Good Westerns...

Clint Eastwood says the western is the one true art form American cinema can claim as their own. I suggest starting with the older movies and working your way up so you can see how the genre has evolved.

Start with the John Ford/John Wayne trilogy

She wore a yellow ribbon
The Searchers
(Bonus movie: watch Fred Zinnemann's High Noon)

Next move on to see Sergio Leone's take on the genre with

For a few dollars more
A fistfull of dollars
The good the bad and the ugly
Once upon a time in the west (this movie can easily be found cheap)
(Bonus movie: Check out Once upon a time in America if you get in the mood for a gangster movie by Leone)

The last two movies you should watch are

Sam Peckinpah's The wild bunch
Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven

Watching those movies should give you a good overview on how the western has changed over the years.
Unforgiven, 3:10 to Yuma (the remake) and Young Guns comes to mind.

Seraphim Falls was great for the first two-thirds then it gets really weird at the end but still worth seeing.
If you want to go for a possibly awesome but SUPER fucking surreal take on the western genre, you can't do much better than Alejandro Jodorowsky's El Topo. First half is an awesome man-in-black styled spaghetti western. Second half is....odd.
The best western's I have ever seen are The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly. The other was Once Upon A Time In The West. Both made by Sergio Leone. Nothing I have seen reaches the levels of these two films.
My list is as follows, starting with my favorites...

My Darling Clementine
Rio Bravo
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
The Tall T
Seven Men From Now
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid

wow my list is normally so much longer... anyway, thats a good primer. i'm a big fan of the traditional american western... spaghetti westerns have their virtues, and i can totally appreciate them, they're just not for me.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I call a vote as to whether Firefly and Serenity counts.[/quote]

It straddles the line. But if it's another reason for someone to watch them, I'd say yes :D
[quote name='Brak']- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

- A Fistful of Dollars

- For a Few Dollars More

- Once Upon a Time in the West

- Duck, You Sucker!

- Unforgiven

- They Call Me Trinity

- My Name Is Nobody

- The Outlaw Josey Wales

- The Magnificent Seven

- High Noon

- The Wild Bunch

- Rio Bravo[/quote]

- The Ox-Bow Incident

- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid


Done, at least in my book

- The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance

- The Searchers

I'm ashamed to say I still need to see these two.:cry:
Wow guys all great responses. I didn't realize there were so many great classics and I will be trying to watch as many as I can. I had forgotten about Firelfy and Serenity. I think I've only seen maybe one or two episodes of them but maybe will try to watch them again from the beginning.
I'm genuinely surprised only xeno mentioned Shane. It is a rated G movie so you can watch it with your kids. Unforgiven practically ripped off its ending. Since the movie is over 50 years old, there are limited if any special effects, the attitudes of the actors seem to be more on par with the time period and you haven't seen any of the actors if anything else to bias you one way or the other.
Two Steve McQueen movies I haven't seen anyone mention:
Tom Horn - Based on a true story about one of the last gunslingers.
Junior Bonner - More of an ode to the passing of the bronco busting wild west, but still good.
Good list guys/gals.

How was
The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada

Still have yet to see it. I was not too in love with the proposition, it was decent. Definitely an Eastwood fan though.

Got to catch some of these others, and I had no idea the Assassination of Jessie James was that good. I am grabbing it when I can, if I can find it in HD I will bite now.
Good god, only one person has mentioned High Plains Drifter?!?!? My personal favorite.

Unforgiven and Ox-Bow Incident are good too, but High Plains Drifter>all others.
[quote name='Snake2715']Good list guys/gals.

How was
The Three Burials of Melquiades Estrada [/QUOTE]I really liked it, but I'm a big fan of Tommy Lee Jones anyways.
bread's done