Great puff*puff* pass

And once again the Republican party attempts to cover up the fact that they have no clue how to run a country by handing out free money. $100 is nice and all, but how's about you maybe do something about that national debt that's going to go up by just under a TRILLION dollars THIS YEAR. I guess they figure that once you're talking about numbers that big, what's another hundred billion or so. If you're going bankrupt anyway, you may as well go there in a nice, comfortable SUV.
[quote name='ZeroSupporT']Sadly I am starting to worry[/QUOTE]

My, aren't you fashionably late to this party!

In all seriousness, it was nothing on Bush's platform that got him elected (it was the Supreme Court!). But, to be sure, Bush's platform, the one that got him elected when Gore should have stomped him, consisted fully of $300 tax rebate checks as a result of "redistributing the wealth" (and how Marxist of him to do so!). "We the people" don't give a shit about trillions in debt, at an individual level - let somebody else worry about it (this is, of course, where someone like bmug's failure to see the trees for the forest shows itself to be a shortsighted, foolhardy, and inevitably self destructive way of life, at the "aggregate," a word he so clearly despises).

Dick Cheney is 100% correct - deficits don't matter. It isn't going to be the debt that gets Democrats back into power, and as a matter of fact, the mere suggestion that government surplus be used to pay off some of that debt? fucking PREPOSTEROUS!

(It will be, on the other hand, cronyism, mismanagement of funds - a different issue from deficitis and debt entirely, Katrina, Iraq and its cornucopia of related problems, and Duke Cunningham's hookers that, in toto, help give some seats back to the Democrats, though I won't yet predict a new majority).

They are unabashedly bribing the American public, which was a successful approach in 2000. Yes, yes, "it's already MY money," some of you want to say. Well, so are the billions in corporate welfare that go to the oil industries, whose net profits are easily doubled over 2 years ago (though I want to look and compare, just to find out how egregious it really is). Both of them are "YOUR money," for you whiners out there. The $100 is wool over your eyes, bebe. It's like being offered a $5 starbucks card by the guy who just stole your wallet.

Though, this marks a moment where I am very grateful for all the sick fucking wastrel mongoloid SUV driving assholes out there. That $100 will keep me driving for 6-8 weeks (high MPG plus low distance). That same $100 won't last an SUV driving the same distance for 2 weeks, so I'm glad that, if only for a moment, for those excessively luxurious dipshits who down fossil fuels like they're going out of style (but they are!) may be able to realize how paltry $100 is realtive to what it takes to fill their monstrous fucking asshole gas tanks, and call the government bluff for what it is: Hush money.
[quote name='mykevermin']The $100 is wool over your eyes, bebe. It's like being offered a $5 starbucks card by the guy who just stole your wallet.[/quote]

Thats probably the best analogy. Probably the sadest part of it all is that the public would gladly take the 100 bucks, even if it meant that prices would stay the same. Shit, $100 in gas ain't squat. It takes 33 bucks fill up my gas tank from E with prices being about 2.99/gal here. Thats not gonna last me very long. To top that off, whos to say that someone who doesn't own a car will get one of these rebates, and the only fuel its going to be used for is a drug habit; the very same way many people abuse food stamps.
100 dollar rebates are assinine. In the greater scheme of things, it's a drop in the bucket.

It's nothing short of bribery, except they are calling it a "rebate".

How about suspending some of the massive taxes on a gallon of gasoline? That would go a helluva lot further to help people cope with the current high prices of oil.

But that won't happen because politicians would rather choke and die than rescind (or even temporarily suspend) a tax.

Rather, they throw this idiotic "rebate" nonsense out there and hope the public is going to bite on it.

This is the kind of junk I expect from Democrats. The style over substance set of politics. I expect my Republicans to be pushing for less spending, lowering taxes, and serious (adult) handling of political problems. Yet these imbeciles are trying to out-democrat Democrats. If they (republicans) get bounced from office; turning their backs on republican voters and their values will be the reason why.
This gas price issue is all the result of minimum price controls that caused the 1970s gas/natural gas shortages during the 1970s, which are still in effect.

What those minimum price controls did was drive local oil industries (the one that got the oil out of the ground) out of business and forced us to rely on OPEC for the source of crude oil.

And like my economics teacher said. "The most expensive things in life are handed to you by a politician"
I think we can all agree though that lowering taxes on gas, rebates, and pumping from Alaska are all the wrong ways to look at solving this scenario. I say focus all that money onto alternative fuel sources. Oddly enough a gas station out here is offering Ethanol blend (85% ethanol pg) but are still asking $2.66 a gallon, very odd.
bread's done