple. And gods are not from the world we exist in now, but were people from the first humans that inhabited the earth (before it was wiped out by Solar flare ups). And they have created a message to warn the human race that it will occur again on Dec 21 2012. BUT, it is SUPER late and I am hardly making sense... I'm dead tired
thanks for the post - i have had an internal battle between AC2 and MW2 raging for some time. I know eventually im jsut going to get them both, but i think now i'll start with Creed.
bread's done