Goomba's Freebie of the Week #1 - Mario 64 Plushie

This is a really cool contest... and very cool of you to do this for us OP. Thanks. :D

1)My favorite Mario game is 'Super Mario World'... It was the game that made me a gamer. ;)

2)Favorite enemy is King Bom-omb from Super Mario 64, it was amazing fighting a 3D boss for the first time when the N64 was out.
Hey this is awesome. Very generous of you.

1) Super Mario Brothers II was my favorite game in the series. I know it wasn't really a Mario game to begin with but I just like that it is so different.

2) My favorite enemy is that stupid guy who drops the red spiked shell guys on you. He's a pain but it's so gratifying to pelt him out of the sky.
1. Super Mario World, To this day I can still play it and enjoy it everytime.

2. Wario becase why the hell not.
1. Super Mario World (SNES)
2. Boo (ghosts). Even though Luigi's Mansion made me hate them, I think they are the coolest.
my favorite mario game is super mario world. i remember i first got that game i played day in and day out. but anyways my favorite enemy is the big honcho himself BOWSER a.k.a. King Koopa.
I remember i got a plushie back in the day of yoshi!!!!!!! i saw a mario 64 one in the rack, but never bought it at gamestop...great to see that they are still out there!

My favorite mario game was Super Mario World
My favorite mario enemy was the goomba (they seem weak, but always kill you when you least expect it...and for that i respect them)
the best game is super mario world, ive put countless hours into that game, and still have an active file on there to this date (now on the wii). coincidently, my favorite enemy is from the game too (edit: before some uber nerd points it out, yes i know that hes in other games too), Roy Koopa, he was the coolest enemy, i mean look at those sunglasses.

I know this might seem like blasphemy, but I think super mario sunshine was my favorite game. It really improved on the 3d Super mario 64 brought us, and freshened up the concept (with the super soak thing), while still giving us that pure mario platform joy.

My favorite enemies are the chain chomps, just because they terrorized me when they made that horriffic barking noise when I was little playing Super Mario 64.
1. Super Mario RPG, one of my favorite RPGs of all time. Still play it from time to time, cant wait til it hits the Virtual Console.

2. The cactus guy from SMB2. Just loved grabbing his parts and throwing them at other enemies over and over again.
1. I've enjoyed the mario kart/party games since their inception, but my favorite would have to be Super Mario 64, the beginning of the 3d world Mario games and it was a blast.

2. My favorite enemy is kind of a toss up, but i'd have to go with the chomp chomp over thwomp.

P.S. does anyone remember the mario tennis game on the virtual boy?
Favorite Game: I'm gonna go with Paper Mario. Not that I dislike any of the others, but there was something kinda cool about Paper Mario.

Favorite Enemy: I grew up on a diet of swords and sorcery, so I'm gonna have to say the Magikoopas. Gotta love a turtle wizard. :)
Favorite Mario game is Mario 64.

Favorite enemy are the caterpillars from Super Mario World. They're just little innocent caterpillars until they get a which point they become kamikaze worms.
1. Super Mario World
2. The dammned Pirahna Plant...sigh.

BTW this is a really cool thing to be doing, and thanks
Super Mario World brings back so many memories. It still remains to this day my favorite game of all time. My favorite enemy is tough since I love Rip Van Fish, Hammer Bros, and Magikoopa almost all the same I guess I have to go with Rip Van Fish since they have an awesome name and have killed me countless times.
My favorite game is Super Mario World on the Super NES because it's the first Mario game that I have ever played!
My favorite enemy would have to be the Goombas because they look funny.
As much as I love both World and 64, I'm going to have to go with the consensus here and say Mario 3. I rented that game so many times that my mom finally decided it would be cheaper for her just to buy it for me.

As for enemies, I've always been partial to the koopas, especially the ones that came out of their shells. The flying fish are also a favorite, if only because I used to amaze my friends with high speed runs through the flying fish level in the original Super Mario Bros.

Great contest by the way. Good way for us to wax nostalgic. Unless your favorite happens to be Galaxy.
Wooohooo! Contest! Thanks for this, goomba. Now I get to possibly mooch of your free stuff. Or someone else will... >_>;

Anyway, favorite Mario game.... I'll say Super Mario RPG. I like RPGs (especially ones made by Square) and I like Mario. It's a great fit. But if you mean traditional Mario game, I'll go with Super Mario World. It's a lot easier than SMB3 and the real SMB2 but I do love easy games much more. Which is strange, because many times I play games for the challenge...

As for favorite enemy, the Chargin Chucks! Those guys are awesome! They'll tackle you, throw baseballs at you.... do some sort of cheerleader-esque jump at you.
Paper Mario for N64 was my favorite with SM64 in second. My favorite bad guy would be the koopa, no matter how many times i killed myshelf with the shell.
Favorite Mario Game: Super Mario Bros. 3 -- So many memories attached to that game. It's a classic!
Favorite Mario Enemy: Hammer Bros. -- I just like them...
Actually yes, I was probably one of the only people who owned a Virtual Boy just for this game alone :) Sad but true. It may very well be the reason that my vision sucks so much to this day ^_^ Thanks for entering!
Thanks to everyone who has entered :) Keep in mind that you have until Sunday at Midnight. I had no idea so many people were going to enter so I guess I'm going to have to make a lot of little paper cut outs now ^_^ I'll be sure to find something cool to give away next week too now that I see so many people like the concept and all. I guess free stuff is always welcome on sites like CAG and Goozex hehe.
Thanks for the contest OP.

I love all the Super Mario games but my fav is probably Super Mario 3.

As for favorite enemy...has to be the Hammer Bros.
First off, before I state my answer, your signature looks VERY familiar. I can't help but noticing but I think I saw your signature on Goozex like a few minutes ago *scratches head*. Hm.. Yeah, that was probably you considering you have a Goozex link in your sig. Hah :p


1.) Super Mario Galaxy. Whatever the Nintendo Developers were smokin' at the time, they made a really kick@$$ game that is really trippy. Physics are all messed up in the game and that's the best part about it. Definitely Game of the Year.

2.) Classic Goomba. 'Nuff said.
Wow, that's totally awesome. I hope I win, but congrats to whoever gets lucky!

1) Right now it has to be Super Mario Bros. 3. Galaxy may take that spot soon however...

2) Favorite enemy would have to be Kuribo. Why? Because Kuribo's shoe is awesome!
1.I have to say Supa Mario 3, I got the Snes along with All-Stars but the raccon mario was the best.

2. I like the football players from Super Mario World. They couldnt touch me.

Also thanks OP for the contest
1. My favorite Super Mario game is Super Mario world. It was the first mario game I played with all these cool power-up forms such as fireball, and feather mode. I loved that series. However, the other Super Mario games I played haven't had the same feel, such as Super Mario Advance 1 + 3, Mario Bros. and Super Mario Sunshine.

2. My favorite enemy is bullet bill. Bullets are auto coolness and I love the animation when you kill them and the sound it makes.
My favorite game has to be Super Mario World;

As for enemy, well, the original hammer brothers were always cool to me.
Funny, my favorite Mario game is my favorite game of all time - Super Mario World (Snes and gba)

My favorite enemy would have to be Bowswer, next in line probably the penguin you race in the snow level of mario 64 haha
Thanks for offering this contest, OP.

For my favorite Mario game, right now, it's Mario 64. I'm only 1.5 hours into Galaxy, so that may still surpass Mario 64.

My favorite Mario enemy is the classic Koopa Troopa. I really like the mechanic of picking up and bouncing their shells around in the 2D Mario games. Plus, Koopa's a great character in Mario Golf.

Here's a great site for looking up a Mario enemy:
My favorite Mario game is the original Super Mario Bros. on the NES and Wario from Super Mario Land 2 is my favorite enemy.
1. Definately Super Mario 64 - it completely revolutionized gaming, especially 3D platformers
2. Goomba is the best enemy
bread's done