Good way to solve friend codes problem when Brawl is released


CAG Veteran
Table Of Contents

0.Why IRC?
1.Starting Up ^_^
4.Why Is IRC Better than Messageboards
5.Registering & Creating Scrims
7.Joining a Game
6.Finding your Double

0.Why IRC?

IRC stands for Internet Relay Chat. This will boost and help the smash board’s community and the other smashbros brawl communities. Basically it's a huge chat room where there will be game posted 24/7. So you can practically play with skilled people any time.

1. Starting up ^^

a. Go to (read the tutorial). Sign up. And you will receive an email and this will come in handy later on in the tutorial.

b. Go to and click download mIRC. Then click download mIRC.

c. When you setup mIRC you will see this (you can choose to register if you want if not wait till the continue button shows up)

d. It will bring you to this screen. Enter your name, and email and nick name and uncheck invisible.

e. Click on the servers option. Add. And add the server (same ports and everything)

f. Click on the Options option. Then click on the perform option. Type this info in the box. (If you’re only going to be using the gamesurge server choose all networks if you want. If not you can choose gamesurge your self. )

/authserv auth (gamesurgeaccount) (password) *type this in for your gamesurge account without the “()” type in the password the email gave you and use the nick that you signed up on gamesurge with.*

/join #smashscrim *fastmatch/scrim channel*
/join #smashtourny *tournament channel*
/join #findsmashpartner *findsmashpartner*
/join #smashworld *general chat*

It doesn’t matter what order it is in.

What this procedure does is that it automatically makes you joins these channels when starting up mirc also it logs into your gamesurge account automatically

g. After that, click connect option and click connect to server. And it should bring you too all the channels that’s discussed on this thread. GOOD LUCK. Have fun. If you need any help. Just aim me at differen7style


Getting on the IRC Channel
a. Step 1: Create an account
Go to to create an account.

b. Step 2: Install Chatzilla Firefox Plugin (if you don't already have an IRC client)
Go to and install Chatzilla (requires Firefox). Make sure you go to Chatzilla preferences and make that consistent with your account (more detail soon...).

c. Step 3: Connect to a channel
Just click on one of the following:
irc:// (general chat)
irc:// (scrimmage channel)
irc:// (finding doubles partner)

3. Channels

1. #smashworld (general chat)
2. #smashscrim (smashbrosbrawl scrimmages/for fun matches)
3. #findsmashpartner (finding a partner for doubles)
4. #smashtourny(daily tournaments)

4.Why Is IRC better than Message boards for scrimmages or (for fun matches) ?

1. It’s better than Forums or message boards
2. You can reply faster.
3. You can actually chat in real time or talk on a ventrillo server

5.Registering & Creating Scrims(For Fun Matches)

a. Step 1.

Use This Guide Join The Smash Bros Brawl Channel
First you sign up on
Then you will recieve an email from
The email will give you directions on how to login into your account on IRC

b. Step 2.

Type this in the dialog server status window after you finished step 1
/join #smashscrim

c. Step 3.
Creating a Game

The standard format for the scrim posting is

(Players) / Settings / Stage or Level/REGION&Country

Players - Number of Players for the Match
Settings - If your going to use No-Items(No-I) or Lightning Mode(Fast) or Final Smash Balls(FSB), or even damage settings and stocks/times(S/T) and etc.
Stage or Level - Choose the Stage (corneria,bridge of eldin, your pick, etc.
Region - This will Ensure you who your playing with so you get the best latency or ping

d. After You Send(make) the Room the Message

When you create a game, people will send you a PrivateMessage you and you will tell them a seperate channel
like #brawlscrim2345 or something like that

e. Reasons for a Seperate channel
- You can chat in real time
- Multiple users can join(just limit 4)
- You can get the brawl codes faster and easier.

f. Examples

1v1 / NO-I/NO-FSB/3S(threestock)/ Battlefield/UK

Doubles=2 Wiis ( In Which You Use 2 Wiis, that means 2 People On Each Wii)
2v2 = 4 Wiis ( In which You Use 4 Wiis, that means 4 Individuals with Wiis)

Doubles / NO-I/FSB/5m(5minute)/ Delfino Plaz or DP./East-USA

2v2 / NO-I/FSB/5S(fivestock) / Onett /Central-USA

(When You Create or Join a 2v2 brawl scrim you must tell your teammate or whoever you want to teamup with to join the channel)

FFA / Items/FSB/5S(fivestock) / Corneria / West-USA

6.Joining a Game

a. Clicking the Name
You click the name who posted the game
and a private message box shows up

b. Stating to Join
You are going to say “here!” or “lets play” something among those sorts
You - Here! or Lets BATTLE!

c. Join this Channel!
Player - Ok the channel is #brawlscrim23455 (unless your doing 1v1 then you can chat in the Private Message Box)
You - Ok!

d. Joining a Channel
Double Click that channel to join or type this in your dialog box /join *channel*

*Type* /join #brawlscrim23455

e. Exchanging Codes
Then you will Exchange Brawl Codes and play the game. look below for examples



(if you don't know hwo to join a game, see reference for joining a game)

For Example

untitledname - HERE!
crossjeremiah - (brawl code)
untitledname -(brawl code)

once each other enters brawl code then they say ready and join the game


(if you don't know how to join a game, see reference for joining a game)

For Example

type in /join #(thechanneltheytoldyou)

crossjeremiah - (brawl code)
untitledname - (brawl code)

once each other enters brawl code then they say ready and join the game


(if you don't know hwo to join a game, see reference for joining a game)

For Example

type in /join #(thechanneltheytoldyou)

crossjeremiah - i'm with randomguy1
randomguy2- i'm with Pancakeman
crossjeremiah - (brawl code)
randomguy1 - (brawl code)
randomguy2 - (brawl code)
Pancakeman - (brawl code)

when everyone entered each others brawl code (if the case is that you need all codes to play 3 people instead of having one and the other 3 joining. )

crossjeremiah -rdy
randomguy1 - rdy
randomguy2 - rdy
PancakeMan- rdy

then you join the game.


(if you don't know hwo to join a game, see reference for joining a game)

For Example

type in /join #(thechanneltheytoldyou)

crossjeremiah - (brawl code)
randomguy1 - (brawl code)
randomguy2 - (brawl code)
randomguy3 - (brawl code)

when everyone entered each others brawl code (if the case is that you need all codes to play 3 people instead of having one and the other 3 joining. )

crossjeremiah -rdy
randomguy1 - rdy
randomguy2 - rdy
randomguy3 - rdy

then you join the game.

When your done with your match you can choose to keep them as a friend or delete them. i recommend getting a usb keyboard for entering wii codes.

6.Finding a your double

a. I dont have anyone...
You Can Join #findsmashpartner if you don't have a partner for 2v2

- in that channel your going to ask who wants to teamup or w/e


crossjeremiah - need 1 EAST
private message comes in

randomguy15 - I will ^_^l

b. This is Where We Meet
When you join a 2v2 Match tell him the channel of the match so he/she join

7. Performing

This is for you people who dislike typing /authserv auth "name" "pw" everytime you join.

a. For MIRC (regularVersion)



3. type these commands in the message box.

/authserv auth (username) (password)
/join #smashworld
/join #smashscrim
/join #findsmashpartner

There you will never have to authserv again.


This will create a huge boost in the community like meeting new people and creating rivals.
Also You Can do Voice Chat with Ventrillo or any voicechatting program. You have to provide the voicechat server your self.

1-31-08 (smash release) THE #smashscrim channel will ban anyone who text flood with more than 3 lines per 60 secs. This is to kick out spammers and people who abuse the chat system. If you want to chat then join #smashworld. Though I won't be using the channel at that time because i'm getting the USA version I have taught people who bought the J-A-P version to use the smashscirm channel.

but i'll still monitor the channel even though i won't have the game yet

Note - This is not a tournament its a channel that will be up 24/7 for people who want to play from the forums or goodies anytime you like. its a great way to warm up before matches. but we will have tournaments organized soon.

if anyone wants to be a moderator in the channel since I can’t be on 24/7 just Private message me or post a comment (MUST KNOW HOW TO USE IRC TOO) also longer you stay idle, then you can get a level up to peon or maybe a op


Well quite frankly, if the color is enough to scare you off, then perhaps its best that you don't utilize IRC.
I'm going to ask people in the Brawl THREAD who wants to exchange codes.
Some will respond, some may not.
I will add those who do.




Yeah, this is SO much simpler. Why don't the members just snail mail their friend codes instead? It'll take about the same amount of time.
I have used IRC in the past so this isn't that hard to follow for me. I'm not sure it is any more easier to get a game going. The big N screwed the WII with this friend bull that does nothing to protect children. I probably won't be going online with any WII games because of the hoops I have to jump through.
If you need a big tutorial on how to use IRC, maybe you shouldn't use IRC.

Better yet, if putting in a friend code on the Wii is too hard, maybe you shouldn't play the Wii/have friends.
Hey if you guys are incapable thats fine.

This is a similar method that PC FPS players use to obtain practice, we are just trying to do the same thing with brawl.

The point is not just to get friend codes, but to get SPECIFIC practice that an individual needs.

But if thats too complicated, then its too complicated. Funny though, CAG members often put up this superior form of intelligence, but when something that requires a few steps to complete is proposed, a few members cry difficulty. Interesting indeed.

For those who deem it too difficult, its best that you stay away in my opinion.
[quote name='FireWater']Hey if you guys are incapable thats fine.

This is a similar method that PC FPS players use to obtain practice, we are just trying to do the same thing with brawl.

The point is not just to get friend codes, but to get SPECIFIC practice that an individual needs.

But if thats too complicated, then its too complicated. Funny though, CAG members often put up this superior form of intelligence, but when something that requires a few steps to complete is proposed, a few members cry difficulty. Interesting indeed.

For those who deem it too difficult, its best that you stay away in my opinion.[/QUOTE]

You are suggesting a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. It's not us that are incapable.
you would think that if nintendo saw the millions of threads "trying to make friend codes easier" they would stop being so damn gay and just give us gamertags.
I think this is more of an attempt to promote your IRC channels and network, I mean even if I practice with someone on that network I still have to put in Friend Codes.
I think you guys are missing the point. He's not promoting a way to share friendcodes, but a way to find a match in a chatroom instead of posting it on a message board and having to refresh to see if anyone answered.

This method is also used to find scrims for clan games for FPS and other team games. Its quite effective might i add.

By the way, I think you made your tutorial way too complicated. All you really need to do is download, install, join a given server, join a given chatroom, and learn a few commands.
^^ What he said.

But for 98% of the people, it is unnecesary and added work. If you are just looking for a random match, you can join a random online match on Brawl. If you are so into the game that you want to fine tune your skills and become great at it, you are probably going to know other people in the same boat whose friend codes you will have already.
The main difference (and advantage) between this method and just playing a random match is the option to converse after the match on irc, give each other tips or even set up a rematch, especially when they are very even players.

There's been times I played Mario Charged Strikers and wish to find certain people just because the games were so intense and evenly matched.
[quote name='KhaosX']The main difference (and advantage) between this method and just playing a random match is the option to converse after the match on irc, give each other tips or even set up a rematch, especially when they are very even players.

There's been times I played Mario Charged Strikers and wish to find certain people just because the games were so intense and evenly matched.[/quote]

And my point was that, IMO, if you are the type that wants pointers and tips on his/her playing technique, then you probably have the friend codes of plenty of people that can/will give you that critique.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']You are suggesting a solution to a problem that doesn't exist. It's not us that are incapable.[/quote]

I am suggesting a solution to a widely-known problem: Friend codes are a pain in the ass. Using IRC to obtain a WIDE VARIETY OF FRIEND CODES IN REAL TIME is the solution here. Assuming you comprehend the information provided, you would at least understand that IRC is a way to exchange friend codes in real time. As I said, if you are incapable, use your forum method, and I'll use my IRC method. To not understand this concept is sheer idiocy in my opinion. And I back up my statement about people who talk about being smart, without actually being intelligent.

The tutorial was created by a friend, I apologize for any whacky coloring, it looked better on a different forum.
[quote name='FireWater']Funny though, CAG members often put up this superior form of intelligence, but when something that requires a few steps to complete is proposed, a few members cry difficulty. Interesting indeed.[/QUOTE]

The joke's on you, we're all stupid!
[quote name='FireWater']I am suggesting a solution to a widely-known problem: Friend codes are a pain in the ass. Using IRC to obtain a WIDE VARIETY OF FRIEND CODES IN REAL TIME is the solution here. Assuming you comprehend the information provided, you would at least understand that IRC is a way to exchange friend codes in real time. As I said, if you are incapable, use your forum method, and I'll use my IRC method. To not understand this concept is sheer idiocy in my opinion. And I back up my statement about people who talk about being smart, without actually being intelligent.

The tutorial was created by a friend, I apologize for any whacky coloring, it looked better on a different forum.[/QUOTE]

I was on IRC in 99. Been there, done that. Not everyone wants to play random people. That's what I have Live for.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']I was on IRC in 99. Been there, done that. Not everyone wants to play random people. That's what I have Live for.[/quote]

Unfortunately, live is not available for Brawl. IRC is a way to substitute using a forum which can be slow and unreliable. Again, your argument fails as you have yet to address the point that I have provided.
Either way I'm sure it won't be a problem here at CAG - when Strikers came out we just had one giant thread with friends codes and people setting up games (speaking of Strikers I might as well trade that in towards Brawl, haven't touched it in months)
[quote name='FireWater']Unfortunately, live is not available for Brawl. IRC is a way to substitute using a forum which can be slow and unreliable. Again, your argument fails as you have yet to address the point that I have provided.[/QUOTE]

I'm not getting Brawl, so you're right: I have no fucking clue what point you're trying to make.

There will be a huge surge in the existing Wii code thread for people who want legitimate feedback on when they play, not just getting their ass handed to them from a random douchebag.
Yeah because all people who use IRC will be douche bags.

Man you are not too bright. If I am making a post about how to solve a game's flawed matchmaking system, why would you post here when you are not even getting the game?

So again, you still fail, I am sorry.
[quote name='FireWater']Yeah because all people who use IRC will be douche bags.[/QUOTE]

Most are. That's why we've all jumped to other forms of communication.

Man you are not too bright. If I am making a post about how to solve a game's flawed matchmaking system, why would you post here when you are not even getting the game?

It's not the game that has the flawed matchmaking system, numbnuts, it's the entire console. We've all had our friend codes in our profiles since we got the systems, it's pretty damn easy to say 'Hey, add me,' and be able to do it. You know, without having to download a program, register for it (or not), sign into a channel then obtain a bunch of random friend codes.

So again, you still fail, I am sorry.

The only thing being failed upon here is the borderline spamming. Be lucky you haven't been reported yet.
Hey, tell the teacher if it makes you feel better. The only reason you haven't yet is because you want to argue, when it turns unfavorably it will be your next action to hit the report button.

And no, its not the entire console, some 3rd party Wii games do NOT utilize friend codes.

The randomness of the friend codes is for those who do not want to keep
the game fresh by playing/practicing against new people. It is a way to simulate matchmaking services that are available for gamers that use PC or the 360.

Oh and you still haven't answered the "Why are you here if you are not getting the game" question yet.

Given those points, you still fail.
Because I can.

Because, last I checked, threads weren't closed to people not buying a game.

Because, idiots like yourself need to be told the truth occasionally.

No ones going to use your (or, 'your friend's - :roll: ) tutorial, which is a blatant excuse to spam for your site/channel.

Because we already have a 'real-time' chat feature on this board.

See you later, spam-bot.
Tried this for pokemon ds (via java app on some pokemon site). It was ok, I believe I used it a handful of times. Though I used IRC before and was familiar with the program, I don't see anything but the hardcore of hardcore on IRC (and occasional children/spambots).

I do have to say you're guide was a fucking eyesore. Try to be more concise and to the point, it seems many of us don't have as long attention spans as you would like. If I have to scroll down to read a whole post, it's either some sort of blog, large picture, or just too damn long.

Personally, I think Smash (Brawl, Melee, or 64 for that matter) and its involvement with competitive gaming will soon come to an end, or at least wither away. Most likely by the time Brawl comes out here in the states.

And I can't shake the idea that Brawl is going to suffer from Mario Kart syndrome.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Because I can.

Because, last I checked, threads weren't closed to people not buying a game.

Because, idiots like yourself need to be told the truth occasionally.

No ones going to use your (or, 'your friend's - :roll: ) tutorial, which is a blatant excuse to spam for your site/channel.

Because we already have a 'real-time' chat feature on this board.

See you later, spam-bot.[/quote]
I'm the idiot for suggesting an alternative to using a slow forum, right...

Actually a few people have connected, you fail again :)

It is my buddy's tutorial, here is the link: you fail again :)

Real time chat features on forums aren't very good, and then you admit that live chat is the way to go, but my method is "stupid" you fail again :)

Awww we didn't tell the teacher did we? *sniffle* "I'm leaving, and I'm taking my ball too!" You fail again :)
Does any of this enable voice chat amongst the players in the game?

Any answer other than "Yes" means it's not worth it.
[quote name='FireWater']I'm the idiot for suggesting an alternative to using a slow forum, right...

Actually a few people have connected, you fail again :)

It is my buddy's tutorial, here is the link: you fail again :)

Real time chat features on forums aren't very good, and then you admit that live chat is the way to go, but my method is "stupid" you fail again :)

Awww we didn't tell the teacher did we? *sniffle* "I'm leaving, and I'm taking my ball too!" You fail again :)[/quote]

Getting defensive when someone doesn't agree with your opinion and proceeding to tell them that they "fail" over and over again does nothing more than show that you're under the age of 15, highly immature for your age, or both. And, I'm willing to bet that a majority of the people using this method will have the same character flaw.
[quote name='ChibiJosh']Getting defensive when someone doesn't agree with your opinion and proceeding to tell them that they "fail" over and over again does nothing more than show that you're under the age of 15, highly immature for your age, or both. And, I'm willing to bet that a majority of the people using this method will have the same character flaw.[/quote]
So replying to a retort with logic is defensive? I thought it was a logical response.

My responses are no more immature then his. I believe that individual used the phrase "numbnutz" if I am correct. But that is ok, right?

Which method would you prefer? I already stated the facts, he replies with insults. I reply again with facts with a little salt on my message.

If being logical is a character flaw, then I welcome it :)

[quote name='pittpizza']Does any of this enable voice chat amongst the players in the game?

Any answer other than "Yes" means it's not worth it.[/quote]
IRC has the link to a Teamspeak server which can be used for voice chat, both while playing and just in general.
[quote name='naes']Well, there's no point even arguing with you. Only one thing needs to be said.

Get the fuck out, tourneyfag.

Edit: Besides, you're from Smashboards. No one even remotely respects people from that shitstain of the internet. Anyone ever see this? Or maybe the video parody? Or how about this bullshit about "banned stages"?[/quote]
Talk about a character flaw!

Anyways, I thought that this board would be more receptive to the idea, instead I got a bunch of useless rhetoric from someone who isn't even getting the game :roll:

Well I said my piece, good luck with your forum method.
[quote name='FireWater']So replying to a retort with logic is defensive? I thought it was a logical response.

My responses are no more immature then his. I believe that individual used the phrase "numbnutz" if I am correct. But that is ok, right?

Which method would you prefer? I already stated the facts, he replies with insults. I reply again with facts with a little salt on my message.

If being logical is a character flaw, then I welcome it :)[/quote]

You clearly started everything because people called the idea stupid to which you took as everyone "being too stupid to understand it." That's being defensive and immature (which was the character flaw I was refering to, you'd better pay better attention in your junior high reading classes to learn some reading comprehension).
[quote name='ChibiJosh']You clearly started everything because people called the idea stupid to which you took as everyone "being too stupid to understand it." That's being defensive and immature (which was the character flaw I was refering to, you'd better pay better attention in your junior high reading classes to learn some reading comprehension).[/quote]

But I disputed said flaw. Just because you say something does not make it true :)
Anyways, it is clear that many people are not up for IRC, and a few people are. I'll people decide whats best for them.

And if people had better reading comprehension, they would understand that IRC is not stupid, but a logical alternative to using forums. A bit of advice: Make sure you read other people's responses before you call someone out on having a Junior High level of reading comprehension.

The hypocrisy is bleeding out of my monitor, and with that I am very glad to be gone from this thread :) Enjoy!
bread's done