Grand Theft Auto IV Special Edition (360) $40 w/free shipping at Newegg

i dont even have and xbox360 and i may get this. i will pick up the PC version at some point and sell the xbox gmae.

fuck it, i am in, will just sell the game, keep all the junk.
[quote name='tears2040']Ok, $5.00 profit is not worth the time and effort.

I need to make at LEAST $20 profit on anything I sell for it to be worth my time. Just as an example I bought some cell phones last month for like $80 and sold them each on Ebay for double that.

Not to derail this thread but I am ALWAYS on the hunt for a deal and way to make a profit and imo this is not one as I stated go to any local Block Buster and they are selling it new for $29.99


I did not buy it to make a profit. I bought it so I can have the special edition.
[quote name='Gandhi']I did not buy it to make a profit. I bought it so I can have the special edition.[/QUOTE]

Last post here, it seems like people do not understand what I am telling them.
This game is selling for $29.99 brand new in any and every blockbuster.

So just look around till you find a BBV that has it & there you go,

[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']Sweet deal. Too bad I already paid full retail for it when it came out :(

Its ok I will have to tell my cousin about this. He is a huge GTA fanatic[/quote]

Your cousin isn't Niko is it?
[quote name='tears2040']Last post here, it seems like people do not understand what I am telling them.
This game is selling for $29.99 brand new in any and every blockbuster.

So just look around till you find a BBV that has it & there you go,


Or just buy it for $40 from Newegg without tax (for most) and not be bothered with looking in every BBV until you find one? Not for nothing, but I doubt every, single BBV has any of these left. If one could save $20+, then yeah, it might be worth holding off. But for less than $10, I'd just order this and be done.
[quote name='tears2040']Last post here, it seems like people do not understand what I am telling them.
This game is selling for $29.99 brand new in any and every blockbuster.

So just look around till you find a BBV that has it & there you go,


This is not true for a couple of reasons. First it's an older title and is not available at every BBV as you implied. I only saw it at one of the six BBV's I visited recently. Second, BBV recently shipped back almost all their new games for sale of which this was one of them, so it's no longer even available at any BBVs.
[quote name='crazy blain']Most overrated game of all time[/quote]

Holy hyperbole, Batman!

[quote name='tears2040']Last post here, it seems like people do not understand what I am telling them.
This game is selling for $29.99 brand new in any and every blockbuster.

So just look around till you find a BBV that has it & there you go,


Seems you did not read my first post in this thread. I purchased the special edition from BBV for $30, and sold the sealed copy inside it for $35 because I had already purchased the regular edition when it was released last summer.
Found this at Target for $22 a few months back. Like another poster said you can find it locally at Blockbuster for $30. Still not a bad price if you have to buy online though.
[quote name='silent h3ro']Found this at Target for $22 a few months back. Like another poster said you can find it locally at Blockbuster for $30. Still not a bad price if you have to buy online though.[/QUOTE]

Not anymore. It has been reported that BBV has sent back most of their new games.
[quote name='ryanflucas']How big is this lock box? Just big enough to hold the game?[/quote]

Larger, it holds everything that comes in the collectors edition.
Surprised it took a year for the price to drop like this when the Halo 3 Legendary Edition was moving for $60 after only 5-6 months. I'd be upset that I paid full price at Midnight when it launched, but since I used my $50 "Sorry you bought a HD DVD player" GC, I only paid $40 out of pocket anyway. If you don't have this already, grab it now.
Hay guyz! That Safety deposit box is awesome for storing ur "valuables" ie condoms... weed... other various paraphernalia lol. That is an awesome deal. Too bad I already own this and the PS3 versions of it. Yes, I am that hardcore of a GTA fan.
So I get my GTA IV today at work. I'm stoked. I get home, put in the disk, and nada. It makes a bunch of weird noises trying to read the disk but fails. I know it's not my xbox as it is pretty new and plays every other game just fine (just threw in gears 2 to take out my current frustrations) :bomb:

So has this happened to anybody or what? If I have to pay to ship this back to newegg to get a replacement I will be :bomb::bomb:.
[quote name='dsimmelink']So I get my GTA IV today at work. I'm stoked. I get home, put in the disk, and nada. It makes a bunch of weird noises trying to read the disk but fails. I know it's not my xbox as it is pretty new and plays every other game just fine (just threw in gears 2 to take out my current frustrations) :bomb:

So has this happened to anybody or what? If I have to pay to ship this back to newegg to get a replacement I will be :bomb::bomb:.[/QUOTE]

You might have a bad disc. I have gotten one or two before like that due to manufacturing defect.

They sell the regular GTA Game so email them and ask if you can swap just your copy of the game for a new copy of the regular game.
Yeah that's what I'm guessing the problem is. Bummer. Thanks for the idea. I'll get ahold of them in the morning when they open.

UPDATE: I called them today and in less than a minute the rep told me they would issue an RMA postage paid to replace the game. Unfortunately I have to send back the ENTIRE kit but oh well. Shipping is covered so I can't complain.
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[quote name='tears2040']About 2 weeks ago I seen this at my local Blockbuster for $29.99 ( PS3 version). Thought about buying it for an ebay sale, but when I was seen they were only selling for about $40-45, it wasn't worth it.

Ebay listing fees, pay pal fees, then ebay sale fee, for a measly $8-10 profit was not worth it.


[quote name='tears2040']Ok, $5.00 profit is not worth the time and effort. I need to make at LEAST $20 profit on anything I sell for it to be worth my time. Just as an example I bought some cell phones last month for like $80 and sold them each on Ebay for double that.

Not to derail this thread but I am ALWAYS on the hunt for a deal and way to make a profit and imo this is not one as I stated go to any local Block Buster and they are selling it new for $29.99


You know, some people(ie: ME) mainly buy games to PLAY THEM. Go back to Fat Wallet.

Great deal though, Cheapy. I paid $95 and change last year for this for the PS3 and I just snagged 2 from the Blockbuster sale for some MAJOR trade fodder(or so I thought).

has the SE been worth the $95 I paid? Not really, but I wanted it and I got it.
hm, so I take it the deal is gone and done for good now? If so that's a real bummer, I would have REALLY loved to take advantage of this deal :(
I got this version, the extras are nice, but the game so far is a disappointment, all of the rpg elements are out of the game, like getting heavy, or going to the gym, or driving skill etc. None of those made it into the game.
maybe the next installment brings some of these back. its still a fun game tho, just not as good as I was hoping
[quote name='maxim2boobles']ps3 version of GTAIV is crap. no multiplayer and graphics suck[/QUOTE]

What in the blue hell are you talking about? The PS3 version has the same, exact reviews as the 360 version, so I doubt the graphics suck and that there isn't any multiplayer. The only thing that the 360 version has is the exclusive DLC.

EDIT: Nevermind. I remember you, now. You're the Dreamcast fanboy who thinks that everything Sony-related sucks. My bad.
[quote name='dracula']I got this version, the extras are nice, but the game so far is a disappointment, all of the rpg elements are out of the game, like getting heavy, or going to the gym, or driving skill etc. None of those made it into the game.
maybe the next installment brings some of these back. its still a fun game tho, just not as good as I was hoping[/QUOTE]

Meh, I never really cared for that stuff about San Andreas, it just bogged the game down. I mean, it was kind of neat to be able to dress and customize your character a little, but most of those "RPG" elements, were lame wastes of time....remember the original GTA? Pure and simple it was stealing cars, doing missions and blowing crap up and it was in essence really fun. The biggest caveat in my mind of recent GTA's is that they became a little too varied and spread thin in what they offered, so I welcome a more streamlined high fliying car theft spree moving up on the ladder of crime :) . really this deal is deactivated for good :( ?
[quote name='dracula']I got this version, the extras are nice, but the game so far is a disappointment, all of the rpg elements are out of the game, like getting heavy, or going to the gym, or driving skill etc. None of those made it into the game.
maybe the next installment brings some of these back. its still a fun game tho, just not as good as I was hoping[/QUOTE]

I absolutely HATED all of the little minutia you had to do in San Andreas. It was horrible. I play games for a storyline, not making sure I get my character a fuckin' cheeseburger and take them to the gym right after that.

I also couldn't stand having to gain 'respect' in Saint's Row 2 to be able to continue the storyline. I just wanted to play the next mission and the next mission without having to do all sorts of other garbage to get the chance to be able to play more missions. Mind you, at least SR2 HAD those side missions, which were one of the more fun things you could do after completing the storyline in prior GTA games.

I'm still waiting for planes+destructible enviros in a GTA game though, since I wanna just cause some mass mayhem and get a six star wanted level for doing so.
awesome special edition and ive ever bought...actually like the lockbox and dufflebag

didnt really like the san andreas working out rpg stuff so am glad they cut that stuff out for this game...
so is anyone else still selling this edition for the price anywhere?

I liked that it kind of made the decision for me of what version to get :) .
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I absolutely HATED all of the little minutia you had to do in San Andreas. It was horrible. I play games for a storyline, not making sure I get my character a fuckin' cheeseburger and take them to the gym right after that.

I also couldn't stand having to gain 'respect' in Saint's Row 2 to be able to continue the storyline. I just wanted to play the next mission and the next mission without having to do all sorts of other garbage to get the chance to be able to play more missions. Mind you, at least SR2 HAD those side missions, which were one of the more fun things you could do after completing the storyline in prior GTA games.

I'm still waiting for planes+destructible enviros in a GTA game though, since I wanna just cause some mass mayhem and get a six star wanted level for doing so.[/QUOTE]

Gaining respect in SR2 was so easy, I don't see what there's even to bitch about. The meat of SR has always been the side missions.

As for destructible enviroments in a sandbox game? I wouldn't look for those for a long while. Sounds like a nightmare to deal with programming wise if someone wants to level the city, how would it effect other missions/how npcs act/etc. Best you'll get for some time is 'destory that building' and maybe it will stay burned down, but static changes? Don't see it.
[quote name='Sixtail']As for destructible enviroments in a sandbox game? I wouldn't look for those for a long while. [/QUOTE]

Red Faction:Guerilla? it might not have planes, but it does have destructible environments - to a certain extent.
bread's done