Goozex or CAG?


After perusing a few CAG forums I've noticed another site, Goozex. After checking it out it seems to offer a pretty good trading system, but I'm not sure I want to utilize it. And so I ask you my fellow CAGs, would you reccomend the Goozex trading method or the CAG one?
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Both.[/QUOTE]+1. Both sites are great places to trade. I've done more trading on Goozex, but I've had all good experiences here, too.
[quote name='iKilledChewbacca']CAG !

only because it ALL MONEY no dumbass point system !![/QUOTE]

I agree. I tried out Goozex a while ago and realized that money is just more flexible.
I'll like to add how long it takes for them to readjust the points during price drops. Good experience of mine. When Kmart was having the sale, Call of Duty:MW2 and Bayonetta for $30 each. I snatched those deals up, beat them, traded them on goozex for games of 1000 point value, while only only paying half price. So Goozex really. abuse sales. use amazons credit values. You should go buy madden only to trade on goozex and buy a game you really want for $40. Profit that you have to work for.
Goozex for selling your games since you're more likely to get rid of everything eventually and CAG for buying games since you don't have to wait to be able to buy something.
I like goozex personally, but I'm pretty patient regarding new releases or anything for that matter; my backlog is long and distinguished.
Just do both. Only thing about cag I dont like is the buying part because so many people on here do that "make me an offer" game where they wont tell you anything but instead make you guess prices until they are happy. And that constitutes either laziness or just greed in that they want a lot but wont say it and instead wait for someone to offer alot.

Being a concentrated market here everyone selling stuff knows what its worth but dont want to price it for a lot in hopes of getting more, whats worse is the people who bitch about people who make real low offers. Well that wouldnt happen if you would just say how much you want for something, its cheapassgamers, not expensivegamers. They act like they just got insulted because they wont price something and instead tell you to offer a price and the buyer makes a low offer, of course they will make a low offer everyone wants stuff as cheap as possible. Course its also equally annoying when people wont say a price but will instead tell you how on amazon or ebay its going for alot of money and act like they are doing you a favor by letting you make an offer. Course those amazon and ebay prices are usually the extremely overpriced ones that have been there for a year because no one will pay it. Recently had someone PM me telling me how a game on my list was 130 bucks on amazon and such but were willing "to let me haggle the price a little", but if you looked at regular bidding on ebay or even lamestops price it was like 15-20 bucks.
I think the "Make Me An Offer" game is a pain in the ass, but it seems to be the norm around here. Some people genuinely like to bargain hunt and haggle, but for me, it's just a frustrating process. Many people just aren't interested in fair offers. They want to walk away from a trade feeling like they had more than they did going in.

It also seems to be slowing acceptance of the marketplace, which is a shame because the marketplace is infinitely easier to navigate than the trading forum. The trading forum is just so damn noisy with searches because people leave items that are no longer available in their posts, and there's no way to distinguish between "Wants" and "Haves". I've sent out a number of offers to people with stated prices in their lists and didn't get a single response back from anybody. Not even a "Sorry, no longer interested" or "Sorry, that's no longer available."

I don't mind waiting for my game, and I like the idea of spinning the roulette wheel and seeing what gets matched, so Goozex appeals to me. The Goozex Guarantee makes it one of the few sites that actually protects your investment. If somebody scams you on CAG, in contrast, all they can do is warn other traders and ban the user, which gives them absolutely no incentive to come back and resolve what they've done wrong.

I've completed five trades on CAG. One was trading a game on one platform for a game on another. One was a lowball sale. Two were going in on Steam multipacks. And then I got scammed by a user attempting another cross-platform trade because I have virtually no feedback. Any trades more complicated than this never seem to go anywhere. Even before prices or offers are discussed, people simply don't answer their PMs, decide that they're not ready to get rid of the game yet, or don't feel like dealing with a "new" user.

GameTZ isn't perfect either, but the sellers there generally have more realistic expectations since the site is more "user-to-user" oriented versus CAG's "consumer-vs.-retailer" mindset. They also separate the "Make Me An Offer" gamers from the threads with stated prices - "Classifieds." GameTZ has issues of their own, though. There's no enforcement of any kind of Terms of Service, so everybody expects gifted Paypal, game shares and rentals are common, and it's rare to see a portable console available that isn't bundled with custom firmware or a flash card. That might be your thing, but it isn't mine. The site's technically free, but there is a subscriber option, and users there have taken to crucifying non-subscribers at the slightest provocation.

Considering all that, I trade most heavily on Goozex for the following reasons:

1. No haggling.
2. Trades are protected.
3. Requesting/Offering is clean and easy.

I generally don't request new games, have other ways of dealing with poor condition, and don't keep a surplus of points on hand, so the complaints that most users make towards the site are irrelevant. I'm also exceedingly patient in most cases. I'm tolerant of waiting until it's my turn in the queue to get a game. I'm less tolerant when trying to get a response from active members that seem to be ignoring marketplace requests for no good reason.
I use CAG the most but GameTZ is pretty good too.

Like Renaissance said, there is much more freedom. There are also more sub-forums which means more opportunities to sell goods.

They also match you up automatically with other users if you choose to use that method.
I would say both too, but make sure you put FIRM after prices you want in a CAG trade thread or people consider the trading forum like a flea market/yard sale where they can haggle you down from your asking price.

I always put up the flat price I'm willing to accept. If they like it, great. If not, try another list cuz my price is my price.
I prefer goozex because I don't have to deal with all the hassle of dealing with real people asking 'how many creases are on the manual?' 'ihow did you pack the game?'
goozex is just click, agree to ship and forget about the rest.
[quote name='eldergamer']I prefer goozex because I don't have to deal with all the hassle of dealing with real people asking 'how many creases are on the manual?' 'ihow did you pack the game?'
goozex is just click, agree to ship and forget about the rest.[/QUOTE]
Some people like to have stuff that looks like it was just opened the day before they got it in the mail. As for people asking how you pack the game, that is a bit anal retentive, but then again I've seen how the mailman handles packages.:roll:
I prefer Goozex since it's automated and easy and convenience is huge for me. Just don't have the time/interest to hassle with listing games, responding to pm or thread post offers or making offers etc. etc.
I don't really mess with the make me an offer thing. I know how people are and I don't have much patience anyways.

Just use CAG right now. Find something similar in price to what I have and trade it. Works well. Wish I could find who has xx game on thier wish list though.

When I get around to selling my rare stuff I don't know what I'll use yet.
Depends on what you are looking for, I never buy points with cash/credit via Goozex, you can easily flip $20 worth games for 1,000 pts or even under. Old HD Dvd/blu ray movies under 300 pts are a good pick up also
bread's done