Got our 360 demo today at EB games and its just a system, NO kiosk! COOL!No PDZ demo?


23 (100%)
Well, today at the store i was incredibly confused as to how i was going to get my demo unit. Kiosk? I had it in my shipping inventory screen to be arriving today, so i go about opening my shipment boxes and all the sudden i see a 20" LCD HDTV, i GASP and yell "JESUS HOLY fuckING CHRIST" my part timer working with me laughs and says "IS THAT IT?" in the next 3 seconds i had the system out and i was oogling it none stop. First off the system is really light, about as heavy as a PS2, and second was the HD is light as a feather. Such a cool idea for that HD, also the front of it where the USB controllers are plugged in is movable so it opens and shuts like a trap door, definately sexy. Now i have a question, Saucy Jack said he played PDZ, i'm curious as to where he got to play that in the demo screen since there is only COD2 Kameo and King Kong? I'll post some up close pictures of the system if you want considering its a floating demo unit.
[quote name='$hady']I've got a question for you!

Is that you with Jenna Jameson naked on your lap??[/QUOTE]

I am wondering about that too.

and how big the power supply is.
[quote name='$hady']I've got a question for you!

Is that you with Jenna Jameson naked on your lap??[/QUOTE]

Haha ... everyone that comes into this thread is gonna be paying no attention to what the OP wrote.
lmao, the girl in my avatar is my Girlfriend and yes that is Jeanna Jameson on my lap, i probably should create an off topic convo about this picture of jeanna and my girlfriend, because its a crazy ass very naughty dirty story.


I literally opened up the box and said jesus, WTF is that GIANT THING? The powersupply is god damn ridiculous and it weighs MORE than the 360, i'll post some pics of it tomorrow for you guys.

The japanese will surely take it as an act of hostility, an affront to their national honor.

er, no....actually, they'll just laugh and not buy the thing....again :lol:

One more question: I heard the supply has 2 fans on that true? are they loud?

It's hilarious that MS was like "yeah hey look how small it is, and it's concave on the sides. it'll appeal to women cause it looks like a tampon." Then they bust out the monstrous, bulbous power supply.
Yea his power supply was pretty big with Jenna naked in his lap I bet! More pics of your avatar, I thought that was that internet model girl I don't know her name.
no its not too loud, although the thing did get very very hot. I hvae to say guys i was 70 30 pumped 70% excited 30% err maybe. After playing the full version of Kameo for about 2 hours i have to say mmmmm beautiful. I will say, intially on the setup i let the part timer play first and kameo looked alright, and i said it cant be on HD no way HD is on. I switched it over to 720P and GOD damn HDTV made a HUGE difference for the game. If you dont got one yet, save and buy an HD it really makes the games look alot nicer. 2 fans on the power supply question, well i'm not sure i'll have to double check but i dont think it did. I'm serious though the power supply in size could be compared to a brick, literally it is that large and heavy.

and if you see my chick on other pages let me know i'll fucken kill someone.
[quote name='Maynard']and if you see my chick on other pages let me know i'll fucken kill someone.[/QUOTE]

Thats right, keep it on only. So how about some more pics. The one in your avatar is a little distorted. Be proud of what you have, share....;)
your gf is hot but i know my wife would KILL me if i posted so much as a pic of her fully clothed on here... nevermind one with her ass hanging out... that gets attached to every single thing you post...
Some kiosks are updated. Don't know more than that. My EB's running the same thing you guys have except they now have video previews of PD:Z and Gears of War on there.
[quote name='javeryh']your gf is hot but i know my wife would KILL me if i posted so much as a pic of her fully clothed on here... nevermind one with her ass hanging out... that gets attached to every single thing you post...[/QUOTE]

Same here. :)
[quote name='javeryh']your gf is hot but i know my wife would KILL me if i posted so much as a pic of her fully clothed on here... nevermind one with her ass hanging out... that gets attached to every single thing you post...[/QUOTE]

pretty sure that all of my ex-girlfriends would be pissed at both the pic of them and the pic of the naked pornstar giving me a lapdance. at least, the ones with any sense of self-worth :lol:
lets just say there is an insane story behind that picture, and it was more than a lapdance, as i stated in a previuos post, that was backstage at a concert and my girlfriend took that picture lol. I would tell the story but honestly no one would believe me so i keep it too myself and gf....
[quote name='Maynard']lets just say there is an insane story behind that picture, and it was more than a lapdance, as i stated in a previuos post, that was backstage at a concert and my girlfriend took that picture lol. I would tell the story but honestly no one would believe me so i keep it too myself and gf....[/QUOTE]

Oh we'll believe it.... if you can get a pic like that, we will believe anything that you say.
[quote name='Maynard']lets just say there is an insane story behind that picture, and it was more than a lapdance, as i stated in a previuos post, that was backstage at a concert and my girlfriend took that picture lol. I would tell the story but honestly no one would believe me so i keep it too myself and gf....[/QUOTE]

okay, now you have to tell the story.
lets just say there were some backstage shennenigans that happened and a little 3 some happened in a private room ok. The only person who can prove it is my GF, but its funny she prances around telling her friends. SHE LOVES Jeanna Jameson so, like i said i'll tell the whole story in a CAG off topic conversation in the next few days lemme ask her if its cool first. I also have videos of other stuff heh ......
[quote name='Maynard']lets just say there were some backstage shennenigans that happened and a little 3 some happened in a private room ok. The only person who can prove it is my GF, but its funny she prances around telling her friends. SHE LOVES Jeanna Jameson so, like i said i'll tell the whole story in a CAG off topic conversation in the next few days lemme ask her if its cool first. I also have videos of other stuff heh ......[/QUOTE]

LMFAO now you gotta post video or leave CAG forever!
[quote name='Maynard']power suppy is very large, back on topic[/QUOTE]

So are her boobs, back off topic. ;)

We're all waiting for the story and video... fuck the Xbox 360 power supply. Haha.
I played the 360 at Best Buy.

Controller = Decent
King Kong = Annoying; Jaggy City
Call of Duty 2: *cough*PC*cough*
Kameo: Kid's game that's worth $30 at most.
[quote name='The VGM']I played the 360 at Best Buy.

Controller = Decent
King Kong = Annoying; Jaggy City
Call of Duty 2: *cough*PC*cough*
Kameo: Kid's game that's worth $30 at most.[/QUOTE]

I'll go one further, King Kong sucked and I just don't see the deal with Kameo.
I wanted to like King Kong, but I couldn't even get a fucking gun because the t rex kept eating me. Why can't Jack Black run his fatass around while I open the door?
King Kong was awful, Call of Duty - good but I don't like FPS, Kameo - awesome gameplay, couldn't care less about the "kiddie" crap (even though there are plenty of impalings and blood squirts on the screen)

Of course, these demos are all E3 builds.

[quote name='Maynard']lets just say there were some backstage shennenigans that happened and a little 3 some happened in a private room ok. The only person who can prove it is my GF, but its funny she prances around telling her friends. SHE LOVES Jeanna Jameson so, like i said i'll tell the whole story in a CAG off topic conversation in the next few days lemme ask her if its cool first. I also have videos of other stuff heh ......[/QUOTE]

you're right, I don't believe you. but don't worry, that's more of a defense mechanism than anything :lol:
once again, keep your general wrongness about everything in the fighter thread plz k thx. think of the children vgm.
I don't understand this.

If a game comes out on XBox, it's compared to the PC version.

If a game comes out on PS2, it's considered on its own and praised.

This is the same crap that happened with the firs XBox, it's annoying. You can compare anything to a PC version and the PC version will always (99.9% of the time, anyway) be superior.

I can't wait to chew out PS3 supporters with the same crap they're giving us.
The man, always bringing me down. I HAVE RIGHTS.

[quote name='Scorch']I don't understand this.

If a game comes out on XBox, it's compared to the PC version.

If a game comes out on PS2, it's considered on its own and praised.

This is the same crap that happened with the firs XBox, it's annoying. You can compare anything to a PC version and the PC version will always (99.9% of the time, anyway) be superior.

I can't wait to chew out PS3 supporters with the same crap they're giving us.[/QUOTE]

Cry about it. I can't wait for the PS3 to come out so I can laugh and talk about how much better it is.
Have fun mortgaging your house to get a PS3 VGM. I'm a fanboy, but it is universal and I enjoy all systems because each one has something to offer. Scorch is absolutely right when it comes to the comparison. What is sad is comparing a console to PC quality should be a good thing because of the graphical advancements, yet most fucking Sony fanboys make statements like

[quote name='The VGM']Call of Duty 2: *cough*PC*cough*[/QUOTE]

We are entitled to our opinions, but some get a little childish. If you think the system sucks fine, but present factual information about specs or gameplay. If Sony is the winner of the past gen then they proved to MS that power is not everything. MS will make ground and Sony will take a huge hit financially because they cannot offer what they have promised at a competing price. If they drop the price they take a hit in revenue, but if they keep the price high they lose ground in the console wars. There is no factual info on the web that can disprove this.
Last but not least not one person has addressed the infancy stage of this gen. Sure the games on the 360 resemble the xbox (to some), but do I have to remind you of the crap Sony laid on us at the PS2 launch. You fanboys will argue that their was a huge signifacance between the PSX and PS2 and I'll agree, but looks are not everything. Overall the gameplay for the launch titles sucked except for probably Madden (fanboy). I would rather play FFVII over any current gen RPG.
[quote name='Apossum']The japanese will surely take it as an act of hostility, an affront to their national honor.

er, no....actually, they'll just laugh and not buy the thing....again :lol:

One more question: I heard the supply has 2 fans on that true? are they loud?

It's hilarious that MS was like "yeah hey look how small it is, and it's concave on the sides. it'll appeal to women cause it looks like a tampon." Then they bust out the monstrous, bulbous power supply.[/QUOTE]

..and like when a tampon is in use, the big unit will be left outside.
[quote name='neudog']Removed[/QUOTE]

Your whole argument failed because you called me a fanboy. I guess when you talk about the 360 sucking you automatically love Sony. :roll:

I'll leave it at that, the mods is pullin out the big guns on me now.
My old manager that now works at a different eb got into an argument with me today about King Kong. He claims "King Kong is the best game i've played in a long time and the best launch game for 360, i'm buying 360 just for this game"

"Um, why dont you just get it on PC and save 349.99?"

"Because dood, it will never look as good as the 360 version!"

"Dude, you know I'm a HUGE pc gamer, and let me tell you it looks better, but not by much so i'll give you that little"

"Yeah but King kong will sell the system."

"No, no it won't. PS2, Xbox, PC, and GC no one is going to assume 449.99 besides yourself just to get king kong when its readily available on older systems"

"You dont know what your talking about."

"DOOD it totally is going to sell systems, best launch game"

By this time i'm completely disregarding this idiots claims, we constantly clashed on games before, but this is just too far.

"what about Condemned? That game right there is selling the system to me, but also the future of 360 is selling me on it. Whats the next game you want for it?"

here it comes

"HALO 3"

I hung up on him....
Maynard, you're my hero. A tool fan who fucked around with jenna jameson and his gf backstage and she doesn't care that you post it for every nerd on the internet to see.. damn.

My gf's been wanting a 3some for a while now, just can't find any other chicks that will participate.. Guess I gotta hang out with more porn stars?
There was a kiosk set up at my local Target so I gave it a spin, it's a little loud in idle mode with that fan running. Controller was kinda comfortable, but it didn't seem to fit in my hands as well as the controller S or Dreamcast controller. Was looking for a PDZ demo on it but sadly there were none.

Played King Kong and whoever designed the demo is a fucking dumb ass, no where on the initial screen, loading screen, or options did it ever tell you any of the controls. It dumps you into the jungle and at first I was like "come on, is it loading" then after about 20 seconds I finally moved the stick, I realized I was moving a camera or something. I press a trigger and punch, so now I realize I am in First-person perspective. I continue mucking about trying to figure out how to work the controls and how to get the gun (there is a button which zooms in on the characters, when they tell you to keep the T-rex busy, get in front of the guy on the right side of the gate and press that zoom buttom, think it's "B") then when I finally get the gun it does nothing but piss off the dino and it is not easy at all to keep a distance while Tweedle D and Dumb take their sweet time opening a gate.

Call of Duty was alright, but either someone messed with the controls or they aren't very precise yet. I would zoom in with the rifle then attempt to only move the crosshair a bit to get a precise beed on the enemy, but only a tiny move of the stick moves the crosshair too far. I would find myself crisscrossing the crosshair back and forth across the enemy attempting to not overshoot the target.

I'll have to go back and check out Kameo another time as I hated to hog the system.
yeah thats the other thing is we were promised one a month ago and less than two weeks to launch we have nothing at our gamecrazy.
our Xbox 360 display was supposed to be setup by November 7th, but now we are 3 days behind. I had to call up an Xbox rep several times, to make sure everything was on schedule. they said the displays were sent out later and we (TRU) should be getting them in soon. I hope we do, because I'd like to have it on display for people to try out and so on. definitely will help come X-mas time.
bread's done