Grindhouse Best Buy Exclusive Steel Book DVDs?


They have announced plans to release grindhouse as two separate dvd releases on Sept 18 with Death Proof and Oct 16 with Planet Terror

I wish they could have released both movies as one set.

Is it true that Best Buy is going to release a 3 disc steel book special edition dvds for Planet Terror and Death Proof?

Genius Products has sent over official package artwork for the Quentin Tarantino directed Death Proof which stars Kurt Russell and Rosario Dawson. The two-disc special edition will be available to own from the 18th September According to our friends at Fangoria, the set will include never-before-seen footage including the “missing reel” (containing Vanessa Ferlito’s unseen lap-dance sequence) as well as a black-and-white segment in the film’s second act. Also included will be a Finding Quentin’s Gals featurette, The Guys of Death Proof featurette, a Kurt Russell as Stuntman Mike featurette, an Introducing Zoe Bell featurette, a Quentin’s Greatest Collaborator: Editor Sally Menke featurette, the trailer for Double Dare, and an International poster gallery. The artwork is attached below.

Available a couple of weeks later on the 16th October will be Robert Rodriguez’s Planet Terror which stars Rose McGowan. This two-disc set will also feature additional footage and a missing reel, along with an audio commentary by writer/director Rodriguez, deleted scenes, a Cooking School featurette, a 10-Minute Film School featurette, and further featurettes on the stunts and makeup and effects. Completing the package will be a Badass Babes featurette, a Renegade Guys featurette, featurettes on the costumes and production design, and the international trailer.
Well, the word on the street so far is this:

The BB exclusives will most likely be the regular 2-disk editions put in steelbook cases and with an additional disk in a cardboard sleeve attached. They might still be worth getting for the steelbooks themselves (the artwork is wicked!), but the "exclusive bonus disks" will probably be negigible.

The theatrical versions of both films (either a single disk or a set of two) is coming out later, at some yet unspecified time.
So basically, around $30 per movie if we want the nice steelbooks, and eventually they will release them together? I think I'll wait for the real deal.

I passed on this at the theatres because I did not have the time to see a 4.5 hour movie set, but I hope these releases have the intermission commercials.


They are releasing a MEGA Kill Bill DVD set with the two movies combined into one with never before seen deleted scence spliced in. That is what I am looking forward to...
The thing is, the 2-disk editions coming out now are pretty much loaded with extras and include the "missing reels" for both movies. The theatrical version will most likely be barebones--just the two movies, EXACTLY as seen in theaters (fake previews, missing parts, etc.), probably on a single flipper disk.

Until, of course, at some point in the future, some super-duper 4-disk mega special uber edition sees the light of day, with both the theatrical and extended cuts included, new extras, 12 commentary tracks, and a collectible machine gun leg. It's pure conjecture, naturally, but it's not like this has never happened before...

Personally, I'll probably end up buying the special edition of Planet Terror, and then, down the road, the theatrical cut of the whole thing--just for the experience. As much as I like Tarantino's work, Death Proof was just too meh to bother...

Oh, and the editions coming out now DO NOT have the fake trailers. Only the one for The Machete is included as a special feature in the Planet Terror set.
What a load of shit. I'm extremely wary of the theatrical version being released at all now (knowing how well the Kill Bill set has been going) and especially glad I saw it three times in theaters.

Not saying I won't be buying both, I loved this film and concept so much I'll probably buy every version released, steelbook, standard case, box set, etc., but why the hell can't we get the theatrical version immediately? Why won't both movies be released on the same day?


This topic is also on the DVDtalk forum as well. Meh, steelbook is nice, but I'd prefer an HD version. Gonna surf on over to DVDtalk or some of the other HiDef forums to check the latest on that...
I can't say I'm shocked at all about them being released seperately. The point of the double feature is the theatrical standpoint. In the end, they ARE two seperate films. I wouldn't be shocked if there's a package in the future but I'll probably jump on whatever the best deal with these are as I really loved Grindhouse.
The reason the trailers might not ever make it in a future release was that the directors of each trailer owns them. When I met Eli Roth he told me that he owned his trailer and will include it in a possible film call Trailer Trash. Count me in for the steel book editions.
Yeah, they stated somewhere that the in-theater experience of Grindhouse was a one-of-a-kind experience, and that was why they weren't releasing it the same way once it was on DVD. Kinda a load of bull, but whatevs.
Why is everyone so suprised their going to be released seperately first? They lost alot of money due to poor ticket sales. Of course they're going to release them seperately first, then a box set down the road. We're at the point where this is common with most dvds, and theres no point in even complaining about it.
Exactly, this was already expected. No surprise here. I'll pick up the steelbook editions for the bonus content and then I'll pick up the boxset when it's released sometime down the road.
I saw Grindhouse three times in the theaters (how I have an ass, i'll never know), but needless to say I'll be getting both on DVD and any other format with some form of extra. Though I'm glad they're releasing a two disc version full of features off the bat, but still I want my ass destroyed in my seat again with a full length version with the off colored camera. Damn their hearts and for not releasing a full 5 or 6 disc version
Sweet. Planet Terror is funny as hell, much better than I was expecting.

I'm glad I don't have to buy Deathproof, much worse than I was expecting from QT. I want Machate.
I have to think about this, buy these 2 versions or wait until a grindhouse version comes out (if they ever do)
I also wish they released them both on the same disc/set with the intermission trailers intact. However, I will still buy them even if the are separate. I think I'm in the minority by enjoying Death Proof more too hah.
I liked Death Proof way more, but I will still buy both.

I was hoping for an edition with both movies and all trailers :(
Liked it when I saw it in the theater. This DVD/Hidef release is a complete clusterfuck though. Could they make it anymore confusing?
I never got the time to go see it in the theater, and now I guess it is waiting till cable for me. I know they effectively are 2 separate movies, but I am still not willing to spend a dime on them separately. I also wish I'd known the deal about the trailers before now. I might have made more of an effort to see it in theaters had I known they would not be included in the eventual DVD release.
you knew these DVDS would be broken apart. Right after these movies came out it was in EW that they would be broken apart when they came out on DVD. There was even talk about putting these back into the theater as single movies
As a huge Tarantino fan, wow. Deathproof was a piece of shit. People tried to convince that "No dude, it's totally Tarantino's style! His movies focus on the great dialog!"

It's too bad Tarantino's dialog in all the other films DON'T BORE THE fuck OUT OF YOU. The character interaction is SO much more interesting in his other films, to me, it's immeasurable. And while the pay off at the end was good, it wasn't good enough.

/end rant.

Any idea if they're going to include the fake trailers on these rumored Steelcase DVDs? That's the only way I'll buy them. I was very very disheartened to hear that the fake trailers will not be included on either the Deathproof or Planet Terror discs. Totally defeats the purpose of a grindhouse.
I thought DeathProof was easily the better of the two films. I did not really care that much for Planet Terror.
I really hope they add in the fan made trailers if anything. Hobo With a Shotgun and Maiden of Death need to be seen by all.
[quote name='alfonsosoriano']I can't say I'm shocked at all about them being released seperately. The point of the double feature is the theatrical standpoint. In the end, they ARE two seperate films. I wouldn't be shocked if there's a package in the future but I'll probably jump on whatever the best deal with these are as I really loved Grindhouse.[/QUOTE]

I get what your saying but in this day, and age you don't see double features. Grindhouse is the first double feature I've ever seen in a theater in my lifetime.

A nice collectors 3 or 4 disc boxset with both movies, and special features would've been great.
[quote name='Graystone']I get what your saying but in this day, and age you don't see double features. Grindhouse is the first double feature I've ever seen in a theater in my lifetime.

A nice collectors 3 or 4 disc boxset with both movies, and special features would've been great.[/QUOTE]

Just wait. I say by next March or April we'll have a set just like that.
Bummer, I might get the BB DVD tins just to better house the inevitable hd dvd release in a manner to which they are accustomed to (or at least should BE accustomed to).
[quote name='soccerstud652']So basically, around $30 per movie if we want the nice steelbooks, and eventually they will release them together? I think I'll wait for the real deal.

I passed on this at the theatres because I did not have the time to see a 4.5 hour movie set, but I hope these releases have the intermission commercials.


They are releasing a MEGA Kill Bill DVD set with the two movies combined into one with never before seen deleted scence spliced in. That is what I am looking forward to...[/QUOTE]

Well... the movie together was a little over 3 hours, still long but not 4 1/2. Lots of people were turned off by the length, it was why my wofe wouldnt see it with me. We finally caught it at a hotel this last weekend. I enjoyed both although Planet Terror seemed to capture the essence of what whas trying to be accomplished with the cheesy dialogue and burnt reels etc. Liked Death Proof, but it is Tarantino's weakest movie so far. I got a good laugh at the Thanksgiving trailer... the cheerleader on the trampoline... ahhh..
[quote name='themidnighter23']eff that, where the hell is my ultimate version of Kill Bill dvd?[/quote]

You mean the one that's coming out Dec 25?
[quote name='asianxcore']Not to be a dick but...[/quote]

OK it's to be a dick to the dick head. ShaneFalco
is a known ripoff artist taking news as his own in several other threads. At least give him credit for passing off true news, then making up his own.

fucking tool !
Here's the problem I have with all of this. No matter what people complain. When it was in theaters, people didn't WANT to go see two movies back to back for the price of seeing one. But now it's two seperate movies people complain that it's not back to back. Make up your mind please. K thanks bye
[quote name='bobomallone']Here's the problem I have with all of this. No matter what people complain. When it was in theaters, people didn't WANT to go see two movies back to back for the price of seeing one. But now it's two seperate movies people complain that it's not back to back. Make up your mind please. K thanks bye[/QUOTE]

I think the people complaining here all pretty much saw it in theatres. I know I did. Average Joe and Suzy Homemaker however did not. They didnt get the concept and were confused about the whole thing. The rest of the world saw individual releases of the films because they do not have the Grindhouse tradition that the US does. The title and idea behind it all was lost on them. Thats why they are splitting the films up. Joe, Suzy, Pierre, and Sanjuro-san dont get the whole double feature-grindhouse deal. Plus, this way they can make 40 bucks off us instead of 25.
The movie studio just wants to suck up all of our money! Like most people, I will be buying both movies because I don't have the patience to wait for a more complete version. It sucks that they couldn't include the fake trailers, but oh well... :cry:
[quote name='A Happy Panda']As a huge Tarantino fan, wow. Deathproof was a piece of shit. People tried to convince that "No dude, it's totally Tarantino's style! His movies focus on the great dialog!"

It's too bad Tarantino's dialog in all the other films DON'T BORE THE fuck OUT OF YOU. The character interaction is SO much more interesting in his other films, to me, it's immeasurable. And while the pay off at the end was good, it wasn't good enough.

/end rant.

Any idea if they're going to include the fake trailers on these rumored Steelcase DVDs? That's the only way I'll buy them. I was very very disheartened to hear that the fake trailers will not be included on either the Deathproof or Planet Terror discs. Totally defeats the purpose of a grindhouse.[/QUOTE]

Bored the fuck out of YOU maybe, but I loved that movie. Yeah, I liked Planet Terror a hell of a lot more, but I throughly enjoyed DP.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Bored the fuck out of YOU maybe, but I loved that movie. Yeah, I liked Planet Terror a hell of a lot more, but I throughly enjoyed DP.[/QUOTE]

As far as the double feature presentation of this film goes, Deathproof was overshadowed by Planet Terror. PT did a better job of being a cheesy sci-fi film than DP did at being a cheesy maniac/revenge pic. When one sees the films back to back, PT seems to be the better film because it achieves its intended level of cheesiness and camp.

In the end, I think Tarantino could help but be "Tarantino-esque" and saturate the film with dialogue. The film really picks up after the first half of the film that focuses on the Dj and her pals. I will definitely be buying these two films when they are released.
I'm still pissed I wasn't able to get a "Departed" steel copy... I somehow wasn't aware of it until it was too late... AND I had bought the movie during the first week from Best Buy.
[quote name='doctorfaustus']As far as the double feature presentation of this film goes, Deathproof was overshadowed by Planet Terror. PT did a better job of being a cheesy sci-fi film than DP did at being a cheesy maniac/revenge pic. When one sees the films back to back, PT seems to be the better film because it achieves its intended level of cheesiness and camp.

In the end, I think Tarantino could help but be "Tarantino-esque" and saturate the film with dialogue. The film really picks up after the first half of the film that focuses on the Dj and her pals. I will definitely be buying these two films when they are released.[/QUOTE]

The stunts in DP were awesome, but when I heard that stunt woman (Zoe Bell) ramble on about driving that car I kept picturing Tim Roth rambling on at the beginning of Pulp Fiction, must've been the accents being similar

I must wait for HD-DVDs
[quote name='Chinky50']The movie studio just wants to suck up all of our money! Like most people, I will be buying both movies because I don't have the patience to wait for a more complete version. It sucks that they couldn't include the fake trailers, but oh well... :cry:[/quote]
i dont get why companies do this....
release the damn thing as it was intended for..
the movies should be double feature...and missing reeels fake trailers..
i might wait for HD-DVD 2 discs movies as shown in theatres with the extras
bread's done