GRAW 2 or Vegas?


Ran a search and didn't find anything, but I apologize if this is a repost.

Seeing as Best Buy is selling both Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 and Rainbow Six: Vegas for $40 this week, I am planning on picking one of them up. Can anyone who has played both give a recommendation? I am buying for both the single-player and the multi-player components, so keep that in mind. A good co-op experience is a must. Any help would be appreciated.
I would go with Vegas. To me it is a much better multiplayer game. If you played the original GRAW you pretty much know what you are getting out of GRAW 2.
Vegas, definitely. Didn't like GRAW 2 at all from the demo I played, but I absolutely loved Vegas' single player. Maybe it's just that Vegas is a more interesting environment.
To those people citing GRAW 2's similarity to GRAW 1, does the fact that I've never played GRAW 1 affect your opinion at all?
[quote name='strummerbs']To those people citing GRAW 2's similarity to GRAW 1, does the fact that I've never played GRAW 1 affect your opinion at all?[/QUOTE]

I don't think it would. I found GRAW to be a slow game. I like tactical slow-paced games, but for some reason I didn't take a liking to GRAW. I loved the R6:Vegas demo and plan on purchasing it soon.
Nobody seems to have pointed this out yet: Vegas is a straight up close-combat tactical shooter which takes place indoors. Lots of hiding and ducking around corners to let off shots. Map selection is adequate in multiplayer and the SP campaign is satisfying.

GRAW2 is a long range-tactical shooter where most maps are massive and outdoors, where your firefights generally occur at a longer range. The Single Player campaign is kind of weak and the combat takes some getting used to, but there are now many, many multiplayer maps out there (all of which can be played as Terrorist Hunts in single player or Co-Op) with new content due this upcoming weekend I think (several new single player levels and 7 or 8 multiplayer maps).

They are two very different cannot really be compared to the other. Fighting close-in in GRAW is clumsy...GRAW is about taking up a position, squatting or going prone and taking out dudes..then moving and repeating the process. VEGAS is more about charging in, guns blazing, hiding behind furniture or doors and popping out to squeeze off rounds or toss a grenade.

Vegas short range, GRAW longer range......thats the best comparison I can think of :)
I haven't played Rainbow Six games for a while now. Lockdown on the PC brought me back. I haven't played Vegas but if it is good like Lockdown, then buy it. I like GRAW 2 because it's in 3rd Person and the single play is good. Yet, I wouldn't play in multiplayer if you have run and gun friends.
I like GRAW 2 better for some reason. Although, I think once you get used to the controls of is a worthwhile game. Maybe download the demo of Graw 2 and see what you think (although the game is a little better than the demo).
One other thing to mention...GRAW2's single player and multiplayer are still two different game engines, the Multiplayer "controls better" than the singleplayer game does, which is more reliant on "spray and pray". In multiplayer you at least have to aim at your targets.

In Single player you really just put that gigantic silver-dollar sized reticule over your target and start spraying bullets and eventually they go down...thats one of the things that sucks about the game, the multiplayer is actually the superior feeling of the two games.....requiring you to aim.
I'm in the same dilemma. I could buy both, but am always hesitant to spend that much money. I've played the GRAW 2 demo and enjoyed it but heard single player was pretty short, and have never played Vegas but have heard many many good things.

Looks like a steady showing of support for Vegas right now. I was leaning in that direction myself, just from what I've read on here. Perhaps I'll ask for GRAW 2 for Christmas or wait for a price drop or something. Thanks for all the help guys, and keep the comments coming if you've got them!
I just finished Vegas, and because I wanted MORE VEGAS I bought GRAW 2.. not bad.. but out of the two... VEGAS! VEGAS! VEGAS! I'm addicted.. especially to the online - Team Survivor...
[quote name='HeadRusch']One other thing to mention...GRAW2's single player and multiplayer are still two different game engines, the Multiplayer "controls better" than the singleplayer game does, which is more reliant on "spray and pray". In multiplayer you at least have to aim at your targets.

In Single player you really just put that gigantic silver-dollar sized reticule over your target and start spraying bullets and eventually they go down...thats one of the things that sucks about the game, the multiplayer is actually the superior feeling of the two games.....requiring you to aim.[/quote] What are you talking about? The single player is anything but sporadic firing. You obviously have the whole idea of the game wrong. It is not a game you just run out with your guns blazing. They give you all sorts of weapons to choose from, but if you choose a short range firearm for your primary weapon, you just don't get the idea and you aren't going to have fun at all. The game is named Ghost "RECON". You are the squad leader. The idea is that you go prone with your sniper rifle and send your team up ahead in recon mode. You direct them to places to take cover. They spot targets, along with your UAV drone. You order them to take out specific targets or send them into weapons hot mode or you just lay back and pick off the enemies in the open from a couple hundred yards out and they can't do anything about it except go into hiding.

Some levels get more hectic. Sometimes you go solo and sometimes you are at the gun of a helicopter or a couple of times the enemy comes down on you in an ambush. But those moments are just to break up the rest of the Recon/Sniping missions. If you run into this game, guns blazing and throwing bullets everywhere and have a hard time hitting anything, you just don't get it.

If you don't like the game that's fine. I didn't like what I played of one of the original series (pre-Warfighter). But don't go giving bad impressions when you are simply just bad at the game.
[quote name='GuyWithGun']I'm in the same dilemma. I could buy both, but am always hesitant to spend that much money. I've played the GRAW 2 demo and enjoyed it but heard single player was pretty short, and have never played Vegas but have heard many many good things.

Looks like a steady showing of support for Vegas right now. I was leaning in that direction myself, just from what I've read on here. Perhaps I'll ask for GRAW 2 for Christmas or wait for a price drop or something. Thanks for all the help guys, and keep the comments coming if you've got them![/quote]If you liked the PS3 GRAW2 demo, I would say you will like the game. I almost didn't try the demo because I have never liked a Tom Clancy game. But I had no PS3 games. So I tried it. I played through the demo a few times and decided I had to get the game. I have had it three weeks and I still love it (as in I play it every day, single player). I think you would like it, but in the end you have to decide what kind of game you like. They are different games.

As for RS:V, I have wanted it ever since I got into GRAW2. I finally bought it from BB Monday with the sale. I haven't played it near as much as GRAW2, but from what I can tell so far it's not my style so much. As others have said, it is closer quarters and fast-twitch trigger happy action so far. It certainly is easier close range aiming, but near impossible to aim at distances even a small fraction of what you have in GRAW2. This is not to say I have not enjoyed it. I would compare it to a squad based Splinter Cell (which I never liked) with more firepower before I would compare it to GRAW2. R6:V and GRAW2 are just way too different and both are enjoyable on their own merits.
[quote name='MorPhiend']If you liked the PS3 GRAW2 demo, I would say you will like the game. I almost didn't try the demo because I have never liked a Tom Clancy game. But I had no PS3 games. So I tried it. I played through the demo a few times and decided I had to get the game. I have had it three weeks and I still love it (as in I play it every day, single player). I think you would like it, but in the end you have to decide what kind of game you like. They are different games.

As for RS:V, I have wanted it ever since I got into GRAW2. I finally bought it from BB Monday with the sale. I haven't played it near as much as GRAW2, but from what I can tell so far it's not my style so much. As others have said, it is closer quarters and fast-twitch trigger happy action so far. It certainly is easier close range aiming, but near impossible to aim at distances even a small fraction of what you have in GRAW2. This is not to say I have not enjoyed it. I would compare it to a squad based Splinter Cell (which I never liked) with more firepower before I would compare it to GRAW2. R6:V and GRAW2 are just way too different and both are enjoyable on their own merits.[/quote]
Well, fuck.

You just said the magic bad words. I hated...HATED Splinter Cell. fuck. Dammit, I was all ready to throw down some dough on Vegas, now you got me doubting again. I had never heard it compared to Splinter Cell before, and never having played even a demo of Vegas concerns me.

Thanks for all the info on the games. I think I'm back at a stalemate... :cry:
Just a couple quick comments. I found Graw to be too slow, and a little overwhelming. But I only played the demo. I have heard that if you start from the beginning of the game it is a much better experience.

R6V is not a twitch shooter. The best way to describe it is an intelligent shooter. It is more about finding cover, being patient, and path choice than Resistance, Halo, etc. The single player is gameplay is good, but lacked a memorable story. The multi-player is probably my favourite online console shooter. For PS3 the online system is lacklustre compared to warhawks or resistance, but it does have some good modes, like co-op terrorist hunt, and co-op story mode.

Thi is an easy choice for me. R6V.

I agree with Snow, R6 is an awesome game and one of the few I played till the end. There are a variety of situations that you NEED to take cover in and if you like run & gun this isn't the game for you. I picked it up on the 360 for $40 and don't regret the puchase at all. As for MP, I thought it was one of the most enjoyable experiences I've had in MP on Live .... though COD4 looks to trump that.
You two are both right in that it is not a run & gun like Halo. But that is not what I said. I compared it to Splinter Cell, in which you try to hide out of view. But it's way too much of an arcade-ish feel for me. I mean, hiding behind a barrier, being able to aim right at a target's head and then pop out and the sight is in the same exact place and you pop him off and go back into hiding?

Now tell me how that is realistic to sight people without your own head being in view and having 0% chance of being hit. I can see how that could be the thing for some people, but so far I don't like it. I'm going to keep playing it though to give it a fair shake. But my vote remains with GRAW2. As I said, the GRAW2 demo is pretty representative of the game. If you liked it, you'll most likely like the game.
you really can't base GRAW 2 off the demo, the full game is so much better

it runs smoother, the story is good (even though without the first GRAW on the PS3 it kinda makes it less so than it should be), the AI can be selected to be easy or hard as hell...etc

the controls are not overly complex...after you start you quickly grasp them and have everything you need at your fingertips...that said the game is "ghost recon" so the point is to stay hidden as much as possible and take out your targets that way (though action heats up a bit at the end)

it is a bit slower paced, but thats the point

vegas is more flashy, and IMO less realistic (not that GRAW is insanely realistic either)...graw's like a big budget war movie about a guy and his squad....therefore the pacing at times is a bit slower than just "GO GO GO GO"

personally, i enjoyed graw better, its biggest flaw is that offline, the single player campaign isn't that long (though some of the missions were so fun to me i'll play them over again here and there)

trust me though after playing graw 2, i went back and tried the demo (i got graw 2 through gamefly)...and the demo is shit compared to the final gives an indication of the game...but the AI is a bit harder and you play about 1/3 of that mission in the demo...dont know you can just tell the demo is rough...
Sorry man, but Vegas is nothing like Splinter Cell. You don't have to take cover really unless you have been shot up and need to heal yourself really. I have played and beat both games and enjoy Rainbow Six much more. Then again, I heard the port to the PS3 was not the best and that GRAW 2 was better on there. Of course, Playstation's online is not the greatest (I hear it is pretty close to the PS2's online) and I never cared for the servers. I prefer Vegas over GRAW myself, but I am also playing the 360 instead of the PS3. It really depends on whether you prefer CQC or longe range combat on the game to choose. I prefer a mix of things and I found that RS: Vegas was better with that mix than GRAW 2.
Haven't played GRAW yet, but R6Vegas is sweet. Vegas is an overall fun game, although for me playing it online was a down fall, seen as everytime i wanted to do so, it lagged. Cant really compare them, but I'd still recommend anyone to get R6 Vegas.
You know... Vegas has a better control scheme than GRAW 2... imo Funny that you got two games that are basically the same and you can't even use the same control scheme on both. GRAW is more outdoors and distanced whereas Vegas is a more indoors intimate environment. Hell its only two games.. BUY Both! Just buy Vegas first!

Oh yeah - Rainbow Six Vegas looks like pure crap at 1080i when you play it, use 720p. Everything looks blurry at 1080i.. but at 720p its beautiful.
bread's done